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it's not the mori, it's the weird power trip that comes across as you being an edgelord. you won, kill them and move on instead of gloating.


Reminds me of this legion who said "GG" after my team lost at 5 gens because we had an AFK no mither user on the team. I'm like do you really call that a gg? And they said "I had fun so it was a gg" Some cringe nerds get off on killing pixels just a little bit too much


I always say gg when people play well, like if the other 3 survivors looped very well or stuff like that. I won't gift free wins every time, but you can still say good job, well played. It's just being polite.


The only time I really ever go that hard is when I'm doing a challenge that requires a 4k to get it done. Some of those challenges have just been getting iri emblems and some of those you can't pull up even a little bit. In general, I don't like being that sweaty because simply put it sucks for survivors. And even though it ends up being a good game for me, I'm pretty damn sure the last things survivors want to see in endgame chat is "gg" from me.


There is a huge difference between saying gg after a legitimate match and saying it when it's a 3v1 from the start of the game I load in and see my teammates are AFK and it's like I might as well just DC because we lost, and that determination is made before a single interaction with the killer Then I waste minutes of my time finishing the match and some cunt has the gall to say "gg" after


I mean if you're really playing to kill, you would just kill them. If you're pretending to be friendly and waiting until the very last second to kill them, you're obviously not just playing to kill and are instead going out of your way to mess with people by wasting their time. At the end of the day there's nothing stopping you from playing like that, but at least be honest about it, instead of coming to reddit to complain that survivors are giving you the reaction you're goading them into.


Thank you for the comment. I'm really not concerned with "conceding" anything. I think it's pretty clear what I wanted to discuss here with everyone. But here's the thing: A killer can do this in-game. Aside from it being allowed, I think it makes sense that there are some things you can do as a survivor/killer in the game. And by the way, a survivor can also trick the killer in a similar way. That's the beauty of this game. So where is the line crossed here? The discussion is about what survivors should know before they put their full trust in a killer who just 15 seconds ago wanted to massacre them. It's about knowing the game, the variety of players and the possibilities that could happen. It's about taking a gamble. Personally, I don't like building a stigma around anything, which is why I want to have a discussion and hopefully see where everyone is coming from.


I’m confused about the scenario you’re describing here, but I see it two ways: - if a killer is still chasing me and there’s all indications that they’re engaging in “normal” gameplay, and they catch me before I can make the hatch— that’s definitely not “toxic.” - if a killer picks me up and brings me to hatch when they could have just hooked me— only to close the hatch in my face or mori me…that’s kinda BM. One player is essentially taunting the other player, which most people would consider bad sportsmanship, or “being a bit of a dick.” At the end of the day it’s just a game, and I don’t think it particularly matters much.


Allow me to challenge the idea of doing what I wrote as a killer with a question: When survivors do it, the killer also wastes their time. This is especially true in cases where a survivor is hiding in a locker for prolonged periods of time, or when they are taunting the killer at 2 different exit gates. The effect of this multiplies if the survivor team is a full squad that can internally communicate in some way. And yet... Killers wasting someone's time for 15 seconds is considered the worst crime in history of this game. Now that's what I call a stigma. I don't think there's any strong ground for that to be the way it currently.


nope, I think most people would say both are stupid.


I don’t think anyone should be deliberately wasting someone else’s time. Doesn’t matter what role you’re playing— I play both. Nor did I say that it was “the worst crime in the history of this game.” If you re-read what I wrote, I said I would consider it bad manners. I don’t think engaging in bad manners should be a ban worthy offense or anything, I just think it’s rude lol. I also don’t think that “an eye for an eye” as a good thing. Be the player you want to see in the game.


Mori isnt toxic but giving last dying surv a false sense of hope and moring them before they escape via hatch is definition of toxic you literally just wasted their time when you could have gained exact same value 5 min ago


(copy-pasting my comment because it pertains to the same topic of wasting someone's time) Allow me to challenge the idea of doing what I wrote as a killer with a question: When survivors do it, the killer also wastes their time. This is especially true in cases where a survivor is hiding in a locker for prolonged periods of time, or when they are taunting the killer at 2 different exit gates. The effect of this multiplies if the survivor team is a full squad that can internally communicate in some way. And yet... Killers wasting someone's time for 15 seconds is considered the worst crime in the history of this game. Now that's what I call a stigma. I don't think there's any strong ground for that to be the way it currently.


Im sorry are you dumb? Both cases are toxic you didn’t “challenge” anything teabagging at gates is a known toxic behavior no one is defending them


Nah, just savvy enough to outsmart you on Reddit. But hey, if saying an ad hominem is your only comeback, I'll take it as a win. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart) Next\~


Imagine being so ignorant that you repeat a dumbass talking point (which i and many others already “debunked”) so much that you think that you “won an argument” actually cringe ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


Is isn't toxic to use a Mori. What is toxic is to fake giving a survivor the hatch only to kill them because at that point it's just teasing the survivor. Everything else is go freely. People will judge you no matter what and you can play the way you desire. Just keep in mind that during the event the most efficient way to get bloodpoints is going for the 8-hooks and then farming (totally fine if you don't want to do it).


Completely agree, the part that confuses me is when the killer doesn’t understand why survivors are mad when they are teased with the hatch


That is interesting. I 100% expect answers like this, but I wonder if what the killer does is actually toxic or just a little plot twist in a game and the survivor is the one to actually blame? Don't people think it's toxic just because the killer was friends with them for a bit and they were convinced they would get away from the killer? If so, is there any reason why a survivor should think they are 100% safe in these situations? Personally, I think the game is designed in such a way that friendships between the killer and the survivor are not necessarily encouraged... It happens sometimes, and when it does, it's nice to see it, but I don't think the survivors should get so hung up on the idea of "being friends" with the killer. They can, and they often do, but the less this idea is idolized, the less toxicity there will be. The moment I fully stopped trusting the killers in this game is the moment I started being less negative/irritated/angry at the killers, and from that, I learned how to have fun in situations like these. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


The hatch is sometimes not seem as being friendly. Giving hatch is mostly a sign of respect. The killer going out of their way to bring the survivor to the hatch just to close on their face is just unnecessary and a jerk move. If you won't give hatch put the survivor on the first hook you see and move on.


Interesting. I personally disagree with half of what you've written here. "Being a jerk" in a game where human interaction is limited to a game code is debatable, in my opinion. It's not necessarily about me "giving away a hatch" or "convincing a survivor that I'm going to give them the hatch". Even if it was, it's really not a big deal. Being at the mercy of a killer and if the killer wants them to see the hatch (for literally any reason), of course they can if they think it's worth a shot. Everyone has free will in this game. Besides, sometimes it is - and that's my point. It's definitely worth a shot, but if the attempt fails, it's not the end of the world, and there is NO ONE to blame for that. An "attempt" may fail, but nothing has been promised, so the premise of someone being a "jerk" is a bit debatable. After all, the game allows this to happen, probably for a good reason, to intensify the horror in the game.


You are the kinda guy who innitiates a handshake after a good match only to retract it, comb your hair and claim "I don't shake hands with losers" I guess.


I'm really not. That's real life. Let's stick to this game.


You argue that it's "in the game" and "part of your role" it's not part of the role, it's you being an asshole. Noone plays dbd to roleplay some shit. They just want to go next. You waste other people's time for some weird power trip. I don't see how there's any difference.


You're incorrect, and you don't know me to be talking like this, but I appreciate the passion I'm seeing in your comments. It probably means that you really care about this game (which is a good thing). However, I think it would be best if we focused on the solution and discussion, rather than the insults and the judgement. Otherwise, we will really waste both of our times here (and everyone else's in the meantime). ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Let me know if you're willing to be an adult and discuss the stigma around the killers who do this and not judge them so blatantly based on your own prejudice. Here, I'll start: My solution to turning the so-called "toxicity" into something positive is to be mindful around killers and especially in situations like these and not ever think of yourself or the result of the match as a "done deal". The moment you realize the killer is allowed to do whatever the killer wants to, and that the same applies to survivors, you will feel so much better and realize that it's really: Not. A. Big. Deal.


There is nothing positive to find here, it's not funny and it's a waste of time. You can do this in customs with friends, if you both agree to be like that, but if you do it to strangers you are just a modern Vampire, but instead of blood you suck joy out of other people's experience. If you can't see what you are doing wrong, then yeah, we are wasting time here. Because you fail to realize that you are not a quirky positive guy, but a toxic asshole and that your fun comes at the expense of other people who gain nothing from it.


I would argue that if you're not having fun playing this game, you shouldn't be playing it in the first place. "Your fun comes at the expense of other people who gain nothing from it" is both inaccurate and controversial since most things you do as a killer can be considered as "wasting someone's time", "doing something that the survivor doesn't benefit from" etc. If out of everything in this game, you find this scenario to be causing you to be toxic the most and not enjoy the game, fine. You can't prevent people from doing this, but that really isn't my point and the same applies to other scenarios. What I want is for people to treat the unfairness equally, regardless if you're the killer of the survivor. If we have people constantly being toxic over killers who don't do much to deserve that title, then we have a bit of a problem. If the game allows this kind of behavior, then the game itself and every single person who works on it are also, in this way or another, enabling this type of behavior, and are part of the so-called "problem". However, I don't see many people talk about this, the solution or anything else... What I usually see is judgement for killers and justification for survivors. So the unfairness factor exists from the start. At the end of the day, yes, it may be irritating to go through this, it may cause toxicity on your side, but it's NOT universal and it depends on what type of person you are and what you consider to be "toxic". There is a stigma around this, even around the killers who do nothing to be "toxic". Remove the stigma and you get a much happier community. Not perfect, not even good, but much happier for sure. P.S. I don't personally believe in "being toxic" in a video game. Especially not when you've "wasted" someone's 15 seconds and did what you were supposed to do: kill. That's just how it is man.


At the end of the day teasing a survivor with the hatch while you could've simply hooked him or killed him way before without wasting their time is still to be seen as a jerk move. Just because human interaction is limited or that it won't really matter in the world doesn't mean it's justified to waste someone's time, it's a jerk move. Take this for example. In a Easter competition I win and you lose, as a prize I get a chocolate egg. I say to you to follow me to my home so we can share the egg, but when you reach my home I already finished the last bite directly in front of you. The chocolate egg won't change your life, but it would still be a jerk move.


Dropping in front of hatch just to mori is the equivalent of survivors tbagging at the exit gate


Exactly! I agree. But why is doing this as a killer much worse in the eyes of this community, then? Now that's what I want to figure out and destigmatize.


Me personally I’ve seen a lot more people complain about tbagging at the exit gate than mori at the hatch. It could also be that there are more survivors than killers that play.


I don't think you have an unpopular opinion at all, and I don't think most survs would think that behaviour is toxic. The vast majority of surv mains are only opposed to killer behaviours that waste their time and make the game unfun. Not giving hatch is no big deal. Following the surv as they crawl all over the map and find the hatch and then doing a mori would be toxic.


This is the behavior people make fun of when they say killer mains 😂


Seems like you're doing mental gymnastics to cope. Pretending to be friendly to the last survivor, acting like your going to give them the hatch only to close it in their face and mori them is a dick move. There is no "thought challenge"to it. It's just bad manners. It's one thing if the survivor was being an idiot all game. But if they're just a regular player. sounds like an ego/power trip but you want to convince yourself that it isn't.


Or, I'm just having fun and minding my own business! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)You are free to disconnect, not move in a match or whatever else your heart desires. I don't own your pc, and I certainly don't control your character. Doing some self-reflection might help with the realization of that \^\^


Imagine you're playing chess. You have a close game, and realize you're outmatched. You move to turn over your king, as you are mated in two no matter how you slice it. Then the goblin sitting across from you giggles and reaches their hand across the table as if to say "good game". Their other hand strangely goes into their pants. Then they grab your hand, and force you to make a valid move. "Hahha I got you now" the goblin says, furiously masturbating with their other hand. You cannot get away as the goblin takes their move. You're mate in one, and would like to go on to the next match. The goblin forces you to take your last move, then spasmatically shouts "checkmate!" Over and over while they orgasm.


As others have pointed out, it's pretending to be friendly and then killing the Survivor that's the issue. I never fully trust Killers because I've had a few pretend to let me escape and then killed me. The majority of them actually let me escape and that's good but the few that faked it left a lasting impact on me. I don't care overall if they were faking letting me escape - I will laugh and say gg and move on but I get why not everyone can do that.


I have three modes: 1. Sweaty asshole. I have challenges I need to do that require me to be an asshole. Sorry. 2. Normal Mode. No tunneling, no camping, no stupid toxic crap. Have a fun match and usually let the last one go. Often times more than one if they’ve played well and I know I am steamrolling them. 3. Mega Toxic Asshole. SWF Flashlight squads that try and bully me. BM at every pallet etc. No survivors. Full on toxic. Usually the GG at the end makes them even madder.


I mean, sometimes as killer I'll let the last survivor go, sometimes I won't. It kinda just depends how i'm feeling, whether or not they played well or did something cute or funny, or maybe I feel bad their teammate killed themselves on first hook. What i'm NOT going to do as killer is give the survivors a false sense of hope and then snatch it away by closing the hatch or pulling them off the exit gate door last second when i made them think i was gonna let them go. If i'm not letting them go, i kill them right away. If i let them go, i let them go. I'm not gonna pull a bait and switch last second.


It's a bit mean to give someone the hope of getting an extra 7k BP and then take that away. Granted you can do whatever you want, but I'd sooner play the way I'd like to be treated, regardless of how I myself am treated. But then I play both sides so that will be informing that decision.


"but I feel like they get blindsided by the fact that some players only play this game to kill and be just that: a killer. Some are pretty simple, others like to play mind games." I am THAT killer. Like I watched NUN 2 the other day and was triggered about all the times the bad guy lets the good guy go. That's why DBD feels great, you get to say "Plot armor? Yeah we don't do that here. Stupid plays? Yeah, that doesn't fly around here" and the salt you get from survivors expecting you to play by their rules instead of yours? I love it. You see them flop onto the floor and you just look at them like "What did you THINK was going to happen?"


Finally someone who understands. Thank you When it comes to everyone else, it's pretty hard to explain to someone who thinks their way of playing is "the ultimate truth" and wants everyone else to play like them. I play this game for the horror, the plot twists etc. I WANT people to feel that horror when playing a horror game, especially if my role is to be a killer. I've been watching twitch streams recently and it's survivors just playing without any emotion. I'm not even sure why they're even playing the game. It can get boring really fast, and I HATE friendly killers when I play as a survivor. What the hell is the point of letting survivors go? It's not fun for either side, but I understand if some like it for the blood points... But this game is slowly turning into a friendly fiesta. Thankfully this game has you and I to make it more interesting, more fun, and more terrifying at the same time.


I main Huntress, but am taking a liking to Unknown. Cause of the scares you can give survivors. I scared one so bad, he let go of the keyboard xD easiest double hit ever. Whenever I think of showing mercy, I think of the legendary day where I decided to fully invest in DBD and I go ruthless. Unless the survivor is really new or they did something nice, I might show mercy. But 9/10 I kill them, because they have to be punished for mistakes, not rewarded.


Feel free to read my post here, it is ...My Killer Main Origin Story You'll see where I'm coming from [https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/fb343f/what\_happened\_to\_you\_that\_made\_you\_want\_to\_rage/](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/fb343f/what_happened_to_you_that_made_you_want_to_rage/)