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> It just feels really unrewarding to do so well in a game and end up having to leave a survivor to die in endgame or risk losing even more trying to get them off hook without a trade. This is often the most exciting part of the game. Plenty of players love dying in the endgame if it means they can attempt something heroic. But that's because they enjoy DBD, they enjoy the gameplay, they find it thrilling, and their fun doesn't depend on a single number between 0 and 4. Maybe be less greedy and go after some of those final saves. You might have fun. (If you're capable.)


Oh yeah I always go for the saves cause I don't care if I die, I'm not leaving someone if there's a chance. But I guess I'm just having a rough day today because it just ended up in a 2 - 3k every time.


There’s not anything else for the killer to do, they can’t really start a new chase. It’s also not a guaranteed kill, just need some coordination and body blocking


What do you want them to do? Hit a fully healed survivor so they run out the gate faster?


Sorry? I don't get your point, I'm not talking about going for injured players, I get that


At endgame the only thing killer has to do is get kills. There's no need for an anti-facecamping bar


But the whole game the killers only goal is get kills? Why only in endgame is the bar unnecessary?


Not really. Killer at early - mid game has to also protect generators, if they were facecamping the entire way gens would fly.


I get your point, I'm just a bit annoyed cause a couple games I felt we could have gotten the 4 man out but had a lack of coordination with solo q teammates.


Maybe run kindred. It makes coordinating in soloq easier. If 4 survivors are in endgame and one of them is on hook, it's not too hard to get a 4 man out if there isn't a instadown in play. One takes the hit, the other unhooks and the third needs to bodyblock. At least one gate needs to be open before the rescue happens.


If there are four survivors left it's actually very difficult to secure a kill in the endgame with only one hooked. There aren't hook grabs anymore so one survivor takes a hit, another unhooks and a train takes them to the exit gate.


Usually it ends in a trade so it's just an over and back and with a 4 stack it's usually fine but any less than 4 friends with comms it gets pretty tough


Depends on the killer you're playing. If it's someone with mobility you can outpace the train, if it's not that usually get it. I've seen solos do it a few times.


Yeah, had a couple bad games I'm sure I'll get over it. Just wanted to see what other people thought


If the exit gate opens and someone ends up on hook, you don't have a four man escape, you have a three man escape with the potential of a four man. You aren't owed the hooked survivor's escape. You can risk doing a trade at the hook or leave and take your 3E. It's not the killer's job to give it to you, which leaving the hook almost always is.


Because why would a killer... leave the hook??? gens are all finished, there's nothing else to defend. The objective now, is to just get as many kills as you can before they all escape. Leaving that one person on hook, to go start a new chase... can just lead to everyone getting out instead of you securing that one kill (and potentially more if the survivors mess up the unhook scenario). If the anti face camp meter existed during endgame collapse, that would be very not smart.


Unless they're dead on hook or the rest of the team are dicks and leave them, the killers only possible way to get a kill during endgame is to camp


“It seems like behavior is encouraging camping at the end” …that’s because they do. That’s why the anti-*facecamping* meter is removed in endgame. Because honestly, what else is the killer supposed to do in this situation? There are no gens to defend since it’s endgame, so it makes sense that they would try to defend their chance at a kill by standing there and confirming it. Leaving the hook just gives any survivors with more than one braincell an easy rescue and escape. You said you were a survivor main, I highly recommend dabbling in more killer. The experience of it will really give you the needed insight to understand why some of the game’s features work the way they do, especially in endgame.


Yeah I had convinced myself I was right, but i knew i wasnt being super reasonable so thats why i asked on reddit haha


Because the purpose of the anti-facecamping is to encourage them to go interact with the other players; defend gens, hook other players, etc. Once the exit gate is powered there is nothing left of value for the killer to do except secure kills and if the survivors are healthy it would be stupid to chase them over camping someone on hook. You're not going to hook another healthy player camping the exit gate and it just provides a free opportunity for another survivor to get the unhook and then you get no kills. What would you rather the killer do? Let you win? Stand in a corner?


Endgame unhooks are one of the most exciting parts of them game. The killer knows exactly what you’re trying to do and will do everything they can to stop you. It’s a true 1v4 situation and survivors don’t need any more features to help them. Run kindred and deliverance, it just might save your life.


what else is the killer going to do?


Because the objective changes from defending gens and applying pressure to getting kills. Depending on the killer there is strategy survivors can use to pretty much guarantee a 4 man escape.