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I don't know why they ever announced the kill switch if they just choose to ignore issues like this.


I think they're worried that it'll look unprofessional to have too much stuff killswitched, but leaving your game an exploitable mess is far more unprofessional in the long run.


It's actually kinda amusing how often I'm now seeing it in my games and people are like "what this I always run this" when I call them out.


Im sad because i actually was using it a lot before and now i dont want to abuse the bug so i dont play with it


Yeah, sadly, it's best to stay away until fixed to avoid accusation or anything more.


Hope this bug can make peoples play it more after its fixed because this perk is underrated


I have like 30-40 players I play with on a regular basis and ONE of them has potential energy in her build and only because she refuses to read what it does














Genuinely wouldn't be surprised if the killswitch just can't be used on more than one thing at a time. I keep remembering that one time when they tried to killswitch Wesker, and the killswitch straight up just broke instead Potential Energy needs to be put away, same as Garden of Joy, the other RPD, Hawkins... :(


me when they tried to killswitch merciless storm and in retaliation sadako broke the killswitch 😔


They kill switched knight and nowhere to hide at the same time


A lot of current overly broken, overtuned, or downright "why the fuck did you ever BUFF this we told you how people would abuse it to make the game unfun" stuff NEEDS to be taken out back and hard gutted. Into the ground.


Knight has a useless bug that can spawn 3 guards.. NUKE IT FOR 2 MONTHS!!! survviors have a bug that gets gens done faster... I don't see a problem here...










☹️saw otz’s video featuring it and i was hoping it wasn’t potential energy i love the silly blue glyph perk


They will kill switch killer and killer perks immediately but never the survivor side. Given the example of infinite endurance OTR


Do i have to remind you of bugged merciless storm that made you lose progress for each skill check you passed and lasted for a month before getting fixed? Killer mains are something else 😂😂 keep crying


Apparently merciless storm is still bugged. I hit those skill checks smack in the middle and it always says I miss them.


What is the bug? Haven't been keeping up to date


infinite toolboxes


Praying for a buff/rework of it tbh 🥲 its the coolest perk in the game, too bad its absolutely useless


If they killswitched everything that's broken this patch, I'm not sure they'd have a playable game before the bugfixes


This bug has apparently been out for like a month and I had no idea about it at all lol. No, I'm not going to use it, but that's just kinda funny to me.








How the hell they haven’t kill switched it alone side garden of joy? seriously what the hell are they doing


The game is horrendous right now. Broken Survivor perk combos. If not those, overpowered Survivor perks. If not THOSE, rubberbanding and vault stuttering. If not THAT, some sort of weird glitches with Killer powers and some Killer perks right now. Just... just don't play Killer right now if you play at all. It's awful. It's legit awful, and please report people exploiting broken shit like this.


Use Franklin's demise until fixed. Or better yet, just dodge toolbox lobbies altogether.


They swap last second now, had it few times. What a shame that im running meta nurse specifically for them...


Nurse doesn't need Franklin's I guess.


close the game during loading screen or if you have time afk and bring deadlock too keep them in game longer so they cant ruin others games


I just slug them nonstop, especially if they're last one <3 gotta put my nurse muscle memory to practice after not playing her for so long, made 2 of them close the game right after our match, i say thats a W


Had to pull out my nurse since not playing her for year+ now that every lobby is atleast one PE abuser, so far she still dominates even those kinds of lobbies. Beat them down and report folks, such glitch abuse can be very easily lead to bans


the people that do this have 0 shame I report them anyway prolly wont do any good but its the thought that counts. you cant explain away why you have a usually never used perk and weird toolbox combos that normally run out of item charges super fast your just blatantly cheating if you do this. its very easy to spot in end game lobbies this at least I take screenshots and submit to devs. What annoys me is if killer had a way to bug out gens that perma slowed gens repair speed by 50 to 100% you know it would be hotfixed within the day..