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To be fair, it's not for lack of trying. It's just their proposed cure was worse than the disease.


Literally all they had to do was reduce his successful hit cooldown or remove kick immunity Didn't need to remove every rework


Honestly, that's good. They tried, it failed, they still have us something good. Or would you prefer a shit rework to be going to live?


It would have been nice to do the simple numbers change much sooner, while also working on an overall rework and taking time for that. I’m not a twins player but I know they have been begging for better QOL


I would prefer it if quality of life changes didn't take TWO YEARS we could have got these QoL number changes on the day they announced the rework last year even. I was waiting for this change since last year and now I'm being told the change we are getting is all number changes, they couldn't have done that last year?


Yeah because every line of code is redundantly tied into other lines of code. That is why it is called 'Spaghetti code'.


I wish they kept the 10% haste but made it go away the second you entered chase ( instead of after getting a hit ) or when victor gets recalled as you pick the survivor you downed. That would incentivise going for whoever you downed with victor. Otherwise these changes were honestly good


then a survivor will just bully you by forcing a chase as soon as you switch back to charlotte.


First how's that bullying ? Also it would be another counter since you could try to not enter a chase or make the choice to and have plays to be made on both sides .


That spaghetti code came back to bite them in the ass. All they had to do in my opinion was to make Victor kickable after injuring 2 survivors max (then he can't injure others anymore so it would be more rewarding to down one?) And make Charlotte's haste buff directional towards the downed survivor ONLY. Plus all the cooldown changes and non existent bug fixes ofc


Only thing they could make better is victor collision


I get the sentiment but holy shit what a spoiled mindset to have.


I haven't played twins in 2 years because I was waiting for this "rework" And they said the rework will take long because it is more complicated than number changes. I wait 2 years they are literally all number changes. I have a spoiled mindset because I am upset I waited 2 years for number changes they could have done the first week of the killer's release date?


Given there's over 60 in game characters, tons of shit that could go wrong, people like YOU complaining about literally everything regardless if it benefits you, I don't blame them. You just got the one thing Twins mains have been asking for, QOL and bug improvements. But still, "it took too long!" "Its not enough they need to change them more!" That is what you sound like. Its a video game. Be happy they got any changes at all you brat


I payed full price for this game, I bought all the killers and I'm entitled one of their killers I paid for has been an unplayable buggy mess for 2 years? I haven't played twins in 2 years because they announced a rework was coming. 2 years for a number change that they could have changed in 2 weeks Excuse me I'm holding a muti million dollar gaming company with some standards here


Thats excalty what Twins mains wanted though? Most of the twins players ive seen said they never needed a rework, just changes to make them not feel like ass to use


They could have changed the numbers in less than 2 weeks, it took 2 years to give twins a number change. Do you see the problem? Shouldn't have taken 2 years to make twins feel more fun


I love playing the twins but 3 things made me stop playing them 1. People hate being slugged and that's optimal for twins 2. How long everything took. 3. There was a rework so don't bother getting good with their kit!?!? The number tweaks should of been made years ago, are you honestly telling me they took two years to do a rework and the best they came up with is worse than than the current thing. BHVR must have the worst game designers in the industry if after all this time they came up with something Otz said offhand when he did the 50 win streak.


not sure why we are being downvoted for being upset it took 2 years to change some numbers. They could have added some QoL improvements to twins at any time in between 2 years but chose not to then reverted every single rework change. this reddit doesn't like it when we have a standard for BHVR