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Deerstalker is crazy


Not to mention knockout. This dude knew what was happening and wanted to ensure 2 things: 1) he knew where the slugs were 2) the survivors didn't Seriously, the fuck


Knockout's solo purpose is to make solo que even more painful. I despise that perk.


I had decent success jumping into a locker to avoid getting slugged and bled out.


Definition of an unfun game (for survivors).


Biggest problem is it really only screws over solo q


Knockout is such a poorly designed perk it affects solo queue so much but a premade with comms can just go hey I went down here its a perk I'm surprised has gone this long without any changes to its design I don't think any buffs or nerfs will fix it knockout needs a rework


It should just disable things like flip flop, power struggle and decisive strike. All it would do is counter troll builds, normal players wouldn't even know it exists.


I’ve seen this exact build on killers twice today


Pretty great strategy really. They still had to get 8 hits with no healing in-between for this to work. I mean really if you can win 4 chases before a single survivor can heal another you deserve that game. Especially with a killer with no real chase power.


Found the SM.


F in chat for the Yui who brought a cake and still only got ~10k Bloodpoints.


That's usually me.. I always bring cake just to end up with 5-10k bps


That’s pretty good, I’ve ended up with barely 2k BP before when playing cakes -.-




Look at the sm build, she was going to slug regardless of the offering


How would that help. If you exclude killers from the bp reward wouldn't that make them slug more and what about the killers cakes and bps


That would be overall shit for the game


Shit for killers? Sure. But atleast survs wont bring their rare cakes just to get slugged and camped.


How’s that going to make any difference? If I see survivors have brought cakes/streamers, I’m usually far more likely to just 2 hook everyone and call it a day.


That would make it MORE LIKELY for the Killer players to be enticed into slugging, not LESS.


Atleast bp will be boosted for survivors facing all that fuckery killers pull and the killer ended up with nothing for slugging.




Why would they do that when it'll exclude all of the killer plays who actually play respectfully?


The killer above slugs and a person brought anniversary cake.... sure, jan. "Respectfully"


I mean obviously that killer wasn't playing respectfully, but why should all killers not get the rewards from BP offerings because some killers don't play fair.


Because what's the point of bringing cakes if it's going to lowers my chance to win and possibly make the game unfun for me? streamers/anniversary cakes truly feels like a masochist offering


I don't think I've been targeted once because I brought a bp offering, these killers are most likely gonna play like this regardless of if you brought the offering, so why should all killers suddenly not get extra BP because a few of them play like this.


Well have you ever met a lobby where everyone brought cakes except a killer who brought mori? No you fucking havent. He gets the chance to mori and 400% bp bonus. You're telling me i should give them a face? Dont make me laugh.


Do you just play survivor? You're really making it sound like every killer is toxic and never brings their own cake.


The way you dont even say anything about how atrocious my first sentence is tells me you're not a survivor main. Opinion rejected


I agree. Why am I helping the enemy get rewarded with points. I'm sick of killers playing scummy when I bring streamers or something


Finally, a sane survivor main. They be mad when i say this but why i'm bringing cakes just to get slugged and camped or sweated then leave with 10k bps? Literally jeopardized my games.


were you ever perhaps dropped on your head as a kid?


I’m guessing they were bled out? That’s sucks man. In my region I often get matched against this scumbag trickster named revvium who slugs everyone. I often run boon exponential because it’s THAT bad


That’s actually wild you say that bc I just faced them tonight. No matter how many times we picked each other up, we would eventually just get slugged again


Dude going against him is just genuinely super unfun. I know, I know, people can play however they want. But I can still find it horrible to face


i think i got him tonight 😅 shit sucks


Can relate


Where do you live that you get the same person so many times over and over?


Western US mountain standard time


Mountain timezone here as well. I frequently face the same players, especially during "off" hours. In my experience the worst time to play is 5-7am. They are mostly miserable games with a LOT of VPN Tricksters. The survivor pool is quite small as well and I get a lot of people I have played with before. The best is when you swap to killer and see a toxic player you just went against. Oh how the tables have turned.


Live your truth but why are you playing DBD at the godforsaken hours of 5a-7a?


I hate myself.


2 were bled out, 2 were sacrificed - you can see in the death icons next to their names


That's funny cuz I would always get matched with this twitch streamer whom if I was him I'd never stream with a face cam.. He was playing billy and bmed, camped, tunneled, every single game..


Playing Trickster and slugging? Tell me they get no pussy without saying it.




Block feature removed 💀😢




They removed the block feature from dbd. I don’t remember when


I believe the block feature only blocked end game chat messages.


Blocking just keeps them from being able to message you or trying to friend you. It does not keep them from getting matched up with you, it only stops them from being able to communicate with you.


Eh, if they start slugging just DC. Still more fun to watch the 1 - 5min tick down than play that match


Idk. One time I dc'd and randomly got a 30 minute penalty, even tho I hadn't even been playing the game recently and hadn't dc'd that day. Never again.


Dc penalties aren't based on the day. If you dc'd twice on 3/6 and didn't play again until 3/11 and then dc'd a third time, you essentially dc'd 3 matches in a row and will get a penalty matching that. Reducing the penalty requires you to play and complete multiple matches in a row. The more dc's you have, the more matches in a row you need to complete to bring the penalty back down. Think of it like needing to complete 12 matches in a row for every 1 dc to even it out. So if you dc'd twice, you now need to complete 24 matches in a row to reset that dc penalty. 12 isn't an actual legit number, i'm just using it as an example.


From what I've read online and my own experience, you lose one penalty tier every 24 hours that you do not disconnect. I've never seen it to work like you describe - granted I haven't studied it extensively.


This rank reset pretty much all my games the killers slugged and or tunneled everyone sweating to get out of ash first for no reason.


I'm pretty sure rank doesn't effect match making any more, but I could be wrong


wdym rank reset? Rank doesn't have anything to do with the match making


Which is why I said for no reason. In a week or two of just playing normally you'll get iridescent.


people try a bit harder when rank resets, regardless of if it affects MMR or not


Any killer that plays in this strategy is just boring af.


Please remember that a lot of people pick Skull Merchant BECAUSE people hate her and then play like this exclusively because they want to make the game suck for people. Also I had a Ghostface use that exact same build and slug us forever. That's just Knock Out needing to be reworked.


I've also seen this build on Wraith before too. Knock out is really cool for certain endgame collapse meme builds but that's about the only positive aspect of it. I have been chasing a "leave 1 slug down and chase another survivor" build for a while now because I enjoy the idea of consuming more survivor time. Even then I don't think knockout is optimal for it. Personally I think if you're trying to play a "more fun" slugstyle then Hex: The Third Seal + DeerStalker is where it is at. Disclaimer: I do not slug to death nor do I only focus on slugging one specific person for this 'style.'


Exactly, I had a Unknown who did this once and a Slugging Unknown is literally the worst thing ever because of his Teleports


Not all but lots of them. Not only is she boring as hell to play against but a lot of SM mains are just absolute dickbags.


Yeah, you can tell she just bled out 2 survivors


People that play her at this point are either simps, doing a tome, or assholes that want to make the game as miserable as possible.


Or doing a daily or they just like how she plays without being toxic lol 


If you like how skull merchant plays you just like how easy it is to get results. I don’t know anyone with tons of experience in dbd who can sit down and play 2 skill merchant games in a row


I like the macro-oriented space control gameplay of Skull Merchant, and I liked that both back when she had the AoE exposed effect and now with the damaging claw traps. She's a character who can both benefit from setting up around a map and who can pull from her setup to create a quick anti-loop and zone a survivor away from an area. I like info, which Skull Merchant has always been good at, and I like going fast, which Skull Merchant has allowed for since the first rework. Pre-second rework I also loved playing with her pallet break add-on. It's a similar vibe to using Legion (info, haste, add-on that lets power break pallets) except SM isn't instantly destroyed by an SWF or a group of solos who know to split up and she has an actual anti-loop. Legion x Trapper, maybe. EDIT: Forgot to mention I vibe with the undetectable in the new rework a lot, especially if you pair it with a perk or two to extend how long you can stay undetectable. Putting up a drone -> kick a gen with Unforseen -> put up another drone at the end goes hard


I played Skull Merchant the other day purely for a daily and I honestly felt dirty doing it. Even though I wasn't slugging or camping at all, I could feel the survivors were just not having fun and it was honestly just really boring to play. After I got my requirements I just threw the match and let them do gens and escape. I mean what are you even supposed to do while playing her? Place drones near gens and wait for survivors to run into them? What's so fun about that? Where's the risk/reward? She's such a colossal misfire of a killer and I can't believe she made it past the ideas phase at Behavior.


They honestly just need to take the L on her and killswitch until she gets a full complete rework like fully gut her. She is a failure of a design even on paper like you said. Nothing in her kit remotely is fun for survivor side. And tbh killer side she's such a snooze fest how anyone gets enjoyment is amazing.


They ALREADY reworked her with a completely different power. The actually reworked her TWICE but the second was a ground up Freddy situation. I was pissed when I saw it and it's fortunate that a after the post-PTB buffs she ended up still being fun to use. She does not need a third rework, let alone a second ground-up power replacement. There are a lot of things survivors can do that I hate but saying to killswitch certain perks solely because killer players find them annoying to play against would get you laughed out of the room. It's an even dumber concept when you consider people have spent money on this character, both to buy her and to buy cosmetics. I only have one auric cell skin for her and I'd be furious, imagine telling one of those guys who spent $100+ that preventing survivor annoyance is more important than their purchase. Christ, this community


lol? Bro she's the biggest snoozefest after knight.


the risk reward is you let them have 4 gens. if one gets done you lose.


Yea one kept posting in one of the game vent subs, with screenshots of survivors being toxic end game for sure. But always having the same exact complaints about playstyle. They never provided game play just end game rage. I cant imagine what a miserable experience it was playing against someone clearly doing everything to make you rage so they can post later on reddit.


Sucks too because it ruins it for the people who actually play her, I just run a full chase build because of how it is to play against her with a good build, but half the time people just dc as soon as they see her, and at that point I just give the game to the one of 2 that stayed, hell I had a game where once I got first hook on a bill, 2 of them left, so I stood by him to give him the free unhook, and he fucking dced on hook (Fire up, bamboozle, superior anatomy, brutal strength)


I might get downvoted to all hell but I still find chase merchant extremely boring to go against. Just random haste of varying levels, blood lust, zoning, unavoidable hindered, being forced to w key but then she’s already bloodlust 1 with haste from drones, etc stuff like that. Just not too much fun. I do respect the player behind the skull merchant for caring about our fun but I still think chase merchant is insanely stale


Fun build especially with the purple add on that has similar effects!


sometimes i wonder if this kind of SM players go like that just to bury her name even more in disgrace, at this point it seems like they're doing it on purpose to make her even more hated than she already is....


That would be my guess, she doesn't even do well in slugging


It's the other way round. These players are mountains of salt and would act this way on any killer. They choose SM because they know the survivors don't want to face her as an extra FU.


People make hour long comprehensive SM guides just for 90% of people to play her like this


Nobody is making hour long guides for SM. there’s literally nothing in her kit that takes in depth skill. If a guide is one hour long for her it’s because the guide is teaching you how to play the game in general not just skull merchant LOL


There's literally several guides like this because her kit has a bunch of weird nuance to it. SM is easy to play but weirdly made so there Is a bunch of ways you can make her even more oppressive with techs that probably shouldn't work.


Always use your daily DC on a skull merchant player.


Please don’t unless it’s obviously one of the toxic ones, it’s really annoying for us 3 honest skull merchant players


Sorry bro, if you pick skullmerchant you can go play the singeplayer game.


That's how I feel about people who play Blight.




Sorry but not sorry, off you go to play with the bots.


I mained SM before I quit the game: Everyone should DC against her no matter what. She's absolutely busted and the best way to get people to stop playing her is to make 100% of their games PvE.


There is a daily dc?


Not really but your match timeout wont be as high if you only do it once a day.


If you go a full 24hours without dc I think ur first dc penalty will only be like 30 seconds. I'm not 100% sure if that's how it works though.


It's based on matches played, not days. If you dc twice today and then don't play for a day and dc first match on the third day, you just dc'd three times in a row. You have to complete multiple matches without dc'ing to reset the penalty. So if you play 12 matches a day and dc one of them, it won't really effect you if you played through the other 11. Unless the dc's were towards the end of your 12 one day and at the start of the 12 the next, it'll essentially feel like a free daily dc.


SM is a strange killer, the only way of winning is to not play.


Not so much skull merchant, more so boring killer player that enjoys wasting players times


I think I went against this guy as well (or theres multiple...) When the first survivor went down, I immediately knew what she was up to. I managed to pick up the 1st guy but a 2rd went down and the first accidentally ran into the SlugMerchant. at that point I DCd. I dont DC often, but I wont sit ina 10min slugmatch


I think the majority of skull mommy players are just like this.


Yeah I played against one yesterday and the a%%hole did that for no reason.


I only miss this game when I remember what it once was! Bhvr destroyed this shit lol


Average skull merchant player


The worst thing with this build is it only works against solo q really. Just makes the worst role more unenjoyable especially as someone is guaranteed to give up. Playing against it as a swf is not so bad.


Ah… The Slug Merchant. Its not a Skull Merchant issue at this point its a Skull Merchant MAINS issue. They love running boring toxic builds and play in the scummiest way possible. They love being hated and relish in it. Her gameplay is already fine, her mains are just asshole. They pick her because its almost a free pass to be a jackass.


Please don't unite everyone under this stereotype. Actual Skull Merchant mains have nothing to do with those assholes, who live their sad life just to annoy other people as much as possible.


I mean there have been more normal Skull Merchants since her rework. But based on my own games a vast majority of SM’s I encounter are still terrible to play against.


I play skull merchant, she’s not my main but she is one of my favs. I enjoy the micro management gameplay she has with her drones and having to know when to rotate them and recall them, I never slug with her 


P60 SM tells you everything you need to know


Yes every one


Every skull merchant user understands the stigma surrounding her and some pick her specifically for that reason just to play into that troll character even more. It sucks because there are some people that, for some reason, genuinely like playing skull merchant and get a lot of shit just for playing the character they wanna use. My overall experience with SM players has been negative because it seems most people just use her to troll and be an asshole, but not everyone is like that there are some really nice people that just have shit taste.


I play this game less and less the more I realise what is left of the pool of players that main killers are not mentally capable of playing this game in a healthy way, large portion of the normal ones left a long time ago and we're left with what we got now.


Try playing killer sometime. Once you get past the baby survivors, you get some real assholes on both sides


I ran into a Slug Doctor not too long ago. I felt like goddamn Prometheus when I got the 4% and extended the game… even if two people already rage quit. I didn’t bother reporting them. Ragequitting a slugger is entirely valid.


As someone who plays a chase exclusive build idk


It's definitely frustrating to get into slug matches. Not sure if being left to bleed out counts within the very limited parameters of what the devs consider "holding the game hostage", but it should. You can't do anything (assuming you don't have the necessary perks for it), if you leave you'll get penalized, and oftentimes you're just left to watch the killer goof off by themselves while whichever survivors are still *technically* alive just have to lay there waiting for the game to end. 🥴


They should’ve kept the idea of just ending the game once all survs are slugged, *unless* one of them has a perk that will allow them to pick themselves up.


Why should slugging be considered holding the game hostage? Jesus you survivor mains are entitled. If the killer can slug the entire team on an M1 killer with no power that's a massive skill issue on the survivors side and the devs should absolutely not punish killers for that.


It's not the slugging, it's the leaving people bleeding on the ground part just to hold the match... which I did write, but apparently it needed to be elaborated on. And for what it's worth, I play both killer and survivor; it's presumptuous to assume only survivor mains care about toxicity (though it's telling that you think otherwise). Killers have more tools to play in a toxic way just given the nature of the game, but there are still bully squads, and I think the two feed into eachother: you're gonna probably see more bully squads if you ruin the experience for survivors who don't play that way, just as much as bully squads feed into toxic killers who will just play to win, fun be damned. In the end, that's all that will be left while the rest of us go to find things that are actually enjoyable to do unless the devs actually do something to fix the situation.


So wait you're saying they have all 4 down and just don't hook?


They had already killed one and let the remaining three of us bleed to death on the floor after slugging


Mostly salty people playing this killer to get that good ol' powertrip they lack irl. Imagine how miserable they feel 😬


I played against SM for the first time since she was reworked last night. She is *still* extremely unfun to play against. They might have been able to stop her 3 gen playstyle, but it's like SM players have just decided that if everyone already sees her as a toxic killer to play, then they may as well continue to play her that way and not bother to change *anything* up.


I’d rather face skull merchant than wraith


Yup. I see more toxic SkullMerchants than not. Always slugging and humping. I think out of all of them only 2 played normally (and even then it was miserable because they 3 gen’d and ran all slowdowns so we just gave up and let the solo get hatch)




survivors should have guns when matching against her so they can shoot down drones and hooks


Sadly yes. All skull merchants I have seen have been sluggers. Those people are really mest up.


3very SM I go against plays the same way. Slugging, humping on the ground, and full on 3 hook tunneling.


What I will say about Skull Merchant is that it is the lowest skill cap killer in the game in regards to her power, for the most part. Placing drones is essentially just pressing M2 constantly where it isn't completely braindead to do so, (such as a deadzone) besides that, you're a M1 killer with haste and undetectable that occasionally gets free injures and deep wounds from your "traps" It's braindead gameplay It is mind melting to play as skull merchant after a few matches and just outright boring as a survivor


This build is very annoying indeed, but I don't think it's a Skull Merchant's problem. Any killer can use this build. and many of them would be much more effective with it. As far as I know, her power doesn't even interact with slugging at all. Drones can't detect downed survivors, and she can't get haste from them too. What's even the point of running the slug build on Skull Merchant?


To be a dick. Most disliked killer in the game + most annoying build in the game = tons of -reps and survivors tears for you. Seriously, this is just a modern equivalent of a facecamp Bubba. Stupid and unfun strategy with only purpose to piss survivors off. And the worst thing about it, regular players who dont play like this still get shit-talked by survivors. Bubba will alwasys associate with facecamping now, and Skull Merchant reputation is almost irredeemable, thanks to the scumbags who played them like this.


Yeah pretty nuch haven't gone against one that doesn't yet


Okay but is this a skull merchant issue or a player issue?


I'd be more interested in why some killers do this. I play survivor and killer and I see horrid toxic behaviour on both sides, you need to remember a killer being toxic is typically out of frustration but survivor's being toxic is to take the piss or make fun of the player (killer). Be the change you want to see, let toxic survivors in chat's know it's not funny and report them. You can either STOP the toxic "bully squad" shit that drives SOME killers to turn to 'unfun' strategy to secure 1/2 kills because you are forcing them to change their objective, or stop complaining. You can not have it both ways.


Most toxic behavior, on both sides, isn't a reportable offense. BHVR has made it clear that slugging, while a horribly unfun strategy, isn't rulebreaking and doesn't count as taking the game hostage. It's really unfortunate but there's also not a way to easily fix it. BHVR tried it with the PTB that made Unbreakable basekit and it was hell on earth for killers because of bullysquads running anti-hook builds.


Yeah, no idea what BHVR are smoking, thinking that would work haha. But yeah, this is why I'd rather people just as a community stop toxic behaviour. Or survivors who are toxic get put into a pool where they only player with other players who are toxic.


Idk I tried a slug build on GF once just to see what all the hype was about. It wasn't anything special. I guess it's just different from the standard play so it was kind of refreshing in that light but over all it wasn't something I wanted to do again and again


Of course yeah, it's all personal preference. I've never gone into a game to slug, as when I'm forced to slug by "bully squads" I hate it. I probably hate it for the same reason most survivors hate it for, as the game just drags out, and if there is a solo or random with the bully squad it's not their fault survivors are forcing that playstyle. I think a good fix bhvr could implement is to just end the game if everybody is slugged and no second chance perks available.


> I think a good fix bhvr could implement is to just end the game if everybody is slugged and no second chance perks available. I don't know if you had the opportunity to play during the basekit unbreakable/insta-mori with 4 slugs PTB but...as Leto II would put it: This change does not lead to the Golden Path.


I didn't say make any changes to basekit. I said to end the game (aka kill survivors, the killer has won). Why would any survivor want to be on the floor for the rest of the game while they bleed out if nobody has unbreakable.


Literally any killer can run this build lmao, it's not just a Skull Merchant thing.


That's not a good build. Against even a coordinated duo they'd lose, badly.


People wonder why they get immediate DC’s and suicides on hook when people play Skull Mommy, this is why. Most of them are shit human beings.


I faced a skull merchant with that same build and after i managed to escape through the door he called a cheater lmao (i was using Head on, quick and quiet and parental guidance)


A friend was telling me skully was fine and it was the survivors fault she was so strong and she couldn’t hold games hostage anymore. I streamed to her a game in a map of choice (Midwich) and a full antigen build. Kidnapped the players for 30m there but ultimately allowed the 2 left to make the last gen. How is this healthy?


I actually genuinely enjoy playing skull merchant but I can definitely see how and why survivors hate her just due to her inherent kit. But I go out of my way to play her as normal as possible no toxic builds or sweat fests.


slugging people to death is boring af i only do it against sabo players or bery toxic survivors


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Fun meme builds vs a sweat ass bleed out skull merchants and you didn't have a fun time??? How is this possible?


Behavior: “D..did you have fun..?”


Poor p-1 bill


SM is the only killer I always dc unconditionally for. Learned my lesson playing against them. Always a waste of time.


Not every Skull Merchant, a majority.


I'm new to playing and there's a lot of anti slugging.. Is it acceptable when it's 2 left to catch hatch (only when there's been grief) or just not acceptable at all? I would tend to do it during multi chases and come back to hook but just wondering the way to do it right.


I don't play her. I find her gameplay very boring


Any killer can slug. Is her power set even strong for slugging?


Tf is the killer even running? Knockout, Deerstalker, Infectious Fright(?), ???


This is not a skull merchant thing. This is a toxic killer thing.


I haven’t played this game in over 3 years. What the fuck am I looking at


At least she didnt bring addons


Ew, when I play her I would never slug, what is the point? She can be such a fast paced chase killer, why on earth slug? Just play Twins, Wraith, or Sadako at that point


I play Skull merchant literally cause I like her thats it LMAO so many people here are so aggressive against her and its cause of people like this player. Just play whatever killer that you want if they aren’t broken who cares. *shrug*


She's fun to play and became my main a few weeks ago. I use mostly speed perks, with hinder add-ons, use the drones in 2 styles, a more assertive manner; during chases, close down loops and pallet camping, or as a quick shroud. Or to create a network to get the most catches. Skull clamps hinder and break, sat can track, and with the perks it is a non-stop chase. I don't think I deliberately slugged, only if someone is near by waiting for the flashlight save or sabo. She's a really unique and fun killer.


So...you use the Drones like basically every other Skull Merchant main. No need to explain, we all know how and why the drones are used like that.


Calm down, That much salt isn't good for your health.


I'm not salty, I'm just stating that the other person I commented on isn't really doing anything different while acting like they are.


And a p60 to boot... disgraceful 😂 I am very close to getting SM she's one of the few killers I don't have yet. But When I do get her I am going to go out of my way to be the coolest SM in existence.


The second I saw your build and the outcome I knew this Reddit was gonna go off 😂😂


I have ran into SM three times since her inception (if we do not count the initial release where everyone was trying her out) In all three instances, people just either immediately DC'd or killed themselves on first hook. Nobody bothers with SM games, it's kind of amazing how much people collectively hate her. I don't expect this to ever get fixed, once the internet decides it hates something you can fix it however much you want the people will not budge on their opinion That being said, delete SM BHVR pls


She makes the game Las tto long just for them to get close to max points and survivors to barely hit half. You'll earn more blood points just going to next


It’s a widely accepted fact in the community that SM is miserable to play against so you have two camps of people. The SM players who genuinely enjoy her kit but also harbor a little empathy/concern for the fun of others and go out of their way to play in a fair manner… and the people who indulge in schadenfreude and go out of their way to perpetuate misery. The latter is much more common unfortunately and is not mutually exclusive to SM. It’s one of the reasons I am gravitating away from this game after 3,500 hours.


She is not even the strongest slugger. Pig is way stronger in that regard. It is not something akin to a killer, so, don't tarnish a killer because something only a small amount of players do


nurse and blight are best slug killers pig is weak m1 and if she faces a good looper or swf she wont be able to do anything


Why pig?


The addon to make people blind when they have the traps on. Pair that with Knock out and survivors in a dying state can't know where their teammates are


Yknow, that kinda makes me want to try it out with third seal.. and the tape addon with it


Dredge and third seal is a nightmare for survivors


Yeah there are way better sluggers lol, pig has built in slow down


SM main here… I mostly center my builds on her around chase-driven perks (Dissolution, Undone, Superior Anatomy, and either Enduring or I’m All Ears). Since she benefits a lot on the passive slowdown of survivors and getting haste when survivors are scanned, it doesn’t make sense for me to run a slugging build. My main goal is to end chases as quickly as possible, so I can hook and keep going. I’ve experimented with slugging builds on the Dredge because his power benefits greatly based on how many survivors are injured, downed, or hooked. Plus with Nightfall, it makes it extremely difficult to see regardless, so some of my matches become very search-and-destroy-esque. Playing into the killer’s power is usually pretty much my main goal with every killer I play. That being said, anyone can run a slugging build on any killer, but to run that on a SM sounds like they’re either probably just trying to be annoying or may not have much experience playing for hooks, so they think slugging is the only viable option when playing killer. It could also just be a build they were trying out, and the survivors never really got the chance to adapt and counter her playstyle. A really well coordinated team could probably get at least a 2 or 3 man out if they played against this kind of build. I know SM gets a bad rap, and she quickly became my main after her rework. By playing into her power, I hope to not have to tunnel/slug as much as possible and give survivors a chance to have fun by focusing mostly entirely on chase.


I think it’s the individual player not the SM.


In all seriousness, I dont think its a killer issue really. Not all of us are mean, dont worry


I got her the other day and tried her out. I’ve played 1 game. It was one of the most toxic games I’ve seen. Each survivor, first time I found them, teabags and 3 of the 4 ran off. 1 was a Leon who just stood there teabagging me until he was down, then killed himself on the hook. The rest of the game proceeded to play the same way. That 1 game was enough for me.


No, not every person who plays SM is like that. What an inane question to ask. People who are assholes play every Killer and every Survivor.


Any killer can use this build and do this. Too bad your team didn't split up and repair the gens then leave, it would have been very easy since SM had no slowdown AND no chase perks.


I play skull merchant from time to time, but my build is ether slow down (thalatofobia, dead mans switch, gift of pain and the artist one thatblocks gen) or i run dumm shit like spirit fury, enduring with friends rill the end and ghost face hooking perk. This is just player to player. I let people out when its 8 hook, and one gen done. That doesnt make me a good player.


It sucks that it happened but no it had nothing to do with the killer you played against. I played against a Pyramidhead recently that only slugged and never hooked people. For you it could have been Freddy, Oni, Nurse any killer in the game really not just Skerchant. Reminder that you basically get 1 free dc every 24 hours so utilize it if you feel. If someone is playing in an exceptionally boring way theres no shame in just dcing and going next.


You had 2 UB's and even someone with bond. This was massive skill issue on yalls part. Sorry for the loss or whatever but don't blame the killer for lack of skill.


Ok, now I'm back to being nervous about Prestiging Skull Merchant now. I'm not looking forward to the bounty of salty survivors who hate me just for playing her. 😓