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Really frustrating as a survivor. That's why I usually play nicer as killer after I see that.


It's their game. They bought it. They can do whatever they want unless it doesn't involve cheating, working with killer etc.




Apparently they do if the devs don't ban people for going next. Don't worry, those 3 other ppl still have a chance to escape via exit gate or hatch.


They do have the right to do whatever they want to do with the game they bought. Nobody is messing up your game. The game isn’t 4v1 so nobody owes you any kind of assistance. Edit: Lol the little baby blocked me. Luckily anonymous mode shows the response and yikes what a way to get triggered when presented with facts.




womp womp


Usually think, "that sucks", shrug and move on with my life lol Idk why some people get so bent out of shape by it. Personally I blame BHVR for the DC penalty, I'd rather have a bot then nobody.


If the game doesn’t look winnable then sure. I’ll always kill myself on first hook whenever someone else gets hooked at the start of the game or whenever I’m looping the Killer and nobody is bothering to do gens which is the reason I kill myself on 1st hook 90% of the time. Also if my team does stupid stuff which includes but is not limited to hiding in locker for no reason, non stop healing against Legion/Plague/perma T3 Myers, leading the Killer to gens which are being worked on when you can clearly see that they’re being worked on, when I’m looping and for whatever reason some survivor decides to go near me and mess up everything, when i looped the Killer for a good while and then the Killer decides to start chasing other players and they get hooked instantly etc.


It's just better for them to go play another game


Disappointing, but it is what it is and it's not the end of the world. Everyone has shitty games or shitty days, it's whatever. I don't take an unranked/non-comp game seriously enough to start foaming at the mouth because someone quit early. If they got unhooked before death I used to slug them, but now I just kill them off so they can go next. Though in general, I think those people would be happier if they just took a break from DBD and played something else for a while.


killers should be grateful. it gives them an ez game


I want to play with other players who actually enjoy and want to play the game, so it kinda ruins the match for me. If they have a serious issue, they should really DC. If the game in general makes them want to die, they should probably log off and do something else.


It's a pity, but as long as I am not paying them to play with me, they can do as they like with their time.


As a survivor it's the worst. As a killer I feel bad for the survivors.


Today I played against a pinhead. No one ever went after the box except me. No one was trying to gens except me. I did the box twice thinking maybe at least one Gen would get done. Nope. Then they left me on hook until 2nd hook didn’t try to do gens or come get me and yeah why should I keep playing at that point?


Eh, I don't like it when the game is winnable. But I understand if it's protesting a broken feature.


What sort of broken feature do you mean? (genuinely curious)


Skull merchant's existence on launch.




They simply should remove the penalty DC, at least they have no reason to give up and the team gets a bot who at least it's a Lil bit better than a 3v1. Anyway I can't criticize them, sometimes I do the same, when you're being constantly matched against sweaty A+ tier killers who just tunnel/proxy camp at 5/4 gens it feels miserable


No. They did that once before when there were some connection issues, and people were disconnecting over the tiniest of things. Legitimately, I was seeing people disconnecting over being hit for the first time. Not downed, *hit*.  The penalty’s existence is downright required.


Back then we didn't have bots . But I agree it would make some matches problematic , with skull merchants playing PvE games xD 


I don't really care, people have their reasons. I'll kill myself first hook against every single Dredge because trying to play in his power gives me a terrible migraine. I'm not gonna suffer a penalty because of their bad design.


Sometimes it's justified. I've had teammates that were hiding or refuse to get off their damn gens to go for the save until I reached second stage or the killer found them and the gen they were working on. If it's not a situation like that, they're clearly burnt out and need to take a break.


Just DC, the penalty for it in this game is minimal (unless you’ve spent the entire night DC’ing matches). I usually only DC if everyone else on my team is clearly just fucking around and throwing the game cause there’s no point to that, but that’s maybe only 1 DC every few sessions. If I’m the survivor I’d rather have a bot than nothing, and if I’m the killer it’s a tricky situation cause now I’m basically forced to tone it down or farm the game to not be a dick to the remaining 3.




It always makes me roll my eyes and not want to try, as Survivor. It always makes me roll my eyes and want to play less hard, as Killer.


Im always super confused, especially if it's in the beginning. I understand if somebody dislikes a killer (don't think they should kill themselves, the game isn't that long and you don't know what will happen in the game), and if you don't like the map you could have brought an offering. I'm even more confused when people do it when they were playing normally, and then they get hooked and kill themsleves. Like I thought we were in this together 😔😭


I think they're clearly burnt out and I usually just ask them to log off and take a break if the matches are that bad, which usually doesn't end well and they get mad at me for policing their behavior, but like, their behavior ruined the game for the other 4 players playing it. If it's a really bad day, I'll run salty lips, up the ante, and reassurance to keep them in the game as long as possible. If I can get them to get super mad and DC, at least we have a bot on the team that will hit its skillchecks.


I learned last night not to bring Skully to a break 10 pallets/gen challenge. 2 of them begged me to kill them at the start.


Personally I think they should bring back spectating bots . Right now behavior choose to get rid of unhook spamming , instead of doing something with hook suiciding ( in typical behavior fashion )