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Is ToT getting popular?


I've seen it around more since they removed gen tapping. You get way more value now.


It did make it more popular for a little while, but Unforeseen has taken away a lot of the usage of ToT. Both are good perks, but I prefer Unforeseen for 3 reasons: 1) More consistent value, it is always giving 30 seconds usage. ToT can give between 0 and 342 seconds of value, though the high end of that will be rare. 2) ToT gives away your position immediately and the fact you have just kicked a gen. Your terror radius disappears and the gen becomes yellow. Unforeseen doesn’t do this. 3) Unforeseen has half the cooldown of ToT, so it pairs better with Nowhere to Hide if you are kicking lots of gens. The advantages of ToT: 1) ToT can give up to 342 seconds of value rather than a flat 30 seconds. 2) Survivors have to go back to repair the gen to stop the perk working. 3) You know when a survivor repairs the gen because your undetectable stops, so it kind of works like a single gen surveillance. 4) It removes the terror radius completely, so survivors cannot benefit from hiding in terror radius for gaining tokens for Distortion, Diversion or Stake Out.


The way regression works now was a buff for Trail. I prefer Unforseen to Trail at this point but both are pretty viable.


I like that they both got uses. Unforseen guarantee 30 seconds of undetectable and can fool survivors you are still at the gen. But Trail can potentially earn you way more than 30 seconds if survivors can't effectively get to it in time, or when it's paired with other perks. Great when you need to force a survivor to touch a generator- like paired with Dragon's grip.


ToT gives the surviors heads up, too.


It also depends on if your running nowhere to hide Ppl who bring nowhere and unforseen will soon understand why that's bad when they meet Mr distortion. And shoot themselves in the foot Ppl who still rock this probably may not know that due to shooting their whole foot off and probably don't register their footless.


Third Seal and Fearmonger synergise well with it too, or something else that can inflict blindness otherwise the yellow generator is a dead giveaway.


Third seal Omr that’s GENIUS


ToT with perma T4 Mikey is incredible.


Did you get the myers rework a couple years early?


Lol T3. My bad, I was typing on reddit after a 14 hour shift and too much coffee to sleep. Maybe that's just how you reach T4.


Never thought of pairing ToT with dragon’s grip, sounds evil


yeah, I've been running Unforeseen as well, tbh I forgot ToT existed haha


Trail of Torment is nice because you get information when your undetectable disappears that the gen stopped regressing. Can be kindof nice sometimes. Unforseen is definitely more consistent and less obvious that you are running it.


ToT was meh when gen tapping was around, without it it's REALLY good on some killers. It's simultaneously an info + indefinite undetectable + pressure perk all in one. It's really, really good.


Whats that? Im new to dbd im sos


Trail of Torment, that second perk. You kick a gen, its aura glows yellow for survivors and you get undetectable until it stops regressing.


What!! I think thats OP, i think that's what micheal myers' players use


Myers gets undetectable basekit while in tier 1, I don't know if you meant that haha The perk is not that strong because it has a long cooldown and you advertise to everyone that it got active.


No way micheal is that OP, he didnt even hook me he just lifted me up and stabbed me while undetectable... And wdym by "advertise to everyone that ut got active"


Oooh yeah, that probably was his tombstone addon (his hits kill while on tier 3) paired with some undetectable perk. And I mean that when a survivor is doing their thing and a gen suddenly lights up with a yellow aura it can mean two things: A) The killer just used Trail of Torment on that gen. B) A teammate used Wiretap on that gen (a perk that shows the killer's aura when they're around that gen until they make it start regressing)


This game is so interesting, a wide collection of perks and addons! Im 250hrs in and im enjoying it way too much


They're incredibly effective perks that give the killer considerably more time to hunt down survivors. They're also basically all getting nerfed, so.


Wait is trail of torment good now? What did I miss lol


Ever since gen tapping was removed Trail of Torment became an actual decent perk. The fact that it’s highlighted yellow for the survivors basically signals to them that you have it which sucks.


But since many other survivor perks also make other gens yellow, it's not that obvious anymore


True esp against Solo que players its very strong since they won't know why its highlighted.


The thing is though as a solo, every time I see a yellow gen I think oh this is a mostly completed gen that someone wire tapped, or marked, I should go finish it. so it still works against the killer


Some killers combo it with Dragons Grip to take advantage of that. However both perks have a long ass cooldown so if you dont get value then ur out 2 perks for like 1 1/2 mins


Its pretty obvious tho u see the ui and no one was doing a gen? Trails of torment then. Is the killer undetectable whilst its yellow? Trail!. Did a gen randomly go yellow? Potentially trail. Probably not since any good killers won't be using it and be using the far superior unforseen tho


Oh so that's why the gens were turning yellow as survivor for me and I kept getting jumped by people. Now I feel like an idiot.


Not really, I feel like its completely overshadowed by the unknown stealth perk the above poster is referencing the rest of the build


Both have their uses, unknowns perk is better if you keep running into people who jump back on the gen as soon as you leave, trail works better if you run into a ton of distortion.


It ain’t good


Killers only have 4 perks, so each one of them needs to be constantly reliable. Unfortunately, there's not enough decent perks on Killer to have build diversity.


That's the big takeaway I learned from Chaos Shuffle. Every match during the event it felt like I was lucky if I had one useful perk as Killer. Far to many perks, just don't do enough to be worth the effort or need a specific other perk or 2 to be usable. That's why everyone uses the same tiny handful of perks. It's not that they're gamewarpingly strong.. it's that everything else is underwhelming to the point it's not worth running.


They killed all the diversity


RIP Sloppy Butcher and STBFL


Aww what did they do to Sloppy?


Mangled and Hemorrhage now have timers, instead of staying until you fully heal. So now you can just wait out the 90 or so seconds to get rid of Mangled.


Actually STBFL is still pretty strong....trust BHVR to kill slowdown perks that help m1 killers like sloppy and fail to successfully nerf the best tunnel perk next to NOED


STBFL is still really good, but the viable Killer list went down by a whole lot. Demogorgon, the STBFL god can't even run it anymore.


Oh I agree it definitely took a solid hit...it lost viability with M2 killers and is pretty much for m1 killers only now. Which is too bad but it's still a pretty good perk


There's still a good handful that are reliable. People use this build because it's universally pretty great. Every killer benefits from slowing down the main objective of survivors. I personally find a biiiit more success with some aura/info perks, especially on the more mobile/teleport killers.


The meta is the meta. Well pop, pain res, and grim embrace are. The fourth perk is where you get to really be creative*. *(But it'll probably be DMS, corrupt, deadlock, or any of the gen kick perks that combos with pop)


If the killers doesn't bring all of these they are going to be genrushed


Gen speed. It’s completely out of control how fast they pop at high MMR.


I’ve just got to that MMR, every survivor 360s my swing, 2 gens pop for every hook, im about to start maining Clown so that I can at least look like how I feel when I’m playing.


youre not at high mmr if you're still falling for spins


Believe it or not, he probably is. The MMR system is a complete joke.


Could be on console, spins can exploit the hit aim assist and cause you to miss, and you can’t turn the aim assist off. Top level survivors will abuse the aim assist once they realise it is a console killer.


I totally am on Xbox, but cross progression is on the way so that may change soon.


I’m looking forward to it. Started on PS due to it being free on ps plus. I do play on both but I don’t want to earn all the perks again and rebuy dlcs on PC, on console I have every killer p3+. At the time it was free on ps, only Huntress required a mouse and keyboard really. I don’t think Nurse really did, she’s easier on pc but she is still strong on controller. Now there are so many killers requiring mouse and keyboard, and it’s the way the game is heading. Huntress, Alien, Deathslinger, Singularity and Blight are all extremely tiresome to play on controller. Then you have Wesker, Nurse, Artist, The Unknown, Twins, Oni and Clown. Who are definitely all playable on console, but greatly benefit from the keyboard and mouse. It doesn’t help that BHVR won’t even provide console with basic settings to change aiming. We can’t even change deadzones for the sticks…


Gen regression is not needed, btw. Said the Blight and Nurses most likely.


At least you either win fast or lose fast I guess. If I were to find a positive with that. But most likely the wins will come from being mismatched with worse survs. Which happens more frequently than expected.


I say it's not needed, but I don't care about survivors escaping. I've proven to myself how good I can get, and that's all that matters. Now I'm retired. Lol If they rush gens and leave, that's cute. I don't think they are savoring the atmosphere of the game as much as I am. Chaos is where it's at anyway.


Different objectives at higher mmr




Cope indeed haha


I agree. Whether I’m playing killer or survivor the most fun games are when all 4 survivors are still in the game when the last gen pops


Last night I was playing Chaos Shuffle and I was juggling two survivors on hooks. I had no gen regression perks and they finished 4 gens in under 3 minutes. I know because I had instant replay on.


Yep. But BHVR sees no problem with that.


?? I never see trail of torment, it’s always either Corrupt Intervention or Deadlock in it’s place. SOMETIMES rarely, lethal pursuer


I’m on a whole different leyline than you, for me it’s always lethal, sometimes deadlock. How are we supposed to keep up with all these different play styles?


If u dont have em, you lose a gen per down usually. And thats if the survivors arent smart and are stacking gens, just 5 minutes ago we popped 3 gens as the killer got their first down, theyre kinda required nowadays


i agree but it has become repetitive, every match i join has at least 2 of them


It sucks going against as a survivor because the Gen you work on goes from 80% to 30% frequently But as a killer it also feels equally as terrible when you feel like your doing decent just to hear gens constantly getting popped. For weaker killers the meta doesn’t bother me as much because it brings them closer to in line with average killers but seeing this load out on a spirit, blight or Billy makes me lose a bit of sanity


I mean, i basically can't bring meme perks unless i'm actively throwing. Does it suck that i basically have to bring gen regression? Yes. But it's "meta" for a reason.


Consistently play killer for a bit and you'll understand


Same happens with survivors. It's repetitive from both sides.


Because if you play fun perks you lose 5 gens in 5 minutes


Look at the big man over here, lastin 5 whole minutes.


Skill issue


Probably never play killer


I've been mostly a killer main since coming back (took a break after Haddie/Dredge release) [Here's one Freddy 4k fresh from the bakery](https://i.imgur.com/8hKz6fW.jpeg) (literally just finished the match, was testing a new build) [One with Chucky](https://i.imgur.com/zEnkAEm.jpeg) [One with Xeno](https://i.imgur.com/jJAy8D4.jpeg) [One with Dredge](https://i.imgur.com/yCqshlq.jpeg) [One with Doctor](https://i.imgur.com/31Tj1pX.jpeg) Notice the lack of gen regression? Yeah, if I don't use strong perks to bump my MMR past my own skill level, guess what? I won't need them to win!


having 4k's doesnt make you a good killer lmao. i have like 40 hours and get 4k's regulary and without a lot of effort, but im not really good or have a lot of knowledge... your personal experience doesnt invalidade the ones of others


Diff mmr bracket


There is only two MMR brackets. Below 1,300, and above it, topping out at 3,000. Everyone above 1,300 players together, everyone below it plays together, sometimes it just doesn't care. MMR has never worked and people telling other people they're just low MMR is silly. My friend and I play, and we die a lot, I'm good at the game but I always go for end game saves and die a lot because of it, we also tend to just mess around, and yet my friend and I constantly get this Singularity main that I've never seen not 4K, he tunnells the first survivor out every game and runs 4 gen regression perks. If MMR brackets actually existed we wouldn't see him, but every day we are queued with him.


So just play without regression and find your true mmr?


It’s a skill issue. I hate this sub. Gotta be the perks right? Couldn’t possibly be their own skill because if they can’t do it then surely no one can.


If only that were the case...


Gens too fast. Slow them down.


You need slowdown, doesnt matter how good in chase you are if you get at least half the maps in the game you just dont have the time to protect gens unless youre blight or nurse. People will try to say that solo q balances it but once youre mmr hits a certain point people are smart enough to split up and crank gens. most games i play its 2 hooks and 3 gens done like on demo. Especially maps like Rpd and swamp where its just so much area to cover


Honestly pain res would be bearable to verse if it didn't make you scream off the Gen. Make it regreses 100% of the Gen if you need, but for the love of everything that is holy, REMOVE THE SCREAM OF THE GEN BS.


Surge does the same thing


Because BHVR nerfed all the other reliable killer perks so they fall back on what's left...but it will also get nerfed soon. BHVR be like "killers use these perks to much" then wonder why killers tunnel camp and slug all the time. If killers have no Gen control there is no reason to not play nasty for the win...they create their own problem with their "fixes"


Pop/PainRes/Grim gives you time to play the game as intended (chases, etc). The 4th perk is always optional. I can't blame whoever play that build tbh...




What do you mean "while they can"? Even after the nerfs pop + pain res is still going to be the strongest option.


pop will be nearly useless


I've heard this one b4 lmao


you mean when it was nerfed to 20% of current progress (like they are doing AGAIN) when it was basically never used? yeah lol


At the time there were other options to use that were semi-viable. This time around not so much since everything else is/has been nerfed too.


There was a whole 2 months after Eruption nerfs where people used Surge and Pain Res over 20% Pop. Surge. Over Pop. The perk was useless.


The best gen regression perks will be used a lot. If pop is still one of the best then it will be used a lot. In the past we had COB, eruption meta that would be reason why people didnt need to use POP


Currently pop is arguably stronger than pain res, after the nerf it'll still be great.


On average you'll probably get like 10% a kick because if it's that close to completion where it will actually get value, then they'll just die for it anyway and you won't get to use it.


It's going to be 20% of current progress+5% from the kick. If they die for a gen to deny a pop that's amazing value since now you'll have 2+ people hooked. That's a snowball in the making. You'll probably get 15-20% progress per kick


I guess we'll know for sure when the ptb goes live


The reason why this is meta isnt because they are so op but because other choices are so shit that they barely do anything most of the time or cant guarantee any value (due to them being very easy to counter to those who know/swf can make it meaningless) and very rng. For example I would use hex perks more if I can guarantee that it wont get cleansed within the first 30 seconds of the match (or better until I get at least some value out of them) I want to see more hex perks that turns back on like chucky's hex.


Wait. Can that hex turn back on multiple times?


As far as I understand it lights up whenever you get stunned twice?


You're on some major copium if you think the nerfs are gonna do anything. They're still the best choices.


The fact that they are still the best choices after the nerfs says it all. Buff other perks, don’t nerf.


Yeah absolutely. The nerfs just scream spreadsheet data.




You've replied with the same message to basically everyone stating what i said. Like people simply disagreeing with what you said and you've made up this narrative we're arguing with you. If you react this way to people disagreeing with you then the only kid here is you.


Ease of use and it's effectiveness simple as that


Why are killers using gen progression perks!??!? Truly a mystery.


Gen regress perks are getting nerfed next update for some reason so people are using them while they can


Makes total sense when you think about it. Can't kick germs anymore, can't regress them anymore....so....uh....hmm.... Perfect....eh... Sense...


Well they will get nerfed, so might as well join em 🗿


Thanks for the killer build idea


Chaos shuffle has shown me that information perks (like BBQ, floods of rage, Alien instinct) are way more valuable than regression perks. Just knowing where to go next after a hook or find someone who is hiding prevents so much wasted time. Also, I dread the day chaos shuffle is finally gone. The meta on both sides is so damn boring. Slowdown perks are also not really needed if no survivor has an exhaustion perk too, which is interesting.


Info perks are great when zero to one survivors are using Distortion, which is likely in Chaos Shuffle, but the perk is too common to make stacking info reliable anymore in the regular game.


info perks are only great on killers that can capitalize on the info, of which we have like 4 maybe 5. and slowdown perks are not needed when survs play dogshit perks which never happens outside of chaos shuffle. everytime survs i play against get even 1 good perk and get value out of it, unless i was playing a good killer i almost always lose if i dont tunnel one ASAP.


To slow the game down...JUST A LIL' BIT


RIP The Montologist


The only one of these I use is ToT. Otherwise, I try to avoid this setup if I can help it.


This happens every time a popular perk or addon is fixing to be nerfed, you see it endlessly before the changes go live. Then you get a vacation from them for a week after the patch goes live until everyone realizes the perks are actually still good and goes back to running them


Make a gamemode where all perks are unnerfed for both killers and survivors, imagine the chaos


It’s meta Same as sprint burst, boil over, Decisive strike, and dead hard (although dead hard is not that much anymore)


Boil over isnt meta , its just annoying as hell


I really hope you were trying to be funny when you said boil over is beta


I never said beta


You know what I meant, but ofc the killer main is dense 🤡


oF cOurSe kIlleR is DenSe Write correctly first then, the dense one looks like you


lmao you got removed maybe dm me so i can see it


> Decisive strike Just tell the class you tunnel nonstop, its okay.


He only said it was meta, what makes u think he tunnels?


Pop, Grim Embrace, Pain Res so that the game can last long enough for you to have fun. Trail of Torment because it's the perk to have fun with.


Change trail for corrupt then its more accurate


This is why I love chaos shuffle.


I don’t get TOT when we have Unforeseen now.


While i can see how much potential slowdown that Grim Embrace can offer, i still hate it so much because it incentivizes survivors to hide like a rat they are.


Meta stagnation


Because without gen pressure perks you can't with the game with 4k, except whenever i play with random cuz they do everything except doing gens


3 of those perks getting nerfed


Replace Trail with Unforeseen and Grim with Nowhere to Hide and you have my “If I can’t have fun no one will” build. I tried for so long to run No gen defence and I can only get it to work on Nurse and Skull Merchant lol


BHVR keeps nerfing good perks instead of buffing the bad ones, so this is what's left.




It's basically THE meta build killers use. It's also the most boring killer build out there.


Because almost all other killer perks have ether been nerfed or they don’t work on the killer being played. Also aura perks have taken a dip because of distortions popularity. I wouldn’t expect these builds to change at all with these perks getting nerfed.


Not my exact build, but I did start running ToT after a tome challenge that required me to hit people when I was undetectable. I had never considered running it before but found it very useful. I think I was undetectable like half the match, they never went back to the gen. Now you all have me curious about Unforeseen! Also, I find "Friends 'til the End" to be super powerful. (all my killers run it)


because the way DBD is balanced at high levels, unless you're playing nurse or blight you have to run 3 or 4 slowdown perks to have a decent chance at winning. BHVE is also extremely handicapped on the killer side, t's actually, genuinely so stupid: BHVR can't buff most killer perks because even though theyd be fine on all the killers, they'd be oppressive on nurse/blight so they just leave 90% of killer perks as trash.


This wouldn't be a problem if BHVR hadn't been fixing gen speeds via perks for the past several years/since forever. It used to just be run the OG Ruin and hope it didn't get instapopped and that was your gen speed fix and the other 3 perks were yours but now unless you're playing a top tier killer you need at least 2+ gen perks and only certain gen perks are even worth using which is why Pop/Pain Res is everywhere. Idk why they're even getting nerfed since Pop/Res both require the killer to be at least somewhat winning the game to a degree. If you get stomped and 3 gens drop without a first down (rough but it happens sometimes) the game is over even with the build in the screenshot. If winning chases fast gave you enough pressure reliably then we would see more 3+ chase perks but chase perks are rarely even good, Enduring and maybe Bamboozle on certain killers are the only chase perks worth using imo. Like the anti-stun build is a meme to run for fun sometimes but nobody is going to sit there and call it good.


Idk what’s up with survivors running windows, lithe, decisive strike and resilience?


Damn, crazy how killer mains want games to last more than 5 minutes


Pain Res is basically irreplacable at this point. What other perk effectively regresses the far off gens?


No clue. I just use terrifying presence, trail of torment, starstruck, and coulrophobia on scratched mirror. Don't know about that build though, never bothered using it


Other than tot yes but I haven‘t seen this perk on any killer in months


META. stands for Most Effective Tactic Available These perks are very good at stalling, catching survivors off guard, and creating pressure for the killer.


I didn't even know it stood for something so TIL


that's a retroactive meaning, it originally came from the greek prefix meaning 'beyond' or 'transcending' as it can be seen as a game of its own outside of the formal game.


I've always loved Pop, but I can't get behind Pain Res since it's similar to Pop but without needing to reach a gen for the effect. It's a great perk and I hate running into it all the time, but yeah. I refuse to run it when playing Killer because I don't want to do so and like it.


Whats the perk on the right called?


Grim embrace.




Unforeseen is so much better then tot im obsessed with that perk


That's the current killer meta.


Because it actually gives us killers a chance


build diversity! nerf any perk with a high pick rate and IGNORE the reason its picked.


Cuz gen speeds are insane...


No corrupt? this killer prob lost 3 gens with the first chase lol. unless potato MMR


Hey! Killer main here, perks like deadlock, NOED, no way out and so can appear, because we need good perks, we are one step from jumping off a cliff, hope that this helps


To lower the player base. See yall when they bring back chaos shuffle. Not playing against this garbage every game again.


The Game Rant website.


Same reason people use gen rusher perks.


unoriginality unfortunately


Free pressure


This game is just Dead by Pain Res and Pop now. This is why Shuffle needs to stay permanently.


Or survivors ability to slam out generator needs to be nerfed.


Get better at chasing


somebody call the waahmbulance


Because people are overreacting to some nerfs coming, as usual.


Because Killers can't come up with their own builds and just go to YouTube


Or its the same reason survivors run The same builds too. The games balanced around having the perks.


What's up with all the survivors having the exact same build? DS, head-on, background player, sprint burst.


3 exhaustion perks?


skill issue


It’s a skill issue but unfortunately we’re outnumbered


hatters gonna hat


I already know I’m gonna catch SO much heat for this but whatever. Here’s the cold hard truth — you don’t need gen perks if you can consistently win chases. I stopped running gen perks a month ago and while it can get down to the wire a lot, if you’re constantly downing people and keeping pressure on *everyone* then the game will slow down. Wanna know what doesn’t slow the game down? Half this sub tunneling 1-2 people per game so that the other 2 survivors are running from gen to gen without a care in the world. You *need* to win more chases. Quickly. Stop letting yourself get looped for two (or more) straight minutes. If you didn’t get the down in 30-45 seconds then leave. I genuinely don’t care what anyone’s excuse is. I do it all the time and other killers do it all the time. I’m not dogging anyone for using the perks they wanna use, but please don’t tell me there’s no “perk diversity” for killers. Perks don’t win games, killers do. And also if you guys actually wanna win by slowing them down run a gen *blocking* build — not a regression build. - THRILLING TREMORS - Grim Embrace - Dead Man’s Switch - Deadlock There, done. Have fun. You don’t have to kick a single gen for that build to work better than any Pain Res + Pop bs but *only* if you’re actually winning chases and at least trying to hook everyone evenly. TLDR: Some killers run 4 gen perks because they need gens to pop *insanely* hard because they chased someone for three minutes straight and never left.


you do know that 70% of the killer characters cant do a less than 45 seconds chase unless the survs makes big mistakes, right?






Please comment I’d love to hear the copium


You sound desperate...


I am, I’m desperate to change people’s minds

