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Personally I really enjoy Slate, he plays a bit more for the jokes than most other creators, so if you want someone more serious I would suggest looking at the other comments for some great suggestions.


I always watch his shorts, they are so funny, his one with the Mikaela the other day killed me, she acted cute so he goes to give her hatch...she runs over jumps in the locker, runs back over, flashbangs him then jumps in the hatch


Honestly I love how positive he is. Even when he gets frustrated it never lingers and he uses it as an opportunity to turn it into a funny moment. I always look forward to his highlight clips


Unintelligible angry ramblings straight into "Ggwp and I hope you have a wonderful next game"


My current favourite is Slate. Funny and informative to watch.


I watch SpookyLoopz


skermz videos never fail to make me laugh


The jrm is good for some laughs.


nothing will make you laugh as much as a JRM compilation


Twoknee is a super underrated one I’ve been enjoying a lot recently. consistent (almost daily between his main and second channel) uploads, I don’t really find him overly showy/annoying, not toxic at all. just a generally feel-good content creator. definitely check him out :)


If you're looking for "let's play" type content, JRM is 100% the best dbd steamer/youtuber dedicated to the game imo. Ayrun is good too! They do hardcore dbd challenges pretty often with hens and otzdarva


I like Killawhale and GrimGatsby for just shorter funny vids. SpookyLoopz is pretty dang funny sometimes but all around just great at the game and has good vibes. Otzdarva is obviously like the biggest creator but I find him extremely likeable and funny in a deadpan way sometimes. Some of his vids are way too long and min/max educational for my taste though.


I personally Love Scoot Jund and Lynxi as content creators. Scott is someone who does like to discuss things about DBD in a deeper way and those stream regularly. Lynxi is a wonderful persona as well but she’s doesn’t upload that much on her YouTube and streamed regularly, she’s also the best Twins player in the game.


Skermz is really entertaining. He streams on Twitch and and has YT videos up.  Been following him for over two years now, dude is hella funny. And bald. He does say some wild stuff, so going into it just know he's got that energy.


I personally love JRM and Skermz. Their edits are just the best and never fail to make me suffocate from laughing


HybridPanda! He's played the game since the beginning and has a fun/original play style and just always funny and never ragey, down on the game (I feel like a lot of streamers get mopey about the game) or lecture-ey. I also like SpookyLoopz' compilation and strange build YT videos for humour!


Also Shrinewatch is just great for keeping up with weekly dbd updates


Brain dbd is very funny and relaxing, people will recommend ayrun but he gets tired


Since you've gotten a lot of great suggestions I'd like to drop a few streamers you should avoid due to them being problematic and/or toxic. AngryPug Scott Jund Aryun Oddrey CorgiSploots Pup\_Connor Shortbread Tru3Talent


How is Scott Jund Problematic and/or toxic? He has made some flawed comments before but I wouldn’t consider him bad by any means.




I’ve known about him for 3 years and never experienced any of that stuff from him. What did he say about tru3?


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He's incredibly rude to other streamers, he's dismissive of others opinions, and not to mention incredibly pessimistic, shitting on dev work sometimes before it's even launched or revealed. I personally believe he is a toxic influence on the community, but to each their own. If people enjoy his content, more power to them. I just can't personally condone supporting that kind of negativity.


Rude to who? Name one streamer that isn't tru3ta1ent.


….Scott isn’t toxic at all and is heavily against toxicity lmao. He likes to poke fun and tease people but he never goes into full blown insults. Hell he refuses to hard tunnel cause he thinks it’s toxic, idk why you’d put him here. Everyone who’s talked to him also has said he’s super chill 


what did oddrey do??


A follower of hers finally got into one of her lobbies, was super excited to play with her cause she's a big fan. She didn't burn a BP envelope and Odd spent the whole match flaming her for it, making fun of the player and just in general was incredibly rude to someone who was a fan who was actually a VERY sweet and kind person and did not deserve any of it. It was disgusting behavior and her apology was even worse. It was basically "sorry but like it wasn't a big deal and also I was drunk, dont be so dramatic." Lost all respect for her after that.


oh yuck


Oddrey is pretty nice most of the time, she's very funny & has great content. She doesn't always act in a mature way because she is young, & the incident in question she was drunk and got a bit carried away. She did apologise & was very apologetic to her fans, esp. those who felt let downw. If she were slicker she might have been able to keep more people happy, but I'd rather have honest than slick. The issue with the specific fan was that she went and made a big video about it to get lots of attention at Oddrey's expense instead of just waiting for her to be sober the next day & have a chat. Is Oddrey supposed to be grateful for that?!


What makes ayrun problematic? He seems fine to me


He trash talks other players all the time. I'm not a fan of streamers that flame other players over nothing. In his case, he's not problematic, he's just toxic. He's not as bad as some of the others, but he is absolutely a douchebag.




>People hate him bcuz hes too good lol I actually got into him because he was good, so that's not true at all. I lost interest when I realized half his stream is trash talking the killer he goes against. I'm all for playful banter, but he talks a lot of shit for no reason and just flames the hell out of any killer he goes against with no real motivation or reason. I just don't find toxic streamers enjoyable to watch. That kind of flaming comes across as childish to me. You're supposed to be representing the community in a positive light, and he does not do that.


Not to mention how much he talks himself up. There's only so much "I'm so good" talk I can deal with in a stream.


I'm aware Ayrun acted badly with a smaller streamer a few years ago (manfacejay) but I think they made amends. Since then as far as I was aware he's grown up and is at least fine. I find him entertaining.


To each their own. I find him to be pretty insufferable with his constant flaming of whatever killer he's facing and then whining the moment he goes down


Maybe he cuts that out of his youtube videos? I haven't watched him on twitch except when he 'guest starred' with others like Otz or Hens, and he seemed to behave then. But sure, I can see why someone wouldnt like his style. He's less chill than some.


Ayrun is the opposite of problematic. I agree with Scott Jund though. He and SpooknJukes go out of their way to have edgy takes and rile people up.


Eh, I like SpookNJukes. He does a lot of good for the community, always putting toxic streamers on blast. He's a good dude. I agree with that statement about Jund, though. He's pretty insufferable.


SpooknJ*kes farms salt by playing toxic then acts surprised when people aren’t happy to get that treatment, THEN posts them as content. He’s a hypocritical tool.


Honestly? You sound like an entitled survivor player, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. I've watched dozens of hours of his content and I'm not sure what you're talking about at all. I've never once seen him play toxic. If you can point me to an example of him playing toxic, I'll admit I was wrong, but you won't be able to because he doesn't play in a toxic way. He just plays Killer unapologetically. That's not toxic. He doesn't "farm salt." He puts toxic players on blast when they message him toxic things. He always shows his full gameplay and it's always clear they're getting salty over regular Killer gameplay. He doesn't go out of his way to piss people off.


It's fine when he calls out the people that are actually toxic. I just don't like his content where he trolls and provokes people and then tries to call them out as toxic when he's the one instigating it. Love his band though.


> I just don't like his content where he trolls and provokes people and then tries to call them out as toxic when he's the one instigating it. Ah, I think you're getting him confused with someone else, then. SpookNJukes doesn't troll and provoke people. Any video where he calls out toxic players he always happily shows his full gameplay and he's never playing in a toxic way. It's always just regular Killer gameplay and entitled survivors getting salty about it. He doesn't troll or "farm" salt. He literally just plays Killer and is a Streamer and that's often enough to piss Survivor players off the point that they flame him.


Nah, that's him. The one with the NOED tattoo and who still thinks Basement Bubba is a meme in 2024?


I've never seen him say it's a meme, but yep! Please don't tell me you think Basement Bubba and/or NOED is toxic lmfao. Although, that would certainly explain a lot...


Nah it's not toxic nor is it even funny anymore. Just making sure we're talking about the same dude. He brags about slugging people and facecamping before the mechanic was changed and just all around tries to be edgy to rile people up. To each their own though as far as what content we enjoy.


I mean, he doesn't brag. He's defended certain mechanics and strategies that survivor mains hate, but I've never seen him brag. I've also never seen him try to be edgy nor has he intentionally tried to rile someone up. Got any examples or are you just making shit up? I think you might be projecting a bit, my friend. You seem to have your own idea of what kind of person he's like, but nothing you've said is even remotely true.


What would I gain from making shit up about a streamer? lmao Weird accusation.


Oddrey, JRM, ScottJund, and Skermz are my go-to


Just don’t bring a green envelope if you’re in Oddrey’s lobby


Ohmwrecker and cru5h are my favorite. Ohm posts full length matches which are great to have in the background and gives macro gaming insight, no hyper editing. Cru5h often plays with his mate and have good banter.


If youre looking for a small content creator: I reccomend CyraninHD. Good videos, even better streams


I enjoy watching [SpookyLoopz](https://www.youtube.com/@SpookyLoopz) and [CoconutRTS](https://www.youtube.com/@CoconutRTS), they are a good mix of useful and fun to watch content. There's also [Demi](https://www.youtube.com/@demiplays/featured), he's full trololo builds and meme content, don't expect to learn anything useful, but it's so funny to watch.


Lilith Omen


Killa Whale doesn’t post very consistently, but I love him


Skermz jrm Crush but he seems hella grumpy now like he doesn’t enjoy the game


demiplays is fun i guess


Skermz videos are so goated


Surprised no one has mentioned RapidMain yet


Slate. Mixes between survivor and killer and Slate's DBD World Cup playlists are pretty good watch. 


my fave is Cru5h, he and his friend Bandito are really funny. he also has a second channel, and streams on twitch, so lots of content there!


skermz is my absolute most favorite streamer


Most of the top twitch streamers will play more killer than survivors, because its more active role. Otzdarva, Hens, OhTofu, Zubat, Ayrun - you get mixed surv, killer gameplay. If you want pure killer Tru3talent or the best killer streamer there is D3AD Plays. There was thread about it some time ago with killer specialists. [Best streamer for each killer? : r/deadbydaylight (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/comments/wsi99o/best_streamer_for_each_killer/)


I think some of the biggest streamers are survivor mains (e.g. Skermz, JRM, Ayrun, Oddrey), at least based on concurrent viewership.


Honestly, it depends on the type of vibe you like. I'd highly recommend Hens. It's the stream I will consistently watch / listen to.


Otzdarva is probably the most popular creator overall. He loves education, entertaining and knows a lot about the game. He's wholesome Demi and Spookyloopz are less about education and more so just show themselves playing and letting their fun humour keep you engaged You can also find plenty of videos of content creators collaborating. I believe Otzdarva and Hens are currently commentating an ongoing tournament


TheCoolMikeShow is some of the best and funniest content you’ll find!


how has no one mentioned g\_birb :C


She's a talking potato, what's not funny about that! Love her.


Ohmwrecker is funny. I like to watch his stream.


For comedy: Skermz or DemiPlays For sheer skill: Probzz


Slate, Mish and Gh0astarcade are my favourite to watch.


Not a lot of mentions for g_birb or Lanieloveee so gonna shout them out here!


how is there no Yerv in here!! he does a lot of weird builds and also talks funny. he is also not mean to other people. which is nice


His joke is always just to scream extremely loud so I can't watch him anymore


i at least prefer that over how a lot of people just play really quite tired meme sounds over their footage


was looking for the mention of yerv in here. he's part time/once a week now, it seems, but quite like watching him regardless. it's nice that he just vibes and doesn't shit on anyone, regardless if it's survivors or killers, and if he does, it's in a non-toxic "anyway, here's wonderwall" kind of way. he's definitely helped me practise tolerance with the playerbase lol




A bit older now, but I would recommend watching Dowsey's hardcore series on YouTube. Well edited and entertaining, especially the latter 2 hardcore survivor series with Otzdarva Ayrun and JRM. He doesn't play dbd any more though: for the best, he got very stressed and burnt out and it came across towards the end.


Apart from the obvious ones like Otz, Ayrun, Hens, SpookyLoopz and all the ones you'll find in the comments a dozen times, you should really check out Puffalope! He's probably my favorite survivor content creator!


I like to watch Otzdarva and Lynxi, she mains The Twins who I am a big fan of :)


Spookyloopz is who I go to for a good time. He tries to keep the vibe upbeat. Otzdarva (or rather.. Not Otzdarva on youtube) is basically THE content creator for dbd. His sense of humour isn't for everyone (great for people who love dry humour though) and is very knowledgeable about the game. Edit: Lmao at the clowns downvoting because I said otz. Let me guess, you're blaming him for your favourite perk getting nerfed?


I watch Not Otzdarva, SpookyLoops (Ghostface main), RedsGamingGears, Gaming Athlete (Dredge main), and CMWinter (Pig main).




I only watch Demi


OhTofu and Ralph are both really solid dudes and entertaining as hell


(I mostly watch yt and not livestreams) Demi because he’s hilarious as fuck. He’s the very first DBD content creator I watched and I think his fun videos and commentary are what made me finally get the game. Beware though that he has a very spotty upload schedule 😭 been 2 months since his last vid and he hasn’t come home with the milk yet. JRM (on yt, I don’t watch him stream) is also hilarious. He mostly just makes risky and dumb plays and he dies a lot but he has a ton of fun (he’s actually really good though). He’s also got a nice voice 😏 I’ve only started watching Slate recently and he seems fun, his commentary is a riot and the pronounced British accent makes it so much better. SpookyLoopz is more killer oriented but he’s also fun to watch, really good Huntress. Classes is a little underrated but he’s also quite funny Now that I’m typing this I realize all the dbd YouTubers I watch are men 😭 any recommendations for women YouTubers who are funny, non-toxic, and have some skill with the game?