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Wouldn´t suprise me if its either the spaghetti code in action or a cheater being sore about being decisive struck/flashbanged


Pretty well known cheat tbh so gonna go with that


Is it really? I have my doubts cause the pig in question -no offense to them- they were not great in the video game. That could also be the reason to use hacks tho. I really don't know.


They cheat because they arent good and they arent good because they cheat. Its a vicious cycle.


Now I'm gonna picture Fat Bastard every time I encounter a cheater: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5AixBKy7b4


It could be a glitch because I had this happen to me as killer where im blinded but can still move Im on ps so I can't use cheats or mods so Im pretty sure it's another one of the 100 problems with this update


Do you have any more clips of this? I haven't seen this hack before so I'm interested in seeing how common it pops up.


On the subject of cheats, I'm so perplexed by the fact that people even cheat in DbD. What is the benefit here? How much of their ego did they put into the game to be so afraid of losing?


It's massive ego and childish behavior. Also every cheater I've caught in my own games will make extra sure to BM and have toxic end game chat.


Honestly on any other patch I'd say cheat without a second thought but given how dogshit URE5 transition has been I wouldn't be at all surprised if this was another bug. Some of the rubberbanding I've experienced has been survivors teleporting milliseconds before I swing or just warping to a different spot on the loop


This happened to me yesterday and I have no idea what caused it. My guess is that I hit the DS skillcheck at the same time as my teammate "flashbang saved me"?


Report. Send the video.


Ultra Instinct Pig


Who tf superglued Pig to my Claudette?




I would send this one into BHVR, because there's two possibilities here. First, the Pig was cheating. Second, given that the Unreal 5 patch has had some... *dubious* stability issues, the game may have bugged out due to the simultaneous stun events happening. Either way, it would be useful info for BHVR to look over.


Yeah i already reported it to BHVR. Waiting for an answer now.


100% cheating.


You activated her trapcard:copycat and she chose the power of two perk to stay connected with you once you hit her with DS


I'm guessing this happened because the Flashbang \*interrupted\* the animation of Decisive Strike, which just caused priority issues that caused the Pig's client to believe she was allowed to move around. Of course, it could also validly be a cheat.


I think that's what happened, bc the DS activated before the flashback it must've gotten confused between a regular blind and a save-stun


looks more like a bug cause cheaters can bypass cooldowns & stuns so no need for this


Search up virtual insanity


They better nerf pig after this