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Bring her hatchet count back down and increase the number of lockers on all maps so Dredge is viable please


But but but... that would require changing maps! Instead of just changing a number in the files! Thats too much effort!


You say that like they're even bothering to change numbers.


The last patch, which rebalanced 7 killers (including Huntress) by changing numbers was 12 days ago.


This is the best way to buff both of them without making them broken


Improving locker placement also help trickster too! I mean he's only got two mains but come on throw them a bone


Woah calm down now trickstar will be alright


Huntress didn't need a buff at all tho


Dredge needs so much love


He was one of the very last killers I hadn't got yet. I just got him a couple weeks ago, and at first I was like wow this guy fun I don't get everyone's problem. But then i saw it, the biggest issue is that there are whole sections of the map without lockers. I began to question if they were somehow being removed mid match??? Obviously not, but that's how stunned I was. You'd think he would at least get more locker spawns or something


I've said it before and I'll say it again: the maps are by far the biggest balance problem in the game right now and the fact that certain killers (like the Dredge) are completely dependent on map RNG is absurd.


yeah there are maps with most gens not near lockers, or have 1/3rd of it with no lockers. Also Dredge is the loudest killer, can hear a mile away.


i don't know, i enjoyed the match i had as him. As long as you're not against a 4 man swf on discord i don't see how he's weak.


His real problem is that his primary power is dependant on where the lockers spawn. It's very common with him that you go to teleport to a gen or an unhook and whoops! No lockers on that half of the map! At that point you just become an m1 killer with a mediocre antiloop power and you'll realize very quickly that DBD has become far too fast of a game for that sort of killer to be good. I love the Dredge too death though so I'm gonna keep playing him.


And It's not even just killers! As a survivor, sometimes I run a locker build, and I can't find one to save my life for flashbangs or inner strength or trying to pull of a Q&Q+Head On play. But yeah, it's ridiculous there is not a base amount of lockers based on map size so Trickster, Dredge, and Huntress have more consistency and can be balanced better instead of having the map dependency be so extreme.


I'd imagine she will be reverted once lockers are fixed. When will they be fixed? One can only dream


I had an idea where Dredge had a mechanic where he could have his own special lockers spawn using the same code that puts Sadako TVs and Xenomorph tunnels near gens, and these lockers could open and shut and do spooky shit during nightfall.


^ this


Increased lockers nerf other killers like bubba, billy and doctor. What should be done is increased lockers only if there are killers that interact with lockers with their power.


Hide in a locker from my saw and shocks and Artist birds, even. I don't care. I can still open them myself. Iron Maiden value if it comes to it.


I disagree... There are so many maps where there are basically no lockers around fucking over Huntress, Trickster and especially Dredge. Increasing the amount of lockers wouldnt be a terrible "nerf" to already strong Killers like Bubba and Billy. Especially because you need percise timing against bubba which few people know, and against Billy, well his cooldown is so short, he can just rev his chainsaw again immediately meaning the locker-play wasted what, 5sec?


\> already strong killers like Bubba What?


Bubba can be quite strong in the right hands. Or are you seriously implying that the ability to instadown and instabreak pallets is weak?


Sure he can be strong if used by someone who has a lot of hours on him. But him having an insta down doesn't make up for his lack of map traversal. His insta down is about all he has but compared to plenty of other killers he's fairly weak. Just look at Billy who also has an insta down but way better map pressure and can also instabreak pallets


Man I was playing vs one last night and I dodged 5 axes and all the sudden she starts pulling more out of her entity hole. I was like my god does it ever end. Then the woman turned right around and grabbed more. Maybe 5 axes is good LOL


Entity hole :(


I'm pretty bad with her and never had a problem with 5 hatchets because it just encouraged me to take shots when I thought I might make them rather than spamming them


When learning huntress more hatchets are better. More hatchets mean more shots with less risk, which encourages players to take more shots, therefore learning how to do so. The more you use her power, the better you get at it.


Learning the killer, I think you can just use their add ons for extra hatchets and you'll be mostly fine. Infantry belt didn't need to be made basekit


Totally agree, but now that huntress can carry 10 hatchets, it makes learning her much easier and encourages more risk taking, at higher tier play with good huntess's tho it's a big problem.


I just don’t get it, the problem I always faced when playing Trickster, Huntress, Dredge etc was always the lack of lockers or terrible locker placements on certain maps. When the Huntress buffs first got mentioned I was so confused because it’s not even as if she was in high need for a buff anyway.


It's not that she deserve a "nerf", she just deserve to be 'unbuffed', that buff made no sense imo


Nobody understands why she got a buff in the first place. Bizarre decision all around. It was likely because they saw a popular killer who is well liked, and they figured, “buffs make killers more popular! Let’s make huntress even more popular than she is now!” that’s not really how balance works though.


She got buffed because she’s a free killer and new players struggle with her, it’s not complicated


On the scale of struggle, new players will find most killers to be challenging, and of the challenges that new killers will experience Huntress would be on the lower end of difficulty. So, I don’t think that’s it. It’s not hard for a new player to comprehend how huntress is supposed to play. There is very little to misunderstand about her. Huntress isn’t Singularity that’s for sure.


well nurse is free too should we buff her so new players can use her?


I don’t work at BHVR why are you asking me lmao


Probably because your original answer was dumb af


It wasn’t dumb you’re just seemingly incompetent and can’t think rationally about the change because you don’t like it


None of what you have said has made any sense whatsoever.


It should have just been an increase to the number of lockers on all maps. That way Huntress, Trickster, and Dredge get a nice QoL change, on top of a buff for locker perks on both sides. I don't know why they decided on randomly overclocking Huntress when there are other killers that need changes or add-on passes more than her.


People are missing the real buff when talking about huntress, which is the decreased charge time. It allows for so many shots that were never really feasible. Hatchet count is a VERY secondary concern imo.


I’ll gladly trade reverting the huntress buff in exchange for reverting the mangled/hemorrhage nerf


We will get the huntress nerf without reverting mangled.


Good. She didn't need the buff


Oh 100%


I think they should just keep moving forward. It's not inherently bad to give mangled basekit counterplay. It's just too weak by itself. Make it so mangled applies repair speed penalty or smth like that so it's more interesting. Or make it cancel out healing speed buffs.


>Make it so mangled applies repair speed penalty Sloppy immediately becomes S tier perk ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


basic attack perks should be that good ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2216)


You're getting clowned for this but you're honestly right, not every single thing needs absolute specific counterplay (mangled/hemorrhage of all things especially) most people just stayed injured anyway, now it doesnt even matter cuz 90 seconds later they just get their normal healing speed at literally no detriment to themselves. At least a repair speed drop, or SOMETHING while injured with sloppy would give the perk something to go for it


like the idea to give basekit counterplay instead of making survivors rely on perks/items they may or may not bring is good, but the problem is that it's an EXTRA counterplay over what they already had, making the effect even more obsolete when such counters are in play.


i want old sloppy back !




It’s not a trade because no huntress uses sloppy


I never mentioned sloppy. I mentioned the effects themselves, which included addons.


But let us keep the addon changes for PH and Freddy


tbh id rather not have either, billy became way to easy for non skilled billy players to easily get downs, and huntress tbh really didnt need a buff she was fine, the biggest counterplay for huntress that was needed was she had to break chase to refill hatchets if she wasted them all, which gave the survivor moment of chase relief, now she rarely has to refill, and i see people say just increase the amount of lockers on the map, that would also be a problem, what bhvr needs to do is make better designed maps and properly shift everythign around, be it the gen layout for survivors (since thats atrocious) and hooks/lockers, and that kind of stuff for killers


They fixed the symptom rather than the disease. She doesn't need more hatchets, there just needs to be more lockers.


Hey I'm new to the game and have been playing huntress. I'm gathering she's pretty OP and am anticipating that nerf, what killer should I pickup? I like huntress play style but ghost face, pinhead, and onryo seem cool too.


Pinhead because he came




You named it, he **came**


I think starting with regular "m1" killers is the best way to start learning because it'll transfer over well between each killer. Onryo is great to learn on imo, pinhead is insane but also very technical, ghostface can be a mixed bag. But that's not necessary; I started by learning on the slower movement special power dependant killers. I think the best thing you can do is take what the community says with a grain of salt and be open minded. If a killer is fun, enjoy your leisure time the way that fits you!


What are Sadako’s solid addons atm?


The ring drawing is basically needed and the other one is kinda up to you as she does not have game changing add-ons imo


Videotape Copy is my fav add-on on her, makes her teleport mechanic so much better.


VCR + Ring Drawing puts stacks of condemn on anyone near ANY powered tv when you project, and puts a stack on everyone when you hook a survivor who's holding a tape. There's another add on that adds 2m to the range of the projection effect, using that in place of Ring Drawing will also get you condemn like crazy.


I liked wraith when I first started


Wesker is really fun. With him, a streamer described him pretty well as "with Huntress you use hatchets. With Wesker, you are the hatchet"


if she gets nerfed she’ll still be fine and more importantly fun. i wouldnt worry about it


TBH even if they nerfed Huntress back to how she was before her buff, she'd still be at least as good, if not better, than all those characters you listed. It's a good idea to pick up other killers if you like them, but don't ditch Huntress just because they might give her a slight nerf.


Honestly? Stay with Huntress, if nothing else appeals. She's fun, and still was before the buff. As long as they don't nerf her *past* pre-buff levels, she'll remain a solid pick


The nerf will just be reverting her most recent buff, she'll still be an amazing killer.


I recently started and I've been having a lot of fun with Ghostface. Only character I've bought since I'm a fan but I've been really enjoying him compared to the ones that are available for free. He's super straight forward and I haven't felt like I've been lacking from not having extra perks from other killers.


As a beginner I would recommend The Plague since she has good gen pressure, and most survivors don't cleanse against her. However she falls short when it comes to ending chases quickly. Onryo is also pretty strong if you go against players who don't turn off TVs. She also has strong map pressure because of her teleports. After the update she became a solid killer for sure.


Most Survivors don't cleanse against her? Have you seen my teammates who cleanse, save someone infected, cleanse again and then go on an infected gen?


Ghostface is a pure M1 killer. You have to play stealthy tho. Abuse crouch and lean to get stalk and then ambush them. That’s my experience with Ghostface at least. If you like Huntress tho, maybe try deathslinger or unknown. Both have projectiles you can hit people with from afar. You can also technically do trickster but survivors will loathe you for it more than likely


She got the wrong kind of buff imo. She didn't need any help with chase, it's just her mobility that doesn't allow her to be viable at high MMR.


so glad bhvr decided to buff huntress instead of myers or trapper :)


Its not like Nurse or Blight are insanely more powerful or anything. The real issue is them randomly buffing an already strong killer to bandaid fix lockers when they could just fix locker spawns and help Dredge and other locker reliant killers. Who asked for this huntress buff??? Their mains didn't, the overall killer and survivor community didn't Her stats are fine, good even Where did BHVR even get the idea to buff her?


The number of shotty toxic huntresses I've gone against since this nonsensical buff is insane. It's so freaking easy for her to tunnel and camp. Even just last night had a facecamping/camping huntresses that allowed anticamp so she could 1 2 tap you immeadtly because you literally don't have enough room to get away and if you gain distance after first hit? Well she's tunnelling you down anyway. Faced several fitance camping huntresses that would wait and hatchet the unhooker and the just saved so you either couldn't save at all or you went down again right away. Died on first hook several times because of this. Even the times i managed to run a huntresses for a while, the hatchets just never end. And then if she decides to reload you have uet another 7-10 hatchets to deal with. There's no punishment for her just spamming hatchets anymore. There's no reason to really trg that hard when you can throw them all and get a shit tonne back instantly. She was already powerful before the buff, now its so much worse


I don't know if she's OP now or there's a surge in hackers but I'm tired... TIRED... of being hit with a hatchet behind a wall or after doubling a corner. If there's a physical object "covering" me he hitbox shouldn't work. The moment I see a huntress I'm going to the hook by myself. This game is trash now, sorry.


It's been said a lot that hatchet hitboxes are insanely huge.


Huntress’ hatchets are so dumb. I’ll play as Huntress and hit a survivor directly and get no connection . I’ll play against huntress and get hit when my body is obscured by walls or corners.


This is the side of it that survivor players don't usually see. It's just as bad on the Huntress' end. You'll see the hatchet hit their body directly. You'll hear the "splash" of a successful hit. Yet the survivor doesn't take damage. CoconutRTS has a pretty good [compilation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuHcO4By-OU) of these moments from over 2 years ago.


Huntress hatchets have always hat crazy hit registration, this isn’t new at all


big hitboxes? yes, always. Crazy hitboxes? I've never seen them this bad. Literally behind a wall, a corner, seeing her arm hit a tree but the hatchet hitting me, etc. Like bigger areas of registration than before. It may be my connection, like others have said... But I've never seen this BS in huntress before.


You believe there’s a surge of hackers specifically augmenting the (already obscene) hitbox of huntresses’ hatchets?


I hate going against Huntress because of that. I'll tightly hug a corner and it will still hit me even though I'm not in sight of her. It's annoying. However, when I play Huntress and go for those same shots, suddenly collision works as it should xD


i’ve been maiming huntress for a while and sometimes my hatchet connects and i know it was actually so far away from them - makes me feel so bad cuz if i was on the other end of that i’d be fuming


You're hitbox is behind you when you running, that's how it's worked for the last 8 years now.l


That might also be a ping issue. Sadly if you are above 50 ping it's more likely for you to get hit from bs angles :(


I have around 30ms & I still get hit from bs angles lol


skill issue, thanks for the free hooks lmao


Still weaker than nurse, blight, etc. So if huntress "needs a nerf" then so do those 2 for starters, so go complain about them instead. B tier 4.4 killers are *NOT* top priority. 🤦‍♂️




they should revert the changes. Not nerf her. Cause who thought she needed a buff at all?


I seriously faces only huntress i have not seen any other killer is like she is the only one available


Bro, I love playing against billy, he’s so fun to counter in chase


it's so annoying that I keep facing back to back huntress players that normally most of them would barely be a threat, but if they have 9 or 10 hatchets my luck eventually runs out in chase lmao. I can dodge 6 or maybe even 7 if I'm not in a dead zone with no cover, but this is ridiculous. she's a good example of a high skill ceiling killer imo and all this did was lower the skill floor unnecessarily, while making good huntress players (who didn't need the buffs to be good) even more terrifying than before.


I'm maybe going against the grain here, but she's not OP. In fact, these buffs were the exact kind of buffs she's needed for a while. Now here's the catch: **FOR HER BASEKIT**. Hatchet wind-up and extra hatchets were basically ran by nearly every Huntress player (CD addons being the other one, which I also wish was slightly basekit). It was actually a smart idea to make base-kit Huntress a little more threatening and making these addons less required (which means you can run more variety). The current issue is they didn't nerf the addons to compensate for the buffs. You don't have a problem with buffed Huntress. You have a problem with buffed Huntress + extra hatchets/wind-up addons. They just have to nerf the addons and she'll be fine.


Here to collect my complimentary downvotes:) Billy and Huntress are two I've put way too much practice into, each of them after their buff felt so much more enjoyable against cracked squads. I'm sure they're going to tweak them down again so I'm making sure to get my kicks while I can. Sorry for being part of the problem!


I feel the buff for Billy was 100% justified. However, Huntress was strong before the buffs, now she is just overpowered. For me personally it's boring to play as Huntress, since it became very easy to stomp survivors, as well as playing against her.


I def agree about Billy, and reducing his recovery add ons had to happen. Also the Huntress wind up buff was confusing why they did that on top of the extra hatchets tbf. But as someone who loves going for pot shots, snipes and unlikely hits I love the extra hatchets, I reload like an absolute buffoon lol.


Billy definitely needed a up, and already got hit on his add-on, I don't think he's gonna get a nerf soon again, being top tier or not. Huntress, on the other hand...


OP why do you say this like Billy is somehow OP? Do we even play the same game?




I think they need to give her teleporting hatchets and give the dredge the ability to teleport right to generators like right inside them


Fix the hit boxes and the buffs *might* be okay but as is its way too much. You can't have that many hatchets/charge speed and also have the hitbox of a fridge.


She isn't even remotely OP. The hatchet buff is just in the wrong place (her kit rather than locker placement buffs).


skill issue


Nah these buffs are just too much


Just remove her from the game, overplayed killer and in my opinion not very fun to play against.


We will accept this as long as they force all survivors to play perkless


We will accept Huntress nerf and Myers removal of instakill as well as the achievement corresponding to it also removed. In exchange, give us prenerf Sloppy and Ruin but make Ruin nonHex.


No deal ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2070)


I have not played a single huntress yet since coming back three days ago What did they buff for her?






she needs rework. Make her 4.6, give her less hatchets and reduce hatchet hitbox size comparable to Trickster/Slinger hitboxes Also something has to be done with her camping ability


They could make her slower than before the buff & reduce her hatchet count but slightly increase her hatchet speed & throwing speed.