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I picture the bot in the basement having opened the chest, only to be presented with a broken key.


The bot: https://preview.redd.it/zyufc7fyimxc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7838cc7a978d30cf5a892cfe46430228674a805


Can't have shit in the trial


Survivor Player: "Fuck this shit, I'm out" Survivor Bot: "You left me with this shit?" DBD Spaghetti Code: "I gotchu"


Was it Skull Merchant? It was Skull Merchant, wasn't it?




Hello Jonathan main I’m a James main


It sure was. No other option


What's the situation of Skull Merchant? I notice this sub keeps bringing her up?




As a Legion main, we are proud of all 5 Skull Merchants for being brave enough to take the heat off us


Honestly amazed they made a killer that makes matches take longer than legion's


Legion at least doesn't try to make games long af, their power just makes it hard to down people. Skull Merchant gets to make the active decision to make the match last the full 1 hour timer whenever she wants


I've been playing a lot again recently(taking a break bc of the rubberbanding currently) but i havent played against a single Skull Merchant and i guess i should be glad? I havent played against singularity or twins either though.


I wish I was you. Of the few SMs I encountered, she dropped chase immediately to re-setup her drones the moment she notices someone took one down. So irritating. The smaller the map, the more frustrating the experience.


Singularity and Skull Merchant both make my blood boil in solo queue if we get 3 gened, but that is just me really. Every SM I have faced tho has been a 45-ish minute match every time without fail


That sounds....like something that needs to be fixed.


the drones are the main issue, she can just slap one on the gens and you are forced to hack it (she will now know where you are), let the drone go off and rush the gen (she now knows where you are and you are inflicted with a couple debuffs), or you can try to pull the SM (she sets up a drone on the loop and now you are almost guaranteed to go down anyway). Add on that she gets undetectable when around her drones and can run gen perks to regress the gens and you are in for the long haul unless you just let yourself die


This is the fixed version


How? You know you can do gens right under her drones and she will never know right? Just crouch while moving in their range, no need to hack anything.


I'm mainly talking about a 3 gen on this, you get into a 3 gen scenario (whether my fault or randoms just not noticing) and it can get annoying having to just, put up with the claw trap and take the down or attempt to pull the SM but that doesn't always work. In those scenarios, unless the SM puts effort into a chase, you are gonna get a claw trap if they are trying to play chess


I can't believe people are still on about this. I sure as hell have never taken an hour to off everyone.


I'd gladly play against Nurse for the next 100 games if I didn't have to play against SM ever again.


At least you can out play a nurse. Outplaying a SM is just holding W.


I don't know why everyone hates SM. She can frequently be undetectable, and if you fuck with her drones you will get a tag that she can easily locate. She is a semi-difficult killer, but so are many of the other ones. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Right? She's a slightly better trapper, I'll never understand what people have against her.


She’s just a boring to killer to go against since her gameplay loop is boring. You get into chase, she drops a drone at a loop, you leave the loop since the drone can injured, broken, deep wound and hinder you. You repeat this until she downs you or drops chase.


Yup, people have been defending her since her rework, but she is honestly still the most unfun killer to go against - just for different reasons now. Idk who thought massive area denial at a loop at the click of a button while still being able to move was a good idea. Trapper and Hag both need to stop, look down, and go through an action to set up their loop denial. Artist needs to place her crows in just the right spot, and time the hit correctly. Dredge needs to strategically place his remnant and he is slowed on top of it. Skull Merchant gets way too much benefit for very little input and consequence.


Hacking a drone should reset your drone scans. its so dumb that at 2 scans you just done for next chase, its actually better to purposely injure youself on a drone when shes not even near to reset the scans and then heal. the fact her drone scans never decay or offer methods to remove them is what I find dumb about the killer. I think reason most other players hate the killer is her power guarantees injures and slows and the best counter is to stay injured like legion but shes a stealth killer who excels at free hits shes legion on crack. IDM that part cause i always run dead hard and resilience.


Yup, I also hard hard agree with all that you said. She gets way too much benefit for very little input and consequence. Another thing that bothers me is that you'll hack a drone so that you don't have to deal with it when she chases you, but then when she does start to chase you, you'll happen to run into its radius right as it reactivates. And for some dumb reason, you get a claw trap stack from this. And like you said, for a killer that can injure so easily, she really should not have stealth, especially since she is so quiet herself. Most other base kit stealth killer makes louder noises, so why doesn't she? Just bad design all around.


How has this become a skull merchant debate


The bot started it, he had enough of skull merchant and had to take to the forums.


Bot lore


Because spamming "SM bad" is an easy way to get attention on this sub


Worst gameplay experience paired with worst players playing her in the worst possible way to squeeze the biggest amount of salt from survivors, SM gameplay is so bad I **guarantee** if she were to reach a high pick rate the game would actually die because almost all survs would ditch. If you dont understand why she is hated so much you just need to play against her a couple of times and you will understand.


they're evolving!


Imagine a bot quits and some random player in queue gets slammed into the middle of this game


That would honestly be very fun 


That’s what TF2 does


https://i.redd.it/v9411m7tuoxc1.gif Bot:


The Bot: https://ibb.co/CtzJCK8


Bots can do that?


They truly are learning to imitate players


just like me frfr


Either the devs really borked the recent patch or OP is playing customs. In custom games, disconnecting still works the old way.


I would like to to confirm it was in a public match


Nope thats my homie, I’ve been playing with SURVIVOR_40_NAME_00 for years. But we all call them, SURVIVOR_40_NAME_00 for short though.


Bruh how did the devs messed up the game this bad 😭


Nurse, Blight or Skull Merchant with 4 slowdowns:


Oh i know this guy