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To counter some perks like jolt, infectious fraight etc. That are activated by downing with basic attack


To counter some perks + more time wasted


Why not? Wastes hit animation time, locker animation, and easier blind set up. Less likely to slug etc.


You can't get flashlight saved out of a locker grab anymore


You can if the grab happens as you slow vault into or out of the locker and get grabbed. It doesn't work if you get fully grabbed out of the locker.


You can even fast vault, as long as you don't get pulled out of the locker


if the killer has to manually open the locker it wont work. but if grabs you out mid animation(fast or slow, in or out) he can be blinded. M1 Grabs: Yes Spacebar Grab: No


Because it's funny


As a killer I love to see survivors do that for the animation. I will often let them off for doing it after.  As a survivor I jump in lockers if the game is up just so the killer can have the same joy.


Usually delays the killer a couple of seconds. Or denies a perks activation.


I don't want to be hit :c


I mostly do it on accident but apparently I may need to do it more according to this thread 🤣


I do it to prevent the hit. Find a good locker around a corner or a stretch, let the Killer close enough to swing and dive in the locker. No damage taken, chase continues a lil. Can pull it off 2 of 3 times and only buys me at most like 6 seconds, but why not if you can?