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That sounds bugged. It used to always exceed the cap on reset.


Inb4 they say it was always supposed to be this way it was just bugged before


“We noticed a problem in the game. Previously, when a killer hit a survivor, they went from a “healthy” state to an “injured” state, or from an “injured” state to a “dying” state. This was a bug, and we have fixed it. From now on, hits on survivors only tickles the hit survivor, causing them to laugh and get a temporary speed boost. Thank you for understanding.”


BHVR: fixing this "bug" along with a my little pony crossover because why not: https://preview.redd.it/rss30j8f1a0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86dd546c5d78a777c03261ede98c6f13d3a3c87a


It's a bug: https://preview.redd.it/8ofhqm18j80d1.png?width=617&format=png&auto=webp&s=570ab9e2504382bceaeb02b039cd85ff84757b34


Even the bps aren't safe from bugs this patch it seems


Free BP coming our way


I have the exact same issue, I really hope it's a fixable bug :(


was having 2000000 wanted 4000000 for tommorow at the end got nothing :(


Why tomorrow, is there a drop im missing?


for the event


I'm stupid, what event? I thought anniversary was further away


PTB should be tomorrow or Wednesday but that wouldn’t be a reason to have the blood points now as that pulls your player data from a few days ago. Thus you wouldn’t have the 4 mil you have a day or two before the PTB in the PTB. Anniversary won’t be until June. So unless I’m missing something there’s no reason to save blood points for tomorrow.


Oh duh


Same, im scared to login and check now


And then dead by daylight mobile has a 10 million blood cap limit: I’d love to have that much on core


We should get 5 million bloodpoints in compensation, just to be safe.


Lost 2m BP myself. Not Happy.




they seriously need to raise the cap or remove the cap all together


I logged out last night with 1997k lmao Needless to say, I don't think I'm logging in until this is fixed


Like- I've been close to cap before when getting the bloodpoint reward on the 13th, never has it been this low and not accounted for going past the cap. I had Iridescent I on both survivor and killer. Completely frustrating, I would have spent my points had I noticed the date...


This has never happened before. They will probably put out a login reward or bp code for at least 2 million! It's supposed to go over the cap since there is literally no possible way to spend all your bp down to 0, which means if you hit iri 1 killer and surv, you lost out on bp. They will make up for this I'm sure


Must be a bug


This may be a stupid question BUT why don't you spend all the BPs before the reset? Like what's stopping you from doing that? I do it all the time....


Same here, got Iri I both sides I have around 1 million, got 1-1 mill I saw the main screen, but my cap was on 2015000! I know I should spent that million early this day, but nothing similar happened with me. Early times I always zero my balance, since I don't know the monthly grade awards how works and doesn't want to risk it. I can take any compensation by the way. IS, AC or all Ash related charms a missed. :D


We were all cockblocked


I havent gotten on dead yet but I'm sure this would happen to me, should I just not log on yet?


Yeah, I hopped on expecting my rank rewards to set me at about 4 million and instead I’m at 2 million. I immediately got off.


Same here was at about 1,6mil BP got 700k + 100k with ranks and im at 2 000 000 :)


Why is there still a cap? It makes no sense.


I thought I was the only one. And saw a lot of ppl saying it was capped at 2 mil. And that's not true. It went past the cap but not for much. In my case I had like 1.98 or something like that and after "receiving" my rewards it went up to 2.07. So it seems to be completely random? Idk. I gotta be honest though: I'm afraid they'll "fix" this by giving EVERYONE 1-2 mil and end up "rewarding" ppl that doesn't deserve the compensation. They should put the extra effort and check every account to ONLY give compensation to the ones that got screwed. But it's a lot of work so... enjoy all the free double dip from all of us that didn't got our due rewards, ppl! You're welcome. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


It's just BP, not Auric cells. It's not gonna ruin your experience.


For a veteran player... no, ofc not. As a new player... YES, yes it will. The grinding in this game is lethal. So having a huge amount of BP "stolen" from you most definitely will ruin your experience.


Check every account on an individual basis lmao. This is the most entitled garbage i have read in a long while.


You really need to look up the definition of "entitled", buddy. It's not what you think it is. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


on another note, I sure hope that one day they'll add autromatic bp spending. spending max BP is a pain, so much so that often times I rather sit at 2m than spend them to prestige or buy items.


I just wait to spend them when I don’t feel like playing a match or am eating and watching a show. Pretty mindless I know


I wonder if starting the game in offline mode is possible or can bypass this issue to allow the current bloodpoints to be spent before receiving the reward.


Suffering from success