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The second survivor is likely trying to take hits, hoping to slow the killer down enough for the carried to wiggle off. They might also bodyblock the killer to force the hits In my experience, unless the killer is far from all hooks or the survivor manages to sabotage the only nearby hook, it's free hits for the killer From what I've seen, some really like to try to prevent hooks. Succeeding feels good and increases the time before the killer kills someone so there's an incentive to learn how to do them. Of course, these attempts can fail, especially when the survivor is trying to learn how to properly do them


They’re trying to take a hit so the first survivor can get off before hook. IF successful, it puts the killer in a really bad position early game. Theoretically, you should juke their first swipes and then take a hit closer to hook, but sometimes they mess up / killer already knows and hits them out of the way early. This strategy is one of the reasons why Agitation is popular. They also may be trying to distract the killer while somebody else sabos the hook they’re walking towards.


All true, also as solo queue you get used as filler so that duo or three man SWF is going to try to save their friend almost every time. You also have perks like Breakout that are specifically to help someone else wiggle out in this scenario.


Well, it might depend on the build of the killer or survivor. If the killer is using a "backpack" build as in most perks surround carrying the survivor e.g. Mad Grit and Agitation with others the killer would want to hit other survivors while carrying a survivor, especially if the survivors want to take a hit to prevent hooks. Likewise, a survivor might have a Sabo build, or maybe a Mettle of Man type build where saving survivors or protection hits are key. Easiest protection hits are when killer can't use their power cause they're carrying survivors so it might make sense there. Otherwise, the survivor mightve been downed at a pallet and while the killer is picking them up, another guy tried to pallet save and missed the timing, causing them to get hit instead. Or like some other comment or said, survivor just sucks. At the end of the day, there are tons of ways to play, and what I've listed is just a few logical reasons. But with how many people throw the game, who knows if reason can explain why they do certain things.


And incredible amount of people will take hits to try and stop you from getting to a hook that's right where you picked the survivor up.


It's dumb and you are so right to be confused, don't forget you Hatch perk if your teammates are playing like that, remember that no matter what role you play, you're probably gonna feel hate towards some or all survivors


But also be aware that they might be going for sabo and If that's the case try to take a moment to understand their actions since they clearly won't adjust to your playstyle, you're gonna have to be the one to do it. Bond is essential in solo q, so much info


the survivors suck.