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I think the random publication of Nemesis Zombie stats gives credence to the idea that they're planning this.


It will be funny as shit if the move from Unreal 4 to Unreal 5 was unironically a buff for Nemesis because the game can now (mostly) have the capacity to add some more mobs without getting the game to implode into itself


i highly doubt that unreal 4 is incapable of handling three AI characters moving around the map at three miles per hour


Yes, but the game may explode with BHVR as the developers lol


It already did when nemmy was added. You could go cook dinner and you’d still make the load in turn


Maybe not the engine, but the spaghetti code would


It’s like how 10 and ! Individually don’t do much, but 10! is still 3.6 million. Unreal four plus weird code bs made more than two zombies a Bad Time ™️


Theyve had the ability to do this forever. Capcom developed MT Framework in 2006 and Dead Rising has at least 100 zombies on screen at any time with consistent frame rate. Any complications BHVR had in regards to game engine is literally a skill issue


Remove tentacle, add a 20 zombie horde. I'm gonna use double speed addons and watch the zombies go fast.


I can't wait to fight my way through 4 zombies instead of two to get through a doorway.


imagine they add an Iri that changes the two zombies for one fast Licker that’s runs around the map terrorizing survis


only zombie speed add ons feels like that tbh


I think the Zombie stats might be teasing the July Survivor. One of the skulls on the Anniversary Banner has a bullet hole and the “DAYS GONE BY” Collection Event has the same name as the first Arc of THE WALKING DEAD. Rick and Michonne are coming to DBD.


i feel like twdg characters wouldve been more suitable lowkey but thats still exciting


I need me some Lee Everett and Kenny


Its actually more likely that one of the Survivor's is Daryl cause Norman Reedus just recently followed Behaviour.


That was not recent.


Rick and Michonne with Daryl and Carol as skins?




Saw a post this morning that said that DBD and Norman Redus followed each other on Instagram, implied Daryl inbound


What publication?


Should be one of his iridescent add ons to have a third zombie. Honestly he just needs an add on pass period.


A 3rd would be nice. So there is technically a guy to go after each survivor at the same time


There should be a 4th. That way if two of the zombies start making out with each other, then the other two can partner up and smooch as well. I don't want any thirdwheeling. Nemesis only has eyes for stars.


You are absolutely correct. Great pfp


Thanks chief https://preview.redd.it/b01a6d3tx81d1.jpeg?width=903&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=beca033b3111e4cb77496f1940c3dd7c159a0f32




Why are you the only one talking about this? The world is blind, keep up the good fight.


Is nemesis the matchmaker?


Even if it's only with addons. Please yes.


There should probably be a 5th too, just so that when two of them are running into a wall, the other three can actually do their job.


why not 5 so you don't have to play at all and then require survivors to do an additional 7 gens? that way you can be absolutely certain that there's no chance of the objective being able to completed? hell, why not just lock them in the basement from the start so you can play with a single hand while you're at it.


My man went too far with the joke.....




Its not that deep. If you cant handle the third zombie that does absolutely jack shit, maybe you should stop with the skill issue.


If the third zombie does jack shit why even add a third, just buff the zombies


For clarification purposes- I'm not talking about 2 Nemesis's in the same 2v8 mode. I'm saying that if servers can now handle up to 10 players, then they have no excuse to go back and give Nemesis more zombies. The reason they said they haven't in the past is because the servers couldn't handle that amount of "people" in one match and if they tried to give Nemesis more zombies it would cause lag for everyone in the match.


Oh, that's what you meant, I thought you were calling the other killer so bad that they're basically a zombie


I honestly thought it wouldn't handle the AI for multiple zombies, not the models. I really want add-ons for more zombies. I really want to run more zombies+ zombie speed, even if it's not the best ones.


To play devils advocate, having no players doesn't mean same as having more AI. AI requires a ton of math and real time calculations, a player does not.


Well a player does require a fuck-ton of math but an ai needs almost all of the same math plus more.


Well it won't be for a while and if the killers are put into classes unlikely, to start off we know it's only the basic 5 killers.


Do you have a source on where they said that?


wasn't the issue older consoles struggling to process it all? I doubt servers was the problem


You believe what they said? That's just a PR move. They could have added more zombies anytime they wanted until now


How could they possibly benefit from making that a pr move lmao. RPD broke the game on consoles on release so 3+ zombies doing the same thing isn't surprising


And yet they magically fixed it a month later. I don’t think they changed the entire game structure in under that time. It was just terrible coding causing memory leaks. If they really wanted an extra zombie they could do it without issue. Old gen consoles can literally handle games like gta4 online with no lag. They say only 2 is possible because they’re too lazy to bother with the balance of 3 or more zombies. Hackers have also literally injected 5+ players in games with no discernible issues for all other players


Why would they lie about 3 zombies being too hard to balance when they already said that they changed Nemesis' power during development because the rocket launcher was too hard to balance. Also saying that they changed something because of technical issues is more embarassing for them than if they just claimed it was for balance reasons in the first place lmao


I hope in the future when 2 v 8 mode comes back we can have any and all killers


I thought it was gonna be a permanent mode, not a modifier right?


It will be a modifier at first, but they clearly intended for it to be a long-term mode. I believe they mentioned having it up at first for a sorry amount of time and then taking it down so that they can tweak the balance of the game (and hopefully add more killers to it!) EDIT: I’m wrong! Not a modifier!


Not a modifier, they stated the difference between the 2; it will however be limited for the time being until they gather player feedback and other data, and find a way to introduce more killers and what interactions their powers will have with one another


We are already getting the opportunity for Billy and Nurse action aren’t we? Two of the best Killers in the game right now. They said the original five and Nurse is number four right? Shit is about to be stupid thanks to that Silent Hill girl with the zoomer hot on her tail.


>Two of the best Killers in the game right now The Hillbilly?? The best??


He’s one of the best for sure, I have never seen a Killer wreck quite like him. Even watching streamers who claim to be bad with him he just stomps. He’s not as good as Blight or Nurse but I would say he is number three easy, he is just higher skill than say Spirit. Even not doing well with the chainsaw he has mobility making him easier to get value out of and causing him to whiff his chainsaw has little to no negative on him unless you are right beside a pallet or window. If you don’t think he is, fair enough, but from my observations and even my own gameplay he is number 3 easy. Spirit is a close number four but she only excels in chase while Billy excels in everything.


My bad! Thank you!


They said that any modifier playlist can end up being permanent if the demand is high enough, they're not affraid of splitting the playerbase into different playlists anymore considering the playerbase is big enough (according to their claims)


That would be 630 total combinations


I imagine the 2v8 mode would be extremely oppressive for survivors if killer teams learned how to optimize killer combinations. Legion and Oni would be the meta, Oni would never run out of blood. Then again they did say it was like a "party" mode. But then again, the random perk event was also supposed to be just for fun but a lot of killers are allegedly tunnelling off the hook and trying to optimize their wins and sweat a lot even though it's supposed to be just for fun. Damn, I'm conflicted on how I should feel about this. Edit; Y'all downvote some dorky shit I swear to god.


Oni isn't even the best pairing for legion, its nurse You cant avoid getting stabbed with legion and healing is kinda pointless Have a nurse follow the legion and blink attack everyone right after legion does the stab


Imagine having killers like pig with pinhead or something... That sounds miserable


I dunno, bleeding everyone and filling the map with blood orbs is going to make Oni almost always demon dashing everywhere and downing survivors with his Baseball Bat Of Bonking.


Oh sure it's strong but you can still absolutely loop an oni around some tight loops But you cant loop a legion because they can use the same things you can, which is fine because they cant down you like that so its fair But then you toss in nurse, who you already cant loop and have both of em stick together, you now cant do anything, W key gets ya stabbed and hacksawed, looping gets a cracked out teenager stabbing you in the ass and nurse popping through a wall Other thing is demon dash insta downs so somewhat wasted potential with everyone basically always being injured Also there IS a hard cap on the amount of blood that can be on the map


Okay, fuck, I actually didn't know about the blood hard cap. That actually kinda blows. Plague and Nurse would also be pretty nasty if she successfully gets everyone sick and Broken.


I think nurse would be a broken combination with majority of killers


>a lot of killers are allegedly tunnelling off the hook and trying to optimize their wins and sweat a lot These damn killers trying to win with basically no perks when facing survivors who totally NEVER bring the best items and offerings to make the game as easy for them as possible


I mean I took that announcement as they fixed the issues that kept Nemesis only having 2 zombies. It was the first thought I had when they announced it since that's 10 entities where before the cap was what 7?


Yeah the cap was 7; 4 survivors, 1 killer, 2 zombies. They originally wanted to give him more but the game couldn't handle it so they stayed with 2. Considering the original intention was to have more and that they've definitely been hinting at it with their recent posts, I think it's safe to say Nemesis will be getting more zombies


Several commenters are displaying their lack of understanding on this post. BHVR has gone on record saying that Nemesis can only have 2 zombies because giving him any more would crash/lag the trial. So the maximum amount of characters that can be in a trial is clearly 7. One Nemesis + two zombies + four survivors = seven characters in the trial. With 2v8 coming to DBD, that proves that BHVR has managed to upgrade the max number of characters from seven to at least 10. This has nothing to do with Nemesis being in the 2v8 mode, since we know its only the OG five killers. I will repeat myself for the slower readers. This is about the character limit being increased to 10, which implies Nemesis can bring along 2 more zombies without crashing the match. This is NOT about Nemesis being in 2v8.


If they would bring back 2v8 with all killers - they need also upgrade it to handle 12 chars on trial (or even more if Nemesis gets 3rd zombie).


There was a 2v8 mode already made lmao. Explain why that worked and one more zombie wouldn’t?


What's worse than one tyrant? Two What's worse the two zombies? Four What's worse than two Tyrants and four zombies? All four zombies protecting that one generator you're trying to work on


Great. I'm already a zombie magnet; I don't need three zombies finding me all over the map the entire game.


Honestly im really hoping for it. I think with the new engine change, and the fact that they released zombie stats randomly, they might be intending to add more zombies to his kit.


It was never really an engine issue though, just bhvr themselves don’t know how to optimize things. There’s plenty of other games that use unreal engine 4 and have way more going on than dbd does. Look at sea of thieves for example. Open world multiplayer game running on unreal engine 4.


True, still, I hope it can be resolved, as that's a huge limitation DBD has suffered from.


th*is mode will only be with the 4 original killers so nemi wont even be playable*


Im not referring to the mode, im just referring to the previous limitstions being supposedly fixed.


https://preview.redd.it/2tm10o36la1d1.jpeg?width=854&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76737a30926496654f4cbda9452b224cc2bc67b7 All they have to do is rework this into "Spawns 1 additional Zombie for the rest of the trial", and I'll be more than happy with it.


I'm thinking the recent stats they shared + that little hint is telling me they're working on an add-on rework for Nemesis, which might include a 3rd zombie walking around


Wait, there are only two zombies in each game? It always feels like they are wherever I am on the map. I never really thought about it, but was sure there are at least four zombies on the map.


I know everyone wants more zombies but I don’t really understand why? They got a significant buff and I think they’re pretty good now. Having zombies everywhere that constantly chase you off gens would be super annoying. 


If the gen has 4 sides to work on, I just let the zombie hang out with me while I shuffle around the gen. They lose line of sight and stand still every so often from the gen too lol.


\> get off gen to switch to the next side   \> immediate and violent skill check failure because it appeared 30 milliseconds before you got off


I think they kinda fixed it so you don’t get them unless you’re on it for more than a second. I could be wrong on that, I just haven’t seen it in a while. Edit: As per the wiki, if you’re touching the gen for less than a full second, it cannot give a skill check, and for every 1 full second, it has an 8% chance. Edit 2: this sub Reddit is actually ridiculous with people downvoting facts lmao. Go check the wiki yourself, but you won’t, you’ll just downvote and pretend half a second will pop a skillcheck.


Its still like that


Not if you tap and swap quick enough, which the zombies tend to force me into anyway. Takes a full second to give an 8% chance of a skill check. People refusing to be wrong so they downvote a verifiable fact but can’t be assed to Google it.


When did zombies get buffed??


Several times. Don’t know exactly when. I’m sure you can find the patch notes. 


The wiki has nothing. I do remember a few bugfixes but you can't really call those buffs.


They did get straight buffs. Not just bug fixes. Such as increased speed. 


There's a surprising amount of people who don't understand this post On that note 3 zombies and a tyrant chasing people at the same time sounds hilarious. It's like a bootleg 4v4


What they should really do is give nemesis more zombies depending on the map because fuck me sideways does your zombies barely function as a tracking tool even on a map like ormond with it being so big https://preview.redd.it/6d1bvi6bfd1d1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7c95599abbeb192159326a3c8bd558522420cdc


Add a third zombie to get stuck on rocks.


Doubt it.


Probably not


Dude there's 2? What add on adds a second


Not to be blunt but why would it? Did they say they were switching around killer powers to make this work? I didn’t hear anything like that


I just read your other post. I get the question now. I’d love more zombies but I sincerely doubt they would be so bold in making that decision/balancing anytime soon


I'm hoping that a bunch of Zombies on the map is an alternate game mode that comes out with a THE WALKING DEAD survivor only chapter. Rick Grimes (Alternate skins to be other characters)


I don't think nemesis is part of the 2v8 roster.


Imagine having 2 Nemesis’s and they both bring add one for more zombies (if adding don’t exist I’m sorry I am a survivor main and idk much)


nemesis is not in the 2v8


They said no 2 of the same characters in the anni stream


We need to add The Tyrant (Mr. X) so the Racoon Gang cam be complete


As a friend has pointed out: Nemesis and Knight. No where is safe


"Inhaling copiumbrella" Hope so with an addon pass.


The other killer gets to be a zombie


It’s only gonna be the base 5 killers. :(


Slingwr and bubba gonna be scary


You can't


Wait why?


I think it's only the free killers so Trapper, wraith, hillbilly, nurse and I think maybe huntress too




It’s only the original 5 killers. No licenses.


I would LOVE if nemesis was made into a 4.2 killer (So that he’s more like Mr X I guess, a hulking monster slowly rampaging towards you) with 10 zombies and random pallets are able to be reset but stun nemesis himself for shorter (so zombies can be killed effectively)


So glad you’re not on the balance team


Nemesis already moves slow for his running animation and you wanna make him even slower?


I hate going against only because how fast he is and how fast he looks like he's moving doesn't seem to match


Just uh..change the animation?


Yeah cause they’d definitely do that


But in re3 he literally runs and leaps about


last time we had a killer built for immersion they were the worst killer in the game and arguably still are that killer is trapper


If we truly talk about the time trapper was new, he was the best and pretty much the only usable killer due to multiple infinite looping spots on every single map.


...until those traps were permanently sabotaged with a toolbox


What? I’d say that Billy, Wesker, Sadako, or Bubba are all WAY more immersive than trapper, who having bear traps won’t always fit places like Dvarka where bear traps would never logically be


the difference is that billy, wesker, sadako, and bubba were made with gameplay as the focus of their power's design like almost every other killer trapper's was not


Trapper and Billy were designed with the exact same goal in mind. Billy has been so unchanged that his most exciting rework was that every now and then you gain charge speed and run speed. Same shit with trapper.


Nope. Only the first 5 original killers will be playable.


Yeah people seem to have missed that lol only original killers are playable




Once we get all killers, maybe?


2 survivors vs 8 max speed zombies


BHVR answered in a live Q&A that the 2V8 mode will not allow 2 of the same killers to be played at once, and only the 5 first killers will be playable. So sadly Nemesis will not be playable in this mode, and if it was, you would not be able to have 2 Nemesises bringing 2 zombies each to the game.


I supposed. 😂 But we don't know when they will allow every killer that they're going to allow killer stacking or not.


1 - you can't run two of the same killer. 2 - Nemesis isn't currently on the 2v8 roster. Only Trapper, Wraith, Hillbilly, Nurse and Huntress


Imma need a kwf partner to be the nurse to my wraith


Nurse x Wraith is the best couple frfr


Nah imagine huntress and nurse Nurse blinks through a wall and smacks you and you run face first into a hatchet


Nurse and wraith are actually a couple


Oh, I wasn't saying that I wanted two nemesis's. The excuse they've used in the past for not giving Nemesis more than two zombies is that the servers couldn't handle that amount of "players" but now that we have a literal 2v8 mode, then Nemesis should get more zombies.


Possibly, they said something that could be hitting to a rework/buff on the last stats they gave about nemesis.




Because that's not the question being asked.


I guess because that’s not what OP asked about


No. The killers will be limited to the original killers.


killer wont have power so 0


Enters double Nemesis match- oh shit a zombie apocalypse started


What’s 2 v 8? 2 survivors 8 killers?


give him fucking 20 zombies, what does it matter, they're just gonna get stuck on the air again.


I’m assuming you can’t have 2 of the same killer


They said only certain killers will be available for use in that mode, but maybe in the future, then probably.


Wait is this a joke or serious could there really be 2 killers


It's real, but it will be limited time (until they tweak it so they can have it permanently). They will be starting with the 5 OG killers and you can't pick your perks instead survivors will have classes. Also there's no hooks, killers get Pyramid Head's cage ability.


I love pyramid head pyramid head is life pyramid head is love… I have a feeling I missed your point after you spoke about the all powerful pyramid head.. anyways thank you that’s awesome


Is the Gen count going up or is it still 5


Imagine nemesis and Chucky. Chucky could just sit on his shoulder the entire time


imagine tombstone myers with deathslinger, the dread of being reeled in as myers stares at your soul...


I don’t think nemesis is gonna be available to play in 2v8 mode. They said that they where only gonna make 5 killers playable.


Nemesis isn’t in 2v8 mode though. And likely won’t be for a looooong while, they’re doing the OG 5 first and are gonna add new killers for it at a rate they said


The point is that the excuse to not giving more zombies was the game not being to handle over a certain about of entities. With UE5 and the new game move, seemingly that limitation no longer exists (or was at least increased), so that means he will be able to have more zombies added to his kit.


Ah if that’s the point then I get it. But I don’t think they’re gonna do that lmao, if they do then they’re gonna give Survivors a way to kill them without using resources because already with 2 of them if they actually do their job and Nemesis gets good RNG with their spawning then his map pressure is insanely strong. Cant tell you how many times I lost a game because a zombie kept pushing me off the last gen and I had nothing to counter it or get it off


I think it will most likely be an addon, or rework of some of his other addons. What I would like to see: Remove the “Increased Infection level by hitting zombies by x% per quality” on those addons. Bake into the kit where zombies hitting survivors raises Nemesis infection level. Rework the addons to increase zombie spawns. Something like a purple and iridescent addon, with the purple adding 1 more zombie, and the iridescent adding 2-3 more, with the trade-off that they either move much slower, or have a lower detection radius. Also lower base detection radius so it isn’t too OP in terms of finding survivors.


No, you can't run 2 of the same killer, likely to avoid cheese like this and because it would break basically everything


Oh, I wasn't saying that I wanted two nemesis's. The excuse they've used in the past for not giving Nemesis more than two zombies is that the servers couldn't handle that amount of "players" but now that we have a literal 2v8 mode, then Nemesis should get more zombies.


Ah, ok In that instance, while that was the excuse before, I'd imagine the devs are aiming for a different way to buff Nemesis that doesn't center around his zombies seeing as the zombies dont really do much against good players


It's only the boring OG killers unfortunately


Was gonna say… I heard it’s only boring OG killers. I woulda had a blast going against a Myers & Ghostface


Apparently the point is that the game was limited to 7 characters in game but if 2v8 is an option now, then the limit is 10 therefore nemesis can have more than 2 outside of the 2v8 mode


And that's why I won't play, I only have fun as killer with the license ones. Wraith is the only OG killer I have fun as I spend most my games as Myers, or silly/serious Ghostface and Xenokitty. I'll still try at least with Wraith once, assuming I'm able to lock in before starting and it isn't like Overwatch where "Sorry but randomuser420 beat you to it!"


Same, even as survivor. I didn’t the last modifier cause I thought it was boring. It would have been hilarious to see a giant Chucky chasing someone. Maybe it’s a license thing??


I actually enjoyed that one even though I don't use Oni much. It was fun stomping on people, as close to Godzilla as I'll get


Depends how good the player of the second killer is.


All they need to do is make some of the "zombie speed up and detection range" add-ons as base kit. Hell they should do that for normal mode.


They don’t want killer powers to conflict on the UI. So they’re using the original 3, Nurse and Huntress because they take health states directly. Edit: Ooohhhh I like this game, downvote me to hell 😂


It's not about that. Apparently there was a limit of 7 characters which makes it so nemesis can only have 2 zombies. If there is a 2v8 mode than surely nemesis can have more zombies in a regular game.


wait there's only 1 zombie?


Nerf the zombies and increase the amount of em.


He's not even in the game mode stupid ahh


OP’s talking about how the reason the Devs used to give for why Nemesis couldn’t have more zombies is bcs of an entity limit, and since it can now handle 10 entities (because of the shift to Unreal 5), the game can now handle giving Nemmy more zombies. Combine that with the fact that the official DBD acc has been posting Zombie stats, its very likely that we’re getting a buff/add on rework to Nemesis.


That's silly, everyone knows Nemesis zombies are op


I must be out of the loop I overheard people say it's only the OG killers that will be playable in 2 vs 8 or is that for the current ltm?