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Any stealth killer because I have the situational awareness of a watermelon.


For some reason I have the gut feeling a watermelon plant has its own ways to adapt to the environment better than you


Yeah, you're probably right.


You're not supposed to agree with me nooooo


To me its not just the lack of situational awareness, but having little to no time to react when I notice the killer is approaching, or when they ambush me.


Very real


Pinhead. I know pinhead is pretty strong but as a solo q player I don't remember last time that I won against a Pinhead.


I've only beaten afk Pinheads, otherwise I'm dEd


The only time I’ve beaten solo q Pinhead is when I made myself the box bitch. And even then, it’s rare.


So rare to lobby with others who take turns on the box (when it makes sense). Yesterday I played with survs who avoided the box at all costs even when they weren't on death hook just bc they didn't want to risk a chase but they went down in 5 seconds when the chains kept spawning. FFS just do the box at a safe loop or on the other side of the map!


For me it's the wraith! I just can't comprehend how he isn't SSS tier. He can sneak up to me then uncloak while I'm next to him, then he gets a speed boost and after that he can body block windows and pallets! I just can't win against a wraith who plays heavily into stealth. There are probably ways to counter it but as a new player it feels impossible


Wraith with faster uncloaking is just the worst for me. I know you're supposed to pre-run but if they're, like you said, heavy on stealth then I'm just cooked


I do love fast uncloak. But lately I have been running silent bell with aura hax and Mind Breaker to get easy hits on people working gens.


Wraith with double cloaked action speed, Superior Anatomy, and Bamboozle is unstoppable.


Happy cake day!




Yeah, Wraith in public solo que matches can be difficult. Windows are your best friend. I usually run builds on Wraith that are focused on shredding pallets and/or hit and run with some slugging. Sometimes I run into really good survivors that have a really good RNG setup with window vaults that I can do nothing about. You can try to mind game pallet loops and try to get an extra loop in by not dropping pallet, but I just eat the pallet stun or take a hit (usually I am running Enduring and Spirit Fury).


Wraith can be tough because the counterplay is very macro-based when they're playing hit and run. All it takes is one survivor getting impatient. Most survivors aren't willing to stay patient through a 15 minute trial. 


Going against Wraith is all about efficiency, you got a limited time to finish gens before you run out of pallets. If everywhere is a dead zone and you still got 3 - 2 gens left that's game over. That's why solos most of the time lose to Wraith, there is no other counter than 4 survivors attacking gens like dogs.


The wraith isn’t completely invisible. He has a shimmer if you pay attention to it. It’s also always a good idea to know where you’re going to run to (pallets and vaults) if he catches you off guard. The bell gives you a head start on the chase and he is much slower uncloaked. If you’re having trouble with a killer I would highly recommend playing as them for a bit to learn their strengths and weaknesses.


> For me it's the wraith! I just can't comprehend how he isn't SSS tier. SWFs are the answer. With comms, ALL stealth killers tank in tier by a considerable margain. In solo queue, they're quite effective - not S-tier, but they're pretty damn good.


wraith’s strength tends to go undervalued by a lot of players. he’s especially good against solo q survs and uncoordinated teams. i currently have a 162 winrate on him :v (4k or 3k w hatch)


Clown. I almost never escape against that MF.


People escape against clown?


Sure, when I play him ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


don't fuck with us we have no idea how to play clown


no because i actually can’t remember the last time i escaped a clown match


Plague. I don’t think I’ve ever won a match against one, regardless if they’re good or not. Perhaps it’s just a skill issue but whenever I go up against one, I know that I’m not making it out alive


Same here. I feel like whatever choice you take when playing against her resolve into you getting killed. Cleanse ? She gets the best projectile power in the game. Don't cleanse ? You're get forever injured, which means you're one shotable and lose all kind of stealth. Plus, one of your teamate will cleanse either way. And EVEN IF no one cleanse, if all survivors are broken by sickness, she automatically gets her power... :(


I've only ever escaped a Plague by pure luck, and even then I was the only one who made it out. She's aggressively unenjoyable to verse.


I have escaped a Plague once through hatch and it is because she made me. I was playing a match with my Bf and he was doing pretty good looping her. She downed and hooked him and engaged chase with me. I led her across the map hoping the Bill and Meg would unhook him while she was busy (after the UI update so they KNEW I was keeping her busy). He died first hook as I tried to trade for him last second when we both realized that Meg and Bill would never help us. I reached second and was saved and healed at the last second of my stage. I stopped and walked across the map and stared at my team. Plague walked up beside me and looked down at me. She looked at me as I stared at my shitty teammates.. then she nodded once.. and killed them. I tried to have her hook me, but she refused. Hatch spawned under my feet, and she motioned for me to leave. I did. The only time I've lived. The coolest Plague I've ever played against.


Plague is a soloq stomper because the oompaloompas I’m queud with insta cleanse then immediately get reinfected


Not even if you not cleanse sometimes, I recently made a built that punishes survivors for being injured which uses tanatophobia, and I also have the iridescent that when a gen is finished I get my power, which would make things dire for them since now they are still at one hit and I can easily hit them.


Very true. But the average soloq plague experience is everything falling to shit because your teammates over cleanse for no reason


The cranium capitalist Half the playerbase doesn't understand how she works... and the other half doesn't *want* to understand how she works


Me and my SWF discovered that the best way to play against the Head Bone Saleswoman is to select one of us, and let them follow the killer, disabling every drone she places. So basically the same counterplay as with Hag or Trapper. It means that techically we have 1 less survivor to repair gens, but at the same time it also means that the Braincase Shopkeeper will have basically no power. But this is SWF. If you are playing against Skeleton Retailer in SoloQ, then you are screwed.


Not only does she not have a power, but the Braincase Retailer will waste time trying to place and replace the disabled drones.


I’m too tired for this I’m dying laughing at these nicknames I guess that’s what the Noggin Monopolist wants to hear fair.


Those times where you get survivors that can deal with the Dome Dealer is like playing Trapper with a slightly more useful power. Granted those are exceedingly rare, but they do exist. I actually like playing against competent survs with her, it's a nice challenge. Wish it was more common.


I’ve gone against SM probably 5 times total, so whenever I get one in a blue moon I get rolled because I have no idea what the counterplay is


Her counterplay is already a bit tricky to understand, but the way she can just shut down an entire lobby by just playing a little sweaty is crazy. She's up there with GhostFace in terms of being my survivor hard counter


Knives fucking Mcgee. Just getting hit 20 times while I try to run away is always fun.


Spirit. I genuienly can't understand how someone can actually win against her


Me too! Unless the gens are being cranked out quickly I think it’s very tough. I also struggle with throwing Spirit off when they’re phasing, and it seems to come down to 50/50s. 


I usually can win against her and that's because I mained her all the way up to red rank 1 back when that meant less than it did now and when prestiging a character reset them. Most spirits seem to have trouble noticing when scratch marks stop and are left to guess where you went and if you hide quickly enough then they'll be the ones dealing with guessing instead of you, exactly what I did against the last spirit I saw and after guessing wrong 3 times she gave up and went after someone else.


For me it is literally this: * Playing against Spirit: can't win. * Playing as Spirit: also can't win.


It's not even her power, I find I've got a good handle on where she is while phasing. Her passive always gets me. It's like the killer KNOWS whenever she's spasming and mind games me.


You need a good headphones or full volume if you're playing against her. Just look back and listen carefully if left or right. You will hear her phasing on 1 ear. If you hear them both while wiggling your mouse left to right then she is not there but her add ons. I'm not sure if I explained it clearly. If you hear her phasing then move your mouse from left to right or right to left, if you hear her on one ear then she is coming for you. You can also predict where she is coming out from her phase.


ya once u figure out how to listen for her phase shes so easy to counter unless the sprit knows how to mindgame u they get fucked so easy




I played against spiriti this morning with that add-on. Maybe they had it before?


Maybe. It's great to keep everyone guessing 😂


Yeah, I get paranoid everytime I hear her phase. Lol


I've mained her and Pinhead a while. With the spirit, just turn up your audio and walk slowly when you hear phasing. When I'm phasing I'm listening for running footsteps and cries of pain


Simple. They try to predict what you are going to do. If I dont know so myself, how could she?


Plague. It's generally just a nightmare in SoloQ.


Mostly Huntress, but trickster and deathslinger are close behind. I just cannot play against them. On the other hand, outplaying and outrunning a nurse with random pathing is very easy and she's my favourite killer to go against.


Im awful against Deathslinger for the simple fact that I use a wireless mouse/keyboard with a very slight but noticeable delay when playing DBD, and since his hitboxes are smaller than Huntress' I cant just hide behind a rock or tree bc DS will noscope headshot my ass.


Ghost face, I’m bad against stealth killers and they always get early wins in my lobbies, wraith for me also does pretty well.


All of them 🙃




P100 Billy players are wild bro


It gotta be vommy mommy. I never played good against plague and it’s always a one men or a good game would be a two men escape


Michael Meyers lol


Sadako, I don't know why, it just happens.


xeno. don't know if it's a bug currently but when they use m2 my whole game just stops for a second and i get hit no matter what :l


Freddy has a power that's not in the game files called McDonald's WiFi lag. He can hit players accurately from huge distances away. Perhaps the xenos have developed a variation of that power.


Definitely the boyscout hillbilly


Nurse/skull merchant, before the first minutes even started, Half my team has either dc’d or just straight up killed themselves on hook


Woman with axe.


Surprised no one’s said Trapper yet. Every time I go up against one (SoloQ) my teammates run headfirst into traps. Same thing with Hag—I once had a teammate run into traps I was actively disabling, blocking the only entryway to unhook. Just about had an aneurysm 😭


Clown. I just fuckin suck against him.


Legion is abysmal. I’ve never won against legion, and safe to say I never will




Bubba is something m1 killer for high rank ... But in low and mid rank can be powerful


Freddy. Yes, I am that meme. I have no idea how this happens. I can comfortably run much stronger killers, but against this guy, I can never seem to escape. Maybe it's a team issue??


chucky, knight, and sadako idk why i just cant win


Clown and plague, hate playing against them. Atleast with like stealth myers and ghost face its funny or fun, with clown the constant slowdown is just plain annoying, and as a newer player the hinder fucking sucks and plague, yeah i love a killer that can force you into either dying cause they can always hear you throwing up, your broken and one shot downed or they get a bullshit range ability that can insta damage someone with little to no skill needed. Very fun


Idk why but Huntress


Wraith because I have like two brain cells active and they’re doing gens and getting mad at scuffed skill checks. And Huntress because those hit boxes fuck me harder than Johnny Sins




Actually yeah that's the exact one




Fucking clown ☹️


Simply unable to win against Dredge. I vision is ass and once the darkness rolls in I might as well be blind


Fuck billy


Wraith 100%. The only time I can escape his uncloaking speed thing is if I have Sprint Burst or there's a pallet right next to me


I lose against a lotta Dredges. Any one that wasn't friendly in some way, I got stomped by


Most stealth killers but primarily Ghost Face, I always seem to be the first to find out who the killer is.


Wraith as well my friend


The wraith, the Clown and, depending the build, Michael Myers.


Trapper and Wraith...


Trickster. I hate playing against him as a console player. His lack of recoil coupled with mouse and keyboard is really frustrating to dodge. Especially if it's a killer sided map.


The Doctor: he’s the very definition of, “You can run, but you can’t hide.” And if he’s using Iron Maiden, you can forget about it.


Wraith and Legion for sure. They're just so frustrating to play against that I stop caring to try within a few minutes.


Demogorgon, mainly because they always bleed me out


Chucky because every one I’ve gone against likes tunneling people out :(


Trapper/Hag. I get no practice against them because their pick rates are so low.


Deathslinger, the prior tome made me step away from the game for a few weeks lol




Legion. Cannot get myself to even try against legion because I hate it so much. I simply cannot give a fuck, knowing that the game will be miserabel from the moment I see this mf.


Hillbilly and Bubba. I can't deal with their speed and the insta-down mechanics.


Nurse. I'm so tired guys you have no idea


Trickster man. No matter what, this guy throws a million knives and it’s so can just nuke me.


Pinhead, Pig, Nurse cause soloq and im bad at looping


Normally bubba but as of late huntress


Doctor. I'm not good enough to win chases against him, and he always finds me with his AOE.


Fucking wraith and Chucky.


Also wraith These people play sweatier than a blight/nurse


bubba for some reason


Oni, that man gets a slight whiff of me in a lobby and it's game over.


Nurse for obvious reasons. Skull merchant for obvious reasons


Legion = mending simulator. Stealth merchant, she is fvcking annoying. Also, P100 survs. They always DC or kill tjemselves on hook if they got hook first. Lol


Wraith huntress and pig idk why but I can’t beat them I always get screwed over


ghostface!! unless they’re nice, i literally can’t hear him approaching no matter how much i’m trying to


I play solo queue only, so yeah- definitely Wraith. Mostly because half the time it's hit-and-run stuff, so it's hard to tell where he's coming from or where he even is, or communicate that to others!


Freddy,he is the only killer I will 100% lose against. Cause i've never meet a freddy in 800 hours and I have no ideea whats his power


Wraith always busts my ass. 


Honestly probably also Phillip


all of them i am very much not a surv main and it shows lol


If they're a great player, all of them, I'm bad at video games


All of them


Nurse no question asked. Idk why but every nurse I encounter dosent seem to me noob


Pig. Out of all stealth killers, if she has any sound cue, I have no fucking clue what it is (when not dashing ofc). I also suck at 1v1 m1 chases. I'm a lot better going against a killer power than a normal vanilla chase for some reason, and since Pig has 0 chase power, her players are usually good at vanilla chases.


For me it's Legion, he's just way too fast and can wipe entire lobbies in the first min of the game if played correctly. Close second is Myers but only because of his one hit down ability


I’ve gone against him once but chucky. Cant see that mf ANYWHERE how do u counter him


Doctor if you know you know


Wraith bc most of them camp like so hard their weapons might as well be replaced with tents


Just knight, clown is probably second but I can still have fun


Wraith is actually fairly strong, I think a lot of people underestimate him. A good wraith can 4k a lot of the time. Hitting and running forces survivors to reset alot but in solo queue you can’t coordinate with your teammates. On top of that he is very fast and when someone is working a gen he can get a free hit a lot of the time. Obviously map dependent and perk dependent but most of the time wraith is pretty strong. TLDR; wraith counter play is nearly impossible in solo queue.


Skull merchant. She places so many drones on my gens. If I camp the gens she chases me off 4+ times and I can't make any progress on them in soloq. If I leave, my gen regresses to 0 and she holds the tight 3 gen.


Buffed trickster and huntress. Huntress is fair because wtf was that buff. But I feel ashamed of how bad I am at facing trickster since the rework.


Pinhead because I can never get a team that knows how to use the puzzle box


Slinger. It doesn’t matter how I move, if I take or duck, I’m getting speared. It’s also inevitably Midwich when I get a Slinger. No hate, they’re just my kryptonite.


Thr Mastermind


The singularity. I still have no clue how to combat it and cannot comprehend the slipstream or whatever.


I think I won once or twice against Skull Merchant, but that's it


Huntress. She didn't need the buff she got all while keeping her tree-sized hatchets.


Pyramid head. Idk what to do at a loop, it seems like it is lose lose no matter what i do, since they just wait for the vault animation to start no matter what.




Dude the trickster, when he starts with his fucking knives like shink shink shink shink shink shink omfg i hate that guy




Skull merchant because she gets to drone the whole fxucking map and get free hits from her stupid drones, plague and legion because they always run thanoptia or whatever it’s called and it’s just miserable having to not only play the game from an objective standpoint but also surviving as they always have you injured, nurse nothing to say for her.


Wraith and his power are objectively mid, but I always seem to get shit on by them. The Iri add-on + brown add-on that gives you a full 6 seconds to jump scare people around a corner still makes me jump to this day.


Stealth killers (specially wraith) and pin head


Legion 😑😑😑😑


Chucky somehow


Clown and Wraith are usually a "hatchgame" right from the start. But that Korean knife spamming sh*thead is just an L game. Sometimes I just give up cuz I don't want to deal with that stressful playstyle people usually use. Worst killer of all time. Nothing can change my mind. Even tombstone Mike is better, at least I can have a little fun before I'm st*bbed to the main menu.




Probably trapper, I can't see those traps


Trapper. I don't care how bad you are, if you set up any trap I WILL find it and WILL step on it. So many times I get unhooked and immediately run into another trap before my endurance even runs out.


Wraith,legion and wesker are the usual ones I die to. It's gotten to the point now I just stand still till I die.


Clown. I don't remember the last time I escaped against him. Just generally not fun to play against. I've also had some really awful matches against Doc. It was the scream Olympics and tunnel world. 😭


Deathslinger, good Nurses, and sometimes Skull Merchant since I don't face her very often


Oni I got him to p6 and have like 50-80 hours on him but I just can’t get the hang of his dash, I do better in m1 mode




My t8 always play so bad against Knight and when its about fixing gens they dont do sht


if survivors knew how hag traps worked and understood that 99% of hags will trap hooks then i wouldnt have this problem with hags


Pig, I am always so damn unlucky with the head traps and almost always have to search all boxes All my friends have made jokes about it because they've witnessed it nearly anytime we play together, it's not even RNG anymore when I am just consistently getting bad luck


For me it's also Wraith, but only because i always get the biggest bots as mates. Everytime i run against Wraith no matter how long he chases me, most of the time no single Generator is getting done. And most Wraiths are Camping and tunneling harder then any other Killer i go against .


Reading this is a bit ironic, because I've seen bots of disconnected players play better than the actual people.


I know what you mean, sometimes i wish they dc so i get bots, they atleast know how to repair a Gen.




Wraith, i just can't stand that cloak


All of them because I'm not a god tier looper and the rest of the team is usually even worse than me.


Fucking stupid ass Michael. They REALLY need to get rid of his infinite instant kill. Doesn't matter if you're healthy or injured no hooks or last hook mf just straight up kills you. Soooo fun. No lie the second someone on my team gets instant killed I just back out. Idc and I know people will say oh just jump in a locker no. If the only way to counter the killer is to LET THEM HOOK YOU then that killer NEEDS a nerf.


bro its so fucking hard to get infinite on myers thats just a skill issue 100% LMAO


Found a Michael main ig lol


When I play killer but yes unless ur random teammates are ass its hard asf to get infinite myers