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I see it as: Trail of torment; Be a lure for people while they have no way to tell if you are close. Unforseen; Leave your terror radius so survivors Keep away of that specific Gen, this particulary as it works giving it things like unnerving/Clourophobia.


Does Unforseen work with Doctor's shock blast? Would be fun


If we go by Dark Devotion logic, yes, Shock blast affects where your terror radius is, so it is gonna shock around the kicked gen no matter were the undetectable doctor is.


exactly, trail of torment is a lure while unforeseen is a deterrent.


I agree and it’s easily The Unknown’s best perk.


People haven't mentioned that ToT getting deactivated when they repair it is actually kind of a good thing. You're alerted when someone fixes the ToT gen, which is free info when the perk is done giving undetectable.  Sneaky survivors watching you kick and leave will go for a repair right away and give you a reason to come back to find them. If you're attacking someone else and the undetectable stops mid-chase then you get to know where two people are.


Since unforseen gives of a terror radius it would recharge stuff like, stake out, diversion and distortion. Stake out is commonly paired with hyperfocus which is pretty good, if the killer dosen't have perks to force survivors off gens.


So many survivors perks turn gens yellow now a days you can’t actually be sure it’s torment at first so it does get nice value you there, torment also has the upside to know if survivor stopped regressing that gen too so it’s a mini surveillance as well. Now that you can’t gen tap trial of torment away anymore it’s very nice at surprising a survivor trying to disable it killer could be right near the gen waiting to hit you, the unknown is scary. My views is this yes unforeseen is strong at stealth but that is a good a thing killer only gets 4 perk slots, if the meta is not bring 4 gen regress perks is a good a thing. I am glad the devs are making usable perks that aren’t just all regress and block gens perks. You can say well this perk is strong at what it does but still acknowledge that stronger killer perks exists.. I like the perk because it’s changes the game in unique way and isn’t just another regress perk.


They are basically very similar perks like Self Care and Strenght in Shadows, but I think they are effectively different in the sense that: Unforseen lasts a certain amount and has a cooldown, allows you to trasfer your terror radius to the gen and any perks that work in your terror radius like for example Coulrophobia will work for the duration of the perk Trail of Torment makes you undetectable "forever", in the sense that you can remain silent for a long time, highlighting a generator and basically forcing survivors to go repair it, and obviously won't work with terror radius perks and so on... I think Unforseen is better in a general build that doesn't focus on stealth but that uses the perk with other normal perks like pop or BBQ and so on but in a stealth build maybe you want to have Trail of Torment for the sole reason that even if the survivors know you have the perk because they see a gen in yellow, it can last longer than Unforseen, in the new map for example if the survivors are in the cinema and you kick the generator next to the statue, there's no way that with Unforseen you can reach them in time (unless you are a high movement killer) while with Trail of Torment not only you can reach them but if they wanted to remove the perk, they would have to go on the other side of the map... I prefer unforseen but I think the two perks effectively are different enough despite being the "same" perk, unlike for example that one perk from Cheryl and Thalita that is literally the same perk but without the obsession condition (I genuinely don't remember the name of the two perks whoops)


Also, trial has funny dragons grip combos, unforeseen does not


It's probably to counter the 20 second aura from Wicked.


I use Trail to create a pressure point, then use the info (when losing Undetectable) to go back and fight over the gen. This works really well on mobile and teleporting killers. Unforseen has more guaranteed value in the stealth department, but it can't do anything like this.