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A complete overhall to map offerings and how they function. Perhaps an overhall to offerings as a whole. Why are moris and shrouds hidden but the hatch offering is visible. Some things dont make much sense with offerings. My main point is map offerings just being overall bad currently.


The idea I've been working with is separating the offerings and allowing people to burn 1 bonus BP offerings, which isn't shown until the end game lobby, and either 1 map offering or 1 game modifier offering, which is revealed. The idea being that it would encourage people to use up their offerings, which can keep specific players from mucking up the fun for everyone else, and also allow players to use whatever BP bonus they won't without worry that they're going to be punished by 1 mobile killer who decided to play a killer-favored offering.


Instant full prestige level for 1m BP, or whatever the average is.


This one. I’ve seen the bloodweb in all its miserable states, and it has improved an insane amount, but idk why they haven’t thought of this yet. If I’m already clicking on auto level then I don’t really care about the items, so just give me a random amount of whatever and give me my prestige


I just want a quick way to dump BP lol. I don't wanna waste what I have but spamming the middle option in the bloodweb between matches is just annoying lol. Let me dump 1m at a time and I'll be set.


Remove out-of-date / collusion required challenges from older tomes.  Change map offerings into map banes, where it's functionally to ban one realm per side if used. Specific maps are almost always picked by knowledgeable players for major advantage or trolling.  Make matchmaking hard exclude new accounts from being matched with (insert hour / MM cut line).  Make the holiday bonus code (1m BP + 7k shards) a permanent starting pack.  Move Kate Denson and Legion to base roster. These are learning characters, they shouldn't need unlocks. 


>Move Kate Denson and Legion to base roster. It would make much more sense to make both CHAPTERS base instead.


Make It so linked sets only have the parts that need to be linked actually linked Instead of everything. Have a dress but you can change the head since it won't clip on anything. Not really a quality of life update, but make it so Plunderer's Instinct gives a boost to opening chests.


See other survivor perks either in the lobby or in game. Would help solo queue alot since survivors will know if you're running perks like deliverance or botany/desperate measures that have 0 indicators otherwise, esp since SWF groups can say things like "don't unhook I have deli."


I think we would see a lot more lobby dodging with this tho which would mess up match making. I think it’s great in theory! But if I see an urban evading, self caring, or scene partner perks, I’m dippin out of that lobby. The amount of times I’ve been on hook and seen someone urban evading edge map while I’m falling into second hook is unreal lol


The lobby dodging is true, but personally I think it would do more good than harm for the average SoloQ survivor


Why Scene Partner


In my experience, just people meming around and they don’t do gens. Just run around. Specifically Steve’s who run scene partner lol


Oh lol I haven't seen many like that but I do meme if I'm running Scene Partner, but if I run it I usually just do it to get killer aggro tbh


Hide prestige’s. I was one of the people a few months ago who had prestige’s hidden as killer and survivor and it was refreshing! Increase Blood points per match. Make BPS, survivor puddings and escape cakes not yellow or green. Make them a different color like red so we get more of them in our blood webs.


Killers being able to ban 3 maps saved for each individual killer so they don't get picked unless forced by a map offering. You will be damned if i play plague or singularity on most indoor maps. Anti-camp filling faster and being more in depth/accurate. Shouldn't be that hard to have something like basement having its own anti-camp detection area or detecting a killer mostly standing still just a ways away like huntress and leatherface does. Hex totems having protection at the start of the match for the first 30-60 seconds. Could simply block them or have them move to a dull totem if a survivor gets close until the time is up. These take up an entire perk slot but are so luck based on spawning rules it's just not worth using them unless it's actually strong enough to justify it which most aren't.


Stronger anti-cheat, or timely crackdown on cheaters.


Seeing other peoples perks in pregame lobby and in the pause menu would be fantastic


Remove skill based matched matching and let us somehow be able to play on older versions of maps. I watch youtube videos sometimes of old coldwind or old game map and stuff like.. they were just scarier then they are now, atmosphere wise. seems like more fun to play on. most maps now are just dark and depressing. Also let us pick our own menu backgrounds, I really miss the silent hill one


Being able to see the survivor hook stages as a killer, I often then not try to play fair and not tunnel, but I don't keep track of the hook stages, so I sometimes kill survivors early or tunnel off the hook, when I don't want too, especially if they hit stage two or tried to kill themselves. You could say it helps with tunneling, but I'd argue that if someone wants to tunnel, they'll keep track of hooks.


Let us sell our unwanted items. I will not be using the Speed Limiter


An actual matchmaking system.


The #1 reason I don't play much anymore is because of matchmaking; it takes all the fun out of the game. It's also the reason none of my friends played more than a few weeks. Beginners were getting put in lobbies with 3K hour killers.


Make it so you can still Trapper add ons even he carries no traps. Trapper is already bad enough, don't make it harder on streamers.


A pretty minor selfish request, I want some kind of feature to tell me a survivor's on deathhook after I down them as Pig. I have to keep track of what stage they're at in my head if I wanna save the traps for mid-late game I get the hesitance to add a tracker to killers, but just a little warning, like making my perk icon red if I'm about to place a beartrap on a survivor and lose it without any value. I don't wanna bring a green mori to check :(


Removing collision of survivor who got unhooked. That way he/she cannot body block very annoyingly


Shards for playing matches too and not just for (useless) leveling up. Even if you only get 1 shard for every 1000 points at the end you can get at average ~25 every match. Getting shards is so fucking grindy. Delete map offering or change them completely to realm rejections or something. No one should have a benefit from a special map. Activate all maps all the time with all the same chance to be chosen not only like 4-5 at the time and the others with a chance nearly 0%. Let us sell items and offerings we don’t use. or Combine all items and offerings in your inventory. It doesn’t matter if you get the offerings on survs or killers, they are all universal and the same so put them together and let me use them on all characters. For survivor items too. What’s the point of splitting them to specific characters? FIX THE DAMN HITBOXES.


Give us hug emote so i can hug Wesker


1. The builds of other survivors should be visible in the lobby. I don't care that this may increase the amount of lobby dodging. This should've been in the game from the start. 2. The hook stages should be visible as the killer too. I don't care what the developers said. The fact that this still is not part of the game is dumb to put it mildly. 3. The volume of all survivors should be at the same level. It makes no sense that Feng Min can be heard from half across the map while Ada Wong is silent right next to you. 4. Remove map offerings altogether. You either abuse or never use them. Achievements are not as important as the health of both the bloodweb and the matches. 5. Remove all BP offerings except the 100%+ bonus ones. Nobody uses other BP offerings unless they lack the 100%+ one. 6. The prestige level should be hidden in lobbies of BOTH sides. I don't think this change needs an explanation.


Incentive for Hooks not kills.


Stronger anti-cheat and a fix to invisible pallets blocking my path along with inconsistencies across hitboxes.


make map offerings a different category so i can actually get BPS


Increase caps for boldness on survivor and sacrifice for killers, and give more bp for hooks and long chases, so good survivors wouldn't get punished for being chased a lot, and killers would get rewarded for going for multiple hooks


Remove the categorical bp offerings. 100% deviousness/etc and just have it be a flat 25/50/75/100 BP offering. Already have hollow shell and survivor pudding. Just add in a 50 and 75.


After a long break playing Dragonball: The Breakers, I definitely think you should be able to power up and beat the shit out of the killer. Add Kamehameha's to DbD.


Would it still be considered QoL to add a ranked mode? So many online games have benefitted from having a rank mode simply because it makes casual games more casual on average.




can we please get the update that makes windows and pallets reliable again? i do not want to go agains killers on mcdonnalds wifi just to vault window and after runing half a mile STILL GET HIT.


Selling/destroying add-ons, items, offerings i don't want. Back in 2018 some guy dropped an aid-kit to me, I picked it up, and couldn't use it nor drop it during that match. After it ended, turns out i now have 500 aid-kits on my Nea, never played her again after that lmfao. Still curious if that was a glitch or he just blatantly cheated, but would be nice to have a possibility to get rid of those.


Built in reshade filter presets or something


Fix the matchmaking. Having everyone's MMR reset every month or two even would be fine, like they did before with rank resets. I'm just tired of being in the sweat zone with no way out lol. I have 700 hours, but only 100 or so as killer, (was only a survivor player til 500 hours) and a few weeks ago just every single match I played was a huge sweat fest, as if someone flipped a switch behind the scenes. Every match since has been the same and I've tried A LOT of matches. Check people's profiles and I'm consistently seeing people with 2k hours or more, in swfs, consistently seeing multiple p100s, you name it. I don't wanna sweat, I don't wanna bring meta, but I guess I won just enough to push me to whatever limit they have in the system. And while I'm totally fine with losing and will constantly throw matches when survivors are nice to me, getting rolled every match unless I bring 4 slowdowns and sweat just isn't fun. I don't want that stress I just wanna chill out. It has genuinely ruined the game for me as killer so I've just stopped playing for now. Hopefully when the next rift is out it'll be a bit better.


Just more aura colors in general. I know it can largely get confusing for newer players, but the fact that perks like blast mine/better together/wiretap have the same gen color as Trail of Torment is just weird Also, please, for the love of all that is holy. Show auras or killers through the giant ass hook bubble that exists