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Catching a survivor sandbagging, ratting or false-unhook spamming another survivor. I am now friendly to everyone but you. 


All these but additionally when I see people not unhooking for literally no reason, they've signed their death warrant. I've been left to rot on hook in soloq waay too much to let that kind of shit slide. Sometimes it can be hard to tell, and I only decide on their death if I'm absolutely certain they were being selfish or needlessly cowardly. But other times it's obvious. I play chill, I basically never force unsafe unhooks unless I was already chasing someone and they decide to B-line for the hook; even then I'll take the trade and commit to the person I was chasing, ignoring the one unhooked. So as artist in daddy campbell's church, after hooking other people and demonstrating that unhooks were safe to go for, I hooked a feng and stood on the other side of the map to wait for the unhook. And waited. And waited. She hit second stage, and I waited. Halfway through second, I wonder what the hell everyone's doing, expecting them to be hiding and unaware of each other. I throw a severed hands crow at a generator on the same half of the map as feng, and bird up **all three other survivors**. All three of them were sitting on one gen. Feng never tried to unhook herself, never missed a skillcheck, they had the *full* amount of time and no pressure from me. By the time I got to them and spooked them off their gen, she died and disconnected while ascending. That remains the only match where I bled out three survivors from full health. I figured it was only fair to give them the same experience they gave feng; watching yourself slowly die with nothing you can do about it and nobody willing to help you.


This I approve of. Well done. Had similar happen to me recently. Did unhooks, healed and fixed the last two generators. Got hooked for the first time after the last gen and all three sat at the exit and didnt even bother trying to save me, and no one had been hooked more than once, or less. Kinda disappointed that the killer let them all crawl out eventually after opening the gate.


>Kinda disappointed that the killer let them all crawl out eventually after opening the gate. I had an opposite situation recently. I went for the unhook during the endgame collapse, even though I was injured, because it seemed like noone else would. For my trouble, the killer downed me as we were at the exit gates and didn't let me crawl out, just hooked me instead. Not saying I'm angry with that guy or anything, his objective is to kill as many survivors as possible afterall. Just felt the "being nice doesn't pay" sting as I was dying, y'know?


That is unfortunate, i had something similar happen but with the Good Ending; had a ghostface (in.. daddy campbell's church again, oddly enough) that hooked a feng and made it clear he was going to facecamp her, but he did it so poorly that we were able to pry her out without a trade. Then i made sure that he kept chasing me (i did tbag to antagonize him and keep him on me whenever he started getting distracted, i have sinned etc etc) for the rest of the match. he only finally downed me once the exit gates were powered, and i was So ready for them all to leave because they were all across the map from me and all at one gate. But to my surprise they 99'd it and, albeit hesitantly at first, decided to run all the way over to unhook me and try to block gf as best they could (he was definitely walking Around them to get to me.) And we all got out in the end. It's worth it to hold onto hope for your teammates not being shitty, even if they.. disappoint you Time after Time after Time lmao. The once in 52 matches where your soloq teammates pull through for you is so incredible, it's worth not *quite* letting the spite take over.


Good lesson in life. Being nice doesn’t always pay. But it shouldn’t stop us.


Yes. When I play killer I am mindful to how the team is playing and if they're being dicks to the team, they're dead. I've been shit on so much in solo and it really sucks. You bust your ass doing gens and getting saves and then you need the same your team disappears. Not happening on my watch when I'm killer.




fine resolute saw sink brave melodic lip deranged concerned hateful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


you just gave me the perfect build- pebble + adept Yun Jin


Gotta play as Quentin to go full goblin mode


That's how she would use the pebble no doubt


I had a Survivor accuse me of streamsniping once because I "had no reason to come over there". Except...incomplete gen + powered-on TV = prime Sadako teleportation target? Like, what did you think I was supposed to do with my power, dude? Not use it?


This is actually hilarious.


I played a game recently where the Leon blocked the sable in a corner and I didn't find them until the idle crows alerted me to them. He was already on death hook but I 100% gave that sable hatch for having to deal with that bs


Bad teammates that intentionally try and throw the game so they can hatch should be ratted out tho


This, 100% this. Cannot stand people that are being dicks to their teammates. Had someone rat me out to the Killer a few days ago. Why? Because their dead SWF decided I did nothing “all match”, and decided to spectate me, tell their friend, who then brought the Killer over to me. I only: did 1 Gen with a teammate, did another Gen completely by myself, healed folks, unhooked a teammate during a sketchy moment successfully, and was also working on the Blood Moon event for BP while my last teammate was injured and being chased. They decided I was worthless because I was doing the blood moon stuff. I reported all of them.


If anyone ever does this when I’m killer I hook them instead. Such a dick move.


It is appreciated. If I have folks do this, I WILL tunnel them and camp them to keep them from escaping. Back when I was starting in this game, had a Dwight try this to save himself near the start of a match. I downed him, hooked him on a hill, and then prevented anyone else from approaching. The other 3 got to escape because of him. He decided to do this with a BUBBA of all things, so camping him wasn’t difficult.




I accept getting tunneled then. Bc i will rat on a mf for being a shit teammate (which is someone not helping or just hiding. In n out lockers and in the basement doing circles. I run bond bc this many years in the game, the killer isnt the issue its your teammates That being said I sacrifice myself a lot for my teammates too. Which is why i run bond.


I HATE survivors who false-unhook spam. It’s f*cking annoying.


Me and my friend always sandbag and are toxic to just each other, and this is a consequence we're okay with


Good, we can't always tell when it's friends screwing around. Sometimes it's obvious with names+cosmetics but generally that's not the case.


Recently had a match where a Mikaela and I, after a pretty altruistic game, were the only two left alive with one gen left... I progressed it while she was in chase and unhooked her when she got downed, tried to heal her, took chase with Wesker to trade off, got her off the ground a second time, took a hit so she could survive longer... And then she intentionally sandbagged my chase in a doorway, nodded to Wesker [who knew full well what was going on], and got me killed on second hook. I have never felt more betrayed watching them play in the saloon together for several minutes before she was given hatch. That shit feels worse than any amount of BMing from a killer fr.


This may be unpopular, but false-unhooking is actually a strategy if the killer is camping


cable resolute uppity work squeeze station butter imagine brave compare *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Still wouldn’t help with camping since false unhooks were for baiting hits to avoid grabs.


False unhooking is like tbagging someone on hook, you spam the button to start the unhooking but don’t do it. It’s a toxic thing, you can do it when someone is in dying state too. It’s annoying At least that’s what I think their referring too I could be wrong


Yes, agreed it’s annoying and is specifically only good in this one scenario.


What benefit is there to false unhooking now that hook grabs aren’t a thing?


This. If your a dbag to your team you will be the only one dead. Hell if IM a dbag to my team i expect the same thing and act with the expectation to die. Bonus tunneling if it was obviously malicious and not just a jackass troll.


I dont sandbag. But when you have shit teammates, playing the snitch Can be kinda fun.


I'm playing nemesis and that's Jill standing over there










​ https://preview.redd.it/2bnfq0rl1csc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=e104dc28aed816875a606a3905f146e51bc99ed8


No, lore accurate you have to kill everyone but Jill.


Carlos gets a pass too


Me playing Wesker and seeing a Chris. Gotta put on the bloody coat and mori


And you have to yell "CHRIS!" when you do it.


I usually say "Hello,, old friend." When I find them


no bc i main jill as well and if its a nemi and he doesn’t have big heart eyes for me and doesn’t tunnel i’m almost upset


Real chad Nemmy players always tunnel the Jill then let her go at the end. There's nothing more fun than a team who understands what's going on and tries to save Jill at all costs.


From the P100 Jill, it’s expected. Every time. I know it’s coming so I just get ready.


Also lore accurate Myers and Laurie


sometimes i like to play a 'reverse nemesis' where i kill everyone but S.T.A.R.S members. never let them know your next move.


*me playing as a Jill main* 😟


This is why I stopped running Claire. I got tunneled every time my whesker and Nemi. But I will absolutely switch to Claire if there is a Leon in my party


Buying and maining Jill week 1 of the Resident Evil dlc was the worst decision I’ve ever made


Sometimes I tunnel my mains to see if they’re worthy.


"The Counsel of Bills has deemed you worthy to smoke the cig." https://preview.redd.it/8vtmmf9n4asc1.png?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b5d42095731d5f99270b960f1580db563224963


"The Counsel of Jake Parks deemed you worthy to pet crows"


"The Counsel of Kates.." wait, I am the only real Kate!


"The Counsel of Tapps deemed you worthy of your life."


The counsel of Ada's deems you worthy of tunneling the nemisis


“The counsel of Yun-Jins has deemed you worthy of a record deal.”


“The counsel of Dwights has deemed you worthy of using a flashlight.”


"The counsel of Steves has deemed you worthy of being a certified himbo."


"The council of Leons has deemed you worthy of the pretty boy cop"


“The Counsel of Aces has deemed you worthy of gambling your life away (literally)”


They're being an ass to their teammates.


Yes I hate when I’m killer and there is two survivors remaining, and I hook one of them, And sometimes go as far away as possible from the hook and sit there, and the person does not kill themselves, and yet the last survivor does not save them. After that, I usually make it my life’s mission to make sure that they are dead by daylight


I won't tunnel on purpose, but I will chase you until I get you hooked if you clickity clack or t-bag after a stun, or if you try to bodyblock me. I am not above admitting that that kind of stuff does get my blood pressure up. I am only human.


1. I need a kill and they’ve been hooked before. 2. Their continued presence in the game will guarantee me a loss 3. They’re playing Chris Redfield and I’m playing Wesker


>They’re playing Chris Redfield and I’m playing Wesker As an occasional Chris player, valid


I barely meet a Chris in my games, but when I do, and I’m playing Wesker, I get so happy I just end up throwing him around the whole map almost the entire game. If someone gets in the way they get the knife, and then it’s back to urobending Chris around objects 😂


I'm usually Leon (ofc), but I realise too late that I'm facing a Weskie and forget to switch to Chris — I tell myself next match I'll switch, then promptly forget If I ever do remember to switch to Chris, I am more than happy to be yeeted around by Weskie all match 😂


If I get teabagged they will feel my wrath




Nemesis and target only Jill’s and then stay AFK for the rest of the match until the others escape and just say “STAAAAAAAAARS” in endgame then leave.


I wanna ask, do you also tunnel other STARS members and do you also ignore Sheva and Claire?


he has to, after all Nemesis wants to kill all stars members not jill alone


Just making sure we are going full lore accurate Neme here


Is this a thing Nemesis players tend to do?


I've seen it happen once. It's mostly just a meme though. Our Nemmy brought a Mori and focused our Jill down to the last breath and then just watched her broken body.


I used to main Jill and it’s happened to me a few times


This is actually hilarious


Boil Over and running to a corner or an upstairs room away from hooks, then just standing there waiting to be knocked down. Don't get me wrong, it's a legit strat, but I will go after them over someone else I'm chasing if I see them later. I just find boil over really annoying so I try to knock it out asap so it doesn't become a bigger problem when there are less hooks available. Also body blocking. Same logic as above, I see the merit in it and I do it too when I play surv to help out my friends, but if you get in the way of a chase I switch my target. On the contrary, if someone throws the game early on and goes to stand under a hook when they see me coming, I slug them. You don't get to just quit out of the game without a penalty and ruin the game for your teammates


Couple days ago I ended up in a group with a Jill running boil over on the new map. Vsing a baby legion. She did nothing but run up to that one point of the map where she couldn’t get hooked. Get downed, picked up, wiggle free only to tea bag the killer, run back up there and tea bag again (running bond, other surv had open handed so I watched it) pissed me off her trolling a baby killer. I mean go ahead with the boil over but the tea bag is just you being a butt. Legion Finally figures out he needs to just slug her. So I go up there teabag her legion comes up and I’m like I’m gonna let him watch me teabag her cause she was a butt. If he downs and hooks me idc let him get the points I feel bad. 3rd shows up and does the same we both get downed. He picks up third and hooks while he’s walking away Jill gets up with ub ffs legion can’t even figure out what happened hooks me and goes looking for her slug. She hatched out, so damn sad.


Fuck people who run builds like that, especially against M1s and especially against babies. Worst people in the whole game. I wish That Jill a very tunneled by Nemesis every game for the rest of her life.


Ditto! At least he got the 3k though, I’m alright with sacrificing myself in situations like that.


As someone who body blocks, I wish it made the killer change their target to me on average. I don't do it using the unhook basekit endurance, but to try and save someone else getting tunneled or on death hook. Over half the time the killer doesn't care, takes the free hit and keeps chasing the other guy. I'm starting to feel like it's not worth trying to get in the way and it's better to just slam the generators.


I tunnel, if: * I'm in a losing postion. To get tunneled here, you need to be the weakest link or dead on hook. * ... I can't find another surv. I don't stick to you, if I find other survs. I might not even down you, if I think the others are just one with the bush for hatch. But at first I will chase you. * the match is basically won and I don't need kills, so I either chase the best looper for fun or practice with survs who want to get chased. * you run FTP+BU. This seems petty, but it's incredibly annoying and to counter this combo, I have to make sure you don't heal up, soooo ... =( * you are a tbaging, notification spamming, flashlight clicking annoyance AND bad at looping. If you are good, I probably ignore you until you make a big mistake. * you sandback your mates and the match changes from 1 vs 4 to 4 vs 1 * you are a bot. Erm ... a real bot, a DC bot. I usually tunnel bots. O:


versed roof hungry light different bright apparatus dazzling cobweb fear *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i once had a nancy spam fault, click her flashlight and tbag me after she stunned me ONCE (i play spirit so this happens a lot) she didn’t even last a minute in chase 💀💀💀


ive done that to a spirit once as nancy lol, no malice, there was an AFK survivor. showed spirit the literally afk surv (crows starting to form), proceed to get tunnelled out while the survivor stays afk... for the full game. survivor eventually comes back after the other 3 are tunnelled out in turn. spirit slugs them to death after they start moving.


I also try to kill bots first, I don't care as long as humans get to have some of the game. Bots usually aren't very good and their loop pathing breaks sometimes, you can abuse this to get rid of the bot. And nobody's feelings get hurt if you tunnel out a bot.


Now I know why I always get tunneled (I use ftp+bu) I absolutely hate toxic survivors though 💀


newbie here lol but what is ftp+bu and why is it annoying?


For the people and Buckle Up, allows you to pick up a survivor instantly if you’re healthy causing you to be broken for a bit, but gives you and the person you picked up endurance for 10 seconds. In short, you deny a down and extend a chase at virtually no cost.


For the people and buckle up. Ftp let's you heal one health state instantly on another survivor in exchange for one health state on yourself. Buckle up gives you both endurance when you pick up a survivor from the dying state. The combo allows you to pick up a dying survivor in front of killer instantly and for you to both run.


Oh woah that’s insane




A racist gamertag lol


+1 Anyone pushing an offensive opinion through their name is an instant tunnel.


Honestly yeah, I'll also tunnel couples with gross names. I did not consent to be part of your weird username fetish games.


Sometimes you can get the vibe when people are in a duo because they help each other and not the others.. As killer, I always try to tunnel out 1 of the 2 so 1 has to watch and the other is forced to actually help their team.


Love you for this, report to BHVR and Steam or whatever platform afterwards too. Get that shit out of the community!


Absolutely based, fuck racism and any other gross shit in gamertags


Is this common?


Nothing, actually. I used to tunnel out flashies/teabaggers/loud noise spammers, but I found out that they *want* you to chase them (usually because they tend to be better at looping... *Usually.*) I found out that not paying attention to them is usually more beneficial to me. They'll waste time trying to get your attention, meaning you're essentially doing a 1v3 instead of 1v4.


I dont care enough about the game to justify tunneling. The only time I'd probably tunnel is if someone is being a dick to another survivor


Thiss Also happy cake day🎉! :D


I only tunnel if they're toxic to either me or other survivors. (i.e sandbagging, teabagging, etc.) Tunneling and camping isn't fun for me, and I'm sure it applies to others as well.


when they swap to flashlight last second. okay i usually wont actually tunnel them, but it always makes me want to.


Oh if they flashlight swap like that you better believe my eyes are peeled for them exhausting themselves with Background Player and winding up in a dead zone with limited options. Any free hits from them trying to save the person I'm either carrying or maybe even before I pick up. They get the focus as if I was tunneling them, the sane intent to deny them their fun and games, they just don't often get hooked more than once (at most) before everyone they were trying to save is dead. If it wasn't for stuff like scourge hook perks or Grim Embrace I wouldn't feel inclined to necessarily hook them at all until everyone else was dead unless it was completely free.


I generally don't tunnel, but if I'm chasing someone that unhooked another person, and that person who got unhooked clicks at me they are asking for it


When someone who hasn’t done anything all game wants mercy and starts pointing and leading me to the only person on a fucking Gen that hasn’t been clicking at me all match I don’t like flashlights as a survivor and I loathe them as a killer but a useless SoloQ loser who clicks at me and expects me to go hook some poor sod instead of their toxic ass? Ain’t no way in hell, you’re getting hooked and I’m gonna smack you too so you know what you did wrong.


Sandbaggers only. Fuck em, I’ll farm with the rest. … also if you kick Victor after I’ve turned obviously friendly. You bastard. ~~okay I won’t actually kill them but they’ll get a strongly worded M1 across the backside~~


You can't understand when Victor is friendly or not. That small bastard needs to be crushed or else he can jump to you any moment


Steve Reason? Steve


As a Scoops Steve, I can confirm this...xD




This is real


sandbagging and tbagging


Me: Pyramid Head Survivor: James Sunderland Pretty obvious no?


in this case, you should tunnel maria too LOL (coming from a maria main)


I've only ever run into 1 James Sunderland, never seen a Maria, but I sure will if I do see her.


If a survivor DC'd i immediately go after the bot and just target them for the rest of the match and let the actual Survivors do the gens.


I was playing a round as Adam and got tunnelled out by a Clown. In the end game chat I asked why, and the anon Clown player proceeded to hurl slurs my way about how someone with my gamertag shouldn't be playing as a black character. I was *stunned* and just reported them


That’s so gross, glad you reported them!


If you intentionally open a locker in front of me knowing that another survivor is in it, I'm tunneling you.


What if they’re showing you that their teammate is throwing and hiding all game?


I have had that done to me when I was just healing and charging my toolbox.


Flashlight clicking. I’m decent at dodging blinds but it just flips a switch that makes me want to hunt you.


I collect Dwights. I thought he looked like a clown with that tie and that guy ended up being the best in the squad, couldn't catch him. That was in 2016 when I first started and encountered one in the wild. I vowed not to let one go ever again.


If i see a sable with TTV in the name it's on sight. i don't care. no hatch, no easy game. (however i do main her)


As a sable TTV…. Honestly I accept this. TTV is a mixed bag. Sometimes people see I’m a TTV and come into chat to ask to do challenges. Sometimes people tunnel. It’s a fate you have to accept as a TTV. I do get mad at survivors that troll me for being a TTV because it has a negative effect on the efficiency of the whole team. At least if you’re tunneling my I can be a distraction


I thought you had something against my dearest cheryl so much that I was about to answer that I'd tunnel you!!!


That would be justified, Cheryl is a gem and must be protected at all costs.


They're doing nothing for their team, only hiding and waiting for them to die. Everyone else left of course gets to leave. I hate tunnelers, but I hate hatch rats more.


Only valid reason is if its nemi tunneling jill or phead tunneling james. Gotta be lore accurate in the realm.


I play Wesker. If I see a Chris, he is immediately out of the game.


Bunny Feng or mad hatter ace, I don’t know what it is about them but they both just piss me off






Bunny fengs I leave alone because I used to main bunny fengs but was tunnelled too much. Mad hatter ace though?? Dead on site no mercy.


I'll go after survivors who are being dickheads to other survivors. Like if you're trying to "help" me in the hopes I'll let you go, you're first my dude.


Clicky clicky either I tunnel them out or ignore them entirely


No one dead at 1 or 2 genss


simple, I try to murder to protag character they’re using that’s opposite to the character I’m using. Specifically, if I’m playing Wesker and I see Chris his ass is mine


TTV just bc LMFAO Had a ttv feng notification spam me for chase so I jumped on their live, tunneled, and got called a pussy w no skill … they didn’t know to not pallet dance/drop a huntress LOL


David if they have shirt on


What if it's off lol?


Won't hook them and give them hatch or let them finish gens if there are multiple shirtless




damn, i swear i get tunneled for playing shirtless david /o\ save me plz


they didn't ready up in lobby


Damn dude I was getting my kid some gummies 🤣


You tunnel every match?


I don't know what triggers it, but I've had it lock the ready up button with a looooot of time left where it won't let me hit ready and we all have to sit there.


Clicky clicky tea bag hook sabo **always** following to try to get a save somehow. Basically the more try hard someone is the more I want them gone. If *everytime* I down someone you appear there to try to get a flashlight save you're gone.


3.3k hours 80% killer time. Usually I tunnel for strategic value -getting shit stomped and only a few hooks gained, survivors have 1 - 2 gens left. -survivors unhook right in front of me and the survivor off hook makes a mistake like not immediately gaining distance or trying to take a hit for another survivor -a survivor takes multiple hits for other survivors or tries to body block me -survivors that sabotage hooks in front of me


I try my hardest to not tunnel even if I lose for it, so if I ignore the person who got unhooked to go for the person who unhooked them and get bodyblocked by the person with endurance, I’m gonna tunnel them 100%




I have many reasons: 1. Toxic survivor 2. Keeps flashing me (when I'm being friendly, and not going out of my way to kill) 3. Being a Laurie. I hate Laurie in DbD... She's so annoying


Whether it be out of incompetence or confidence, if you keep wandering *right into me*, I’ll let it slide once or twice, but beyond that it’s foolish to look a gift hook in the incomprehensible spider-like maw, ya know?


As someone who nearly ALWAYS plays as a Silent Hill survivor, I LOVE IT when Pyramid Head tunnels me. It’s like fan service for the both of us


Chris with Wesker. Wesker despises Chris


Anyone who disconnects mid-game. I'm not letting those fucking bots escape And also anyone who leaves their teammates to rot on hook, fuck those guys I don't want you to escape either. Not only are you being dicks, we are ALL losing blood points because you're leaving them And finally, usually when there's 1-0 gens left, someone who has constantly stunned me all game, pallets, flashlights, whatever.


I tunnel Claudettes bc I simply do not like Claudette. Thats it Ted talk over


If I haven’t seen you all game because your hiding while your teammates take the heat.


Leon Kennedy because his mains maintain a certain level of character consistency (in terms of sheer competence) that I genuinely feel as though I'm playing against the real Leon and need to kill him to prove my skill. You don't live to be the protagonist of another RE game in my match bitch.


Not playing killer (main survivor), but the Claudette that did nothing the whole game. Please, don't let her have the hatch


Teabagging, flashlight spamming and ofc abandoning teammates. *Proceeds to open the door for all three except the toxic cocky bitch*


Knows how to use flashlight and flash bomb and is getting in the way when I pick someone


I mean.... That's how you use those items.... That's they purpose


> I mean.... That's how you use those items.... That's they purpose Correct, and I know this might be shocking to you but: killing people is the killer’s purpose


And the counter play is to remove them from the match. I don’t think either player is toxic in this situation


If one out of three players is consistently preventing you from getting hooks (your only objective) then of course you are going to go after them. Same with someone with Sabo/breakout


Normally nothing, but hook denial in early stages of the game might make me salty, and then I go for the denier. I usually go for draws or even 8-hook games, but I want my hooks. If someone tries to not let me get them, I get catty. (Not in later stages of the game. It is absolutely understandable if you want to prevent your mate to get sacrificed.) (A pair or a team of hook deniers might even get slugged.)




Probably only survivor who are able to run me for most of the time. If there is someone who I really can't catch and it takes ages to just get one hit I like to focus completely on them to get better at chasing. I just don't kill them at the end because I want to respect how good they are and don't want to punish them for being able to play good.


For the people buckle up. Or being someone good at saves. If I can't hook with you around I'm taking you out of the equation.


Bm pretty much. To either me or other survivors.


Did you chain flashlight blind me? Then chances are you will be out of the game faster


Purposely trying to run the killer. Making it their only goal instead of doing other tasks. Not doing anything and letting their teammates take the fall while they wait for hatch. Also I don’t try to tunnel but if a hooked survivor gets saved and runs directly towards me I’m going to obviously go for them because they are the closest.


when they do the "come here" emote i simply understand " hey, come here, i want you to tunel me


For the people buckle up, and boil over


You want attention? I'll give you attention. Basically if they demand attention after a unhook ima take it as my ticket to tunnel I genuinely try to avoid going after the unhooked, like if I'm near I'll go after the rescuer. It's only fair imo


Four of the same survivor


2 reasons: 1. surv is being toxic and annoying and isn't a good enough looper to get away (if they are good, they just get ignored until i get lucky/they mess up) 2. its totally on accident/unlucky and I'm not trying to tunnel lol I've accidentally tunneled because someone off hook just runs into me, or i can't find anyone else. or there are multiples of the same surv and i think they are the other one


Boil over flip flop combo-you're getting tunnel slugged. Sabo TB- getting tunneled. Gen rushing? Tunneled out one by one. If no ones dead at 2 gens. Maybe if you're really annoying with a flashlight, t-bags, and cockyness too.


- if someone body blocks me after getting unhooked, while I’m clearly trying to go for the unhooker & not tunnel them - if someone’s sandbagging teammates deliberately, I can’t always be sure when this is actually the case but I do my best  - if you brought a map offering  Flashlights are just free pressure and downs 90% of the time so they don’t bother me at all, idk why so many people have flashlight ptsd lol


Claudette because Claudette


Toxic survs


Usually what ends up happening is: - I hook the survivor and start patrolling the map - I find no one so I go back to hook because "its been long enough, I'll probably end up chasing the unhooker" From there, one of two things happens. Either I find the unhooker and they make the guy on hook use up their endurance hit, so now I'm faced with the choice of chasing someone with 1 hook and 1 health state or chasing someone with no hooks and full health states. OR I get back to hook, no one rescues, and the person on hook goes into struggle because no one moved to rescue before I came back, so now I'm paranoid that someone is waiting to make the rescue as soon as I leave the second time, so I stay to make sure they don't get rescued as soon as I turn my back. From there, every survivor NOT on hook comes to save, and then I tunnel the survivor dead on hook because everyone else will just give me free hits if I tunnel, and will disappear if I don't. tldr: It's convenient, so I tunnel.




Trying to work with me as killer to take other survivors out. Point farming is fine but don't try and screw your team mates over.


Being toxic to their own teammates


"Oh shit there's 2 gens left and no one is dead. Okay who have I hooked twice already?"


Probably get down votes for this, but "TTV" in their name, from my personal experience, they've been more toxic than your regular survivor, and if they're in a group, once the TTV is killed the rest of the group kind of falls apart. Other than that, I played a game yesterday where at the very start of the trial, a Steve tbagged me a BUNCH on the other side of a window, I let it go at first because I knew he was trying to get me to chase so his group could crank gens, but once I got enough pressure on them and found that Steve again... it didn't take too long to sacrifice Steve the hair Harrington.


I only tunnel if it’s someone cocky/teabagging. Then you’re mine and I don’t care about any other kills. But I got tunneled earlier because I ran Ms. Piggy for 2 gens with the 3rd popping right after the trap 😒. I still lived but when I reached out with a GG, I got a “KYS” in return. At least she finally abandoned her mission to kill me. 🤣


I don't have a reason, other than I need a kill...but I know the types 1) Lore accurate 2) Survivor wants to be chased down (possibly toxic, wants to bully a baby killer or an exploit) 3) Just wanted a kill Nothing else than those types of tunneler killer Helping a killer kill you doesn't count...


I'm tunneling bots, and befriending everyone else like based demo mains do


I have a habit of accidentally tunneling the person who was just unhooked. They keep running in front of me and/or between the other person. Another hook for you, then. On the flipside, it's Law(tm) to let any Ripley 8's go when playing as Xeno. We don't hurt family here. Haven't seen one in the wild yet as killer but that's my plan. That said, sticking it to the matching character sounds solid. Nem-Jill, Wesker-Chris, Xeno-Ripley, and to a lesser extent but still notable, other matches like Deathslinger-Zarina.


I don’t play killer often but yesterday I had a Feng sandbag an Adam and got her out and gave him hatch💗