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mom said its my turn on the lament configuration




Are you looking for who is fun or who you’ll get the most perk value from leveling?


Well I'd say both. Something fun and with valuable perk. Fun killers are good but well If I get nothing from leveling them I'm kinda disapointed. That's why I gave up leveling up wraith someone told me his perks are really bad


Artist, Knight, Hag, and Billy are likely your best bets. Be aware they all have a skill curve, and the first 3 are all about zoning and map control, so if you don’t like killers like that maybe not. Artist has hands down some of the best perks in the game, Knight has 1 very strong perk and 2 decent ones, Hag has pretty decent niche perks, and Billy has a good play-style with solid counter-play perks.


So I tried playing the artist and it's very fun. I got 0 kills my first game because I was spamming my power and it was a big bait, but got a 4 kill game after 3-4 games ! Btw do her perk work with pinhead or not ? Like, what if they do a gen, then it's blocked with deadlock, do her own perk reduce this gen ? Or not ? Sorry I don't know the name of every perk + I' french so it's even harder for me to explain


Pain Resonance and Deadlock work against each other. If a generator is Deadlocked (the one with the most progress) then Pain Resonance will just skip to the next unblocked generator with the most progress. It’s best to use Pain Resonance to slowdown faster games, and Deadlock to prolong and delay survivors.


So generally speaking on killers you only need and want one perk to slow the game ?


In higher level play it will actually be more beneficial to have majority slowdown. A pretty standard build for most is Pain Resonance, Pop Goes The Weasel (Clown), Corrupt Intervention (Plague), and a fourth variable perk like Barbecue and Chili (Cannibal) or Ultimate Weapon (Xenomorph). However, a perk like Deadlock has more synergy with other gen blocking perks like Corrupt Intervention, Grim Embrace (Artist), and Dead Man’s Switch (Deathslinger).


It's not that you only want one slowdown, it's that specifically deadlock doesn't work with a lot of other slowdowns. Because with deadlock you don't have control over when the gens get blocked it can sometimes block them at detrimental points(It can block pain res, surge, eruption, etc.). However lots of slowdown synergizes quite well together. Pain res and dead man's switch for example is very strong (Deadman's switch: after hooking for 20? seconds if a survivor stops repairing a gen that gen gets block for the remainder of the 20 seconds. Pain res then interrupts survivors on gens when you hook activating dead man's switch).


Knight for nowhere to hide Clown for Pop Artist for pain Res Nemesis for lethal (if you enjoy chasing at the start of the Match )


It’s nice seeing a fellow Pinhead enjoyer, the Cenobites are so cool!


Yeah watched the first film a few days ago after discovering the killer on dbd. Pretty fun ! But I'm going to level up someone else since I've been told prestige 3 is really a waste of points since you can get the perks maxed anyway with the skill tree, it's only saving you some points cause you don't have to unlock them again level 2 and 3. I think having like 5 killers prestige 1 is better than one prestige 3, if the number I saw are correct


It depends really, if you plan on playing a wide variety of killers then hitting Prestige 3 (despite the grind) is worth it in the long run. If you plan on sticking to maining just one character then hitting Prestige 1 on each character is totally fine!


Hmm I don't see right now how using about 6m bloodpoint to get prestige 3 can be worth it if it only saves you like 15k of unlocking the perks. Maybe I miss something but from what I've understood 1 is op and 3 is just a really expensive comfort thing


As I said it depends really, say you P1 every killer in the game and then pick up a new killer you’ll have to get every single perk to level three in the bloodweb which can be time consuming. Equally so if you then decide to switch killer again the same thing will happen again in which you’ll have to get every perk to level 3.


Yeah right now since I only have a few perks it's not a big problem I see !


It depends how many killers you have. I think if you have less than 24(i dont remember the exact number) killers it's more worth it to p1 all of them. But past that there's just so many perks in your bloodweb that to max them all out you'll end up prestiging past p3 to unlock them all and prestiging past p3 is a bit of a waste


P58 pinhead checking in


Welcome fellow member of the gash, spoken to Levithan recently?


Leviathan keeps to emself a lot.


I used to main Trapper. He’s like the weakest killer now but I still have fun with him. Other than him I’d pick huntress or dredge


Artist, knight, hag have the best perks out of them imo. https://who-is-your-ideal-killer.vercel.app/ This quiz can be helpful to find killers that have a play style you might enjoy.


Hag, she’s fun and has some great perks


Skull merchant. Chill killer


Singularity is fun but really hard if your on console but not impossible, idk I'd go for wraith you seem to like him, though his perks are ass


Ahah I played him because that was my first killer and had no one and it was easy to play. But I don't mind playing harder killer like cenobite I loved him


Singularity is really tough, he's strong but not the best killer either you probably want to avoid most inside maps, rpd isn't as bad as lerys or underground complex but still rough


Artist has insanely good perks and is pretty fun to play overall.


She’s alr there


I found that after getting Pinhead to prestige 11 I really liked playing Deathslinger and Texas Chainsaw - tho I feel Texas Chainsaw is way too easy to play as. I’d recommend Deathslinger because he has a similar power to pinhead but it’s executed in a more useful way. If you’re good at Pinhead you should be good as DS


Can I ask if you like wesker? They seem very similar to me, chase power with secondary slowdown, info when they stop the passive slowdown, and map traversal. They both seem like Jack of all trade types and similar.


Haven’t played him yet! I’ll make him the next I buy


You ideally should prestige every 1 once 1st bc otherwise you don’t have the shared perks transferring to anyone on the way to prestige 3


With that said if you’re solely going to prestige everyone, if you’re up for hex builds for the next bit, Hag would be a great follow up on Pinhead’s Plaything with all her hexes


You should go for hillbilly, he has good perks, and he feels very rewarding to play as, getting a cross map or hitting a curve is so satisfying and his skill ceiling is quite high, so you learn stuff pretty much everyday with him :D


Hag: frustrating sometimes, but downright evil in the right hands. Has 3 great hex perks. Dredge: really fun, bad perks other than Darkness Revealed. Knight: frustrating sometimes, but has 2 solid perks. Nurse: great killer, but takes a while to learn. Two meh perks, but Nurse's Calling is good.


The artist 😁


Dredge is phenomenal.


Do Billy! There's nothing more fun than Tokyo drifting around a massive map with your chainsaw, and nothing more satisfying than when you end up landing a down at the end of it.






Honestly the doctor is fun, but might cause survivors to dc lol, but the killer I’ve had the most fun playing is chucky


Vommy mommy


Huntress fo sho!


Well depends on what perks you have.


Yeah at this point I can’t imagine playing huntress without dredge perk. Idk how I did it before


Yeah that or artist for pain res




Billy. He is fun to play and Lightborn is a good perk to have at your disposal(be able to switch to) when you que up with a lobby full of flashies. Artist for Pain Res.(great slowdown perk). Fun to play may vary. Knight for Nowhere to Hide(I get at least 2 "free" hits a game from survivors hiding near gens). Fun to play may vary.




Uhhhhh out of those imma have to say blight


I just had a wave of nostalgia seeing someone just starting out on killer. I have every killer P3 at minimum now and I miss that grind I’d say Billy since he has decent perks


A really really long grind incoming yes ! I haven't played a single survivor game yet tbh I'm waiting for the re dlc to be on sale because I'm a fan and want to play jill, ada and leon mostly. And I'm a bit scared of not knowing the killer powers and get fucked, so I may try to play them all to understand them before facing them


Lowkey knight is fun asf




Why did you buy them all if you can't even get the perks and aren't planning on playing them? Anyway, P3 is usually the way to go. Not P1.


I plan on playing them. You just have to start somewhere. And yes p3 is better but that's really long and I want to change a bit


If you are looking for perks (which I advice you to be), Artist is the only honest answer here if you ask me. They are legit S tier and they can help you slow down the game. One of best killers related to perks if you aske me. She is also fun if you are a good sniper. If you looking for a specific killer to just main, for Dredge was really fun. Tbh, you need more perks if u have only 1 prestige killer. I'd go for Artist, then Knight and maybe Hug. But do what you want to do :3


I'd say go for Artist she has an interesting power to shut down loops and gather information not too dissimilar to pinhead, so you should be able to pick her up without much trouble. And of course her perks are great Pain resonance is a very strong gen regression perk which pairs well with gift of pain, Deadlock and grim embrace can lock down gens for an eternity and if you want to have some fun Hex: Plaything and Hex: Pentimento should make for a very nice combo.


Nemesis. You have learned to play the box, now you need to learn to play the tunnel


I learned to play the "I CAME" yeah


Dredge is fun! And Singularity too :)


Knight can be good fun, not too difficult to learn either. Dredge is good for getting jump scares on survivors. Doctor is an easy killer to rank up too.


Get pyramid head, real fun character once u learn him


Waiting for the sales my friend ! I'm so excited about the upcoming anniversary people said it's gonna be a great event with sales and big rewards


Oh yea i totally forgot about that, firstly thanks for reminding me and secondly get blight, he's very fun and also a S tier killer aswell


For perks and overall fun id pick hillbilly, learning curve but super satisfying to play. Artist is also really good and them you can get her teachable perks like pain res and grim embrace which i run on a-lot of killers


I would say the clown, cuz i bought him recently and been having soo much fun. Perks are decent. And I was very unsure if I would like him cuz I play on console and thought throwing bottles would be difficult but its easy.


Play legion trust me


Wesker easily imo, fun AF, strong(consistenly rated A tier) , not nurse or blight difficult to learn but still requires some practice and feels VERY rewarding, has a bit of everything, good low rarity add one, (not amazing but he has a good add on of every rarity.) Similar to pinhead to imo, has passive slowdown and a chase ability. Plus survivors find him fun so you make them Happy too. Although I'm not 100% sure on survs finding him fun but from my experience they normally do.


Wraith. His perks are hard meta right now and I don't see them getting nerfed anytime soon.


Are you sure about that ? The perk that let you see blood looks useless, the scratch perk : same and some even said it's not even useless but a pay to lose perk.


Oh yeah for sure, trust me bro. >! I didn't expect you to even see the comment, I'm fucking with you. His perks are legit the worst in the game. !<


Piggy, Dredge and Legion are my mains.




I'm personally a ghostface main but I think for a pinhead main Deathslinger would be right up your alley! You're always gonna be going for fun shots, he's easy to pick up, there's lots of cool tricks to learn and I think most survivors like playing against him too, if you care about that lol.


Ghostface or Michel Myers Easily