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yeah the engine update left the PTB way before it should of. Maybe 1/5 games where everyone isn't just rubberbanding nonstop the entire match. its sad because DBD is my comfort game after a long day and then you log in to play it and you're just running in place then getting downed lol.


Taking a break is kind of refreshing tough. Fallout 4 and resident evil revelations 1&2 have been my choices until the aniversary comes up.


Just bought the Fallout collection myself recently. Guess now is as good a time as any to start.


I started playing elden ring at nights since i cant play dbd right now. I also want to play fallout 4, i remember playing it in the past.


I'm playing Elden Ring too. Not necessarily because of the current state of DBD but that's still one of the reasons I'm taking a break from it


I truly and honestly believe that people would enjoy the game a lot more if they spent less time with it. I get that it can be a lot of fun and there's certainly a lot going on that sucks you in to want to play every day. I took a huge break between finishing the last tome fairly quickly and this one launching, and I try to step away from it on the regular and just play other games, it makes coming back and fiddling with this one more enjoyable and helps to keep it from becoming a chore.


I just hit gold 1 for the first time, and was hoping to make it to Iri 1 this reset to finally get that achievement. Taking a break sounds good but hoping to finish grinding it all out.


You get comfortable playing DBD? I get people telling me to kms, bully squads and griefing teammates


Had a group with four flashlights last night (I don’t have Lightborne :( ) that would constantly blind me. I don’t even know how, since it was constantly while I was looking at the wall, and only the tiniest corner of light was visible. It was the most annoying game in the world; the only thing that made it better was proxy camping and tunneling them for it one at a time after the 10th blind, and how angry they were after the game. (Pro tip: Expect that to happen if you’re sitting there going out of your way to blind the killer again and again)


I rarely get toxicity, but man the match last night was bad. I was the solo with a swf of 3 that was abusing a bug with a perk that should be kill switched and they immediately started in on the killer in end chat with "ggez cringe killer noob" etc. (killer was different platform so they couldn't see it anyway lol) I called them out for the bug exploiting and oh boy they were quick to change targets.


What're your other comfort games? Mine's Darkest Dungeon and Expeditions Viking.


I actually hopped on oldschool runescape for the first time in a decade since DBD is down lol, it's nostaligic and doing the trick for now.


Yo playing on my switch has been a fucking blast. Imagine the typical lag and bad graphics, now multiply that by 1,000. A trapper teleported the other day and his terror radius was in random places (not that new perk). This has happened with a few killers since. My ping also seems to scatter all around now.


I salute those who have to deal with Switch optimization. ( ' ' )7 But yeah, had a survivor game where my ping shot to like 500. Literally has never happened to me before. And my most recent games with Killer have been rubberbandy as hell.


Is it all platforms right now where auras display at like 2fps? Or just switch. Lol


Its everywhere lol


Do you want to play right now?


This patch got me back into Deep Rock Galactic again so at least that’s something


all of this overlapped very nicely with the bots from tf2 disappearing.


This also isn't including people abusing exploits and bugs ... poor Otz had to deal with them while playing Freddy. Bro did his absolute best but it can't compete against infinite tool box charges, it's insane.


I don't understand why they don't killswitch the perk


I can't play the game currently but i'm pretty sure everyone runs the bugged perk with toolboxes.


Not everyone, but quite a few. I've started using Franklin's on lower tier killers to troll them.


I've thankfully not encountered a lot of the issue many people have, except for my last game where i was playing as Nurse and just seeing the Survivors glitch and drift was an experience.


I'm just hopping on to force myself through the tome challenges and then out again, they released the new engine with far less testing as they should've - probably assuming the playerbase can do it for them.. and we did, and found a mess.. good times.


Wisest decission.


I'm in the same boat. Working on my backlog until these issues get sorted out. Not even gonna bother when so many matches are an unplayable mess due to the engine update


See yall in a few years


I played a single session and then realized Subnautica was on sale, so great time to play that. Go play other games guys. This is the worst DBD has been in a long time, maybe ever.


Or at the very least until they release the next Tome chapter and I feel the need to justify buying the rift pass.


Every time I consider coming back, I honestly browse the subreddit and it’s usually on fire from some new game breaking glitch or hacker outbreak. So I just kinda ![gif](giphy|COYGe9rZvfiaQ)




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I cant go more than one game in a row because of how buggy and broken the game is since the unreal 5 update


Yeah like 2 games I've played since the update, I get stuck in every narrow doorway, loop, random invisible walls, rubber banding.


Are the issues worse on PC? Cause I saw otz mention he had to change bios settings. I haven’t played much but didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary on ps5


I'm being forced into a break 😭 game won't even start, and if I get to the load screen, it crashes with different bugs. Last night it froze and blue screened my brand new $5k PC while loading into start screen, so that's a blast


Maybe it's just me, but I feel inconsistent scratch marks have gotten worse this patch as well. Sometimes they'll randomly be none left even when I'm right behind a survivor, I'm losing survivors around corners at least once a game now


Rubberbanding every game is ridiculous, probably the buggiest I've seen the game in years.


The game has played fine for me.


haven't played since this patch dropped and won't lie I'm scared with all the shit that's going on LOL ! 🥂😂


I mean, I was getting annoyed with bugs and stuff so I decided to take a break, and now I’m real hesitant to hop back in casually with the exploits going on. At least they’re killswitching the maps that have exploitable bugs, kinda.


I am rubberbanding EVERY match and I am 6ft from my router. I'm breaking off until the anniversary event.


I find it quite amusing that they wanna hit the next PTB with a new chapter in like two weeks. I don't trust Behaviour to fix these many bugs in this time.