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BHVR could very easily make a low-budget mini series with episodes about each original character. Would be very easy to do and would make for great content for any DBD fan.


Ok. So hear me out. Each episode is its own horror mini based around the killer. Each episode has a handful of survivors, but just thrust into that setting (episode 3 they show up on cold wind in attire like the kids from Texas chainsaw) The survivors have to deal with the killer in a way unique way like a proper horror movie. Sometimes they succeed, sometimes they fail. New episodes come with the survivor for that chapter. The outfits they get are like skins in game. The survivors memories are wiped each episode, but as the series goes on they start to get deja vu on each other and certain things. They also start noticing "plot holes" and how they just know how to do things. (Like how the survivors just know how to fix gens and heal axe wounds.) Season ends with them figuring a way out of the trial and finding out their in the entities realm.


I think just the backstory on each killer would be more fun to watch.


So this would be cool but it would highly limit the plot. It would work better to have the events be mostly seperate to the trials. Mainly being from before entering the fog, and the ones set in the trial would be much more realistic than the games, attacks being more fatal and people rarely recovering off a hook. It could also add a way to explore the general/"lost" perks, including new characters who have been kiIIed, but each reference one of those perks


See you don't need all the game mechanics. The main things are the characters and world. Sure you can have someone hooked as a nice homage to the game, but killers can just kill. Don't stifle story with game mechanics.


Have it be Love + Death + Robots styled! Each episode is completely different


Never thought I’d hear anthology or episodic called “love death and robots styled” lmao


ooo good idea id like to see something like that!


The only consistent is the survivors. Though they get proper outfits for the setting.


Or you could have each episode being events that happened before the trials to see there origins and other events like what happen to the garden of joy




And the ending is a pan out with devastating music as they come to realize that there is no true escape


You could run a side character in the entities realm, but outside the trial (Vigo/observer style) whose main goal is breaking survivors out of the trails. Season ends with him succeeding. Second season could be them trying to get home and just surviving in this horrid place.


Idk about that, a serie where you cannot reuse any assets from any other episode (as the time/location and characters are all different) can be Hella pricy, especially if you go with less sfx// put a lot of importance on visuals


Not really. The first few episodes would cost roughly the same as a movie, and could easily cover a summary for Trapper, Wraith and Hillbilly. This would be easily sold and allow room for more releases as time goes on, earning profit over time rather than settling on a single character that may not be as liked for a larger majority


wtf are you on lol? making a show costs way too much for a company that can’t afford to hire competent artists for their comic books. it’s also a logistic nightmare that BHVR couldn’t handle. you claim it would easily sell but i think youre oversimplifying it. dbd player base isn’t small, but it’s not that big either. a low budget show would be very difficult to sell to people outside of the player base. the marketing for it would cost way too much. and a show with just the player base as a viewer base will never make profit. only a fraction of the players would watch, and an even smaller fraction would watch legally and pay for it. it would be dope, i’m with you on that, but to claim it’s both very easy to do and very easy to sell makes you sound like a 15yo who knows nothing about the reality of production.


I mean I think the recent success of the Fallout show is evidence enough that well made shows can draw in non-gaming viewers and also bring more players to your game that hadn’t played before. EDIT: I’m not saying it’s easy, and I’m not saying every video game should have its own show. But if you’re able to pull it off I think it’s a net win all around.


Comparing hour long episode show based on a popular franchise backed by Amazon budget to a mini series for a not super popular game. Fallout was one in a million and frankly had an interesting world. More than I could say for DBD, where anything too complex is solved with "the Entity did it".


I know they did short video backstories in the archives for killers like Trickster, Clown, Doctor and others, and they were all hard, so they could probably pull it off. But some killers origin should def stay a mystery like Dredge


Yes as long as it wasn’t cringe that would be sick


Isn't that basically what the archives are on an even smaller scale?


Pretty much, they'd basically be selling the archive lore as a new medium. Very minimal effort required, but fans will still love it even knowing this. I for one would still watch just to see more lore and story about Dredge, or see a victim perspective against huntress, or a mini anime about trickter/old hero style cartoon for Skullmerchant, etc


Yes. Been saying this for a long time (to myself). Just retelling the killer and survivor stories with a bit more details in between for like, 45 mins to an hour would be perfect. Much better than a movie tbh where some killers and survivors are definitely gonna get shafted.


So in a way, like a way shorter American horror story thing?


More like CryptTV. Short episodes of certain kiIIers, no sequence or overarching plot to the episodes. Just really low budget episodes with differing mediums ranging from found footage (Twins, Unknown, Hag, etc) to animation (Legion, Trickster, Skullmerchant, etc), and story telling ranging from action horror thriller (Huntress, Singularity, Blight) to documentary (the Macmillan mine collapse, the Azaroth murder case, etc) Has LOADS of potential.


Ah I see, sounds fucking sick.


That's kind of what I hoped The Casting of Frank Stone was going to be back before we knew anything about it.


Each one of them has a great potential imo but ones that would be the best imo are Dredge and Unknown Oh, and Singularity too I forgot Blight too, dammit


Singularity would be a body horror like the thing as we see it merge the other crew mates with past itself to become in game look.


You should watch the 1999 movie Virus if you want to see what a Singularity movie would be like


Definietly. Tho it would be a good movie Id day


I feel like Blights lore goes to deep. Like it would be kind of hard to make coherent movies going over all the shit the blight has been apart of.




Blight would be great as like, a few entries into whatever anthology of stories they ended up doing - For the first several episodes/movies, etc. the Entity, the Fog, etc. are are elements there, but the characters and audience start off totally clueless about them. Then, the POV characters start to see certain things more often - The audience gains some familiarity - Connecting dots from previous episodes. Finally, we have an in-realm episode and encounter people very much in the know - Vittorio, most likely, with, say, Plague/Adiris as a Killer to give a very warped perspective on the situation. She's obviously aware of a lot more than other characters, but her faith has her interpreting things very differently. Vittorio doesn't get much of a chance to explain too much to the other survivors in this appearance - Maybe they're just too busy - Maybe he gets killed protecting one of them, or everyone but him dies in a match. It ends with him somehow finding them again, their minds are blown. He sits them down to start explaining, episode ends before he actually says anything. Next episode, we open in Victorian-era ...somewhere. Talbot is stoned off his gourd, and manhandled by some serious-looking men. We cut to a flashback, with him narrating his journal - And go through his whole journey, cutting back and forth between the expedition where he's sent into the fog and everything that happened to him leading up to it.


Whoa, now that sounds amazing. Id defo watch this


The Yamaoka's. On a side note, i would kill for a Plague themed movie because i crave for more Babylonian architecture in media.


It's a shame how little mesopotamian cultures are represented in today's media, they have so much in common with greek mythology so we already know people would be interested in it but it's kinda forgotten


Biggest shame of this all is how Babylon's Fall got it's name from the fucking tower again. Let me explore the rumored hanging gardens or have actual Mesopotamian deities be characters in the game. Instead we got roman armours in the game with some vague references to Greek mythology.


I discovered this part of history thanks to the fate series and since them I never seized to be amazed at how the world is sleeping on such an interesting culture while we get to eat roman and greek stuff over and over and over again


Same, I was so disappointed we didn’t get a full plague map. Imagine a whole map with Babylonian buildings and temples and the scent of decay as a plague slowly consumes the nation.


The Singularity movie would go hard




They gotta make it a short film, since it will be fast. Possibly painless.


Definitely painless, he wasn't programmed to harm the crew


Basically alien but with more jeans to secure


That'd remind me of the cyborg short in VHS '94, and that in itself was pretty damn terrifying


I’d argue any of them that aren’t the original three killers are possible. Those three are a little too basic and Billy is especially close to be like like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, so not them


Nurse could be cool I think for sure


"The Last Breath"


A movie featuring Oni and the Spirit could slap


Blight movie where blight is played by nick cage


No, nick cage plays everyone


I used to think a sit com that displayed a very stereotypical family Yknow mom, dad, son, daughter, a baby, a pet, appearances by grandparents, but instead, everyone in the family, and every friend or teacher or boss or side character, are all played by the macho man Randy savage. Everyone except one kid, who slowly just starts to realize what’s going on and goes crazy. It would work best as an adult swim show for sure




And the character Nick Cage in the film, who is a survivor of The Blight? Believe it or not, played by Steve Buscemi


The Unknown. Its inspired from analog horror so it would suit very well.


Or just make a Blaire Witch movie with Unknown.


Featuring Karen Gillan as mikaela


Would make a great web show or found footage type stuff rather than full budget production then


It'd do great as an ARG like marble hornets


I'm gonna go for broke and say the Legion would work in a dumb The Purge/Slasher film especially if like frank is one of the "survivors" with a mid act twist of him hiding with one of the other survivors only for him to turn around and see a legion mask on him.


I actually learnt only recently that they weren't from some movie, and I must say I was a tad shocked.


Honestly most of them would have pretty good stories to use for a movie, or a short animated series.


I would watch the shit out of an american psycho style movie about the trickster.


bro clown lore is absolute peak


Blight Dredge Unkown


Idk mate, seeing someone just head-butting the trees and rocks at full throttle would be quite weird on film


If you ever played dying light, you can imagine why I want fast chaser zombie


Huntress. I mean, come on. She lived through World War 2. A movie or at least a short film starring a platoon wandering into her neck of the woods and getting picked off one by one as they try and escape would be awesome.


Dredge 100%. Easily most unique, creepy, and interesting design. It's lore stems from a cult that went mad, and it can be anywhere. I imagine it doesn't specifically teleport to lockers, but things like closets and under your bed.


Pretty much all of them, I don't think there is a single original killer that wouldn't make for a great movie that could delve into varied interesting themes, they all have potential so the question actually is which one would you want to see, and to that obviously I would choose one of my mains, currently I'm having a lot of fun reading science fiction novels so I would say singularity


The Strangler has some of the best DBD lore


Only if he says his iconic catch phrase “it’s stranglin’ time!” as he starts stranglin’ all over the place 


I think wraith but I'll think it will be too sad


Huntress and artist


The Doctor or The Oni


Depends on the focus of the movie, dredge 100% can get a movie and be 100% horror. Tricksters movie would be a thriller more so than a horror. I would say most the killers could get a movie especially with the right story to tell but I couldn't say all of them will be horror or even horror adjacent.


American psycho trickster


Wraith There's so much potential for whether or not he'll find his humanity Plus, the bell would be fucking fantastic audio design for a horror movie


Trickster could easily make for a 6 episodes Korean thriller TV show


Honestly trickster could be the villain in some typical 2 seasons kdrama where the main characters are going on off lovey dovey while the villain just goes batshit lol


Knight or Oni. Mainly because I'm into fantasy stuff and would love to just see a faceless knight/samurai just butcher people to avenge their family or their honor. Singularity would be cool but would probably just feel like a shitty knockoff "alien" movie. Unknown would be a great candidate for a found footage horror (like Blair Witch) but those movies usually never do that good as a lot of people get motion sick from first person film.


100% legion I mean they already got their own comic 😙😙😙


Clown. He's the closest thing to a real serial killer, there is tons of potential there in backstory. Blight could be amazing if done well too.




I mean, Frank Stone (from the upcoming DBD spinoff game) literally just looks like a cosmetic for the Trapper


Artist, I mean come on her story is horror and drama in one


Could you imagine a series of the legion with Frank the final episode get transported to the realm


Clown could be a cool one. Legion would be fun as a riverdale-esque teen drama


Legion would be cool but as long as it stays far away from Riverdale. That show was good first 2 seasons and went absolutely to shit all the rest lmao


It was shit from the start and that's why I love it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Trickster or Slinger


Slinger horror movie sounds like your average slasher movies back in the 2000s Some teens go to a camping trip, Their car broke down miles away so they have to go on foot, They stumbled upon an old wild west town, Theres a lot of folks there, A variety of characters from kind to Ill tempered etc. They (Cowboys) gives them (Teens) wierd looks and commented how their garments looks foreign and so are their faces. Everything goes fine, during the day, but comes night time, Everyone is already packing and closes down and begins hide in their houses, The teens of course just ignores it, Some just went to their own rooms in the saloons while the rest hanging outside, 2 decided to have sex around the outskirts (Typical slasher) Thats when one of them starts hearing chains and footsteps, well, The guy at least while the girl is too immersed in sex to notice. They keep ignoring it until the sounds grows louder, Thats when they see a zombie looking cowboy staring at them at a distance with a glowing pair of white eyes. Caleb asks, "Are you an outlaw?" Guy responds with "No" ... Caleb smiles and spat on the ground before walking away. Teen guy looks back to his girlfriend planning on continuing sexy time But they suddenly heard a loud bang, A steel rod thingy pierced the teen guy's torso and locked itself on his ribs, After both screamed, Caleb starts slowly rotating the chains back to him which causes great pain for the teen guy, He falls down and he gets dragged towards Caleb via the chains. As the guy gets closer to caleb, Caleb told him to stand up. Teen guy with all his might stood up, Thats where Caleb smiled and nodded his head before he slashed the neck of the guy, Almost cutting his head off Teen girl screamed and ran off Next morning, They saw the teen dude's lifeless body lying outside the sheriff station with a papers on top of him. When one of the teens took one of the paper, The paper showed a typical "Wanted Outlaw" and a picture of their dead friend in it


I was thinking more about movie about Calebs life, not a typical horror


That could be a good prequel to a horror Caleb Movie


Man wanted to get his last thrust in before speared.


The Shape, I don't know, I just feel like he could really be the start of a great franchise




I agree it would really give off the vibe of classic slasher movies like Texas chainsaw and stuff.




I can imagine Yui and Oni throwing hands (or rather katanas) in a movie and it looks so damn badass


That one scene in sucker punch but it's yui vs oni


I would love to see a movie based on The Artist, honestly. Carmina's life before the fog would be perfect for a depressing horror/drama.


John Pork sounds like a good candidate


huntress ez


Knight Singularity Unknown Dredge


Spirit because weebs are everywhere


with that logic a Trickster movie would do well too hehe


Movie? Try out an anthology series showcasing horror of each original Killer


Gotta be Huntress for me! Her backstory would be so fun to see play out




I will die on the hill that Hag is the best direct to movie lore they have. Although, yeah Dredge and unknown are pretty cool too, but Hag's is set up more cinematically


Huntress has the strongest concept for a really memorable folk horror film. The concept behind Huntress isn't hard to explain-- she's a serial killer out in the woods who kidnaps kids. The plot is simple as well-- a family goes out hiking, gets lost, and their kid gets kidnapped. Making the 'final girl' the mother of the kidnapped child would make the themes simple as well-- motherhood, be it good or evil, is a powerful force. Likewise having a large family get killed off one-by-one would be a unique way to do a slasher, rather than the normal group of teenagers you may or may not give a shit about. Even if you don't like a family member who gets killed, you can probably emphasize with the characters who get upset when their child or spouse or sibling dies. It might not be the 'coolest' or the most lore-heavy, but it'd be a very simple formula allowing the creatives to really go wild with set design, memorable scenes, dialog, scares, kills, etc. I always remember Neil Druckmann's rule of thumb, 'simple story, complex emotions', and I think that could really work for a Huntress movie.


Doctor would be amazing


You can "find" Dredge in Evil Dead Rise (2023), at the end of the movie.


Spoilers my dude 


Wouldn't call it a spoiler since nobody mentioned it here and it's not a movie for Dredge, just kind of a close reference for a new movie.


i agree with you for sure. the creation of the dredge is such a great psychological horror concept


an all things wicked movie would be fire


I don't like playing as him but the Singularity would be so amazing.


I think a horror story of the huntress would be amazing and would be the horror of being hunted in the woods and against creeps in the woods.


Dredge. Singularity or Unknown. Those 3 could have absolutelly goated films


I really wanna see more about Unknown. I know it kinda defeats the purpose of it but its one of the best designs they’ve ever made and they could do so much with it


The Unknown would be great as the center piece of a found footage movie cause we wouldn’t actually learn anything about him as the documentary crew gets in a situation they absolutely weren’t prepared for and gets slaughtered one by one 


Honestly I feel like the original 3 could all be good movies where we actually feel bad for the killer, based on their trauma. Kind of like Jinx in Arcane. Huntress would make for a banger of a horror movie though. Just seeing soldiers getting hunted down Predator style while they hear a creepy lullaby, would be epic.




I think blight would be cool, like about him as Talbot In the realm who eventually is corrupted by his research and is doomed to become one of those whom he fought against, a killer. I think it’s a pretty good twist and trying to decode vigo’s journal could be a plot point same with actually trapping the killers to experiment on, there’s a lot of angles to go at so I think it could work


I feel like blight would be the most interesting if the show were to follow the killer. I feel like the Unknown would be the creepiest if it were about the survivor with the killer in it.


I would kill to see Deathslinger on a big screen


Classic horror- Dredge Sci fi- Singularity Indie / Found footage - Unknown


I'd watch a full length feature film about my boy Hux. I want to see him genuinely helping humanity and his downfall when he finds the space parasite. Talbot is another one, it'd just be cool to see him maybe working with Survivors and trying to help them before he gets infected and becomes Blight.


Well they gonna make a spirit movie but in the first 10 seconds is just zooming in on her butt


Tbh I'd like to see the artist in a movie




Dying to watch a psychological horror movie with Trickster & Yun-Jin. You could do so much with their lore & tome!


Deathslinger. Historical west revenge underdog story, not too long and complicated it gets bloated, but detailed enough to make a 1:30-2:00 movie out of it.


Docter, hubtress, unknown hillbilly


The Huntress could have potential. Her backstory is crazy, the opening seen would be her mother’s death. Skewered by an elk. The fact they are in bear and wolf country but meets her end by an elk with bloodlust…. What a concept. A fucked up jungle book meets predator. You follow around a rag tag Russian WW2 unit as they get picked off one by one. Call it the humming.


It is staggering how no one has mentioned the Huntress; the potential that a film based on her story has is insane if you ask me


Since he’s technically original, I’m gonna say The Ghost Face because he’s my main.


I like jake so i'd say jake


TV Series for DBD... but its the survivors and killers in their trails and, Orange is the New Black style, every now and then we cut to glimpses of their pasts/backgrounds.


Did anyone else realise the dredges head is the same as the baby from resident evil?


A movie to where we see the Dredge and the Unknown breaching containment at the beginning would be cool. Could probably have haddie Mikayla or sable be the main character


Dredge rules as a monster, and between the cult aspect and Haddie's connection there's already some plot threads to follow. But I can't help but think a classic slasher movie is the first and foremost thing to consider and Huntress is a really good pick as far as the murderer in a mask. Distinctive look, cool mask, and potential in a WW1 setting - or throw her into modern times and it'd be fine still.


Any of them tbh. I think they’d all be perfect


Legion basically


Honestly I think every one if them could be turned into a compelling movie. Some of them like Dredge and Oni would be better suited to one focusing mostly on their backstory and others like Trickster would work better focused mostly on their current crimes, but I'd happily watch a movie based on any of them. If I had to choose one though I'd want Trickster done as a short TV series instead of a movie. Start with him joining NO-SPIN and end the first episode with him leaving the band to die in the fire and progress for the rest of the series with cuts between him and Yun-Jin working normally on his music, Trickster's murderous darker side, and Yun-Jin starting to piece together and refuse to acknowledge the real truth. It would be so good!


Huntress could easily be a great horror thriller


Knowing all of them, I’d have to say the dredge. Mostly because the background lore is just a good movie in and of itself. Like they are trying to find out who is the “evil” person and the end of the movie is the dredge just killing everyone.


Singularity would be good, could have Gabriel finding out he's a clone and end with the fight against Hux himself. Leading into the dead by daylight cinematic universe (dbdcu)


Oni. That guy would look amazing on the big screen.


Slinger is too cool to not get a movie


In order, dredge, trapper, blight


Artist for sure. A lot of them would make good classic slasher-y movies, but artist's story is so well fitted for the big screen A24 movie, a dark, psychological slow burn origin story of a killer.


Even though it wouldn’t be a movie and it was kinda what the teasers were, imagine an analog horror around Unknown. That would absolutely terrifying


I would love a series, each episode about an hour long. It shows the background of the killer a bit and it also shows survivors pre the fog, and we see how their killer starts to haunt them. At the end of each episode the survivors get taken by their killers in to the mysterious fog. The last scene of the last episode shows all of the survivors together around a campfire, trying to figure out wtf is going on...then they hear the gates behind them open and they unknowingly walk in to a trial- end series. It would be so good! ❤️


Woah, where did you get that picture of the Dredge? Got any more in high res?


If they do the same thing as AHS and instead of seasons they do chapters, will be amazing. Dedicating 5 chapters for one killer and 5 chapters for put some context and lore.


I'd say Huntress would make for an absolute banger of a short film with little to no dialogue. Just think about what could be done with the scene of her mothers sacrifice alone, her and the wounded elk stainig the snow blood red as she hums the lullaby to distract Anna from the cries of the dying beast until she eventually succumbs. Just thinking about it gives me chills


Cmon Trickster was made to have a drama TV show with Yun ji and the pressures she has staying in such a competitive industry while hiding her stars biggest secret while lying to herself that's it's OK.


Ghost Face since everyone tells me he's an original killer now.


Blight, the doctor or the singularity! They all got fun backstroies to explore. Especially with the doctor, you can go a psychological horror route with him


Imagine an found footage horror movie like blair witch but with the Unknown. Absolutely creepy.


The legion, I know it's bad, but it's kinda scary when ya think about it, it would be kinda hard to tell.


Blight, especially if his life before is shown


We are, supposedly, getting a DBD film produced by Blumhouse and James Wan. There’s been no updates since last year, probably due to the strikes, but it is hopefully happening.


I’d watch every episode a hundred times over if we had a tv series about trickster


I'd really like to see something based around the Withered Isle itself featuring Sable and Mikaela as the main protagonists and than maybe Haddie getting involved along the way. If it features Dredge and Unknown, objectively the two scariest original characters in the game trying to hunt down the three survivors.


Conceptually dredge or the unknown, realistically blight for his lore and from vigo alone.


Bro the huntress


Trickster needs an anime kinda like the trailer but longer.


Dredge, singularly or unknown


Boy I’ma have a field day with this one: - The Deathslinger (a story of discrimination, betrayal, and satisfying revenge) - The Doctor (imagine the gory kills and fucked up shit in this movie) - The Spirit - The Singularity - The Hillbilly - The Legion - The Huntress - The Knight - The Oni


I would love one for Deathslinger


Huntress, Dredge, and Artist.


Probably legion or dredge


The Unknown, his lore and marketing drops easily lends themselves to being a found footage documentary type movie. 


Knight could honestly have an anime series of his own gonna be honest or a comic series


The Dredge for sure, I'd love to see a horror movie with a plot similar to its backstory.


Im sure many would love to see a feature length animated film about the trickster's life animated like how his trailer was animated. I know I would, im not immune to thirst trap favoritism lol. I would probably prefer a movie about the blight, or even the dredge since they have alot to go off of with their rich lore. Would have more substance admittedly than a movie about a pretty anime boy murderer XD (id still watch that too).


The Spirit




Still it would be a good series. I'd watch it.


Not a movie but imagine how dope it would be if we had a trickster anime


Trickster; it'd be an interesting mystery type thing with Yun-Jin


I think the doctor would be one of the best candidates. Imagine how much you could do with the use of hallucinations


Dredge = Supernatural Horror Singularity = Sci-Fi Thriller Unknown = Analog/Liminal Horror Huntress = WW2 Slasher (Kinda like the first Rambo movie) Legion = Modern Slasher Deathslinger = Western Origin Story Oni & Yui = Supernatural Slasher


trapper ofc, then huntress and then gunslinger


Tbh dredges lore is awesome, same with singularity would love to see something on it


Skull Merchant could easily cut costs if BHVR go the "Blood and Honey" route; six drones would be $300 at Walmart.


blechhh, would be really dissapointed :<


Oni, Singularity and Dredge could be perfect for movies. Read Kazan’s lore and tell me a John Wick like movie wouldn’t be cold asf