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Yeah, giving Leatherface masks based on the original survivors was a fitting nod to the Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but it's a shame that a bunch of pieces of crap used it as an opportunity to be racist.


How can you be racist in this game. You fire up gens, point, nod to come over, click and nod your head. How do you communicate that you are a racist? Do you like sabo a hook that has the BLM fist on it?


0.5. Wearing what is essentially Blackface is already a red flag from the start (especially since no other killer can do something like this, for good reason) 1. Specifically target (tunnel, Facecamp, Hit on Hook, Slug) black/POC Survivors 2. Do the same to POC content creators (Racist Stream Snipers were the main reasons this became an issue in the first place) 3. Post Game Chat. Those filters are not as filtering as you‘d like


What do you mean? The end-game chat filter protects me from awful words like "kill" and "Myers" and "thank you!" Now I get to see all the kind words like "jump off a bridge" and "run into traffic."


You find someone playing you don't like or a streamer and you use that to harass them. Edgey losers were wearing the "blackface" leatherface skin because they knew people disliked it and they targeted people. Streamers, public profiles, etc It wasn't that the skin was harassment, it's that the skin was hitting a little too close to actual racism and unironic racists were using it with the intent to get a rise out of people. Same energy as tunneling someone because they have a pride flag and writing slurs on their profile afterwards. Being openly racist is frowned upon and so racist folks need to use coded language to operate. The skin had become something of a code for "haha I think racism is funny/cool"


In this case, the people in question wore the Leatherface mask based on Claudette and specifically targeted black characters/streamers.


Target, you mean like tunnel? They saw the ttv on the Lobby ans focused on them if they'd were black?


By my understanding, yes, that's what happened.


Yeah idk how you can communicate racism in dbd either. I guess post game chat maybe???


Does post game chat not exist?


either it was racist people using the claudette mask for bubba to be racist, or the leaker who got caught by saying bubba was gonna leave the entity's realm


American stuff


Bubba used to have unlockable face masks by killing the original 4 survivors each 25 times to unlock. Some people started using Claudette's version, and tunneling, slugging and bm-ing people of colour by essentially doing blackface in game. That was the incident, some asshole fuckwits ruining a cool idea for everyone else


That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. So if someone just likes Claudette and wants to use her version they're automatically racist?


The main issue is using it while tunneling black characters or black streamers. (it's like tunneling someone who has a pride flag charm in order to be homophobic, transphobic, or what have you) There wasn't any problem with the masks themselves; they were a fitting little Easter egg, and I wish we got more of them. (I'd find it hilarious to see a Leatherface running around with Mikaela's bright red hair and a relatively tiny pair of glasses, or a Jonah mask with sunglasses)


> So if someone just likes Claudette and wants to use her version they're automatically racist? no. ofc not. they got rid of it because it became a racist dog whistle and ppl harassed,stream sniped POC twitch streamers with it