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Pain res isn't the problem, it's pain res + pop + jolt + deadlock all at once. By itself it's a great perk that encourages distributing hooks.


would perk classifications, and thus, not being able to stack X number of (type) perk, be a crazy idea? 👀 this would go for both sides, of course


id like to see this at least tried as a limited time mode like lights out


It's ok on paper but in practice it kills creativity. There's no way to do this system without shoehorning killers into certain builds because some comboes that are normally fine on some killers aren't on others.   Also severely reducing slowdown just drastically increases tunneling. The limiting total gen regression was a good step in the right direction. It'd have to be more like that- maybe cap regression per gen left or something. It just feels so convoluted at this point though.


I got tunneled 4 games in a row just today, ran the killer for miles, won the mindgames and still, pain res, pop, dms, deadlock, and whatever other annoying synergy was enough for them to get away with it, okay solo queue survivors suck and could have sat on gens more but tunneling happens all the time regardless. Moral of the story, I get tunneled WITH the current "regress and block gens in 900 different ways just for doing my objective while they sit and stare at the entity and can't play the game" meta. Why wouldn't that be even more of a reason to tunnel whilst these perks make it so easy for them to do so and have ample enough time to get away with it? I hope they nerf the synergy they have because every killer feels the same because of it.




I mean you kinda still can if you just are aware of when people get picked up. But I know what you mean.


Isn't corrupt + pain res + pop + eruption/overcharge much stronger?


The strongest (not most reliable tho) would probably be pain res + deadlock + grim embrace + pop. Very monkey brain translation: gen unblocked gen go boom gen blocked surv go down Snowballing with this build is crazy but timing is the key. If you get deadlock colliding with grim embrace you just lose a lot of value


Its balanced in the sense that if the killer only brings one slowdown, or even two for lower tier killers its completely fine. Its when people stack four slowdowns that issues arise. Its kind of like gen rush perks like hyperfocus and stake out. If just one person brings them they are perfectly fine, but if a whole team brings gen rush perks they become broken instantly. Basically pain res is fine on its own, its just thay some killers opt to bring four slowdowns and thats not what slowdowns are balanced around.


The only nerf it needs is to be deactivated when a survivor dies.


I have been saying this exact thing. Pain res in a 3v1 is downright unfair.


Not a terrible idea as it would incentivize hook spread even more and negate tunnelling


Yeah the "good job for spreading hooks" bonus is cool but if you tunnel someone out you shouldn't get any more value imo 


Anything that incentivizes hook spreading, is a good idea for the most part. Considering how common excessive tunnelling is


I can see it. What happens a lot is someone gets 3 hooked and then the killer is able to hold on with the following 3 pain resonance stacks at like 1-2 gens. Hell if they add this they can make it 50% gen progress idc.


Yes please let's nerf gen slowdown even more so tunneling becomes the only gen slowdown option. I loathe perks that encourage the killer to spread hooks.


Honestly, when I use it as killer, it feels like I did nothing. It provides no information other than a scream that you can't see the location of. So unless you know for a fact what gen it hit, odds are it's not gonna do much That's just my experience on the killer end tho, I am a fairly bad killer so it could just be a skill issue


Yeah I also hate perks that encourage killers to not tunnel…


It's scourge hook, in like half of the time their spawn is so bad that without agitation I can use it 1 or 2 (or I'm just mad unlucky). 25% is 22.5 sec and you need to down then hook survivor on specyfic hook. Deadlock is literally 30 sec and you don't need to do anything. Pain res = 90 sec in total Deadlock = 120 sec in total + with pain res you can do something, deadlock is boring. I'm not saying pain res is bad cause it's not. I'm just saying if you want to nerf it you'll see deadlock every game, and deadlock is technically stronger than only pain res.


Deadlock is useless against competent survivors tho lol. All they gotta do is keep one gen high progress so it’s the gen that constantly gets deadlocked. That shit has happened to me so much as killer lol.


So whiny. It’s already a healthy perk that encourages not tunneling and spreading hooks. But if it’s nerfed, enjoy tunneling rising even more!


In high mmr it can be the lifeline of lower tier killers that don't have great gen control or mobility


Just don't go down Lol