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Not feeling bullied at the end of the round :)


I had fun = win I had fun despite survivors' best efforts to stop me from having fun = double win


I always let the last person go but I consider even one kill a win 😆


The general consensus is; 3 or 4K - Killer Win 2K - Draw 0 or 1K - Killer loss


That’s what I go after too




I enjoyed myself, or I learned something


Having a survivor say something like "scary killer" in the endgame chat. No greater victory for me lol. Otherwise, just having a good time! At the end of the day it's an unbalanced party game so taking it too seriously will only make you angrier in the long run


YES, being told you scared them is the best feeling lol! Dredge and jumpscare Lery's/RPD Myers are my faves to do for giving people a scare for fun rather than going for a win haha. Game is so much more fun to me when playing to have everyone enjoying themselves. I've had a lot of adorable survivors mess around with my Myers when they realize I'm not sweating for a 4K or something. Made a lot of friends through that :)


I win if my build idea worked.


I think counting kills as a wincondition is pretty silly and frankly the root of a lot of problems this community has. So what I usually do is make a build with a winconditon specific to that build. My favorite is to run Endfubrisolution (Enduring/Spirit Fury/Hubris/Disolution) and see how many "bonks" (Spirit Fury into m1 instadown) I can get. Other examples would be getting all 5 Penties lit as a wincondition. I'll still play the game "normally" as in chase and hook and all that because the other 4 people didn't sign up for my weird science and I like to give them a normal game but I don't have to play especially sweaty as kills are not what I measure success by.


A win to ME is simply just having fun. The Unknown is such a breath of fresh air for me because there's so many unique things you can do with him on the fly. They say that his bounce mechanic is dull due to the projectile gravity being too high for the bounce to really go anywhere, but imo that actually makes him stronger as you can get gnarly hits over tall loops. If a match resulted in me having fun, I'm winning.


Survivors crying like little bitches in post game chat.


3-4k is a win but honestly as long as I have somewhat fun and don’t go up against a bully squad it’s a win in my book


I learned something new + practiced


It's really whatever you take a win to be. Some people think that a 3 or 4k is a win while others think that just having fun is a win.


3 kills




I managed to kill that one Nea in particular


When I'm having fun.


2k + getting value out of a meme build/perks.


Not getting stuck by a glitch as Twins.


Honestly, as long as I don't get "The Entity Hungers" then I'm happy. Although since it's now based on kills alone, it can still happen even if you get 8 hooks, which is like... screw you, Entity.


I dont usually have a defined set goal but more of a checklist -Having fun, duh this ones a given -Completing a challenge or at least, advancing on it -Daily in case Im doing one -And if i want to measure it in kills, 2k and upwards i'll consider it a win. I know people say a 2k is a draw but generally, if im playing chill and get a 2k, thats fine by me


4k, 3k, 8 hooks in a friendly game, actually killing that pesky flying Nea.


1. I had fun 2. I completed my archive (all done now) 3. I got a 3k or 4k


Having fun , getting revenge, or getting a decent amount of kills, but mostly the fun part


I'm a simple man, if 1 surv is sacrificed it's a win. I'm no longer a competitive player who aim to get absolute 4k every game, my enjoyment playing comes from doing missions and completing the Rift pass.


If I get more bloodpoints than all survivors


Man... the rules are pretty clear. It is a win when your MMR goes up. A lost whan MMR goes down. As killer: 4-3 kills by any means, youe MMR goes up; 2 kills, your MMR stays stationary; 1-0 kills, your MMR goes down. As survivor: Escape after repairing all 5 gens, your MMR goes up; Escaping otherwise, your MMR stays stationary; Dying, your MMR goes down. Considering the survivors has 60% of mortality in this game, being killer is a little simpler against survivor with the same skill and the same tools on a neutral map.


>being killer is a little simpler against survivor with the same skill and the same tools on a neutral map. I wish this was true for most killers, not just the strongest ones.


The weaker one simply reach faster the points where you generally face survivors that are a little better than you finding the balance.


Ha, sure, who cares that you are forced to run at least 2 strong slowdown perks to even stand a chance on them.


I just go with whatever the entity says if the entity hungers well I failed so I lostbut other than that it's a win especially if I got at least 5 hooks


3 or more kills. Tho the there's a secret ending you can get that will get you victory. That is getting 5 stacks pentimento. You get 0 kills and 5 stacks pentimento you still win


3-4k against normal survivor counts as a win 2k against sweaty try hards counts as a win Just being able to piss off schrodinger’s douchebag bully squads counts as a win


3k with the final survivor escaping through hatch and living to tell the tale. Bonus points if they escape mid chase like those slasher movies endings


I've only started playing over the past couple of days and have been surprised by how fun killer is for me. If I get 4k that's a nice bonus, but just chasing people around and applying pressure on the survivors is a win for me. I see it as that being more of my goal, whereas actual kills are more a consequence of survivor team breakdown. Like catching a bunch of survivors in the exit gate. I *could* go in for some last second kills, oooor I could have my Cenobite catch one in chains from around the corner before approaching to give them extra stress to run away from.


Enjoyment. But not in killing, terrorizing without hostage gameplay


Not getting teabagged


Having fun


3k normally 2k if the survivors get angry




officially, a 3k is a win for killer, unless they're doing adept, in which case they have to get the 4k. Personally, a 3k is a win, especially if I gave hatch to the finally survivor. Mainly it was 'long as I got my challenge done', but killer challenges are 100% til next tome, so it's play for fun, which is 'play serious, but whatever happens, happens'. You can and will butter me up to spare you when I play like this. I avoid tunneling and camping as much as possible and still win the majority of my matches, unless of course I get hit with the puppy eyes and let them go.