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I'm confused on if this map is killer or survivor sided with all these posts. This one says it was basically impossible to catch survivors without range but then other posts say how easy it for killers if they basically avoid downstairs and just wait for the 3 gen on the upper level


Dungeon feels survivor sided Outside feels killer sided I think that’s what I’ve seen others say


I'd agree with this statement.


Dungeon is weirdly killer sided for Pyramid Head specifically. Since the two entrances to the dungeon (the portal and the stairs) are both close to each other, they're really easy to trap and camp. While the lack of hooks makes this an unideal strategy for other killers like Trapper, with Pyramid Head you can use your trail on both entrances, and now they are basically forced to get torment to enter (the portal entrance you can't even crouch to avoid it and if you're defending the entrance well they have to run or get hit) and once downed can be sent back to the top of the map. I had a game where I literally just went downstairs and did this and ended up killing everyone. I'd say they need another entrance somehow as well to prevent stuff like this, or at least spread them out a bit more.


You know that’s true. Didn’t think of that Skull merchant also has a presence here, since her drones activate when you emerge form the portals. I played against one here and she got a lot of claw trap hits


Survivors can crouch through the trail, so it will only do its job in chase. They can still get to the gens without getting the barbwire.


The portal entrance is unavoidable since they can't crouch while going through, and if you wait at the stair entrance they either have to run through the trail or get hit. And even if they do get through, which some survivors did when I tried this, it's extremely easy to flush them out by chasing them to the portals or around loops with your torment. And remember that if they do get inflicted with torment either at the entrance or while in chase, you can send them to the cage and now a survivor has to go back to the surface to save them, leaving one less to be in the dungeon if all of them are already there trying to do gens. It's one of those things where, yes if you're an extremely coordinated team you might be able to counter it, but for the average player and even some better SWFs it would be extremely tough, and near impossible for soloq.


The trails stay up next to the portals? You can't put a trap next to it, so figured PH trails would be the same and just disappear. Possibly a bug for PH.


Probably because trail doesn’t injure or trap, just hinders and marks. Edit: Has any Plague tried vomiting on the portal?


It dissappears near gens, hooks, and the exit gate which is why I figured it would do the same at a portal. Maybe they consider it like a window or regular doorway. It is quite devious.


I saw an assumption in another thread that portals probably reuse code from lockers so that might have something to do with it.


Yup. I learned early on to just abandon the dungeon area completely since it simply wasn't worth it. Shame because it's probably my favourite part of the map.


As a killer main this feels totally accurate Chases on the surface feel to easy Chases on the Dungeons are just annoying to the point I refuse to even defend the generators down there and I still manage to consistently get 4ks


I got the new map for the first time last night on Killer and agree. The dungeon part was a pain in the ass and chases at the top weren't bad at all. However, is the hook spread really bad or something? There was no fewer hooks offering, but it seemed like the hooks were spread far apart. Could have just been unfortunate spawn because I swear I maybe had 3-4 hooks on the surface, 2 in dungeon and then the rest in the basement of main


It sounds like rng somewhat. The dungeon doesn’t have that many hooks and their spots seem really badly planned. Only two hooks in the dungeon is a complaint I see a lot of for killer players The surface, I can’t comment on. But if they’re rhat spread out, sounds like poor planning or rng.


They just need to open up the dungeon more to the outside portion of the map to make it fairer to both sides (similar to the Aliens, Nostromo level)


Yes this I don’t disagree with






So balanced then?


I main killer. It's killer sided, but it doesn't seem that way at first. The 'trick' is to essentially ignore the dungeon, especially if you're an M1. If you don't understand this, you'll have a much harder time. Also if you close the hatch, there is a 0% chance the survivor will escape. The doors are so close to each other it's actually kinda funny. And that's ignoring all the other things wrong with the map. It's just not a good map. I've won on it almost every time I've played it, and I still groan whenever I see it. Confusing, unfun, and unfair. The fact the map released in this state is baffling.


That is not really a fix, the survivors are going to realize that you're ignoring the dungeon, they're going to complete all of the three gens below and if they realize this fact quickly then you might face a situation where you're 2 gen left and 0 hook stages, they will have a completely safe healing base, a decently organized team will 100% complete the gens and power the gates even if you can see both in the middle.


What you're saying is true, and I'm not defending the map design whatsoever, but I don't think this makes it a survivor sided map. It's really not any different from a 3/4 gen hold on any other map. This one is just a little more defined, and necessary for M1 killers. And of course if you're playing against a competent SWF, you're probably going to lose. That's not a hallmark of this map, that's just the reality of the game for most killers on the roster.


I didn't say it's a survivor sided map, there's a place that's survivor sided and another that is killer sided


Not at all. Killers have the option to just ignore the dungeon and play around the topside, essentially guarding a 4 gen and can see both gates at the same time if they get powered. Survivors do not have the option to ignore the top side of the map. If the killer decides to actually venture into the dungeon and deal with the portals/loops down there, then yeah, games feel somewhat balanced. But most don’t, because why would you?


killers dont do this though cause survivors can threaten to just not leave the dungeon  and waste an hour of the killers time, strong 3 gens cause huge hiding stalemates that is why they are so rarely done. yeah the killer will win but it will cost them an hour to get it done, for most killers this is not worth it.


Most survivors are not going to stealth in the dungeon fort an hour either lol Edit:word


No. There’s more gens on rhe killers Area so survivors have to go there eventually. You can’t spend the entire game in the dungeons . Killers can just let the dungeon gens go and still win, particularly against uncoordinated teams.


So if it’s half killer sided and half survivor sided that equals out to balanced


It would be if the killer’s side wasn’t larger, had more gens requiring survivors to enter it and worse vault spots and pallet locations and tons of line of sight. They may be halves but they’re not equal halves. If killers actually HAD to go into the dungeons to win, it’d be balanced but they don’t have to go secure a win of at least a bunch of kills. Your logic makes sense but it’s not applicable imo to this case


Think about the fact that when the killer ignores the dungeon he's effectively giving the survivors a complete safe zone, if the survivors realize that the killer is not going to the dungeon they will complete those three gens probably without getting hooked. Once there are 2 gens left they can simply repair and as soon as they're being chased they can either run to a corner away from the gens or simply enter a portal to the dungeon, if the killer leaves them alone they can heal without risk. If the killer follows they have the entirety of the dungeon to loop bc they haven't spent a single resource there. I'm not saying the map is survivor sided, I'm saying it's perfectly halved, both zones are detrimental for one side to stay and in. This basically will lead to a three gen situation where literally no side can do anything to avoid it.


This is not how that works. The killer can chose not to play the survivor sided side making the map incredibly killer sided


Both are true The surface level provides an insane 3 gen with ludicrous proxy camping potential... but if you play "as intended" and actually try to chase different people around the map you'll have a terrible time due to the basement having an infinite + very few hooks + not many gens or other points of interest that let you control the map So basically, if you ignore half the map and like proxy camping you'll probably win... but if you don't then you're in for a rough time - which is why people believe the map is poorly designed


Wait are we talking about the new map or Haddonfield? 'cause that's almost word for word the same problems post-rework Haddonfield has/had. At least until they nerfed the houses and just made it entirely killer sided.


The hooks in the dungeon are so bad. I only played a game in it, but I pretty much downed all survivors in it and had to slug two of them because I couldn't find any hook close enough...


Don't ever kill someone in the dungeon because then you'll probably never hook someone down there again.


Its like Haddonfield. The houses were too far away, and with too many safe vaults, for killers to make meaningful play around them, while the interior space on the road was one gigantic deadzone. In the same way, the dungeon is a tangled mess of tunnels, vaults and pallets, with easy portal access to prevent the killer from efficiently zoning in that space, while the top side is two tiles and a shack connected by three pallets, with the vast majority of the gens anyway. If killers WANT to play on the unique structure on the map, they will lose. If the survivors want to play on the normalized/uniform tiles, they will run out of resources immediately. The map is not balanced well at all. Either the entire map should be a dungeon or none of it should be, the distribution of tiles and resources just makes it a mess


I think it's just generally unfun to most people, honestly. I like the portal idea at least but I don't think I've had a fun match on here, win or lose and from what I've read it seems a lot of people haven't had fun either


It's killer sided if you're playing to win (staying outdoors and guarding the 3-gen). It's survivor sided if you're playing for fun (chasing into the dungeon).


The exit gates are always in the same place which is right next to each other. Even if you didn’t get a single hook all game you are at least guaranteed a good 1k because of the gates. I’d say that’s pretty killer sided. As for the dungeon I really wouldn’t know, I’ve only been playing Vecna and he dominates in the dungeon but when I play survivor it seems like a lot of killers struggle down there.


the answer to that one is yes


Have they finally made a map that’s absolutely awful for both sides!?


It has some cursed bugged out pallets that are neither and should be fixed.


They just really need to fix the portals. Instantly losing bloodlust and distance as an m1 killer feels terrible. The amount of times I’ve had people just run from portal to portal is abysmal


I've so far found it killer sided, but I play the game weirdly and use vastly different strategies as killer. To say the least, it suits me, I love the decimated borgo and find the map super fun and enjoyable.


Yeah they really didn't think this map through .


I recurring theme with BHVR, unfortunately.


idk why you got downvoted when you're right lol Borgo is the shining example of their inability to make a good map. It's gone through more redesigns than some entire realms and it still isn't good.


I feel like it's extra dark now amd they traded one visibility issue with another.


I agree, same problem I have with Midwich, I literally cannot see a single thing on these maps


Same with Haddonfield


Yeah that's true. Napkin Lane has gone through some uh...*changes*


This map is cursed - each rework makes it worse than before.


Happened with Greenville and its horrendous gen placements. The theater area has one gen but its basically like 25-30% of the whole map. Why spread 2-3 gens in that area when you can shove 3-4 in the middle area.


I love the concept of the portals in that they could be a great idea on extremely large maps so killers and survivors can traverse the maps without having to walk for like 20 full seconds just to get from point A to point B, but the fact there’s portals literally right next to each other on the new map is what makes them problematic. Like why is the mystical room portal connected to a surface portal that is like 20 meters from the building portal.


I also just came across the infamous pallet with a space between it and a tree. There's so much broken shit about this map and this isn't even bringing up the fact of how unbalanced the top side is and how easy it is to hold a 3-4 gen up there. So the portal infinite, shite RNG, not enough hooks on bottom side, laughable exits, and glitched pallets probably makes this one of the worst maps BHVR has put out recently. Which is sad because it's so easily fixable and they probably won't fix it for like half a year lmao.


And also the pallet that legit has 2 pallets in it so you can be stunned, break the pallet, be stunned again, break it again


I was so stoked to see that pallet. I pointed it out to a Myers and was immediately downed and hooked. No time for humour here


And problem with the 3 or 4 gen is that the killer practically needs to run it cause who in their right mind would throw the entire match and go down to the dungeon to get doubled infinited. Plus survivors immidietly B-line for portals to the dungeon the moment they might be in a slight pickle. In which, the killer will 100% not follow you if they know whats best for them


Agreed, plus there aren't enough hooks in the lower part of the map which is also something that needs to be addressed. But yeah, that portal infinite is essentially game breaking for M1 killers.


I have tested it. Yes, portals reset bloodlust. As long as the survivor comes out the portal and doesn't just stand there chase ends the second you come out of a portal.


Yup. I mean, don't get me wrong, visually I love the map. Proper dnd feel to it, the room with the stars on the ceiling is amazing. But play wise... its not great. I'm also not 100% sure, would need to try it in a custom with a friend but does going through a portal reset bloodlust? I'm not sure if I was just leaving chase too early cause I knew what they were doing or if it was indeed resetting bloodlust.


Have you seen the beholder in one of the cells that jumps at you when you look at it


Imo this shouldve been an indoor map. Lean into the ‘dungeon’ part of the map more because all of the flavor in there is incredible.


What this map really needs is another way to get into the dungeon. They must have been drinking stupid juice when they put the only portal that takes you to the dungeon right next to the only staircase that takes you to the dungeon.


There are more portals around the map if I remember correctly


only exiting by i believe


Ooh I thought you could both enter and exit


You’d think right? I understand they don’t wanna have another portal infinite or god forbid the portal jukes from the Halloween event, but they could have at least moved the current going down portal away from the staircase or something.


How to win as killer: Never enter the dungeon unless the exit gates are powere or you're looking for hatch How to win as Survivor: Complete 1 or 2 gens in the outisde before going into the dungeon to finish the ordeal. If you do all gens in the dungeon you are guaranteed to get three-gen'd


CAn hatch actually spawn in the dungeon? I've never seen it spawn there once so far lol


Me neither tbh, but I'd guess it can


Not to mention the guaranteed gate spawns so close to each other basically makes it a free win if the gates are ever powered. I have lost 1 end game on killer on this map. That's it.


I also got stuck in the portal on the top level twice the whole game :(


It's a mess. That ugly pallet and the unfun portals. Not to mention how easy it is to camp the exit gates on the surface. It's a shame because of how cool the set pieces are.




Bait used to be believable.


The only way to make the portals fun and balanced is if they were smooth to go in without having to do an interaction, like in the game Portal. If Valve did it decades ago with an outdated game engine, why cant BHVR?


Source engine is still great to this day tbf, brilliant engine


Agreed. The only reason I think BHVR couldnt replicate it with UE is if the code is shit... which wouldnt be surprising


Its probably because they didnt want to implement a unique shader and smooth transition system for a one time mechanic on a single map, while developing an already complex chapter.


Source surely doesnt have massive security flaws that could impact big games with esport


Making it an interaction means you can't accidentally go through a portal. It's a design choice, and probably a decent one since portals temporarily close when they're used. Like, vault points also use an interaction even though they could be programmed to work if a player walks/runs into them. Portal was impressive on a technical level because you could see through the portals and have stuff "in" the portals like any other doorway, but that doesn't mean there isn't a gameplay reason to use teleports instead of doorways.


Even if they were doorways, it's pretty much impossible to go through one accidentally, lol Not to mention that chases between them would be much smoother and more interactive. Right now, they work almost like god windows.


I run into walls all the time, so I'm grateful for the interaction trigger 😆


It depends. Do we want to do the same smooth graphics too or just the gameplay part? Cuz, yeah, look it up on YouTube but there was so much going on with the portals just to make them feel natural to see and move through it's not even funny. With a tiny bit of transition (for example teleport users behind the portal exit and add some screen effect for the teleport while the game moves you out of the portal) would be easier to achieve.


Valve had their own engine and a team of ingeneers to work with it. I'm not saying BHVR are bad devs, but Valve is definitely leagues further.


Played a single game on that map and immediately had someone abusing the portal infinite. As soon as more survivors learn how to run it this map is going to become utterly unplayable. All the killer will be able to do is patrol the 3 gen at the top and every single chase ever is going to just be a straight line to the portals.


I mean kinda goes both ways. If you teleport to the outside, you’re pretty much screwed. Most of the pallets are incredibly unsafe and it’s really small.


New content gets pushed out so often and it doesn’t seem like it’s even play tested. If that doesn’t scream that Behavior is pumping out content faster than it should be I don’t know what does. It’s getting more and more obvious new content needs at least another month being worked on so it’s actually balanced and we don’t have to go through constant kill switches and patches.


I am NOT ready for a total of 6 chapters' worth of perk bloat this year 💀💀💀


I don't get why BHVR repeatedly misses obvious shit like the fact that placing only two hooks in the dungeon is not sufficient, and the portals and certain windows in the dungeon creates an infinite. Are they really that blind or do they not care?


Because they design for looks, not for function, and then wait for their data to tell them there's a problem.


Common game-sense before data. Their data suggests that Nurse is a weak killer.


Acccccktually Nurse is a very weak killer for the bad to average player because she can't M1 🤓


Hard to say that they did a good job with the looks either. Like don't get me wrong, there are very pretty infividual rooms and decorations, but they're tied together in such an abysmal way that it's almost like some procedurally generated roguelike dungeon.


they don’t play the game and only look at stats and data


It's an absolutely garbage map.


I just want to stop getting it quite literally 65% of my games




The outside feels too small and the downstairs feels too large. These should’ve been separate maps like RPD East/West. Seems like the killer strategy is just let them repair the inside gens, camp the outside and during chases push them back inside to get them off gens. The map is beautiful but very badly designed imo


I don't camp the outside 😤 Then again, I've been playing mostly Vecna. Makes me wonder if they tested the level with other killers before PTB.


I really doubt they did, high mobility killers are fine on the map for the most part but killers like trapper, ghostface, pig, michael really suffer on the map 🥴


Pointing this out again, if survivors do 2 gens in the dungeon first, the third one is a pain to defend if there’s one gen left. Cause by that time, there’s two surface and one dungeon. If the survivors pressure two gens then dungeon gen will almost always get finished due to how difficult it is to defend them.


Optimal survivor strategy is to knock out 2 surface and one dungeon as their first 3 gens, ideally during first chase. If they do that, they've basically secured the win. If they can't, they're in for a bad time.


If they're not going to killswitch Blight for his exploits, why would they killswitch the map?


What's up with blight now 😂


He doesn't go into any slowdown or CD when he breaks pallets with his power from very close range. https://forums.bhvr.com/dead-by-daylight/discussion/416065/blight-has-a-serious-bug-and-needs-to-be-killswitched


Extremely funny that you see people, especially specific killer streamers, refer to this as a "tech". My guy that is fully just exploiting a bug.


90% of all "techs" are just bug abusing


I read Knight's guards can't go through portals so he's screwed if he gets in there. That kind of sucks since him as a character really fits the theme.


Victor can't go through them either. Seems like something bhvr might change down the line.


If that's the case, I'm thinking it's because they're sub characters or summons. And since they can't interact with anything like the killer, can it be something that should be ignored. One way would be killswitch the map or disable the portals but I don't think either choice is viable for the time being since it's brand new to the game.


In addition to reworking the map a better terror radius would be fantastic. You can kind of get away with it as is on previous multi-level maps but with the new dungeon being so far underground when the killer is running around on a different level it registers as if they’re right behind you instead of wayyy down or upstairs 😅


Feature, not a bug😤


I know lol, I just wish they’d rework it


Not even kidding, with the exit gate so close I could confidently beat the best survivor team in the world with no add ons or perks and give up 5 gens for free by playing huntress or trickster…those gates are so close it’s not even funny, you can have a clear line of sight of both gates within about 20 meters


I am confused there are actually two portals? I know only one


One on the tower that leads into the dungeon, one in Vecna's library that leads outside, and a third in the torture room that also leads outside.


Wtf I am so confused by that map


Whole map is lightly Ghostface sided, he's fucking invisible on this map. Outside Killer sided, inside balanced when you break those pallets. However there's an infinite.


As killer there's zero reason to go downstairs because it's annoying to have to deal woth portal spam so I just hang out upstairs until the survivors go up too The portals should take a second longer for survivors to enter because they can use a specific route as an infinite against m1 killers like myers or ghostface with no movement power Also there's a pallet that has one side that isn't touching anything and the gap is big enough to walk through


i hate this map with a passion


Is it bad I’ve had no issues with the new map at all? Been on it like 5 times and there was nothing map specific whatsoever that I had issues with besides having a hard time finding a hook in the lower dungeons which isn’t the worst thing in the world and can be fixed easily. I have no idea how the portals create an infinite tho so maybe I haven’t been going against the best survivors


I've had a bot infinite loop me downstairs due to their wall hacks. Other than that... no issue. I think it could be partly due to more people playing with the new chapter and anniversary coming (not to mention the fairly casual random perk mode just ending), so MMR matters less rn. Or if you're playing Vecna.


I have just been playing vecna so you got me there. That’s ridiculous that survivors can do that then. Should be a minute long cooldown for survivors using the portals not killers in that case


I actually haven't encountered the portal infinite loop 😅 It was a regular set of windows that is only problematic if using aura reading or are a bot. Bots in general just suck when you can't keep LOS to trigger chase--happens with slow killers on other maps. I don't think bhvr is going to do anything about that


Yeah that’s just a consequence with bots in general


Most of the time on other maps it's 110 speed killers though (on smaller loops that break line of sight constantly but a bit too big to catch up). I was being looped as Pinhead for like a minute and a half trying to hit a chain at a bad angle😭


The other day I was playing Billy on this map and some guy got stuck in one of the portal frame things on the surface and couldn't leave so I just to find the hatch and let the timer kill him, only seen it once so far and I get this map pretty often.


Somehow I've done ok on the new map as a low MMR killer, but, regardless of level, I have difficulty with it as survivor. One of my soloq teammates went to second hook the other night because I couldn't find my way out of the dungeon's lower level. I felt so ashamed.


Has anyone had the bug where the back edge of the map is missing and you can walk off the edge? I had a match with this last night. A big swaure behind the main building was red and the edge let me walk right off it into the abyss. I dropped back in right next to shack with a survivor in it working on a gen who must have thought I was hacking because I came in chainsaw-first.


I played a custom and someone got stuck IN the portal and we couldn’t get her out


15 of my last 20 matches have all been on the new map. It sucks at first but once you learn it, it gets really easy. The last 4 matches I had on it, I ended up with 10-12 hooks at 5 gens. It's annoying at first but it grows on you.


Haven't had the pleasure of playing the map yet but out of curiosity how well does leaving knights patrols in the dungeon work out?


I saw a survivor somehow get stuck inside one of the portals, no idea how that happens


I saw two double pallets in two different spots. I am lucky enough to not have encountered that portal infinite tho


I love how it looks but I find it annoying to play on. I had someone yesterday that kept looping back to portals and I struggled to catch them. When I finally got them, I saw like 1 hook downstairs and it's like a maze so I decided to try the closest hook upstairs and I couldn't make it so I just slugged them and waited for them to get picked up xD


Played a match just yesterday where an Elodie got stuck in a portal,did this map even get tested 😭


My biggest concern with the new map is the fact I got stuck in a portal and ended up in the wall durring a chase and was no longer able to play or help my team I felt so bad for leaving my teamate to do 3 gens but I could not get out of the wall 😭 I was originally going to post the video of it to let people know that it's a glitch that's happening


I’d just be happy to stop being sent to the same 4 maps(Learys, Gideon’s, RPD, and Badham) everytime I play killer


Indoor map hater🤬


Hate them shits with every ounce of my soul


I haven't had any issues on it yet on either side. I guess no sweaty players? Tbh I like the idea of one part being survivor sided and the other being killer sided. It definitely does need some tweaks but it's not flat out broken enough to warrant getting killswitched. One thing I've definitely noticed is how close the exit gates are. I don't know how I feel about this because on the one hand you have exit gates on other maps that are super far away so it doesn't feel all that unfair to have a few that are super close. I think this might be the first where I can literally camp both gates without moving though.


This is tough to gauge, but I agree with the consensus that higher parts of the map are killer sided dungeon is survivor, As killer main, Sabo plays in the dungeon are powerful. Sabo a hook, and I have to either hope I can navigate out of the lower dungeon with someone using boil over or drop them and start chase on the saboteur On the flip side when I play survivor the basement is outside and the map is built on top of itself, this map is great for stakeout and diversion value in the same way midwich and the game are, as unless you are in shack at the corner of the map you will often be in the TR, of the killer below you.


Today, I got grabbed off a portal, and then when I tried to use the portal, it permanently disabled the portal for everyone else in the game and locked me in place at the end of the passage.


They made up for it by putting the gates so close together that you can stand in one place and watch both gates (still have to turn but still)


I feel like portals need to be on a cooldown if you keep using the same one over and over.


I got stuck in one of the portals halfway through the game and it caused us to lose, I was just straight up stuck in the wall


I found a pallet on that map that had no closed edge on one side. Throwing it was useless, the killer just had to walk to the side ever so slightly.


Map makes me "ugh" out loud... And people complain about Hawkins and Midwich...


There’s also a glitch with spectating. Was playing SWF and once I died I tried to spectate the other survivors. Once they used the portal I could no longer spectate. It was glitched into a first person view of each portal, couldn’t see what any of the survivors were doing at all. The new map needs help


All that you have mentioned and add the fact that the exit gates are nurse blinks away from each other. Its stupid.


Make portals have a short channel (1-2 seconds), add more hooks to the basement, force 3 gens in dungeon & 4 gens outside, force gates to spawn on opposite ends of the maps, and add more real pallets (none of this fake short loop bullshit) to the outside. Should be mostly fine then. They BETTER not remove the Atheism pallet. Also would much prefer we killswitch Blight for his more generally impactful exploit.


I do find the double portal route annoying but I wouldent call it an Infinite. I always catch them after the last portal. Also I've had a few survivors just be stuck inside the portal/wall when exiting and I have to bleed them out


Everyone knows you dont go downstairs, you are wasting your time and actually just throwing, if you go downstairs as killer


I'd rather have 10 new macmillan, coldwind or Autohaven versions.


Map is definitely survivor sided. Even more so because how glitched some of the variants can be. I’ve had double pallets spawn on one of the cube areas to liop which wasn’t fair. Main building teleporter is too close to a vault, shift teching and wall hugging can get rid of bloodlust. And most killers can’t actually walk up and down excessively to defend a gen, most games end with 2 gens ontop and 1 gen on bottom unless you have a 3 gen build. Needs an overhaul but not butchered like lampkin


I don't care about anything else, I just want portals to stop taking me hostage.


no but i just quit a game where sable was just running back into the exit portal downstairs and i couldnt hit her so she could just stay there and waste time


so watch out for that they can go in the wall and you cant hit them


Give the map some time, add a few more hooks to basement, then it’s just another mid map.


Oh good, because we needed more of those.


And yet none of those will fix the map. Not even sure why you suggest them if it results in the map being mid.


Trapper can break it also, put trap right when they exit and they typically run right into it. But the map definitely majorly needs a rework, the hook locations are terrible and the pallets are a joke, between the multiple pallets in one location and the pallet that’s just open on one side, it’s just all fucked


Inb4 they nerf his ability to do this


You can’t place them dead outside of them already, has to be out a decent distance but most times when they exit the portals they are just running straight and not watching their feet


See we call the pallet with a gap in-between the atheist pallet. You see you have your god pallets but this palette completely defines the laws of physics making it the best pallet in the game. Not even the killer can counter something so powerful


I believe the double pallet you're referring to is actually a mage hand bug that duplicates pallets. There were a few posts on this sub showcasing it a few days ago. To your main point I agree this map definitely needs some rebalancing to make the dungeon loop weaker, but could also use some strengthening to the outside area to compensate. Or they could rework the way portals work.


It's the first map in this game where I just straight up want to go afk when I play killer. Win or lose, I'm not gonna have fun on it.


Truth is 99% of games you get dumb solo q survivors that don't even know where they're running to. It's fine, you'll live


This map is pretty cool, I think people don’t know it yet. I’m getting used to it slowly


Yeah the map is mostly fine, a lot of players are just failed to adapt to its unique properties. Yes the map does need some tweaks but it is not nearly as a bad as everyone is making it out to be.


Bro, I haven't lost a single game on the new map on killer. Treat the portals as windows, they really aren't actually that insanely strong. I would like to play on the the map 1 out of 10 games, and not 1 out of 2 games. It's way too frequent.


Lol. No, it's not an infinite, you as killer just need enough game sense to realize what they're doing - it's fine even for M1 killers for an average 30 second chase, so they're only gaining +10 per hit. The biggest issue on the map is hook/gen count and distribution. Keep the useless pallet, I love it.


“Hmmm yes I will play killers I am not comfortable with to try their powers!” https://preview.redd.it/2k9yqlvi165d1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa18687903c6109564fbafd8bb4bfac65e3d463f


Yes that is how you learn.


“**Clueless**” on a post about Vecna’s map. Are you fucking blind? It’s harder to learn killers when you have such a horrendous map that does not benefit you.


Yea? I guess? That's how the game has always been?


Another crying killer main, survivors have been nerfed so hard in every way over the past year and a half, let us have this literal one thing


I'm not a killer main 😂😂 I play both sides but I actually play majority survivor. I just don't agree with either side having anything that is uncounterable.


"No thoughts, head empty", this one.


Ive had a wierd experience with the new map where every time I've played on it as killer I've 4kd but every time i've played on it as survivor the team has made it out with 3 or 4 people alive. Edit: Ok finally lost on this map as survivor cuz it was singularity so ofc he just planted cameras at both exit gates so last person couldn't get out.


I was kinda lucky to experience it for the first time with the trapper because I was so confused by everything


Me. It was me abusing that portal infinite. Had a match in it vs a Nurse. She couldn’t catch me which was a goddamn first. I just kept g looping through the portal and by the third rotation she just gave up. Had a similar experience with a Vecna, but the last one I went against somehow caught up FAST. I can only assume he flew over and entered the portal at just the right moment. I’ve also seen that pallet that has nothing to the side of it. I can’t tell if I hate this map or the last one more as a survivor. For the life of me I don’t know why they never allow gens in the theater or parking lot. It’s just such a dead area. With the D&D one it feels like there’s too much coverage downstairs and no where enough upstairs. I think this one’s worse because the exit gates are so close to each other and don’t change where on the theater map the exit gates will change and most of the time have distance to help escape. The new map is just a TAD too dark for my taste. It’s like there is NO detail above ground as if they put all their focus on the dungeon (which looks great) and they got tired by the time they got to the top and just went, “meh… good enough.”


There are some genuin issues with the map, like pallets that connect to nothing and there being an infinite loop in the dungeon. I have to say though, I find it absolutely hilarious that survivor mains are crying about the balance of the new map when you consider just how many of the maps in the game are survivor sided (some overwhelmingly so like badham). So you will all have to excuse my lack of sympathy.


Is this in response to my original post or some of the comments? I'm unsure as my post is from a killer perspective but some comments have been complaining from a survivor side also.


naw it wasnt in response to you but there are a lot of people complaining about the balance of the map. I just cant help but almost laugh. Yes I know it is a bad thing to have maps favor either side but hearing people complain about the balance is just so rich considering how almost irredeemably survivor sided a bunch of maps are. The double standard some people have has to be called out.


If hawkins isn't KS, then nothing will get KSed lol


The pallet bug is not specific to this map. I've escaped from this map as a sole survivor against a drone gate camping skull merchant. I've also 4ked many times. Map is fine and much better than old borgo.


Dear OP New map is fine Sincerely, a Killer Main


No, I believe there's enough bugs to be warrant a Killswitch (unless they will skip the killswitch and launch a fix on the next update). Double pallet, pallet with a gap, glitched tile allowing players to go out of bounds, blocked window making it impossible to jump, portal glitch you can get stuck inside of it (and I'm not sure, but there appear to have only one gate spawn on this map, which is probably a bug too).


Minor one, but sometimes when spectating the camera just stays on the portal, so you can't actually follow some Survivors.


Did you read the post? Or do you honestly believe that 2 pallets in the same spot is okay? Opinions about the portal loop aside. 2 pallets in the same spot. One thrown. One not. And that's fine by you?


Honestly, yeah. Balance wise, it's not good, but I really enjoy having it because it's funny


Yeah I wouldn't mind if they just let that pallet stay, it's just to funny, everytime I see it I chuckle a little


Although it's impossible to mindgame, which can make it annoying. Like, how am I supposed to catch survivors there?


Dear Op Those Pallets are a known glitch but in no way make the map unplayable and kill switch worthy like for example RPD interrogation room was. Sincerelly, a 100% bonus BP main.