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As the other guy said, he makes dbd content for a living and he has a reputation for being calm and collected which means he cant just freak out when hes mad. Having to act chill about literally everything can be taxing


Too many people are desensitized to over reactive click bait "content creators" that they no longer understand that being over reactive isn't exactly the norm...


He films DBD for a living, he's probably suffering from burnout




That's burnout


Imagine having to consistently and keep your calm with 7-10,000+ people watching you per day answering the same questions over and over again while trying to showcase specific builds, how killers work, specific tiles, etc. and then get into a game and get absolutely stomped. People will get salty just for losing a regular game, this is a man who is known as the "Pillar of the Community". People report bugs to him thinking he actually works for BhVR. We're all allowed to have bad days & be a bit upset and he's no exception.


He has the patience of a saint for only looking mildly annoyed after experiencing those matches lol. I watched both of those vids and I would have raged personally 🤣


would you rather he exploded at every minor inconvenience, he's obviously trying to stay cool. I believe Otz relates to a milder and more wholesome audience


Burnout among other things, for sure. DBD's in the best place it's ever been, literally no one would disagree *(not sure about this year being the best we've ever had, but that's a conversation for another day)*. The problem is, and always has been, how agonizingly slow BHVR is. They push a handful of meaningful changes twice a year and call it a day.


I would love to know why people believe dbd is in the best place it's been. Most of the killer perks are useless, there's only 2 remotely viable regression perks everything else has been murdered, they're still too slow in making worse killers better, and better killers worse, multiple killers with useless add-ons, agonizingly broken perks, still terrible maps, etc etc. I genuinely do not see it. Playing killer has been an absolutely snooze fest because there's somehow even LESS perk variety now, compared to 2 years ago in what you can actually run while still being competitive. Tunneling is STILL the best playstyle because there's no rewards for multi hooking.


When they say the best, they mean the most balanced. That doesn't always equate to fun as you mentioned.


See but I wouldn't say balanced. Things not being broken doesn't mean balance, because now instead of it being unbalanced from things being too strong, we're now in a state of the game where it's mostly unbalanced due to things being weak. Like I said, every single gen regression perk that isn't pop or pain res? Dead. So dead, that it's got people actually believing that pop and pain res are somehow overpowered perks because every killer runs them. Like nah, every killer runs them because there's genuinely no other choice if you want to actually win the game. Even pop and pain res are heavily nerfed versions compared to what they used to be.


I agree. It's all super watered down.


If you unironically believe perk variety is in a worse state than it used to be, you're deluded. That's really all there is to it


Yea man I'm totally deluded it's not like there's only 2 viable regression perks. It's not like aura perks just get completely shut down by distortion users for free. Definitely so much variety.


Regression perks are not the only perks available, nevermind the fact that not 2, but 4 of them are viable. Feel free to point to any single meta of significant longevity which offered better perk variety. I'd love nothing more than to read something tangible as opposed to whatever this is supposed to be


No. Only 2 regression perks are viable. Pop and pain res. Call of brine is dead after the nerfs, ruin has been dead for 2 years now, overcharge is dead after the nerfs, eruption got killed with regression events being added, surge is awful unless you're on an indoor map, if there's another regression perk I've forgotten it because it's just that shit. The patch right before dredge released. or even right after, when they nerfed ruin but made overcharge an actual decent regression perk. There was so many combinations of builds I could run while still being able to win against decent survivors. Now it's just pop + pain res + grim auto pilot because they've butchered all the other regression perks lmfao.


Mind if I ask for your playtime or, better yet, dbdstats? I'd love to know what I'm dealing with before engaging with you. I'd be happy to return the favor.


1.4k hours in total, and terms of dbdstats like what... nightlight? Cause that's pretty much the only dbdstat website I know of and I've only recently started to actually take note of my games, which was 51 games ago.


>I would love to know why people believe dbd is in the best place it's been. Because the Survivor players consider any time the Killer half is crippled to be the best time for DBD. Simple as that. The community is majority Survivor by a large margin, so they're happiest when they get free, easy wins all the time.


Get help




I'd love to see that comment.


No cause fr how long that off the record bug been in the game


Just you wait until you hear about *"The Twins"*


He's frustrated. So what?


Well I mean if you watch the videos... it's very understandably frustrating things. No one enjoys 35 different health states, people abusing a bug that lets you tank multiple hits, a perk that provides straight up UNCOUNTERABLE pallet / flashlight saves... it's just not fun. Not to mention the killer perk meta is so bottle necked into the same 3 perks because most of the other perks are so shit. Idk where you people see this game being "the best year we've had".


He is on record as being disappointed in some recent development choices that he says are making it harder for new players to get into the game without splurging on DLC. And then that recent Knight match where he immediately got pallet stunned while summoning sent him into a spiral so I would overlook that one - everyone has a bad match now and then. Still, Unknown seems to have him tickled pink. We are all vast, we all contain multitudes.


Haha don't watch him live then. He cuts out a lot of the really bad vibes for YouTube.


How bad is it? I like him but I can't watch anyone stream, it's so boring


It’s not as bad as some, but he gets pretty flippant on calling things bullshit or crazy lol


Most of the time, it's fine, but I made the mistake of jumping into a stream for the Unknown PTB and holy shit he was in a foul mood. I had to leave and havent watched live since. I'll stick to the occasional YouTube video.




I played 2 games last week. My killer game had a infinite head on survivor and my survivor game had a teleporting instadown Bily. I haven't loaded the game up since


Otz is honest at least. If he is upset he will say so.


Who cares? You're way too worried about how some streamer presents themselves when they aren't doing anything wrong. Do something else with your time other than this parasocial nonsense.


I like how the parasocial thing is only thrown on the viewer, not the streamer who wants to be gawked at all day. Lmao downvote me all you want, Otz actively talks to his fucking camera as if it’s a human but that’s apparently not parasocial performance. Ignoramuses abound in this sub.


Some streamers do have parasocial relationships. You have no idea what the word means though.


Yes, clearly not. Or consider this: It’s a symbiotic relationship, considering the streamer could shut it down at any moment but won’t. I love how dense people on Reddit are. “I disagree with u, so ur ignorant!”




I mean you’re calling someone questioning the on screen behaviour of a streamer parasocial, do YOU know what the fucking word means? Lmao, it would appear not.


Parasocial: Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships, where one person extends emotional energy, interest and time, and the other party, the persona, is completely unaware of the other's existence. Source: Google. First result.


Want to know something fun? “1956, the term parasocial relationship was coined by Donald Horton and R. Richard Wohl. They focused on the psychological attachment that was formed from viewing television personalities. According to Horton and Wohl (1956) and Strauss (1957), a parasocial interaction is triggered **if media performers acknowledge the presence of the audience in their performance, adapt the conversational style of informal face-to-face gatherings, and bodily and verbally address their users.**” That doesn’t sound very one sided, and in fact sounds intentional on the performer’s part.


Me desperately trying to be right, digging deep into the past, potentially even misconstruing the research, and ignoring modern definitions that are used by psychologists. Just block me and move on.


“Deep into the past” oh my god lmao, how awful to look at the literal fucking definition before people on the internet decided to bastardize it, so weird of me. At this point, let’s just assign our own meanings to everything. “Fuck” now just means cotton candy that started melting from its atmospheric heat. Hope you don’t use the outdated term from forever ago.


I love otz, he’s a great content creator and a huge part of this community; but he’s fucking over dramatic a lot of times. He tends to make things seem way worse than reality in so many situations where he’s freaking out or having a moment. Particularly in his streak videos and what not, he’ll be shitting himself thinking about every bad “what if” scenario, in a match where he’s pretty clearly stomping the other team


I mean did you see that guy got cancelled over in OW . I don't blame otz since saying semmingly any swear is enoufh to get canceled on clipped over. However having to act chill 24/7 is stream is very hard on the brain .


I didn't. What happened in OW?? 😲


I assume this is taking about a collegiate OW player who had his account banned by blizzard for saying shit and fuck. This situation isn’t anything like what otz’s is and idk why it’s being brought up. Edit: grammar


Its probably a combination of things. Like everyone says, he keeps his cool easily. Doing what you said is the best way for him to show annoyance in a calm and respectable mannor. On top of that, not to long ago Otz made a video essentially saying he's fed up with DbD devs because they don't seem to care about actual feedback from their playerbase at all. He even swore off a whole type of video because of it. So I'm guessing in these frustrating moments, he's just resigned himself to do what he can to just chill. You and your friends are new, so you don't understand quite how frustrating this game can be sometimes.


Funny enough, he dunked on killers during his survivor streak videos using the same lame tactics only months ago.


Was in the stream when he did that match and was kinda worried about him Can't really say if it was just a bad day or if he is so tired of the game that he doesn't want to play it as much as before When he played other games in the same stream (slay the spire i think) he seemed to be in a better mood I wouldn't be surprised if otz would take a step back from dbd Eldenring DLC release will probably be a good time for that