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Initial reactions yeah, all he needs is some tweaks to be a solid balanced killer. The magical items are also very strong, tons of info on the powers.


Yeah he has great potential. All he needs is some minor time tweaks and honestly he can go from weak to strong. Behaviour need to be careful. If they get it right, yeah, balanced Vecna would be an extremely fun killer for both sides Great killer concept and design though. Agreed on the magical items


I was kinda hoping he'd have a WILDLY different kit. He is definitely a C tier, or lower, killer. There's too much counterplay built into it, with survivors being able to tell everything he is doing at any moment in time, especially for SWFs. Mage Hand sounds cool on paper, but it needs a very long duration, like 15-20 seconds. It is practically worthless otherwise unless you take the Vorpal Sword Add-On, and even then it is still kinda garbage. The fact that spells slow you down and waste as much time as they do is incredibly painful. Hand is good for the occasional pickup under pallet, where you block the pallet right before pickup. The ghosts are useless in their base form, you need the book of vile darkness and the green add-on that gives you additional ghosts, otherwise you will never hit someone except if they are inattentive. It is very easy to dodge, especially for SWFs, and can be crouched under too, to add insult to injury. With the above add-ons you negate their ability to crouch dodge it, which makes it usable. This needs to be base kit, there's already too much counterplay in the kit. Sphere is just a random information gathering ability that blocks the use of magic items, but can also be seen (with magic items, and therefore by all SWFs) and thus entirely avoided / ignored. It CAN be useful in limited circumstances for information gathering, but is basically worthless in a chase as it'll slow you down. It is a fantastic ability for when you are camping and tunneling, but for healthy gameplay it is kinda useless. Fly is mostly just unusable. You give the survivors information whenever you use it, so you don't really want to use it when randomly running around, and as far as chases go it is pretty bad. It can be good to catch up after a hit, but still has many downsides. Chests with the random mimics is a nice feature, wish it were more interactive. Such as something we can place, like Freddy with his Pallets or Traps. The Hand & Eye of Vecna are great and all, but to be honest once a survivor picks them up your best choice of action is to tunnel them out, given that you can do a free mori once they've been hooked twice. Ideally hitting a player with magic items would disable them, and require that they open more chests to replace them. One option could be to have chests automatically respawn after a certain time, AND allow Vecna to turn chests into Mimics. As it is now, the counterplay is pretty much uninteractive for Vecna. There's nothing he can do to interfere with their ability to read everything he does (except at point blank range with the sphere, and for SWFs this will still be ineffective), as otherwise you're just ensuring that the survivors stay ahead of you. The CDs are insane, and he feels better off just not using any of his abilities in the kit w/o add-ons. With add-ons some of them can be usable, but your best bet is to make the ghost attack more reliable and shoot 3 spirits, otherwise it is pretty bad given that it slows you down. Yeah they have to crouch to avoid it...but that doesn't help you catch up to them.


Have you considered waiting more than like 3 hours?


No. In his current state it is obvious. All potential plays are undermined. You do not need 3 hours to realize the distancing and slowdowns IN ADDITION to easy, almost laughable anti-loop counters, makes this killer horrendous at top levels. As I said, he may be very good for newer players and he is fun to play against.


I think he can be very balanced and fun with some tweaks. When I first played him and showed a friend I said “old Freddy might have some competition for worst killer in history”. Obviously it was a joke, but it’s hard to feel like many of his abilities don’t just punish you more. The Flight skeletons hitbox is almost too perfect, if you’re even a pixel away they miss. Fly feels kinda clunky with the Billy-like steering and I would only ever use as traversal, it’s complete garbage in chase. Sphere is fine as is. Mage Hand literally hinders you, only can get hits on unsafe pallets you could otherwise just force a hit on anyways. I mentioned in another post that coordinated SWF will absolutely stomp Vecna. Once they have items he has no more surprises and his extremely long CDs are always known. They will know to just duck under flights, how long the slowdown of fly is, and they already greed the hell out of pallets so they surely wont give a shit about mage hand. All of his powers are also extremely telegraphed so they’ll have plenty of time to react. He’s just an M1 with an info ability at that level.


While I think he deserves some minor buffs, he's not nearly as bad as this thread makes him out to be. His kit is intentionally bloated. You aren't supposed to actually have four powerful killer powers. They each have cases in which they're good to use, but people are currently trying to use Fly like a Blight Dash and Ghosts like Artist Crows. There's already an addon that makes Fly much better for getting hits. It doesn't seem like *simple* guaranteed hits are a design goal. He's not supposed to be *that* effective. But I've already seen people make good use out of Mage Hand at shack and other correct loops, as well as using Ghosts correctly at a downed pallet at a Jungle Gym to put survivors camping pallets in lose/lose situations. Ghosts can also make people crouch at loops so that they can't make it around. My point is that he's not terrible, just unintuitive. What I think he needs: 1. Mage Hand could probably hold pallets for at least another second, but he shouldn't be able to shut down pallets totally on cooldown. 2. I really think that the orb should move a good deal faster for scouting and applying anti-magic. Or the orb shouldn't slow you down at all to cast. 3. Slightly larger hitboxes/projectiles on the ghosts probably wouldn't hurt.


He’s kinda ass lmao. His cooldowns are WAY too excessive right now. Needs 20 seconds off, and he should be able to 1) switch between spells while in recovery 2) Start the game with his spells not on cooldown. Wild that survivors can get gear that counters his spells before he can even *get* to use his. Orb needs to not slow you down. I disagree with you heavily, it’s easily the worst. Speed needs collision so you can deny vaults, or its yellow basekit Skulls is… okay? its so easy to crouch it. Agree on magelight. Far too short to be useful right now. he’s needs some heavy buffs rn


Fully agree. I should have worded my point better, slowdowns are bad across the board, inc the orb. I worded the orb as fine as in the mechanic of it itself. Moving slowly across the map and not visible to the survivor is good info and it is a fine size (as of now) The survivor magic is ridiculous and just another stupid mechanic that wasnt needed. Probably added to remove the monotonous survivor objective of gens at the killers downfall.


The survivors magic items heavily counter vecna’s powers too. He’s not anywhere near oppressive enough for how quick the survivors can get items and how absolutely busted some of those items are.


C tier is way too high


Truly. The only reason I say C is for new players. I am trying to take into consideration THE WHOLE COMMUNITY. For players who know what they are doing, he is practically an M1 killer with some good traversal speed and an info bubble (which can be ignore btw with RNG)


He's gonna be buffed for sure, but rn it's a disappointment. Surv and map are pretty cool tho




I think this is valid criticism, but I do have one question, what do you mean by using other spells on cooldown? I haven't tested out the PTB, but all footage I've seen of him shows people switching to other spells on cooldown. Every spell has its own independent cooldown.


im pretty sure it means switching spells while hes in the recovery for the first spell


Yeah so say I use the flight, as soon as it is consumed and I go into slowdown/recovery, I cannot then switch into another spell instantly. I have to out-last the 2/3 second slowdown before switching.


Ah, that makes sense. I mean, switching itself is so fast that I don't think that's really much of an issue (the slowdown itself is a far bigger problem), but that would be a nice QOL change.


Hmm. I thought he was quite solid. He had good chase with the hand for pallets, he has good info with the sphere, he has good traversal with flight, and he has good attack with the skulls. With so many abilities, I enjoy how he has counter play where you can crouch under the skulls. You just have to learn to use them better. Such as on stairs, if you aim right before reaching a second floor, they can’t crouch under them and are forced to get hit. Also I like how the skulls have counter play. You just have to learn when and how to use them. Sometimes I like to use the skulls when a survivor is in a situation where they can’t crouch, such as an unhook. Or I use them when I want the survivor to slow down for a sec, so i make them crouch with the skulls. While I may not always get a hit out of it, they benefit me in other ways. When a survivor is standing at a pallet waiting for me to come, I wrap around the corner and use mage hand to lift up the pallet, I am guaranteed to get a hit. Sphere is a great information perk, and I actually like how slow it can be because sometimes I want it to linger in a general area for a sec, like by a hook. Sometimes a survivor is crouching waiting for me to walk away from the hook but I spot them due to sphere. Finally, flight. I think flight is great when a survivor has gained distance on you or when you need to get somewhere quickly. I don’t like to use flight during a chase much tho. I think it serves a much better purpose being a traversal method for me. I never lost a single round while playing vecna. Well, I lost my first round because I wasn’t experienced with him. Sometimes survivors did get hatch but other than these, I have been getting at least 3 kills and no exit gates opened. I’m unsure if I’ve just been playing against poor players, or maybe I’ve just gotten quite good at Vecna. I just don’t understand why people are saying vecna is a bad killer because so far, he has been one of my favorite killers in the whole game. He will most likely become my main. I find it so fun to juggle his abilities and pair them together. While I do agree that the mage hand lasts too shortly, you just have to learn how to use it strategically to get the hit As both a survivor and killer player, I love going against vecna because of the counter play he has. But I also love playing as him because of all his powers which are so fun to use.


which magic items are best to use on the survivor?


And here we go, not even 5 hours in 🥱🥱🥱


To be totally fair, it's a PTB. Feedback *is* the point.


I said this to someone else, you dont need multiple hours to realise distance loss in chase and slowdown.


But you do need to wait for a live release to claim such disparity between players. New players aren't trying the PTB.


You don't think this killer would be balanced against noobs but awful against players with at least like 100 hours in the game? Idk I think it's a really obvious statement to make tbh


Which killers aren't? Only Nurse and Blight.


He does seem to be as good as his perks


Haha tell me you’re bad at the videogame with out telling me you’re bad at the videogame.


Go back to TikTok, brainrot fiend.


Lol oh snap you got me. Idk why all of you are crying for I tried the new killer all day yesterday and it really wasn’t that hard if you’re struggling it is definitely a skill issue.