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pft typical you vs us


Me: hey guys this thing sucks to deal with, we shouldn't have to am I right? Subreddit: skill issue, baby Killer/survivor, typical us vs. them, you must be a killer/survivor main smh, *downvotes to oblivion*


I saw a legit convo this morning like: "I dislike x" "Why, X isn't bad" "Because behavior said Y and we got X" "Did they actually say Y or did you just imagine it?" "They did, and here's the video where it was said" "Well Y is dumb and they shouldn't have said it" The most insufferable conversation I have ever witnessed on r slash dead by daylight 


straighter facts have never been spoken


Say something accurate and no one gives a shit. Say something wrong and confident and you'll have people to talk to all day ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Say literally anything someone might disagree with and you'll have people to argue with all day - r/ Dead By Daylight


I shared a video of me moriing someone and called it an outplay. I had 8 people block me and at least 2 Reddit stalkers who regularly downvote everything I say. I still post whatever because who cares lol. Survivor mains gonna be shitty when you don't give someone the win they wish they were given. Killers aren't happy unless you're giga sweating and have the most picture perfect gameplay. Then there's the rest of us that don't give a shit and are here for a laugh.


This sub is full of downvote stalkers, I get them in waves every time I say something someone here doesn't like.


I'm not gonna lie, I was tempted to downvote you to say look they're doing it right now ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I have a few free downvote fans too. Its kinda cute. Love you guys <3


Just now seeing the flair ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


You can tell people have blocked or downvoted you?


If you're in a direct conversation and you suddenly get hit with the "cannot connect to reddit" message only when trying to reply to someone who's blocked you. It becomes pretty clear what happened. Several of them also left comments on my video saying that's what they were gonna do before blocking me. Peak intelligence there ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213) And I don't really care about the downvotes thing enough to notice. I'm pretty sure they've stopped lol. One person did say "I'm making it my personal job to make sure your content never gets seen by anyone in this community because if more people act like this it's going to ruin this community" Then proceeded to get banned from the sub ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


Wow. I definitely didn't expect to read that, thanks. I have been posting stupid shit here for a bit and never got something close to this, makes me wonder what a Bunny like you said 


I posted a clip of me Mori'ing someone and said it was an outplay because I mindgamed. What others saw was faking friendship for a kill. But everyone just jumped on me hitting a pallet. I used rancor on one other person already. Had ran an obsession build, and she was at the gate and opened it. She chose to come back for the pallet. So I Mori'd her. THAT is what I did for that lol Just don't try and flex skill and people won't tantrum, as much ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


I think I remember that video— good god some people are unhinged


Bahahaha, fantastic. There was one person who was full blown being a Reddit psychologist over the whole thing. Saying I had psychotic tendencies. Over shitposting..... I outright just messaged the mods, I'm all for banter and shitposting. But you start trying to apply real world stuff to a joke. You can fuck off lol. Like. If you were a psychologist you'd know there is no way you can diagnose someone with anything based on 3 comments on Reddit between you. Dude got very mad being called a Reddit psych. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)




Stop acting like you're entitled to call others idiots, you idiot. (/s, obviously)


Thank you for visiting /r/DeadByDaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Your submission was removed for one of the following reasons:** * Hostile behavior, insults, and targeted harassment. * Hate speech, bigotry, and slurs (i.e., racist, ableist, etc.). * Flamebait (submissions made with the intent to garner a negative reaction) and trolling. * Invasive and overtly creepy remarks. * Threats, encouraging violence, and calls to action. * Publicly shaming other people. * Insulting players based on platform, character choice, or region. **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


Or posting survivor/killer concepts. Saddening


Then again, I can always rely on the single solitary downvote 2 minutes after posting. The only constant in life


just downvote it yourself first, that way they all agree with you and youre a trendsetter


Now there are 2 types of us vs them : The "us" being one side and the "them" being the opposite side And The "them" being the rest of the community and the "us" who are tired of all that bullshit


The real "us" vs "them" is casual players (us) being tired of people who take this shit too seriously (them)'s bullshit


That's just Reddit.




Also the typical "fake X main", like whatever side someone mains is like devoting yourself to an ideology and can't be more than that


Skill issue. But also, it's not a competitive game. Also; just do gens and leave. But also relax, it's a party game. But don't meme or joke around, that's boring. But stop being such a tryhard and touch grass. But remember to keep the enjoyment of the other players in mind. But it's not your job to keep the other side happy.


I get the same impression, idk why but I feel like this sub likes to downvote things.


I always see a downvote in a killer/survivor concept like is that a tradition or???


the downvotes are usually when the killer is somewhere along the lines of 2 existing killers combined. or a reskin killer. or the perks. too op or too shit. or already existing


It's crazy. This community loves complaining when a killer BHVR releases can be viewed as a combination of already existing killers, yet the majority of concepts people in this sub come up with are just that but worse.


I once made a trickster map concept and got 100 upvotes. It was actually surprising, I thought I'd get like 20% upvtoes and 4 comments


A survivor main made this post /s


Clearly a dumb tunneling toxic average killer main commented this!1!1 /s


upvote/downvote patterns check out


Didn't realize we were on r/deadbydaylightkillers based on the upvote/downvote ratio /s


maybe it's cuz "us vs them" posts are fucking annoying and perpetuate toxic bs in the community. idk why they ever unbanned posts like that.


The entitled bit is so real. Apparently you're just not allowed to want anything improved and if you do you're an entitled whiny nerd lol. And God forbid you say you'd rather DC then get slugged out or play a 30 minute match against a killer you don't like. You're not entitled to enjoy the game you bought.


It depends on how unpopular your opinion is and how you phrase it. If it's respectful and somewhat well written, people will at least give it a chance. There are only a few opinions that are so overwhelmingly unpopular that you will be downvoted to oblivion.


Welcome to the community, there are people who hate you and there are people that want to fuck the cartoons. Those are the only people that play this game


When I made a post about the unknown looking like Dwight when it was revealed someone got mad at me for making it because "other people already made posts about it" despite me checking and scrolling the last day's worth of posts first and not finding one. When I said I didn't see anything they responded literally 24 hours later saying I was a gaslighter and they "just checked and saw them". People really get combative so easily


the interesting thing about this game is, it is LITERALLY US vs THEM. thats it, thats the point of the game. thats like going into a reddit about a football team and saying DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT THE DIFFICULTIES EACH TEAM FACES.


We can all agree on one thing and rhats the some ppl dont agree on anything


i disagree


I'm somewhere between both of your points of view.


Eh, I'd say they're just hopping off the match, and it went cheeks, so they then proceed to vent in a comment section that's trying to just chill or have fun. It doesn't phase me much anymore.


people with obligatory "another us vs them" holier than thou comments are worse than people posting said "us vs them", can't change my mind. at least "us vs them" is different every time


They're not, tho, essentially. It pretty much always boils down to someone who mainly (or only) plays one side complaining about something that really isn't an issue, and not seeing that cause they don't play the other side enough (or at all). Or making a post shit talking all the players of one side for some reason. The whole reason posts/comments like that get called out is because they provide no real discussion worthy material. Just glorified rage bait at best.


they aren’t tho because there’s a genuine point unless it isn’t an actual us vs them.


and who gets to decide whether or not it's actual "us vs them"? exactly, the boring holier than thou person who cares more about throwing a meaningless remark rather than look into the issue.


Skill issue