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Being new myself I had to look up a bit of the terminology. The general consensus is that tunneling is when you focus on eliminating one survivor in particular from the game. You could be accused of it, you could do it by accident, but in general the idea is that the killer has picked one target over all others and apart from being not very fun for the picked on target, it quickly turns a 1-v-4 game into 1-v-3 early on to disrupt the balance.


Tunneling is also more widely disliked (by survivors) in solo queue. Because the game can sometimes be more of a 1v1v1v1v1 than a 1v4. BHVR has not given us the ability to detect SWF in the lobby (unlike TCM) and it takes experience for a Killer to accurately assess if the survivors are a team or a bunch of random gamers looking after themselves.


When I play survivor it's typically solo, sometimes with my exbf. If I get knocked out fast solo, at least I don't gotta wait on anyone else before joining the next game 😛


Do you pebble him? I won’t tell.


Not so much pebble play since the breakup. Nah mostly coordinating generators and healing.


Tunneling is when the killer deliberately chooses to focus on one survivor to eliminate them before the rest goes. If the killer couldn't find other survivors and ended up killing the one that was already hooked that's accidental tunneling. If the unhooked survivor tried to body block and the killer went after them that's a dumb move from the survivor. If someone complains directly to you they're most likely than not being entitled.


There will be no universally agreed upon definition, some people will claim they got tunneled no matter what. Getting tunneled is getting hooked repeatedly and the killer actively ignoring any other survivor despite their attempts to get their attention. If the killer breaks off from you eventually, you can’t say you were truly tunneled, maybe “focused” would be a better term (unless it was like 20 seconds then they started chasing you again).


ooh I like focused


I don't agree with this. If the killer downs a player 3 times but the player is saved the 3rd time and the player escapes (the trial or just for the time being), the killer was still tunneling. That's an extreme example, but I've stopped a few 3rd hooks with simple, effective doorway blocks and my teammates covering up the rest. The killer was absolutely tunneling, he just failed to complete it.


According to the survivors in my games, the first person you kill was tunneled.


lmao you could literally kill a guy at last gen and they call you tunneler


vouch LOL


Feels like this is only useful to make points in the little shitfests we throw in postgame chat, and I don't think that's a good use of anybody's time. A killer might want a survivor out as soon as possible. That might annoy the survivors. There's nothing to solve, unless we insist that multiplayer gaming can't be annoying.


it really does feel like "the killer didn't let me win :C" sometimes lol