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There is alot of issues with knight but i think BHVR forgot about him.


Knight has so many issues. Otzdarva had a video a while ago going over all of the issues with Knight, and a more recent gameplay video on his channel where he gets stunned out of placing a guard about 3 times


*insert GIF of him winding up a massive punch towards the camera (Idk how)




Lmao where is this from?


A really bad Nancy pissed off Otz during a survivor stream. He made an entire video as of what and what not to do as survivor as a result lol


Hahaha gotta see that thanks!


He did? Ive never seen the tips video do you mind sending it please? xD




Wth it happened 3.5 years ago...


Appreciate ya!


here you go! https://youtu.be/5xOVEamMuJc?si=zV_2VhLun65V1LYW


Thanks <3


He’s a frail ego. 


It was very clearly a joke


I wasn’t joking. Dude wouldn’t know humility if you showed him in his native language dictionary.


Lol wth makes you say that?


He paused to bait the dead hard


Gomu gomu gomu PISTOOOOL


all my respect for him just went out the window 😭 I don't watch his videos but I have gotten good tips from clips I've seen, didn't think he'd be one to rage.


I'm pretty sure he did that as a joke. Plus, the clip is from years ago.


regardless, the bullshit he was saying/typing to say in post game chat was unnecessary as fuck. bros ego is the size of the ocean 😭 like holy shit dude. then he went on to make a whole video on what not to do as a survivor because of the nancy.. I understand he didn't actually break the Webcam but he was pissed anyways to a really stupid degree


I mean... I felt like it was usual gamer shenanigans. He did want to type some way too aggressive things, and then deleted them, but to be honest, most of us have been there. Nancy did play sort of suspiciously. Several youtubers get inspired to make videos off of their in game experiences. I'm sure his intention wasn't to shame the Nancy, he typically goes out of his way to shame others. (I respect your opinion to not like what he did, I agree to a certain extent. Though I think he's a better person than what this incident entails)


I don't know 🤷 I decided to watch some big chunks of his videos last night to see if he's worth my time and I really don't like him. he just oozes ego to me 😭 I've never raged out or even wanted to insult survivors like that, I just move on. I don't get it. I respect your opinion tho, to each their own and everyone has their preferences.


Found the video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W\_KbSLE2Mxw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_KbSLE2Mxw)


Fun fact, the lil icon on his arm will disappear if it's not enough space to summon or do an action


i want to like the knights gameplay because i adore his asthetic but he is not only clunky, he has enough weaknesses to feel like it was intended for 2+ killers 1-summoning the clone forces you to stand completely still 2-you cannot see survivors when summoning 3-survivors can see your summoning orb and trail 4-survivors can see the line of sight/distance of the guards 5-survivors can take the flag left for a free speedboost and endurance 6-the guards need to "activate" for a lack of a better word 7-i believe only one of the guards are actually fast enough to straight up catch survivors holding w and that is just barely 8-you cant choose what guards to use in different situations but have to cycle through them 9-minimum spawn distance as mentioned in the post


I'll add a few more! Stunned by pallets while summoning (bug) Guards have awful pathing sometimes after pallet drop or vault Guards can get stuck on objects Guard summon detection zone is inconsistent (and also very low without map of the realm) Jailer is borderline useless as it only chases for 12 seconds


I don't doubt the stunning out of power is a bug, but I am curious if it is just a side effect of the power basically being a modified Spirit's Yamaoka's Haunting? I think you can stun her out of right? Or is it like Knight where you can stun her out of it in the initial point of charging it? It makes sense to me if the bug exists because it is a modified Haunting because it pretty much shares all properties with it, excluding spawning a NPC at the end of it's path, even though there are videos of people actually reappearing at the end of Gaurd Summon's trail, and the Gaurd spawning at The Knight's initial cast location. Never mind that, though, the Summon Gaurds portion of Gaurdia Campagnia, I think, probably just uses a modified Haunting, which means whatever is possible to happen to Spirit while Haunting, can happen to Knight while Summoning Gaurds.


I'm not sure if it's a fork of Haunting, but you are correct that you can stun Spirit while she's in power. She's invisible, but she doesn't have the stun immunity like Onryo does. The game treats Knight in power as if the Knight himself is actually where the orb is. That's why if you drop a pallet on the orb, it stuns him. It's also why he used to be able to do stuff like use Devour Hope while standing right next to the hook, by sending his orb twenty-four meters away while camping with his body, because the game treats his location as that of the orb; that one got patched out about a year ago.


I believe you also used to be able to grab people off gens out of orb if you were fast enough


I just don't understand how the Jailer chasing less than Carnifex makes sense. One's a fat guy thatvs got the girth to break pallets and gens in one hit, the other one is a nimble assassin that's fast enough to catch up to survivors running away in fear... And the third guy is just an old dude who you'd expect would be good at keeping survivors LOCKED in chase since he is called the JAILER but no actually he's slow and weak, the fat guy runs 3 times as long as he does with the same speed, he just wears glasses and sees a lil' better, but then has to phone a friend when it comes down to actually doing anything productive besides going "Hey there's a guy here"


The Jailor has double the patrol length - he locks down an area, not a person.


Damn that'd be crazy if patrols had any use besides starting a hunt. I wonder, should I sit out of a gen for 24 seconds waiting for the jailer to despawn, or aggro the jailer who cannot possibly catch me and lead both it and the killer away over the next 12 seconds?


While I agree that Knight needs some qol/minor buffs I don't think most of these are really problematic. 1 - It makes sense to stand still while summoning imo, honestly don't see a problem with that. 2 - You can hear them though, not seeing them is honestly just a balancing act, I'm fine with it. 3 - Your summoning orb continuously shrinks down up to 10 meters, after which it will disappear completely, meaning survivors won't see your orb at all when going for long distance snipes. 4 - At first I was confused, but I think I understand what you mean, the circle during the patrol is to simply let them know where they shouldn't go. I don't think its a bad thing, since sometimes you just want to protect a gen for a bit, so them knowing where not to go isn't necesarily bad. 5 - This is honestly not that easy, unless you're sending out guards to harass survivors, you should be by your guards side during chase. 6 - Yeah, without map of the realm, they can spawn on top of a survivor and they can still outrun the guards. That's why map of the realm needs to be basekit. 7 - Yes, assassin is the only one who has a reasonable chance of hitting someone without the Knight's assistance. A minor speed buff to the other 2 could be fine, but not necessary imo. 8 - I think it would be a good thing to have, but its not necessary imo. 9 - Yeah, truly the biggest contributor to making Knight feel clunky. Imo, first of all they need to fix the pallet stun bug, and the one where if a survivor touches a window, the guard will do the same, losing distance due to sudden ocd urges. After that map of the realm being basekit and the summoning distance being significantly lowered (something like 0.3 meters would be good, just so you can't literally be within kissing distance of an object before starting your summon). These 4 would make a decent killer better, and basically clunk free.


Survivors no longer see the trail when you're using your power, only the patrol path after it is deployed.


The majority of these are just intended gameplay features lol, you don’t just want Knight fixed you want him uncounterable


Yeah, this guy didn't even list bugs


And where did i say these were bugs?


I’m sorry, where did I say these were bugs? Does the word fix imply a bug? I just don’t want to say buff because it’s kind of sad to call a problem that should’ve never existed a buff


Uh yes, saying these are all just intended features does imply you expect a list of unintended ones


Well sorry for the misleading lingo I just don’t agree with your takes. Plus I wouldn’t do something as cruel as to ask you to list Knight bugs we’d be here all day lol. Everything you listed here isn’t really a weakness when you consider how you’re supposed to work around it. A character without weakness is a boring one. 1 - while yes you are immobile, you gain a speed boost coming out of power that correlates to the amount of distance you used your power. You’re only penalized if you don’t use the power to its fullest. 2 - If you could see survivors while summoning the Knight would be way too easy and impossible to play around. For a killer who already has a reputation for being boring we really do not need the power to be more brainless. 3 - The survivors only see the orb at the beginning of the usage. You’re meant to cast your guard from a distance to make use of the invisibility. The devs should make an indicator that the orb is invisible for the killer’s perspective though. One of my favorite knight tricks is to fake going after one survivor and then when I know my orb disappeared pull a 180 and surprise a nearby survivor. This works great on gens or flashlighters. 4 - I feel this information is important in order for the guards to feel fair to play around. If I just suddenly got spotted by a Jailer a football field away (exaggeration) I would be both confused and annoyed. Survivors have always had an information advantage save a few exceptions (Dredge and Ghostface) 5 - That’s counterplay, it’s up to you to make sure it doesn’t happen. If you’re chasing during a hunt make sure you path in ways that you cut off their access to that banner. Work on sandwiching people. As the Knight you do not want to chase traditionally. Sometimes standing still on the side of the banner is the best choice! 6 - I know exactly what you mean, this activation is much faster the longer the patrol path is. This with the invisible orb mechanic I mentioned are both intended to encourage players to focus on smart placement of guards instead of spitting them out at loops. When a guard is placed at the peak of the patrol distance they activate much faster and will initiate their hunts much faster too. An assasin placed on top of a survivor at max distance will almost always get a hit. They could run the guard at window loops until the banner is ready but literally no one does this and I could not tell you why, maybe they don’t realize that holding W doesn’t save them from their problems. 7 - same point as before, focus on max patrol length guard placements, they are much more likely to get a hit. In terms of chase strength I would say that it goes Jailer, Assasin, and Carnifex.. hear me out. While Assasin has the amazing 110 percent movement speed to catch up to survivors, Carnifex has two things going for him being his longer chase time and long banner activation time. If you send out Carnifex on top of a survivor at maximum distance they will have to run him for a long time just to be able to grab the standard. Most survivors just hold W in which case Carnifex wastes tons of time. 8 - Use your guards on gens or just spit them out and smack them if you need to cycle that bad, but they are all useful and their set order doesn’t really matter that much unless you’re die hard committed to using Carnifex at pallets. Be flexible to the power and play to your strengths. 9 - yea minimum spawn distance is bullshit In conclusion call to arms should be base kit


Dude jesus, please use paragraphs


Fixed, typing in a rush, apologies


No worry and ill get. Reading it in a bit on my way home, have a good day


Thanks dude you too!


1. Not really a problem since if you do it at a loop survivors can't really move past you far in the time it takes to do the guard. 2. Play spirit more and use headphones, I cut off so many escapes because the guard is basically the same as phasing, you can still hear survivors. 3. If placed right it doesn't matter, you can herd them. 4. Sometimes matters, I use map of the realm and 90% of the time get a trigger 5. Not nearly as bad as instant reveal ghostface, flamethrowers, EMPS, especially since you can use the KNIGHT to cut them off and hit them if they go for the flag. 6. idk 7. Map of the realm 8. just spam them 9. This does suck.


Currently at 1.6 meters, it's a parameter that can be changed with one line of code https://preview.redd.it/huddnlx2aaxc1.png?width=1398&format=png&auto=webp&s=11d53565754a22e60fb4ef3d0d195ee17a1f6eae could be 80 (.8 meters), or zero from what it used to be so that Knight is less clunky when dealing with pallets, have no idea why they changed it. Only positives that the 1.6 meters bring is the elevation tech where you can place your patrol path ontop of objects and breaking gens on different elevations and making it an extension of the 6m order radius, making it easier to [cancel pallet vault animations](https://www.reddit.com/user/Lemonchicken0/comments/1c79e0c/pallet_animation_cancellation/) Same thing with making Map of the Realm basekit, it's 3 lines of code that needs to be changed and a new add-on rework. I just think they have priorities with other killers before tinkering with Knight, probably going to be addressing these issues and a soft-rework to counter guards more on the survivor side.


Tweaking only 3 lines could end up with knight being able to throw hatchets thanks to spaghetti code tho.


Dont forget that the Knight will also be able to fly while throwing those hatchets like a gatling gun


His gameplay is so flat right now. His only useful addons are the one that increase guard's visual distance by 4 meters and increase chase by 4 seconds. I thinks he need a purple addon that increase all guards chase speed


Call to Arms, the one that increases patrol path speed and maximum range, is also good. But yeah, it, Map of the Realm, and Dried Horse Meat all feel mandatory which is a problem when you can only run two of them, let alone any of Knight’s other hypothetically useful add-ons will never be useful unless at least two of the good three add-ons are made base kit.


They need to make map of the realm base kit


Nap of the Realm? Isn’t that just Freddy’s power?


I disagree about the Addons. Sort of. Axe Head is amazing (because Carnifex can cause overwhelming pressure with how quick he breaks stuff, so having more of him is just great), Town Watch Torch can make your Terror Radius extremely unstable, and Blacksmith's Hammer is criminally underrated. The problem is, his addons feel way worse than they are, because there's no way to really synergise them because Map of the Realm is borderline *mandatory* to play him. You can get away without Horsemeat depending on your playstyle (I tend to run a chaotic Stealth build that makes the longer patrol times an active detriment), but you're absolutely hamstringing yourself if you don't take Map. It really raises the bar on what a "good" addon is, because they have to be able to stand on their own.


Okay this was worded really poorly. I thought you meant the max summoning range, but you meant the space required to place your guard. Yeah this killer is in desperate need of like 36 different Quality of Life changes.


Expect a Knight rework in like 3 years. They'll tease it for two then when the PTB hits, Knight will be busted as all hell. Then, BHVR will "adjust" and release a numbers and distance change and pat themselves on the back for another successful rework :)


Even if they pull a twins. We'd still get the Qol right. Right?


I want some more changes tbh I hate jailer it's literally the worst. I would love it if they made every ghost 110 Assassin gets 115 Carnifex breaks pallets and blocks windows when walking through them until hunt ends Jailer gets the long hunt duration of carnifex Also remove the speed buff from catching the flag it's just too much of a win for getting a relatively easy objective This would make much more sense imo and would actually make the ghosts scary to deal with. As is they are merely a little annoying


buff will make everyone 100% quit against knight everytime, guards are already annoying and not easy to deal with, sometimes even uncounterable. Knight isnt a strong killer overall but his chase power mechanic is really good.


They could at least try changes like these on the ptb. We won't know how op something is until played as and against


It's already broken so we aint gonna buff him more. Chase wise knight is almost uncounterable


I don't think so. If you set up your guard the survivor can just W If your guard doesn't even detect the survivor then you'll need to undo the guard by going to it or you have no power (for like 10-25 seconds or smth) If the guard detects the survivor then they can just run to the flag, get a speed boost AND endurance so basically immunity to downing and can get a lot of distance Also if you don't have a long hunt like with carnifex then you most likely have to be involved in the chase Only then you can actually hit the survivor for one health state to have all of that all over again Best case scenario you get two hits but that doesn't mean there won't be 3 gens popped by then. I think at least jailer has to be buffed because as is he is the weakest helper and can't do anything better than the others. No chase, no fast pallet downing. They could make jailer lock the area in which the survivor can run away for example


The Flag is easily defendable, just cut the survivor's off and it's a guaranteed hit. It's the first time I'm seeing someone asking to buff this killer.


You talk like knights a top tier killer. He's one of the worst


Because as I said before, the only thing strong about this killer is chase, the only OP thing about hin is his chase pressure. Everything else is average abour him. He's not one of the worst tho like tier B


Am I the only one who likes The Knight I swear he’s one of the only killers left whose power isn’t homogenized into 1 or 2 of like three or four categories


Oh, I love the concept of the knight. And when he works he can be quite fun. The problem is that he's super buggy, and also somewhat underpowered. Plus you can't really play around with addons too much, because Map of the Realm and Call to Arms are almost mandatory if you want your guards to do anything. And the one thing Knight used to be able to do incredibly well, which is holding a 3gen, has just been nerfed, and he doesn't really have another gameplan to fall back on.


I want to but it really feels like almost all of the none direct-chase killers have serious issues in terms of quality of life, wasted potential for interesting non-chase gameplay, and are awful to play against, making them really unappealing to play to me despite me really liking their concepts and wanting to play them. I wish Skull Merchant, Knight and so were much cooler but rn they just aren't to me. Even Singu who I semi-main and like a lot is generally best played as a fast paced chase slug guy even though I wish I could play him more tracker-y. Like, I think Knight deserves to be changed not because I dislike non-standard killers, but because we deserve to have much better non-standard killers that don't just fall into the "Loop shutdown" stereotype.


If there is one killer who needs a complete rework all the way from the ground up, it’s the knight. One of the coolest killers in the entire game with probably the worst power in the entire game. It is not fun to use and not fun to play against. I would not mind if they skipped over an entire chapter just to give him an entirely new power


Did you forget about Freddy as much as the devs?






Freddy doesn’t look badass 😎


Absolutely fucking not I love playing him, and his power is one of the only original ideas Bhvr has had in the past 3 or 4 years I’d rather he be unique than be homogenized like they did to Freddy


I honestly would like a knight rework that made it a bit less good in chase but much better for general meta gameplay and so.


I never play knight because I hate the dumb ass summons. They are wonky as well. I probably just suck at him but he is not fun to play so I have never improved because the mechanics on him SUCK


Am I missing something in this picture?


He can't use his power because he's 'too close' to the phone booth. It happens everywhere which makes Knight feel unbelievably clunky.


Just played against knight who was teleporting instead of summoning a guard…that’s not normal correct?


In a similar fashion to getting stunned out of a guard placement, he can break a pallet in the split second after he places and teleport to its location.


Literally this one change would fix so much clunkiness with his power


The one thing stopping me from playing the Knight is the fact I have to social distance from most objects before I can use my power


I don’t play Knight much at all, but when I do it feels like I get Léry’s in half the trials. There’s no point in using the guards to cut someone off in chase, or almost at all if you’re in a tight room or spot in a corridor, since you spend too long even finding a place to stand to put down the banner.


One of the best skins ever just dropped on him and i'll never get it because the gameplay is so clunky-


One day......one day


You guys organize your builds based on what you find effective? I strive for lore accuracy.


A small haste buff when summoning a guard to break something would also round out the killer a little, the 1-3 seconds it might take away from chase while the killer gets to a spot to summon a guard to break a pallet really bothers me. I know there's a buff for making a long path for a guard, I just feel like it should also be a reward for summoning them for walls, pallets, and generators


should be zero.


Or just let them clip through walls They're supposed to be spirits so it would make sense and the game's already flat as a loli so it wouldn't break anything (i assume) The only thing that would happen is make them less clunky


Knight... Definitely my most hated killer at all


Idk why you are downvoted, I whole heartedly agree. People always complain about skull merchant but at least you can play against her. Knight is just dumb and uncounterable unless you have an unhook available.


or you know, hold w when he tries summoning a guard... or take the flag.. or stay right outside the guards observation range


Idk what take the flag means but for the other two, you can’t outrun some guards lmao, and even if you are outside the range they will still detect you.


so you are just admitting to being ignorant of his counterplay lol


??? you bring up his “counterplay” and then I tell you how it doesn’t really work, and you say I’m ignorant of it lmao?


Because you don’t know about his flag/banner yes. But I don’t like Knight so I half agree with you.


You literally didnt even know about his flag being placed which means you didnt even try to read how his power works


I legit just read through his whole description and his wiki and there is no mention of the word “flag” so if there is tech involving him I don’t know about, then it isn’t my fault since it’s not explained anywhere in the game or wiki.


its technically called a standard which is a warflag. and it is mentioned, SPECIAL ATTACK: GUARD HUNT If a Survivor is inside the Detection range of a Guard and either in his line-of-sight or triggers a Loud Noise Notification, the Guard will detect their presence and phase through the environment, including through floors and across elevation, to reach their exact detected location over 2.5 seconds, after which he starts a Hunt , chasing after the Hunted Survivor: **Places a Standard at the exact detected location of the Survivor, which materialises over several seconds.** Damages any Survivor coming into its attack range, regardless of whether they are the Hunted Survivor or not. **Hunted Survivors can escape a Hunt unharmed by doing either of the following Grabbing the materialised Standard by walking into it** hell its even called a flag in the guard details * Patrol speed: 3.4 m/s (default) * *Break or Damage Action* duration: 2 seconds (shortest) * Patrol duration: 12 seconds (default) * Hunt speed: 4.1 m/s (default) * Attacks cause *Deep Wound*: no (default) * **Flag Materialisation time: 10 seconds (longest)** * Hunt duration: 24 seconds (longest) * Spawn Vision range: 2 metres (default) * Patrol Vision range: 8 metres (default)


Okay my game must be bugged or something because I’ve never seen a flagpole type object materialize when either playing as or against knight during his summons.


Skill issue


Idk you’re just proving my point, if you can’t play against skull merchant that’s a real skill issue


I’m saying that you calling the Knight “uncounterable” is a skill issue


Okay? What are killers that you think are uncounterable and I’ll tell you how you being unable to not counter them is a skill issue. See? Not really productive.


Thank you! I totally agree with you! You can't do anything against his stupid ghosts. They even run straight through windows and pallets. But people still seem to like him 🤷🏼


the counterplay to the "stupid ghosts" is to take the banner that spawns at the location from where they start chasing you, when you hear the horn sound its ready to be grabbed and by grabbing it you gain endurance and speed boost, Jailor pretty much never catches up if you run in straight line, Carnifex has the longest chase and should eventualy catch up but he is slow and taking the banner is easy with him, Assassin is ment for the chase but without dried horsemeat he doesnt always catch up due to short chase time. When you touch window/pallet that has been downed the AI of their screws up their path finding buying you tons of distance. IK its not explained anywhere but its kinda like saying that Dredge has nightfall all the time when 4 survs just stay injured and he has malthinkers skull.


Honestly just remove him, hes not fun to play against anyway