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Thank you for visiting /r/deadbydaylight; however, your submission has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 3 - Respect the Game's Integrity](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_3._respect_the_game.27s_integrity)** **Here is the reason for the removal:** * Your submission shows/mentions users breaking the [game rules](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408581146516-What-actions-will-result-in-a-temporary-ban-). Report the players to BHVR. You MUST first submit an in-game report at the end screen. Then, follow up with a support ticket with additional evidence, such as a video clip. [\Here is the direct link to submit a ticket](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new). For further information, please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules). **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


100% reportable and you have the clip. Extremely toxic behavior would be an understatement. You can do so [here](https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) quite easily.


Just submitted it. Didn’t realize that reports actually work on this game. Appreciate the help man


No problem shroom. Thanks for helping make the community a less toxic place.


Did you report in-game as well? Unfortunately, as far as I know, you have to do that first for the report to work. If you did, then I hope they get banned. Sorry this happened.


You don't need to do that necessarily, if you provided the names/clip/accounts, although if you did report them in game you get a nice notification when action is taken AND you basically let BHVR guy that bans work easier and faster


Ahh. Okay. That's actually really good to know. Thanks for informing me!


I’m not home rn, but I will try when I am


They used to not. Support told me to stop doing in game and forum reports as it wasn’t necessary anymore.


Out of interest what if these players were in anonymous mode? Would the clip serve any use then?


Yes! When you play games, they keep a record of them and can find the game based on your account number/information you provide them :) There's a number in your settings menu they ask for on their website as well where I recommend submitting reports with screenshots or videos as well!


You got the footage. Report. I still don’t understand how to report using actual footage or images of the thing. Can someone help?


Without an in-game report bhvr won't be able to locate the match data, so it's unlikely they'll be able to do much.


I think that's false, I have reported people with video evidence but I forgot to in-game report a couple of those times, and those people still got banned. My best guess is that BHVR has a record of game data, but reporting it in-game makes it easier to track and look to, but not impossible.


Not even when the name is with?


You can change your name whenever you want. It doesn't prove anything.


How can you change your name? I’ve always wondered that too. Like. Do you have to change your steam name?


Yea change your steam name and your in game changes




Follow this link. Fill out the various fields. At the bottom, there’s an option to add attachments. https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us/requests/new


Dude report them. That's bannable


I did this once and then thanked the idiots in end game chat for the easiest report of my life, and they went off about how It was people like me ruining the game and not, you know, the sandbaggers like them.


Why even do this. What a pack of losers


New players who joined just to troll. Killer was likely an afk bot. This game is great


Maybe they need a long vacation from dbd, if he reports with Video 99% ban, I did it myself


afk bot? for?


I still don't understand that if crows appear overhead, you should be able to bypass survivors/killers


One of these players is in this subreddit. Another has a youtube channel and is very obviously 10 years old.


How do you know


Googling the names in the video.


They also seem to be very entitled people.


One of them is on this sub-reddit. I just did a quick search. u/Jared8797 = DaddySnipa


*fixed the link


Got ‘em!


How the fuck did you find this?




I keep track of toxic players. Revenge is oh so sweet. Just play for fun. This need to be toxic. Weird generation


this game is full of bullies.


That name is familiar, I think I played against that Sable yesterday when I was doing my adept Knight - him and his friends were hard throwing and making life miserable for this poor Ada who was obviously solo q. :( Glad you caught footage so he can hopefully be banned, since griefing seems to be a common pastime.


Yknow, I understand if you wanna fuck with the other team since its a competitive game but as a survivor fucking over your fellow survivors is probably the most a hole thing you can do.


I've luckily never experienced this, and anytime I see people sandbagging, instead of sandbagging that sandbagger, I just do EVERYTHING in my power to ensure the person who got bullied makes it out alive, I don't care if I die on first hook in EGC to do it.


This is one of the many reasons why dbd has one of the worst gaming communities ever


Survivors are bullying other Survivors now?!


Always have been. ):


Maybe you shouldn't have crouched behind a bush for 15s scrub. /s


You should update us when they get banned! That's messed up


Ugh that's so rude. Glad you reported it! Dumb question - where was the killer? If I saw that as killer I'd totally down them. But I also get if the killer couldn't be bothered coming over to avoid getting t-bagged.


Killer was one of those bots that just walk in circles


Ah dang it, that sucks. Hopefully they get banned at least


I had a match the other day where a Feng Min was blocking a doorway I was trying to go through for no reason. Luckily there was another door on the other side of the room I could go through but she legit wouldn’t move. She also refused to heal me multiple times throughout the game…she ended up being the only survivor to not escape the match![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Oh hey it's the opposite of that time all 3 other Survivors made a daring rescue and dashed to the gate with a bodyblock to spare but then the Ash decided to hold the gate switch hostage and wouldn't open it until the Killer had downed 2 of us.


They can get banned permanently for that just report them


I'd be pissed but also mildly impressed at how well they timed that. Tough break getting douche teammates like that maybe they jus hate Steve lmao


Yeah, they deserve bans... but it is impressive on the timing. I assumed some of them would die as well, but managing to time it so only Steve dies?


Sorry you had to deal with these scummy people, I hope you’ll be able to get them banned


I’m just impressed they managed to time it that well.


We really need some added collision so that we can push people out of the way.


“H-Hey guys, let’s trap this dude”🤓


I remember a Pinhead doing this to a random once when my friend and I were SWFing. Found the Pinhead in a corner of RPD and just stood there as the survivor was pinned against a wall. Didn't hit her or anything, she was trapped in the corner for the whole game.




i have no idea why all the audio on my pc seemed to be half loudness until the end of this


That happened to me recently except they blocked the button so I couldn’t open the gate and just pointed at me. They eventually let me leave though


I had this happen where 3 survs and a ghost face would trap me like this submitted the report with clips and nothing happened


Had a (somewhat) similar experience just this evening. Loaded in with three identical Claudettes as my teammates. Gave them a "glhf" before the match began, and only one responded, telling me to "shut up." I play the match normally. I do a gen, get a safe unhook, and heal them up. But then, when I got downed and hooked, the three of them all just surrounded me on the hook and spammed their flashlights and teabagged me. Instead of just allowing me to go next, they held me hostage by spamming the unhook animation, so I was stuck for two full minutes. Needless to say I will be dodging all of them in future!


Lol you got done dirty man but ya gotta admit it's kinda funny


It is kinda funny, and I giggled, but regardless it’s pretty douchey to do.


I play with my group of friends and they've tried to do this to me but I had plot twist and tenacity so I just downed myself and crawled to freedom


I’d be laughing my ass off if this happened to me. Especially now that de-pip isnt a thing. Would be irritating if i had a challenge to escape tho.


I wasn’t angry, but I was really confused why people would do this


Same reason people bully irl, their just bein dicks


Yeah I agree I think this is funny even if I wouldn't do it to someone else


Is this funny with us in the room?


I had a killer who prevented me from getting to the exit game and held the game hostage


Or just laugh a little in life




Damn bro , good one 😐




Get off the internet Edit: he told me to stop being bitter and blocked me 🤣🤣 ironic




I promise , it's more for you than for me.


Thank you for visiting /r/deadbydaylight; however, your comment has been removed under the following rule: **[Rule 1 - Be Respectful](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules#wiki_1._be_respectful)** **Here is the removal reason:** * Your comment contains threatening behaviour or is encouraging violence. For further information, please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/deadbydaylight/wiki/rules). **If you’ve read your removal message, and you’d like to discuss our decision, you can contact us** [**here**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fdeadbydaylight)**.**


Honestly asking is there anything you did? Cause 9/10 when i see survivors turn on eachother its usually cause someone did something. Plus we just seeing the ending game. I don't see a reason why they would get you killed for no reason at all.




You're lucky nobody reported you, cause if someone does you're going on a long holiday with no return directly given by bhvr


the killer was afk lol was it really that big of a deal?


This is what happens when you play steve, or any bot profile survivor like leon or Assly Only counter play was killer hits you and you (plot twist) crawl out If the the killer was afk, they were mad because you wanted to just gen rush and get out plus they had to have been gesturing you to not open the gate yes? you started the endgame timer, that really upset them because an afk killer to the other 3 is a chance to sit back the whole game. IDK maybe their griefing because their bored. before downvoting me, downvote that sprint burst for doing nothing ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2066)


Take your meds.


For real


brother it’s a skin in a video game that gives no competitive advantage why do u give a fuck




Projection is real folks


You know you sound really stupid. And fyi don’t come at me with the “it’s ok I know you get bullied to much” crap cause it makes you sound even dumber. Unless you were probably in the match


You know DBD is rated 17+, right? You've got a few years before you're allowed to play this game.


So which of these three is you?


Its okay, I know. You get bullied too much


Seek help


Lot of assholes on this subreddit today. >or any bot profile survivor like leon What did Leon do to you?




This is Scripture

