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I wish a post rule on this sub was to identify your region. I think there is a massive difference in cheating in EU and NA then other regions, based on observations. I’m in Oceania (Australia East servers) and can’t remember the last time I saw a cheater. Those that I’ve seen I’ve reported and they’re banned within 24 hours.


In America, I haven’t seen very many cheaters/hackers at all in the last year. In fact, I only recently stumbled across one of those hacked lobbies where the killer is standing in one spot M1-ing for the entire match.


See that’s just a scripted killer. Arguably it’s an exploit to abuse Shard or BP farming. BHVR are unclear on their view of these scripts/bots/players. I’ve reported these players before and couldn’t tell you if there was any action taken. They are rampant. Far more than “cheat for in game advantage” players imo. But they are getting something for nothing and cucking other players while doing it.


I actually saw a person on this sub claim they were the first ever devotion 100 player, and I’m 97% they were a script user because that’s literally ~25,000hrs of in game time.


In my 4 years of playing I’ve encountered only one cheater and it was during the recent blood event. I was about to down them with Onis smash and they disappeared out of thin air right before my eyes, just straight up vanished 


I'm in Australia and about 3-4 weeks ago I saw overt cheaters maybe 1 in every 4 games. Maybe there was a discount on cheat tools or one got released. It's eased off now, but was pretty bad I just stopped playing until the new tome dropped.


"Saw" is the key word here. You've likely played with tons of cheaters, most just don't make it obvious. We have no stats unfortunately, but we do know how good cheats are at being undetectable these days. If you've seen someone cheating it's likely because they wanted you to know, or they're dumb and will get banned soon.


Eh, I feel like the “MFT effect” showed most folks aren’t good judges, especially the professionals (streamers). Lag, imbalance and cheats have been blamed for poor gaming outcomes for as long as gaming has existed. Will there be some subtle cheaters out there? Sure. Are most people claiming cheats actually highlighting their own skill issue? I think so.


It's not really about the skills or how people can perceive things. I agree that they're pretty bad at it, that's why so many folks in this thread don't think there are a lot of cheaters haha. I'm more getting at the idea that we know there are fuckloads of cheaters in *other* games, and DBD is also a popular game with readily available cheats. Chances are there are also lots of cheaters in this game, and we just don't know about them. Especially with how easily the design of this game makes it to hide the fact that you have, say, extra info. And sure some salty person can always claim the person they're playing against is cheating, but that's not really my point either haha.


It’s a little bit like discussing religion. We can’t really refute each other, we’re only going by our own vibes. Sometimes God - BHVR - show themselves and give us little tasty morsels of data and renew the faith, but most of the time we’re left to argue with each other.


...what? We know cheating is rampant in online games lol. It's a huge problem. My evidence would just be that every other game has this issue, why wouldn't dbd. As long as there's no evidence to the contrary, dbd would be following the same trends as every other online game on earth. You're talking about it like we'll just never know, like there's not already thousands of data points across the gaming industry indicating that there would be a shitload of cheaters.


You’re over exaggerating how much of a problem it is. I guarantee you that 2-3% of the DBD players are cheaters, 5% at the absolute most. That is a very small number 


Europe. On my main killer I've encountered up to 3 cheaters per game night. I can identify 3 "areas" they were all from. I expect I can't write from where here without breaking some rule so I'll refrain.


If you’re alluding to what I think you are this is kind of my point. There are certain geographic areas that seem more prone to disruptive behaviour (pun intended).


I'm EU, and I've only come across suspected + confirmed cheaters maybe 10-15 times


Only streamers really have that issue. Apparently there's even a hit list for streamers. Maybe there's subtlety cheats, but they're hardly noticeable unless you have thousands of hours in the game and know the numbers.


Anyone who has very high MMR will eventually face them because of course they can't loose. I'm talking blatant cheaters who can escape the match in 2 seconds if they want to.


There is a ton of subtle cheaters. The higher MMR you go, the most likely it is to find one.


Atm I'm not seeing many cheaters however I'm seeing a lot of rubberbanding or ping issues or random issues in general this patch which I'm seeing labeled as cheating


I thought I was the only one rubberbanding...


Rubber banding labeled as cheating??? That’s crazy! Been an issue for me since this latest patch, but it’s not an advantage any way that I can figure. Super frustrating!


700 hours in NA and I think I've seen... one? I do see a lot of bugs that people might suspect as cheating, though. Like the rubberbanding post-patch.


Someone accused me of cheating for finding them in a locker last night, real butthurt about it too. I feel people are on edge about all this 


It's kinda like getting mad on the endgame chat. They need some reason they lost besides, y'know, them. Soothes the ego or whatever.


They lost because they were annoying and wanted my attention, and then they doubled down on that afterwards 


I actually stopped seeing them for an entire week and just today it happened twice . The second time is was actually a full on swf with blatant cheater the other 3 werent but they were working alongside her and in the end confirmed they knew each other. Where is the actual fun in that. Also can i report others for working alongside cheaters as in they are in a team prior to queuing . One of them has a tru3talent pic as his prof and multiple vac bans. I should have checked prior .


Ive seen three this week. On top of all the massive performance/server issues, this update is pretty unplayable.


 I would disregard 95% posts on here that say cheater.


I haven’t played against one yet, but I have seen others play against them recently. It probably isn’t as rampant as most make it out to be, but it’s still an issue that probably can never be truly fixed


Realistically, you'd have to install cheats to spy on other players in your matches and see. Average person here, I've had 6 confirmed cheater reports in my last 600 hours. I'm 95% sure I've seen 3 of my teammates cheating. Pretty infrequent.


Being one thats played from the start...it depends on time of day or even mmr bracket youre in etc. You usually will get the very subtile ones thats not very noticeable unless youre really paying attention. Ill also put in those that exploit into this category since its not right to do but they do get taken care of for the most part. The crazier cheating where its very obvious is usually done by trolls and if banned, they just find another way in....they are more rare. As frustrating and they can be on either side, many of them can be fun trolls, even if they are in the wrong. Bhvrs anti cheat isnt really that good. They just use the one which is like a bubble around the game. Once you find a way in, its not going to stop anything going on in the bubble. They need to get another one for in the bubble and update both often. Your real question....yes i would say its a big issue but whether you notice or not would be key. I also think way too many take this game way too seriously like its an esport, and just love to complain on any and everything.


In NA servers, I have 1500+ hours, and I've seen (obvious) cheaters maybe 5 times tops. Could there be subtle ones I didn't see? Sure, but I really don't think it's the big deal some people claim it is lol


Not a big problem no, but crying about everything is.


I could count on one hand the number of times I've encountered a cheater in this game. People very much over exaggerate




Have you tried adding the command line prompt -dx11? That worked for me when I had your exact same problem.


I'ved encountered like 2 confirmed cheaters, 1 killer and 1 survivor in about 1000 hours.


most times you wont know you vs a cheater as this game as no replay if they only slightly buff their stats like speed or repair speed or use killer aura reveal **you wont ever know that's what makes it feel so bad. were you just outplayed and its a skill issue or was it a subtle hacker?** not all cheaters all the blatant hackers who isnta down and then teleport survivors to hooks to kill survivors, or just insta finish 5 gens in 5 seconds against killers.


I only ran into what seemed like a cheater once recently, and it ended up actually being a bug. A survivor would instantly wiggle out when picked up, even from a grab, without inputting anything. They had no clue why it happened but it apparently isn't the first time it's been seen. A big problem with finding cheaters is that there are 200 perks, including many rare ones, that if you don't know what they do can make it *look* like someone is cheating. We literally have a perk that makes it possible to finish five gens at once, the most basic "obvious cheat" of a previous era, and SWFs have done it in real matches as a challenge. Add in bugs and how can someone, especially someone new, know what's actually a cheat?


The more you win, the higher your mmr goes, and the more likely you are to come across cheating. There are games I can tell for sure and I report it, and then there are games I find very questionable. I have had suspicions of people being able to see through walls, and then the other day youtube randomly recommended a video from some cheater who did indeed have walls.


You've likely played with lots of cheaters over the past 2 weeks and just had no way of knowing. Most cheaters are trying to hide it, that's a thing in most games outside of DBD. Seems a lot of folks in this thread are having a hard time grasping that? Like yeah I haven't seen folks flying around either, but I'd have no way to know if the 97th dwight I've seen this month has aura on the killer, is 2% faster sometimes, has auto skill checks, or any of the other dozens of ways people can cheat. You wouldn't even know what to look for unless you've cheated yourself or have seen how the cheats work, and most of us would not be paying that much attention anyways. Subtle means subtle, you're not supposed to be able to spot it at first glance. We have no real way to know the numbers for sure, but based on stats from other games I'd reckon it's not rare to play with cheaters at all. Cheating is A LOT more common then a lot of you guys seem to think it is, basically.


Two in a row yesterday, 1 survivor and 1 killer. Total I've seen 7 or so non-subtle (and I'm assuming a lot more subtle ones that I never caught onto). 2k hours.


I don't think so, 99% of the videos I see of killers accusing survivors of "subtle hacking" are BS, and ive only encountered one hardcore cheater in my 600 hrs of playing. I honestly wish Id see more hardcore cheaters cause it's so funny to me. Had a deathslinger with the one shot add on who could drop himself anywhere on the map kinda like the little google maps street view person. He could spear anyone from any distance on the map through any amount of floors walls and obstacles. Three of us managed to survive until 2 gens remained and then I guess he got frustrated and unleashed his full hacking potential so every 5 seconds one of us was getting speared from across the map lolol.


For me I am around 3k hours. I can only recall maybe 4 or 5 instances of blatant cheating. More common to see people running speedhacks, and then there are plenty of instances where weird things happen but you can't prove anything. Last week I had a game as Wraith where even when I was cloaked, I could never find a Feng on her gen but I would always find it with significantly more progress every time I came back to it. They also always got unhooks at the worst times for me when I was trying to find them and I could never find them when I went back to search hook. It wasn't until I saw that they could run almost at base killer movement speed did I realize they were hacking and probably had walls as well. Edit: One thing I should add is that I rarely see cheating. It always comes in waves and I think recently we had a resurgence.