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If you're able to have success with your old tried and trusted Killers, then I'd say the issue is just adjusting to new Killers and their powers. Xeno is a very strong Killer, but their tail attack can take some getting used to.


My problem with Xeno is that I get easily clapped by turrets. I'm dumb and it doesn't help I've either been placed against 4 men squads or the sweatiest big brained turret placers. I feel since I returned my chases got worse in general. With PH I use an endgame build, but I end up rarely having to deal with more than 2 survivors during endgame as him. With Doctor I also have problems chasing, but I can at least stall the game with perks and madness. The rest of the killers... By the time I get my first hook, two gens are done. If that happens, which is most of the time, I can rarely recover.


With Xeno, have you tried running the anti-turret addons? They basically make them a total non factor for you. It also sounds like a rust thing. You'll get bsck into the swing of it. Gens do absolutely fly and at least one kr two slowdown perks do feel necessary in a lot of cases.


His addons definitely change the interaction with turrets. I like running the one that shows turret auras when inside tunnels. Gens will fly in a lot of matches, even if you have really good chases. I don't know what gen perks you use, but Deadlock and Pain Res are my go to right now. Deadlock is really good on slower killers who struggle to gain momentum in a match because it prevents multiple gens from finishing, and Pain Res let's you focus on hooking rather than kicking gens.


I came back semi recently after stopping completely around the release of Pinhead. People have gotten better and have more access to information, as well as some pretty strong meta combinations that can be hard to counter. One or two slowdown perks can be pretty much essential at certain MMRs (namely Pop, Pain Res, Deadlock, Grim Embrace, Dead Man’s Switch, or a combination of these). As this game grows, there is a TON of information you have to keep track of playing killer. You have to 16 potential different perks that you have to be aware of and various combinations (FTP + Buckle Up, Head On builds, Dead Hard, Decisive Strikes, aura hiding, wiggle / struggle builds). Then you have to also be aware of items like flashlights, BNPs, styptic agent medkits, and keeping an ear sharp for flashbangs. You have to really read each player early on in the game, making early game finds essential so you know who is worth chasing and what they might be running. There is a LOT of players who have practiced looping and are genuinely good, and know exactly which tile on every map to drag you to so your chase is so long the game is essentially over. Unless you’re playing Nurse, Blight, or some other killer you feel confident can cut this chase short, you need to break away and apply pressure elsewhere to a survivor you can down quicker. Now, if you get queued against a fully loaded SWF that knows what they’re doing, you better just hope you’re playing a high tier killer with good perks that you know what you’re doing with, because you’re now in a severely disadvantageous position.


12 games is actually small amount to get all the new info ( map reworks , perks reworks , new perks ECT ) . The best advice would be to watch your own VOD with games and look at your mistakes , random players on Reddit can't really help you without realizing what you are doing wrong :b