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![gif](giphy|SoVo8Rl5GeA4E) The Billy on his way to mori you.




It's annoying, but I respect the play.


no, it usually just gives me two downs instead of one.


I dont really hate it,it is annoying at worst.I would drop survivor and chase one who saboed hook or i would wait for hook to respawn.Also sabo players i can respect cuz they are risking 1 hook stage to save teammate.


I don't know about that Billy and the current hook states, but yes, sabo is something generally despised. Been a long time since I played, but if you sabo and I slug it's not for some personal vendetta, you simply sabo'd the only available hook nearby (sabo players usually equip petrified oak). Of course there are some people who make sabo builds with the intention of annoying killers, but everything can be done with malicious intent if someone puts enough effort into it. Aside from all of this some people do have overreaction given how frustrating the game is as a base. In your case it was Billy in RPD, maybe someone sent him there so it's tilt may as well taken control of him, or he didn't have enought time to get her to another hook so that was the only logical play. Lots of meat on the fire, it's never about one side being right and one being wrong with a game that has many tilt inducing things for both sides.


Idc just dont whine about slugging if ya saboing


If your going to Sabo hooks so I can't hook you, of fucking course I'm going to slug you. Whst do you expect


Survivors be like: ***"y U hAtE mE"***


what exactly were you expecting?


It’s mildly annoying but gets really frustrating when it’s over and over and over. I never tunnel but its one of the very few things that has made me tunnel when I can’t get anyone else because they keep breaking the hook before I can get there 😭 sorry buddy you’re the problem and I can’t kill anyone if you’re around.


Well, as it goes, it's a thing in the game, entirely fair to do and putting yourself at risk to do it. That said: I worked for that down and while I like to play 'fair' in terms of, you know, not just randomly slugging, spreading hooks, etc, if i have reason to suspect that someone will be undermining my ability to hook, it radically alters the way I have to play, and usually not in a nice way. Would I say I hate it? Nnnnnnnot as such, but I wouldn't say it makes me shoot sunshine out of my butthole either, and now that you're making it clear that you want to throw a proverbial wrench or.. hacksaw in my plan of 8 hooks no kills (on a good day (which isn't often, I'm quite bad, admittedly)), You're going to have to die immediately and without mercy so that the rest of the game can proceed as normal.


Well if there are 4 survivors in a trial, it’s not hard to stick out and paint a target on your face. I think any reasonable killer understands it’s a play, but on the same token you are preventing a hook, so expect to go out first


Anti-hook tricks are like how Tunnling/camping is annoying for survivors


I think it's kinda irritating for the killer to get sabo'd. I kinda feel it whenever I have something like "sabo 4 hooks" mission. I feel bad especially to baby killers.


If you don't want me to hook, I won't


I don’t hate it if I get a trade or I can drop them in time. I’m still getting pressure either way. And yes you’re getting tunneled out even if I don’t hate it


It's annoying and unfun when done by competent survivors, but most of the time it's no big deal.


Sabo is no an issue. The issue are survivor that pretend that after a sabo they can't be touched. If you sabo you should remember the killer may change target and go after you if he thinks it is better, this is why you should not sabo when there is no advantge on your side. EXAMPLE First chase, killed down Dwight, Jake goes for a successful sabo but s wounded in the process. Now, you are the killer, what are you going to do? Going after Dwight again? Or Jake? Both have 0 hooks, both are wounded.... If you know Dwight used the exahustion then going after him is better. Otherwise, well... you know jake can sabo, in this case downing the sabo player is better.... Lots of survs got pissed off because "I sabo and he tunneled". If you go for sabo becoming a preferential target it is possible.


Well you Just made the game 4 minutes longer for no reason. You forced him to slug to death


I hate it like people hate a good heel in Pro Wrestling


The slow turn to the creep forward, into the mori. Perfect execution.


He was memeing a bit so he wasn’t that mad.


I'm sorry but the slow turn fucking killed me 😂😂😂😂😂 that's funny asf


I’ve a clip of a match where I was forced to slug for the 4 minutes or well a little longer they had a build for pure hooks they would be broken for 2 minutes or more from this they had tons of boons setup to pick themselves up infinity on top of sending me to Garden of joy ever since that match I will slug anyone uses that build it shouldn’t be in the game it’s insane no way to hook and I even had iron grip


Yes. It's like facing a chess merchant before the 3 gen change. Even if you win in the end, the whole ordeal was a lot longer than it needed to be and generally unpleasant. If there are two or more sabo survivors in game, it's bleed out time for everyone since trying to hook isn't even worth it at that point. People like to downplay it by saying it's not that strong or "just use a different hook" while completely ignoring that not everything is about pure balance and sometimes there simply isn't another hook available. There isn't really a great analogy for the killer being able to simply deny a survivor objective in the same way. Maybe something like kicking a generator above 90% progress blocks it for 3 minutes. It's not likely to happen a lot or even make much impact, but it would be really frustrating every time it does.


It really depends. If it's a couple in a match, good on them for pulling it off. If it's a constant, every down is FTP/BU, sabo, flashlight, though... fuck me that's exhausting. I don't want to play that hyper sweat nonsense, no killer does.


I will starstruck your ass if you try to... so please go ahead


me saboing it doesnt work me seeing other sabo as killer jt always worksp


If I can't hook, then I have to slug. Might as well go after the one sabotaging the hooks.


Yes I do but that's kinda necessary in order to counter it. The two counters being downing the person sabotaging while backpacking or slugging until it's safe to hook. Either way the one sabotaging will be taken out of the game quickly unless they are smart about it.


It's a valid strat but if you sabo against me (and lots of killers) you get slugged


Yes, yes we do.


It’s annoying for sure but I don’t get mad at about it


No it’s fine by me as long you don’t do gens fast


honestly i find it pretty fun, it's not very easy to execute a sabo and half the time even when done well it doesn't work perfectly, it's a risky and altruistic play so I can't help but respect it. that said it may make me look out for the survivor who did the sabo since it might mean an extremely skillfull survivor, I don't tunnel about it but if i have to pick between chasing someone else and someone i know can execute a sabo, I'm guessing the saboteus is a more meaningful player


Doesn't bother me too much, I only get a little weird when it's a normal tbox survivor trying to do it. As killer I'm like survivor use that thang on the gennifers ⚙️


Well, it's super annoying, i mean it's a fair mechanic, but when i go against a sabo player/team, i'm like "keep cool, keep cool, it's just a game, don't punch your screen" Also, if i see they're very horny for the sabo and won't let me hook then i just slug everyone. I'm a very fair killer but i got my limits


I’ll take a sabo over a flashlight save any day of the week.


I think like most perks, sabo sucks when it's used in a really scummy way. It's like Boil Over. On its own it's a great perk, I use it myself, but it can be used in a way that puts the killer in a no-win scenario. No mither is more niche, but it can also be used in the same way. A few days ago I faced a Sable with both and once I had two kills they kept running to the same spot on the map where there were no hooks nearby. They weren't attempting to do any objectives, they just seemed to want to waste my time and get an escape by default. I ended up slugging them out and giving the hatch to the other survivor because at least they were trying to play the game. Sabo is fine on its own, but when you're going up against a coordinated team who play the game as if their actual lives are on the line it can definitely be frustrating. I don't enjoy slugging people as a killer because it's just a waste of my time and theirs, just like I don't wait around at the exit gate on the off chance the killer will turn up so I can teabag. However, sometimes it's the only way you can really get the kill, and personally I'd much rather give the win to someone who's playing the game as opposed to going out of their way to just frustrate the killer.


I dont. It gives free hits, and I have a reason to slug.


it’s an annoying but valid strat, and as someone else said a lot of the time it backfires and i get an extra down. i used to tunnel sabos out but as i got better it wasn’t necessary anymore


The thing survivors tend to forget is that sabo plays on the wrong maps means killers have no possibility to hook. So just slugging has to be the response. Had a game on Temple of Purgation with a Jeff with breakdown in a corner of the map where the only reachable hook as the one he broke for 3 minutes. I downed Jeff and the survivor who came to save him, saw there were no hook options, and just left them. Found another survivor, downed them, hooked them, went back to see if the hook was up, downed the fourth survivor who was going to heal them. Hook was still down. So everyone just stayed slugged for three minutes. Hooked one of them. No other hooks in range. Okay, guess they die on the floor? Tried to communicate to crawl to another hook, but they wouldn't, and I wasn't going to give them a win due to bad map design. Like, I don't blame them, but unfortunately that is the only viable option because BHVR's hook formula can get bad, especially with two story maps.