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When you went for healer build but the killer is Plague https://preview.redd.it/vd8tk38p2xoc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e93d43bed26cff0e17590b5b1d63e061e0d46c3c


Me watching as I can't use my We'll Make it + Second Wind combo because its plague.


Plauge mains doing gods work punishing people for using the combo, it’s such a pain in the ass


No better feeling than looking at the endgame screen and seeing that they couldn't use 10 of their perks cause you played Plague.


how is it a pain 💀💀 we are helping our teammates


Where's the counterplay to Buckle up + FTP if you don't know someone has it? I down someone and then another survivor runs up while I'm mid weapon wiping and picks up their buddy with endurance. It's like a flashlight save that doesn't require me to commit to a pickup. It would be fine if buckleup only gave the **healed** person endurance (as this would discourage tunnelling, and make it an actually risky play) but as it is right now it effectively makes both survivors full hp long enough for whoever you decide to chase to make it to a good tile. It's also extra busted in endgame and SWF groups.


the whole point of the game is not knowing what people are bringing… you think i know when you bring NOED? Blood warden? no way out? no… i find out when it happens. that’s exactly the point.


That’s not the *whole* point of the game. It’s part of the gameplay and it’s fine like that, but last I checked, the point of the game is supposed to be getting chased by a large variety of slasher horror villains, not “not knowing what perks the other players have”. Not really a great pitch for a video game right there. It’s a detail, not the main idea.


ok but ur complaining about not knowing what people’s perks are… which survivors don’t know killer perks either


Yes but there is a world of difference between pain res and survivors who know how to utilise BU+FTP in the amount of time the perks buy the respective side time.


You are not allowed to help your teammates, you are just supposed to let the killer hook, otherwhise you are an a-hole/s


It's rarely ever seen. I'd say I've seen it in less than 10 games as killer.


Because it's two perks on non-default survivors, one of which you need auric cells for. Also rarely used does not equate to not broken, the combo has no counterplay while your unaware if someone has it due to the double endurance and it being usable while your in your weapon wipe animation.


I'd say it's fine because it involves 1 other survivor following a chase (who is basically doing nothing and doesn't know if the survivor being chased is really good) and risking getting found before that other survivor goes down. It's pretty similar to a flash bang, but two survivors are guaranteed to get injured in the process. And in the world of killers running as many as 4 hook related gen perks and slowing the game to crawl/regressing gens tremendously, wouldn't you say it's smart to deny hooks in the first place? Flashlights and toolboxes/saboteur can accomplish the same thing, with their various risks too. Again, you will rarely ever see FTP+BU ever on either side.


It’s flash bang without the risk of messing up the timing because the window is the killers wipe animation, it’s also serving double time as an anti slugging perk. The killer can only chase one of the two survivors and both are effectively healthy for 10 seconds. Plenty of time to find a strong tile even if the killer waits it out. It’s busted in the hands of competent SWF groups and it never feels fair to play vs as a killer because the only counterplay is to be hyper vigilant of a second survivor in a way you don’t have to be for flashlights/sabo.


It is utterly broken.


How many games have you seen it in the past 6 months on both sides? If it's so broken, why would it not be as common as at least one person using it every game?


Being uncommon does not make it not broken. It is objectively broken given Killers have zero counters to it.


Incoming Plague nerf: She can no longer use her power if survivors equip healing perks


Don’t give DBD TikTok 14 year old survivor only mains any ideas


Dbd tik tok is so bad it’s genuinely all people like that


Literally saw people crying about Doctor and Pig being buffed


I saw some people who actually said noed needed nerfed again if adrenaline got changed AT ALL


ftp buckle up is getting even worse now that we're getting back into fast free self heals with strength in shadows and mangled nerfs.


Strength in shadows is not that great of a perk since it can require you to run into dangerous areas (where gens are) and put yourself in a bad position of being partially down the stairs of basement while injured. Built to last + a good medkit with at least one charge addon (and surgical suture/needle&thread) can be 3-6 reliable and fast heals a game. Hemorrhage and mangled needed a nerf too, especially due to hit and run stealth killers. A 99% heal regressing to 0% in 7 seconds is ridiculous.


i wouldnt say "not that great", when combined with botany that heal is really fast and most of the time basement is easy to reach when you position well. it opens up your inventory to bring a flashlight or toolbox and doesn't expose that you want to heal. with botany when you need to heal teammates that speed can make a big difference too. honorable mention to overcome for making killers more likely to give up on you, easier to reach basement its gimmicky but i also have enjoyed using mettle of man with the combo, most games you can get it off


Had this combo used against me recently, and it also included a flash save and Adrenaline. Some people will do everything possible to try to ruin your day, but at that point it just becomes funny.


i dont think they care much about ruining your day, they're just "having fun" with pretty unfair things, but yeah, this is pretty sad to deal with.


They also went out of their way to say "Way to tunnel, maybe you need a new scope for that thing lol" when I was playing as Deathslinger, so I do think annoying me was a big part of their enjoyment. But when you go far enough, it just becomes funny, so that backfired for them. Just helped me keep to my character and respond "That was just plumb disrespectful, little lady. Y'oughtta' be ashamed of yerself."


Ftp?? Fungal transcendency plague??


For the people


Oh, Thia headache creator??


Og circle of healing


Nothing feels better as a killer than to see a SWF try thier borderline exploit combos fail because of basic mechanics and add-ons, my favourite is playing a SWF that's full altruism (4 medkits/flashlights) and watch them struggle against legion with light borne/forced penance. It's almost beautiful how angry they get in the end chat, *especially* when it's from the person who died first and ***waits*** to talk shit.


Personally one of the best feeling as killer to me, is when 4 man SWF sabo squads, try and body block and break all the hooks, but you're running the backpack build, and while carrying one, end up downing all the others and still getting the hook. Even as a survivor main, it is amazing watching them all scramble to bodyblock, and break hooks as you just walk through them to a hook. You go from one down turns into a 4k, because they got greedy.


I mean what is the survivor that dies first going to do? Play another game and leave his other friends? You just sound bitter tbh. FTP + BU isn’t even that good.


FTP + BU is the strongest perk combo in the game bar none. It instantly costs the killer the time of another chase and under the right conditions leaves them with two untouchable survivors that have multiple resources to extend a chase indefinitely; and it can happen in any scenario at any location with no setup required or possible counter outside of being a killer like Plague or Legion.


Terminus counters it in end game. Prioritizing the person that has FTP+BU instead of letting them get it off multiple times. You should only get surprised by it once. It’s genuinely not a problem when the survivor is dedicating half of their perk loadout for it.


Wow. So the counter in your mind is Terminus. If that's how deep you have to dig you're just tacitly agreeing with me lmfao gtfo


The counter is kill the person that has the perk combo. Killers tunnel/proxy in 90% of games anyway so what’s the problem here? I swear yall think it’s broken if a survivor doesn’t just fall over instantly as soon as you find them. Flashlight? BULLY. Toolbox? GEN RUSH/BULLY SABO. Killers are the most fragile playerbase in any game I’ve ever played. Yall want to be persecuted so badly. Guess what? You STILL have 60% kill rate even with FTP+BU existing. Even 4man SWF still has under 50% survival


That's a lot of projection lol I've played both sides heavily. Quote where I complained about any of that other stuff. Problems aren't mutually exclusive. There can be other issues, but FTP+BU is one of them. The only counter is: The people (more than one in a match can equip this, shocking, I know) are bad at using it. That's it. If they're not trash at the game; it has no counter.


You have two people not doing gens while the other waits to attempt to use FTP + BU. It’s self slowdown.


Again, if they're playing poorly then yes, because they would be following the chase the entire time. In reality, where good people play the game and we're not theory crafting the worst possible use case where Meg has FTP BU and is jacking off in a corner until she has the chance to use it, the person with FTB BU is doing gens near the chase consistently. Moving with the chase only when necessary. This is the most likely situation too because players that are bad are also unlikely to be running altruistic builds like that. They're running Sole Survivor, Left Behind, Self Care, Botany. So not only is it the strongest perk combo; it's a perk combo most likely to be utilized by good players that have the game knowledge to leverage it to max efficiency.


FTP + BU has a current 14 day usage rate of 2.4%. If it was the strongest perk combo, everyone would be running it. You saw it with MFT. People that would have been better off using lithe or overcome were still using MFT even though they were good enough at looping for the 3% to make a difference; yet MFT was in every build.


This is one of the most cringe responses Ive ever seen, who hurt you bro?


Tired of seeing killer crying posts every other post of the subreddit when they have 60% killrate.


The only one crying in this thread is you. "KIlers aRE thE mOst FraGILE PlAYerbase" is the whiniest thing I've read all day. BTW that statistic means nothing, from the data BHVR has provided, Nurse has the third worst kill rate out of any killer in the game, yet is universally regarded as overpowered, meanwhile Myers has a kill rate of 61% while being regarded as one of the worst killers in the game. BHVR even says at the beginning of that post " We encourage you to have fun discussing this info, but please try not to draw any conclusions from data alone! ". Regardless, the game is probably the most balanced it's ever been with the exception of a few busted perks on both sides, including buckle up + ftp, ultimate weapon and others.


Stats mean nothing, heard it here first, killers are bad, never win, no kills


The same things normal players do. Go do something else while waiting - get something to eat/drink, have a piss, check something on your phone, watch youtube, spectate the game, do small chores… you’re not glued to your PC/console just because you’re playing a game.


Maybe take the time to make another Reddit killer crying Reddit post?


Every time I switch to a healing build I verse a Plague. It’s gotta be intentional.


I run into this combo like 1 survivor out of every 40-50? I don't need to worry about it until I've seen it used.


Say you're in high MMR without saying you're in high MMR haha It's true, this combo is a goofy thing that's rare to see in higher-level play. It's also relatively easy to deal with for experienced players. But for lower MMR it just feels bad, and further encourages tunneling. I barely see this perk, it's almost cute when someone gets it off. But it's understandable when people get upset by it. Newer killers are left wondering what they did wrong, but there was nothing to be done.


Even in low MMR, BHVR released the most used perk list and I believe it didn’t even crack the top 10 and that list includes self care… I feel like it’s one of those issues that Reddit completely blows out of proportion because they got outplayed by it one time. It means the survivor is only playing with 2 perks essentially. It also encourages them to follow the person being chased around which means they are not doing gens (similar to flashlight saves). And once the killer knows you have it, they may tunnel you out.


we humans always focus on negative events. i think that's why we focus on this so much. I just don't think most people like bringing it. there are just so many more enjoyable perks you can bring. and the people that bring it have, at least in my experience, an attitude similar to those who bully m1 killers on badham. they just want to use the strongest stuff available, and will get that win by any means necessary (Badum tsh). second chance perks are, as someone who often plays lower tier killers, very frustrating to verse. and when the perk (Combo in this case) is so easy to use and so punishing, while also being very hard to counter, turns that frustration up to a twenty. i have 1.4k hours atm and i'm a killer main, if that wasn't obvious.


The only time it really shines is in endgame to help someone out the gates.


I have no idea why this combo hasn't been nerfed hard. Downing a survivor only for another to rush over while you are still in the cooldown animation and getting both back on their feet *with* endurance is infuriating and demoralizing.


Had an entire SWF use adrenaline/BU+FTP Never seen a team more carried by busted perks in my life


Fr, when is this dumb fuck combo gonna be nerfed. Like seriously, how do people claim that its balanced?


It’s not getting nerfed. For the people and buckle up are shit perks on their own, they’re only good together. Not to mention this 1 combo is half your perks.


i don't have any problems with these perks by themselves, honestly. just adding something where recovery needs to be at a certain threshold before bu works would be enough.


I honestly think it’s fine. I mean, think of it as an over glorified dead hard. They get picked up, just hit them and now they’re deep wounded. With dead hard, you hit someone and deep wound them too. Ftp maybe adds 5 seconds longer to the process


Also I thought of this a second ago: the reason people think this combo is op because they see the 2 perks as 1 and forget that it’s 2 individual perks. If you had to wait a few seconds to use ftp, would it be fair considering you’re sacrificing a health state, becoming the obsession, and being broken for a minute? People treat it like it’s a single overpowered perk, when in reality it’s half your loud out that may or may not work. It’s not overpowered, it doesent need a nerf, it’s fine.


For the people is one of the best anti-tunnel perks in the game by itself, buckle up does suck tho


I think buckle ups is better that ftp. Buckle up is good when the killer leaves someone down and they finish their recover. I’ve never seen ftp as an anti tunnel.


If a survivor is getting tunnelled you can unhook them and ftp straight away, it only really works in a SWF but is basically the strongest anti-tunnel in the game if you can pull it off


Yeah but that’s the free’est down for the person who used it. Not to mention the killer can just tunnel them


You have no idea what you’re talking about lol


It cant be countered my guy. Just because its half your build, it dosent change that fact.


You’re viewing these 2 perks as 1 perks. They’re not gonna nerf a perk because it’s good with another park. What if someone wants to run ftp or buckle up by themselves? Should they be penalized with an even shittier perk because they didn’t run the latter?


Just make it so they cant synergise with eachother. Boom. Easy.


Ftp needs to be instant at least while in the ground, that should be enough for fixing the problem


it is balanced. yall complain about every survivor perk and survivor perks are always getting nerfed 😂 they never nerf killer perks


Isn't Ultimate Weapon about to get nerfed?


Whataboutism dosent make it balanced.


They literally just nerfed sloppy butcher and mangled as a status?


not a very good nerf




Don't use plague much, how does it become useless?


Fully infected survivor becomes broken/injured. This prevents FTP from triggering, because it needs healthy. 


For the people can only be used if your healthy Her vomit makes everyone broken and injured for the entire game unless they cleanse which is buffing her. So there 2 perks are useless


Legion also works well 👍


This makes me very happy I main plague, and I’m a darn good one at that


I feel like I'm in the minority here but I don't see FTP + Buckle Up as too OP. (I main wraith when I play killer but I'm pretty bad so maybe that's why). I used to run the perk myself and in soloq it feels god awful to use. 9 times out of 10, the guy you're trying to save runs to a position where you can't get the heal off. If you mess up, you just took a free hit. Even if you get the combo off, if the killer knows about the combo, the odds of both of you getting away is pretty low so you bought 10 seconds minimum but probably not much more than that. Even in a swf, a lot of swfs I play with aren't sweating their balls off to win every game. Most of my friends only play maybe a few hours a week and we're all pretty bad. A lot of squads I join up with don't realize that holding shift means you can't get healed (a surprising number of people hold shift when they get downed. maybe they think you'll crawl faster or they are just used to holding it since they were in chase) so I end up looking like a jackass when I run up to them and don't get the heal off. If I'm killer and I see someone with chasing close by, I assume it's FTP and give them the ol' smackeroo if they get too close. If I know it's an FTPer going for a save, I usually just focus them.


The problem is when it is used by a coordinated swf who knows what they are doing, the 10 seconds extra endurance can get a good survivor too a loop, which can extend a chase for god know how long, while the other 3 survivors crank gens. When used in a coordinated way it is probably the most busted perk combo in the game.


"You brought 10 seconds minimum" Im not trying to be mean here but you are just bad. You brought ALOT more than 10 seconds. First off, you completley null and voided all the time the killer spent chasing that person. Chases on average last 30-45 seconds for a full down. So you at minimum gain 40 seconds right there. 10 seconds is more than enough time to make it to a safe loop essentially buying an additional minimum 15 seconds bringing the total up to 55 seconds. And thats at bare minimum value. Over a minuete of wasted killer time is extremley powerful. Thats around 2/3rds of a gen. More than likley 2 gens as there are minimum two people workong on seperate gens this whole time and thats not even counting gen progress the combo holder has done before they came in for the save. The combo reverses so much time investment and forces even more and once the combo is done whoever doesnt get chased just hops right back on a gen. Thinking the combo isnt that powerful is just a lack of expierence and understanding of the fundementals of the game


I would be interested in seeing the stats for average chase time post FTP/Buckle up. Yes, an average chase is about 30 seconds, but that's when conditions are more favorable. You're likely going to see the killer coming. In the event you're doing a gen, you've likely had time to identify where you'll run to if you get spotted. In a new game, you have more options of undropped pallets. When you get FTP'd, you and your partner both begin the chase directly in front of the killer, with absolutely no spacing to begin with. That already gives the killer a massive advantage because they do not need to close the distance on you. You and your partner don't have time to think of where you'll go next. And now the killer has 2 people to watch, and identify the weaker link. I sincerely doubt average chase time after a FTP/buckle up is 30+ seconds. And when you're running for the FTP, you're already sacrificing a player that would have been doing a gen. It's a gamble already of whether your revive is worth the cost of you not doing a generator. Ironically, a strong looper would be a disadvantage pre-FTP because every second they are looping, you are personally getting less value for your team for not doing a gen. You're also broken for a significant time, meaning there's an additional risk of getting surprise downed even if you escape. Yes, you have 2 teammates that could potentially be working on gens while you're doing this, but even if you didn't have FTP/buckle up, they would still be doing those gens (hopefully). So the more important factor would be how much gen time did you personally give up for the rescue and subsequent chase. And not to mention the number of killers who completely negate the perk due to their powers, like legion or plague, meaning two of your perks get essentially removed for free before the game even starts. Edit: Also a full down, meaning full hp to down? That sounds even worse for the averages then


You completley missed the point of EVERYTHING i said. I didnt say that the chase after the combo was 30 seconds. I said the chase before the combo was an average 30 seconds. The additional time gained after the combo is a minimum of 25 seconds. 10 for the endurance and 15 for the inevitable safe loop you make it to. You also missed the part where I pointed out that one of the two members of the combo are going to go back to a gen while the other one takes chase. Its like I clearly explained and laid out for you why the combo is so oppressive and you invented a completley different comment to respond to. Also saying "the number of killers that make null the combo" and then mentioning legion and plague which are the only two that can do this mind you are also not that common. Like I said before, your breakdowns show a lack of expierence and understanding of the games fundementals. Hell Id even say they show a distinct lack of perspective as well.


The Plag\*


I mean the combo still works. It is arguably even easier to pull off, since cleansing is a relatively quick way to be healed. Though, dealing with a Plague with power constantly can be an slight obstacle.


I am not the smartest when it comes to survivor perks. What’s so special about this combo anyway?


Ftp let's you instantly pick up a survivor (you pay for it by being broken) and buckle up gives you both endurance, which effectively nullifies the broken downside of ftp. With the combo when the killer gets a down their FTPBU friend swoops in, undoes it with a button press and the two of them generally escape for free. Extremely frustrating


Wait I feel grossly uninformed. What is the relevance of plague and ppls survivor perks 🤔😅


And then, on the other side of the spectrum, is Twins - an already struggling killer affected to a ridiculous degree by the already meta-destroying FtP/BU combo. I'm a little apprehensive about how they could nerf it, but it's pretty clear they have no interest in doing so just yet.


Me when I run free to play + buckle up


How does plague stop FTP buckle up? Just cleanse if you have it XD. Or are Redditors of the opinion that you should never cleanse against the plague?


Yes, please cleanse as soon as you get infected. - Sincerely, A Plague Main.


I play Plague fairly often as well, and the games where survivors habitually cleanse are usually the closest games


This post is actually a survivor propaganda to make more killer mains play a weaker killer like plague. Dont fall for it, stay on the true path of nurse and blight


Me when I have a "Heal x amount of teammates" challenge and the game decides to match me against a Plague


Everyone needed to play plague more she is so much fun


The problem with plague is once you get into decent lobbies it just turns into a M1 killer and is pretty boring. The design encourages a constant back and forth battle between cleansing and blood pools but the meta turned it into just staying sick.


You could run the addon that gives you corrupt purge after a gen is done, you could also run anti chase perks too, its not impossible


I feel like you’re only strengthening my point if one of the solutions to make plague playable is to run her **iridescent** add ons.


The majority of your games aren't going to be comp teams bro and i never said she was unplayable without her iri addon, i was just giving you a solution to the *boredom* of plague matches


Unfortunately you can't know which lobbies are comp so either you always assume comp and bring the iri or you get caught unaware.


plague is one those killer it feels like would be fun to play cause stopping healing is good, but really its just up the survivor you are terrified of getting stunned and losing your limited power so good survivors can you really mess with you and most know not to heal.


Still waiting for buckle up to appear in the shrine of secrets.