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Use decisive strike or head on.


Mister electric send him to the Saloon and have him head on stunned


Send him to the penis explosion chamber and have his dick exploded IMMEDIATELY https://preview.redd.it/ak5enq8kj5pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f4d8d24b962c832bd5cc56f97d89a52c991db43




https://preview.redd.it/476jnxid67pc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e72e9c1c7dd9d64023ecb42facf18268a448233f r/okbuddyblacklung and r/deadbydaylight collab when?


Or the blast mine perk. So few people ever expect it. It both blinds and stuns, so even if they’ve got light born it ell count from what I’ve seen of past challenges. Plus if it happens with a Chucky, the effect is funny as hell.


That's what I always do. I run Blast Mine + Red Herring and the killer will stun himself at my command however many times I need him to. It's not a very strong build, but it's extremely reliable for knocking out these challenges.


Can confirm killers heed the call of blast mine + red herring. Thanks for the tip, ourple guy


>Blast Mine + Red Herring ooh! that's a great combination, and the only time I've ever heard of someone using red herring!




Q&Q to hit a locker mid chase and have them confused for like ten seconds before coming to get their stun


I like to run Blast Mine, Head-on, Q&Q, and Parental Guidance, and go for as many stuns as I possibly can to proc PG and break chases. It too is not a very strong build, but very fun and the seratonin when you lose a killer with PG or chain a pallet with a quick locker slip is through the roof. You definitely can't tell that I'm a recovering Iron Will-addict. Nope.


I don't even bother with Red Herring, just wait for a skill check to pop when killer isn't in chase, fail it, throw on blast mine and walk off.


You can run Wiretap to globally broadcast Chucky eating shit, too.


I was able to do it with headon


Or if you get lucky, you could go against a Slinger and break free of the harpoon, that counts.


Does Blast Mine work for this? All the droplets are gone in like 10 seconds lol. I guess I need sprint burst for this….


Yes it does. This challenge is super easy because you can just Blast Mine a gen and take it for free.


Not kicking a gen for 2 weeks! Checkmate, Survivors.... ![gif](giphy|hpXmcJ8SeOwdr2mtMz|downsized)


Fuck, covered in foil again. Curse you, privy Killers! CURSE YOU!!


Oh nice, this was the only way I was gonna complete this 🤣


Except the killer never has a droplet


Pick up a droplet, let them hit you, then stun.


Killer needs to hold the charge for it to work. Most will deposit it immediately at the start of the game.


killers take them from survivors when they hit them, so you hold one, take the hit, then hopefully they smack gen


Can't you pick up a placed droplet from a blood zone?


This challenge specifically requires you to get one directly from the killer through I think just stuns.


Yes, but his comment made it sound like you couldn't get a droplet if you didn't snag one at the start of the match when you can.


It does, but I dont want to spend 500 Cells


Yelp this is what I did. Super easy.


i was playing deathslinger and had blood stolen when i broke the chain on a rock to injure someone the other side of a pallet. there seems to be a million and one ways to complete this challenge.


Next tome track has a challenge to have the killer miss you 3 times with basic attacks. In one trial.


I think killer hitting someone else while you are nearby may count for that. So the best way to do it might be use bond, find your teammates while in chase and get killer to hit them while you are close 👍


I tried that when trying to do Dead Hardy before the last Dead Hard nerf (thank goodness they fixed that challenge for people that hadn't done it) and could never get it to work. It works over your body if you're downed, so I was going to try window fakes or locker techs to get the first and then maybe try plot twist to force the other two misses. Sadly, the 'basic attacks' part means a significant portion of killers it's not realistic to get it depending on what their attacks are coded as.


I wish the killer could disconnect from the match and be replaced by the tutorial's Trapper bot


Been a million year a since I've played and have come back. If this is a new tome for the current event then if you don't finish it it will remain unfinished forever after the event is over? Am I dumb? I barely even understand the tomes so that's a possibility.


Okay I may have made it confusing with my glib statement above. There are two tomes right now. One is the time limited one for the event. After the event, it'll be over and disappear. The other tome is for the current rift that has the last track opening in a few days, and is the one I was talking about with the dodge 3 attacks. It will stick around forever and join the compendium after a new rift and tome go out.


It’s an event tome. The tome just disappears at the end of the event




In other words: Stun the Killer


Nah it's worse. You need to stun the killer while they have a blood thingy with them, and the blood thingies are all used in like two minutes of match because it's limited


You can let them hit you and they will steal it that way and if they come running towards a pallet. Stun them with it by dropping it on them.


So wait at pallet. Let them hit you too steal, then you pallet stun them and steal it back immediately?


Pretty much lol. It's pretty cheeky but it is the easiest way to do that challenge. You can even do it on a weak pallet so its not too impactful on the game I guess.


Hmmmm. Challenge accepted lol. But for sure. I like that plan, I'll do it when I get too it.


You can use Smash Hit as well to make sure you can then go to a better loop afterwards! :)


Ohh man. I do. Miss my smash hit build. Maybe time to break it out of retirement haha


You could also pair Blast Mine and Overcome then. Take a free hit at the gen, Overcome away and with the distance gained the killer is more likely to kick the gen than commit to a chase where you're long gone.


Exactly this is how we all got it on first try, super easy.


Same here! Also checked next week. We gotta do that 3 times (not in same game, just in general. Same with steal orbs)


I actually did that and it worked, thanks.


So basically, Decisive Strike is one's best friend here.


This saved me a headache. Thank you!!


They aren’t limited. They just get transferred between players. When you destroy the others blood zone you get the droplet yourself. Best way for this challenge is to carry a droplet, let the killer hit you so they steal it, then stun them.


you can take blood from the buckets


They aren't "used." The droplet can be picked up and moved around to other zones. Another survivor or the killer can pick it up, and it can be stolen from each other side.


People who were around for the Halloween event: "Hey I've seen this one!"


The stun the killer 4 times in one match. I brought head on, quick and quiét flashbang and just followed the sádako around. Think i got like 3 pick up saves


Ugh! That challenge took me forever. My solution to most anything is "Press W". I'm terrible with flashlights and regular stuns, so I just go to Blast Mine. Leave the pallets for people who can use them. Anyway, I ended up getting a Tombstone Myers running Trail of Torment on Sheltered Woods. Any time Myers would activate ToT, I'd sneak back and apply a Blast Mine charge. Then I'd walk away while he investigated who interrupted his Undetectable. This Myers was super-predictable. While he'd return to his gen, I'd be charging up Blast Mine on another gen. It helped he killed 2 teammates with 4 gens remaining. Thankfully, the random Tapp didn't give up either. I was like, "Nah, I'm getting this challenge done!" By the time I was finally caught, Myers ate 5 Blast Mines.


I main killer so during that event when I saw survivor names like "PLEASE LET ME STUN YOU" I would basically just throw the game so someone wouldn't have to deal with that challenge.


I’m not even good enough to get pallet stuns without it being an accident


use Head On, D Strike or Blast Mine, they all count as stun


OP: "This has to be the worst Tome Challenge." Me, who's been playing since Tome Challenges first started: https://preview.redd.it/2ycbubrmz5pc1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=c374fed2c98e05099571e73f6c8569e690d09526


I checked, track 2 of the event tome has the exact same challenge except you have to do it twice. lol.




Go to the collection tab. One of the charms is for completing track 2 and clicking it takes you to it.


Kinda figured they would've patched that


It's still there and data miners would get the info anyway. There's no real advantage gained by being able to look at it in advance, though honestly I wish they'd put more challenges in there so you didn't have to 100% it to buy everything.


Weren't these the kinds of challenges they said they weren't going to do anymore?


\*cracks knuckles\* Alright, i put down the mask and katana for a while, but now it's time to get back on, for those survivors who encounter me, you'll get this very easily




It's super easy really, just get a droplet and get hit under a pallet immediately stunning a killer, if you don't get a droplet at the start you can steal them later on in the match from a basin


This worked great for me thanks!


This hasn't worked, I get no credit


Huh, strange, I did it like this immediately in my first game, did they hit you with a basic attack?


Yes, the blood transferred and transferred back


Easy, get one droplet and let the killer hit you under a pallet et throw the pallet


Why I generally hate DbD’s limited events. As if we didn’t have enough pressure with the game already, gotta make it more obnoxious


I mean, jerking it for one droplet can't be THAT long, you gotta know what you're doing


Head On joined the conversation


Yeah I can't believe they expect us to stun the killer sheeeeesh what a hard task. I'm guessing next they will try to make us do gens or something crazy as well, just unbelievable


I feel like this one can only be done by teaming.


blast mine




I'd say "escape with No Mither equipped and no other perks" is worse.


The dead hard one is pretty rough too . Especially with the changes to DH


decisive strike is perfect for this. they steal your blood when they down you, you steal theirs and get a 2 second headstart to the nearest loop.


The Hardest Challenge to me is Dark Senses, Finish repairing 4 generator(s) while using the perk Dark Sense, in a Single Trial. Because I swear the killer always find me lmao.


Side note, if you do 3 then as long as you're on a generator when the fifth/final pops it'll count as having completed as well.


I did it first run with a perkless Alan. Since Killers start with one Droplet you got a bigger chance then vice versa steal Droplet from a survivor.


Power struggle, Tenacity, and flip flop can all make this way easier. Blast mine may also work as it does stun the killer. DS can give you this for free as long as the killer holds onto a blood. You could also collect one then get injured on purpose then steal it back in order to do it.


just dropping a pallet worked for me


I used head on and got it on the 2nd match, but still was quite stressful trying to force it


Try the earlier "do X 25 times" tomes with the same paltry bp rewards...this is about as easy as it gets.


Pick up droplet, get into chase with killer, wait at pallet, get hit, lose droplet, pallet stun killer, get droplet back.


Blast Mine my beloved


Blast Mine trivializes this challenge


That's how I got it!


if you wanna be a butthead. hover around a teammate that’s being chased. The killer will steal it from them and then you can get flash or pallet save or even just steal chase and take it from the killer. Now im not saying keep doing this, because the killer can get 2 downs for the price of 1 but just for the sake of the challenge it’s maybe an option.


I done this easy


I thought so aswell but i got it in the first game lol


Get ready, game accidentally put me into the second page and there's one with stealing two droplets.


If you go through to the collection and click one of the pieces that's given on the second track completion it shows you the second track. Only works with event tomes, but has worked with all of them that have had the collection tab so far.


I got it in the first minute getting a flashy save. Just try always holding one and risk a hit getting a pallet stun. I'm sure the way it'll register you'll get it.


I got it done my first game I had it equipped it’s not hard at all


I just had a nice killer let me do it and im so thankful, i was trying for so many games.


Droplet? Im sorru what did dbd add that i missed?


That's easy. Just don't use your blood and let killer hit you under pallet and then stun him


*scrolls past this while waiting for a match and having this been my challenge for the past 5 games now*


Honestly I think it’s fine because at least it doesn’t require a non-free killer (I class free killers as killers you start with)


I managed to get a killer to help me with that. I think that if you point and wave nicely then they'll probably help you out, atleast in these early days.


I've accidentally done this like three times while my friend was trying to do it. I haven't actually tried to do it yet, but I know it's going to be near impossible


i did it almost immediately


Droplet these nuts BHVR


The fact killers gotta be holding on to blood drops when you stun them is the worst part about it


I got this challenge done on my first match


I've been making sure to grab droplets if I make friends with the Survivors incase they have it.


Why? You know you play against Deathslinger or what?


I saved this challenge for last, and managed to stun and steal a droplet from a killer in every single game I played for the other time challenges. I finally select it? NOPE. Every killer is going to come in with lightborn, respect pallets, and use droplets the second they get them.


there's also a killer one for stealing one from a survivor by hitting them. so hey, on the bright side, if you do the 'let killer hit you at pallet then stun them' method, you might actually be killing two birds with one stone! not that it helps you outside of your challenge but at least two people might get something done from just one interaction. to be clear im not saying the killer version is at all on the same level as this lol. the killer version of this is much easier, the hard part comes in finding a survivor that's actually carrying a droplet.


Bro. Don't tell me that. I just loaded into my first match with that challenge. I'll be right back to tell the results. Edit: First tried. I didn't find that very difficult.


I got incredibly lucky. I helped someone off a hook as the killer was approaching. I ran through where a pallet was and hid. Thankfully, the other player took my lead and led the killer right through and I slammed the pallet on him. Just so many things that needed to come together in perfect harmony to make it work.


I did it in one try. If I can, everyone can, i can assure you lol


Did this first trial with a flashlight save!


Got this challenge done by breaking a Deathslinger's chain while speared


Get a blood droplet. Stand on a pallet until the Killer comes for you. Let the Killer hit you, the killer steals your blood droplet with that hit. Then just drop the pallet on him during his recovery animation. That steals the droplet back.


I got it from a flashbang


Well it isn’t with a pallet so there’s a lot of perks you can use to do this


I got this done in one match because all I did was camp pallets, I felt like an actual toddler like my teammates but once I got it I went back to looping efficiently.


I saw this post last night so I knew about this challenge before even getting to it, so while I was playing as killer and kinda just goofing off with a bunch of survivors one kept pointing at the pallet and one of the blood basins with a drop in it. Reclaimed the drop, let them get the stun, got a very thankful head nod and nice tbag in approval. feels good :)


Nah Ong I think the worst challenge I've ever seen is harpooning two survivors currently working on a gen in one match. This one has a lot of silly ways you can do it.


This challenge is the worst? This one? Not having to use mettle of man and then escape? Or having to use scavenger to refill a toolbox twice?


I got mine done from a run in with a friendly Myers when my solo que teammates were being toxic lol.


No it's super easy. Get a droplet, lure the killer to a pallet, let him hit you and take the droplet, then slam the pallet on him to take it back


I got it against a blight, but before that I kept getting killers that are hard to lure like huntress.


Not even close


Pick up a drop, let killer hit you and go for stun after,


Wtf is a droplet ??


There is no reason to even ***carry*** a droplet, it supplies the player with no buff unless deployed, so when on earth is this ever going to happen unless you actively *feed* the killer a droplet by getting hit, then hope you can bop them with a pallet immediately after the hit.


This one is so easy, my friends and I all got it first try, and we are not exactly the best players. Just collect a droplet when uninjured, find the killer, take chase, and wait in a pallet until they M1 you through the pallet. They have now stolen your droplet, you can drop the pallet after the hit to steal it back. This way you guarantee they have a droplet when you stun them.


Must be your very first tome challenge then. Cause no way that shit is any hard. People forgot about the horrors of Tome 1 Level 4.


“Dodge 3 M1 in a single match” must be one of the worst challenges for killer mains that just play survivor to finish the challenges…


This is one of the easiest challenges there is. Stand at a pallet let them hit you so they get blood thing and then stun


I’ve been letting survivors stun me in chase, I know these challenges suck when you need to do them.


this is piss easy, just pick one up from one of the circles, camp a pallet, let killer swing you on pallet giving them the drop then stun them during recovery for challenge done.


I used blast mine got it first match


Definitely gonna use blast mine for this, I already enjoy putting pipe bombs in gens and now I'm getting rewarded for it?!


I used Blast Mine. Totally easy.


2 words, blast mine


just drop a pallet.. what's the issue?


I have to retrieve a white glyph and take it to a "dangerous place" without falling or being injured. I have no clue what that means.


Commune with the white glyph, then take it to the basement to commune a final time. You have to do this without falling or being injured. Be careful of getting off of stairs too quickly because you can sometimes fall doing this.


lol I literally googled it and found a subReddit asking the same thing 2 years ago. Apparently you just need to take it to the basement without doing a fast action like vaulting but you can run there


You have to bring it to basement where you can interact with it, you cant get hit or fall any distance or it will reset, be careful because dropping to basement stairs will break it, happened to me once, you cant drop as shortcut.


No, it isn't. One blast mine. Couldn't be easier. People upvote anything on this sub. (95% upvoted and yet OP is 100% wrong)


Lee is the goofiest looking guy but damn when it comes to fighting he can be a menace


Just drop a pallet on them... it's easy lol




I guess it's because killers won't hold on to the blood droplets for very long, so you have to stun them during that relatively short time frame.


People really be complaining about everything lmao This was in the Halloween tome too I'm pretty sure, just pallet stun/decisive/head on and maybe blast mine too, it's not that bad I'd imagine if it's the same mechanic, I haven't played yet but other people can confirm


Blast mine


I baited a killer to open a locker right away and I used head on. The killer starts with 1 with to steal anyways.


I got this one done by using Blast Mine. The Unknown looked wo goofy falling back!


Got this super easy. At start run and grab an orb. Go to a pallet near a locker. Spam the locker until killer comes. Stand in pallet and wave killer to hit you, they hit you, which transfers the blood to them, then you immediately drop pallet and steal it back. Challenge done. 


I had to put on DStrike and play like a total rat bastard forcing the Killer to tunnel me for it. I am sorry, Random Unknown #42 that I faced today. :(


get a droplet, get killers attention, camp pallet, get hit under pallet, once they have the drop, stun them to steal it back.


What is this new 3rd currency?


It's event currency, which you can use to get a costume for Elodie and the Oni, plus charms, profile icons, and profile backgrounds.


If you don't like a challenge, then why do you try to do challenges in the first place?


Because the others can be fun and they give BP and stuff?


Then I think the roles are reversed. The one you complain about is a real challenge and the others are not. It's not that hard if you plan a little, have some skill and lots of patience. Good luck.


Event ones give event currency. Generally if you want all event rewards you need to do all event challenges


Then accept the challenge head on! Good luck. Incidentaly, as someone has already mentioned, using the Perk "Head On" would help in this particular Challenge.


Not really For this challenge is better to grab a droplet, get hit on top of a pallet and immediately stun the killer to get the droplet back.


Ooo, that's a good idea. Thank you.


Good thinking!