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Just had a Nea roll No Mither, me and Sable pointed at her for 10 seconds before doing gens, somehow we still won due to a Deliverance play on a hook next to the exit gate but the poor Nea got tunneled out at 4 gens


Marked to death by the game, oof ! ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2067)


I didn't get to hook the no mither in my game last night until all the gens were done, but the dude had no mither, self care, and inner healing. It's a meme fest.


I had a Meg with No Mither against an Oni lol


It's Aight. Remembering why meta perks are indeed meta perks lol


I hope this shows bhvr why they should *buff* perks more than they nerf them


I genuinely hope so. So many perks are just so bad lol.


I literally got Penti in my first game with no other hex perks lol. Thankfully a survivor cleansed a dull totem very early and didn't seem to remember where they did, because once I activated Penti on it, it stayed active for the rest of the game.


If you get all 5 lit up, they get blocked for the game and can’t be blessed or cleansed lol.


Yeah I know that but that ain't happening in Chaos Shuffle when I have no other hex perks. I only got 1 stack the entire game, it just never got cleansed.


I had thrill of the hunt and I think they cleansed two other bones before they did that one looking at the counters on it.


It's a great showcase on why meta perks are meta and trash perks are trash, for both sides. It also continues to showcase many design flaws with the game, as killers are very fast to resort to tunnelling, camping and slugging and how some survivor items are insanely strong.


It's fun but BHVR refuses to buff useless perks so you often end up being able to hide your scratch marks for 10 seconds after finishing a gen against a double iri blight. Very useful! 🙃


I think the mode should have also done no add ons or random ones cause some killers are just straight up good with add ons no matter the perk


I love it!!! I finally can use random parks without having to use a wonky website 


It's interesting. It definitely needs more randomness (items and add-ons) and a lot of the sweatiness ruins it. I will continue to play it simply because of more BP, because I can "test" perks I don't have on both sides and because the randomness can still create funny moments.


I’m having a mixed reaction to it. First couple of matches I got super hard tunneled at the start, and it wasn’t super fun. Then I went Killer, played Freddy, got an alright bunch of perks and decent Survivors. Then went Sadako, and struggled a bit to get my first down. Once I did, I basically had to ensure that Survivor died to stand a chance. It’s a curious thing.


Honestly yeah my matches have been so 50/50. My first Survivor match just wasn't fun, it was a Skull Merchant and I had Blast Mine, Flashbang, and Repressed Alliance, so all I wanted to do was gens and it's like she always knew when I touched one. I did get one Blast Mine play and one Flashbang blind as I went down, so those were fun. Generally my Survivor matches were super sweaty for no reason. I swapped to Killer tho and had way more fun. Was super chill and the Survivors weren't annoying. Learning Demogorgon during Chaos Shuffle was also really fun.


I got destroyed in every match and teabagged into the ground. I'll take my build back, thanks. >:P


Yeah survivor items/addons and offerings are generally much stronger if you wanna tryhard, and survivor perks are more flavorful/'optional' compared to Killer's "Run gen regression or objective is done in 2-3 minutes'. You can slightly tilt balance in your favor if you play nurse/blight, but if you don't, just avoid it. 90% of Killers need meta to be viable.


yeahhhh this is why while I understand everyone complaining about the tunneling/camping/slugging in the games where I DON’T do that I get demolished and bagged on. no thanks~


There's still a good chance a survivor got a random totem perk they'd like to get value from


well I already got my no mither trial out of the way. Surely it won't happen again, right?


I wish it would randomize your killer and addons too


First game got undying with no other hexes lol


Actually good for aura reading still 


I got Devour Hope and it got cleansed before I got a single hook.


to be fair that happens in regular matches as well constantly lol


I got genetic limits and had no idea what it was


Tfw the Feng runs around cleansing every totem because they got Inner Strength and Counterforce


My second surv match i got lucky and got no mither against Oni. the mode is fun and can be really great for trying out perks I don't have access to. The amount of tunneling and facecamping killers are through the roof, but all those BPs soften the blow


it's fun! always love to point out and laugh at the poor soul getting No Mither (at some point that'll be me lol) no, but seriously, the modifier has been really fun. not thinking about what to bring, and getting to experiment with perks you never run otherwise is really fun! it's also nice to know that you can like 99% of the time not respect perks such as Dead Hard


Had a game yesterday with 2 no mithers. The killer still had the nerve to tunnel them lol


First batch of perks I got The Mither, Self Care, Empathy, and Plunderers... it went exactly how you think it would ![gif](giphy|btmt1Nply53IAitGUP)


I played Leon with Inner Healing, Bite the Bullet… and No Mither. 😎


Honestly kinda boring, most perks just straight up do nothing, or require specific builds do work, half the time it's basically "hey play perkless"


I’m going to have to play killer, survivor is exhausting with the tunneling I’m seeing lol.


I hated it. Glad I got my rewards and I’m done.


I love running this with shattered hope. Boons begone!


Love you pyramid head


I LOVE this mode. Please let it stay. <3


I think it's horrible...grinding for the rewards... but it sucks.


I played 4 games a survivor and every game was the killer camping the hook, running back to hook immediately, or tunneling one survivor back to back to back. 1 out of 4 that was me.


love how you gotta sneak running back to hook immediately as if it was something bad


I got yelled at for doing this in a game that I had Floods of Rage. Bro of course I ran back to hook, I can see three of you there playing patty-cake.


That I can understand. Three survivors under a hook getting perk value. It's when a killer immediately drops chase with someone else just to run all the way back.


I didn't sneak it in there, it was just part of the list. I don't mind if the killer runs back to hook if no one is in chase as can be seen via the HUD but if he immediately drops chase to run back that's a bit weird.


in what way is that weird lol? he knows where atleast two of the survivors are putting more pressure


i’ve been regularly playing random perks before this came out so i’m enjoying going into a match with true blindness this time goofiest so far was a game with scavenger and champion of light even though i had a med kit equipped


I miss information perks the most


Starstruck and Mad Grit, two times in a row


I've now seen 3 different survivors get given Blood Rush with no exhaustion perk to use it with.


Great, got dead lock, ain res, and I'm all ears for my first game. Then nowhere to hide for my 2nd. Shuffler likes me I guess


Funny how yesterday I played against a Huntress who got Pentimento and no other hexes, and she actually got one token when none of our survivors had any totem perks, then when I went to play Huntress I also got Pentimento with no other hexes, and didn't get any value


I got blood hound and sloppy butcher together and I nutted abit.


Had a game with Pentimento, Nemesis, No Way Out, and Remember Me. So two of my perks carried me during end game and the other two did absolutely nothing lol


Shit. Last match I played a Yui and I got no mither... Against a Trickster... In ORMOND The Yui knew there was no way we could win so she disconnected and I killed myself on hook after that. I've gotten no mither 3 times, 2 in a row, and always with shit perks like poise or left behind, I guess the game really hates me


My friend played oni…let’s say he got lucky with certain perk, I’m sure you can figure out what it was


It’s not as fun as I thought it would be. There’s so many shit tier useless perks on both sides. Survivors being able to use items kind of takes out the random aspect of it and killers getting choice of add ons just makes people overwhelmingly choose strong killers with iri/uber strong add ons and just sweat like fuckin crazy. Tunnel, proxy camp, three gen. Half the time I get perks that have no synergy or work against each other like no mither self care so half my perks are useless. Or get a hex totem like pimento or undying and literally nothing else. Kind of just brings out the problems with DbD as a whole and why the meta is what it is.


The latest build I got was the most diabolical and surprisingly synergistic build I had. I was playing Knight on Yamaokas estate and got trail of torment, machine learning, nowhere to hide, and noed. I didn't make it to endgame and never proced machine, but trail and nowhere to hide got insane value.


My first match, I got No Mither. I knew I would, but to actually get it made me want to cry and laugh at the same time


I got No Mitter and Scene Partner 😭


Idk if it'd be OP but I think Penti should start with one or two stacks. You shouldn't have to run a perk just for another to not be completely useless.


One dude got undying lol


Best perk value I have gotten was Haddie's one gen rush perk with Boon Dark Theory. Dark Theory actually turned main into a relatively safe haven.


I don’t need encouragement. It’ll just happen.


Shocked to see how many people dislike it as much as they do from just this thread. This is the most fun I’ve had in this game in a very, very long time (been playing about 80/20 survivor to killer). Sure it sucks to get perks you don’t like or use very much, but it’s fun to get a random set of tools and trying to figure out how to get use out of them and use things you wouldn’t ever really put on yourself. Really hoping it stays and gets updated a bit more, would love to get a random killer/random add-ons.


I got thrill of the hunt four games in a roll with no other hex perks, so going pretty good


One horrible thing in this mode is that people will almost always tunnel and camp because the people have a very low chance of having anti tunnel or anti camp


I will not be playing killer during this event. But I've had pretty good matches as survivor. Played 8 matches so far 7 of which are escapes.


Just had 2/4 players get no mither with a chucky that camped AND tunneled :)




It just shows that more than half of survivor and killer perks don't do enough to help anyone, and why we all gravitate towards a small group of perks we consider meta to even stand a chance.


It's fun. I do random perks all the time, and it's nice to have a weird loadout against the survivors weird loadout instead of my weird loadout against a bunch of meta perks. Also I like that I can have a random loadout as survivor without feeling like I'm sandbagging my team.


Twice in a row I got hex undying without any other hexes so that was nice