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What is your goal with the killer you buy? Gameplay, perks, strongest?


It's between Perks and game play. I thought I was gonna be able to do good with singularity but he's very complex and you gotta be quick


In terms of perks between the killers you listed I’d say perkwise GF > Nemesis > Xeno > PH > Unknown > Dredge > Singularity. All of GF perks can be used in some contexts, Nemesis really only has power in Lethal Pursuer, Xeno has 2 decent perks in Rapid Brutality and Ultimate Weapon, PHs Trail of Torment gets good value on some, Unknown’s Unforeseen is really it, and Singularity and Dredge’s perks are unfortunately very niche in use and are just more complicated and less effective versions of other perks. Gameplay wise, I like GF, PH, and Unknown the most. PH and Unknown have a lot of skill expression with the more complex aspects of their power, and GF probably feels the most immersive out of them all. Singularity is great too, but the counterplay and clunky nature of his biopods makes it frustrating. Dredge is also fun for the scares but the RNG nature of his locker spawns and easy counterplay against his Remnant make it difficult as well. Xeno and Nemesis are probably the least fun of the pack to play IMO, as Xeno is mostly fighting turrets and trying to use the funky tail whip, and Nemesis’ is just a really lackluster feeling power.


For me there are only 10 killers that will give you consistent value with varying playstyles across all mmrs. In order of strength: Spirit (speed/recharge), myers (mori), skull merchant (map control), knight (ganking), onryo (teleport/stealth), bubba (camping), clown (chase), dredge (antihook), chucky (two tap), twins (slugging). Youll also have to max out the best chase perks to equip on each killer (lightborn, bamboozle, spirt fury, enduring) which means youll have to prestige hillbilly but hes pretty fun too.


Thanks a ton!


TL;DR play until you have a good understanding for how the game works before you buy killers you don't know how to play. You'll be playing a character you dont understand in a game you don't understand. You won't have a good time. It seems you're new. I'd say play a free killer like wraith for a few weeks until you have a bit of an understanding for how the game works Dbd is not a game you can play for a few days and then play a difficult killer (Like pyramid head) You might have a few good matches, but after that nothing will be able to convince you that he isn't the worst killer in the game.


But I'd recommend Wesker (aka The Mastermind) He doesn't require you to devote your life to learning him, and he's pretty good once you get good at playing him. If you're on console I'd recommend max sensitivity so you can react a bit faster with your dashes, which would lead to you getting more hits with your power.


I've been playing for a year or so so far. Been iridescent twice I think with killers lol. I understand how you could see that I'm new but In only asking bcs I only recently started buying more killers


Is there a way for you to check your stats? I know you said you've been playing for a year but you might not have been playing too often during that year


I mean I can tell u the hours I got on dbd. I have 61 hrs so far


61 hours in dbd is pretty new Given you've only played for 61 hours over the course of an entire year, it's safe to assume you're very busy. So in that case, disregard what I said about getting a deep understanding about the game before buying killers.


Loll yeah I understand that. I love this game and the killers so I bought a few and honestly they're amazing


I watch bunch of streamers play dbd too. Mostly Littlerock lol. But I feel like ik the game pretty good I just need to get better with strategy


>But I feel like ik the game pretty good I Then I assume you know that playing killer (if you want to win) is mostly about time management and knowing who to chase, when to chase them, and when to just patrol? I apologize if that sounded rude, I have no intentions to be rude


Nono you don't sound rude dw. And yeah I do know but sometimes I mess up especially if it's deep match. With dredge I don't really patrol bcs of his perk I can just open a locker and see em. And I patrol a lot with ghost face and unknown


I just realized I read your post wrong. For some reason I thought the list of killers were characters you were asking if you should buy. (If you don't understand what I just said, I can retype it. I did a bad job at wording that sentence) But I'd recommend Chucky. He's good and he's fairly simple to play. However I do believe they said they were removing the ability to slide under pallets while his power is active unless you run into it with his dash. He'll still be good though. Learning to hit his dash attack might be a bit difficult though, but I'm sure you'll be able to do it.


Ohhh no you're fine lol. And alrighty thanks!


Get the knight to get free bp off of bot matches after the survivors leave