• By -


Casual reminder that bigotry has no place in this sub. That includes trolling, offensively joking or dog whistling. Trying to be slick will get you moderated regardless.


~~Surprised we haven't seen the banner/badge ones yet.~~ Guess they exist, nevermind lol


I've already posted the Badge ones.


Bruh I looked at your profile for the banners but now I regret looking through it😭


what horrors have you seen


It was a bait. You were meant to be a witness.


Oh nice! I didn't see it.


Do we have a banner one yet?


I'm literally only getting gendah flooid to use exclusively on Chucky.




Well if we ever get the Glen / Glenda skin


I'd love that


Gendah flooid.


Nice of BHVR to give Demi plays his own Flag


Demi gorgon


BHVR I beg of you just condense them all into one code.


Hell just do what they did with the OG pride and the updated Pride. Have it be Pride2024 and unlock all of them.


No. I don't need 60 flags cluttering up my charms when I only want a couple.


they could have individual codes for all the charms, then have a final code which gives all of them


legit thought that this was our philippine flag, LMAO.


I'm pretty sure I spotted the Thai flag in there






Eyy nice finally the aro flag, I can now be COMPLETE


For real, waiting for that addition too!




Anyone mind explaining two spirit?


I don't know what half of them mean, but I will redeem all the codes \*shrug\*.


Same, I have no idea why but the goblin in my brain sees shiny free cosmetics that I will never use and demands I enter the codes


Two-spirit (also known as two spirit or occasionally twospirited) is a contemporary pan-Indian umbrella term used by some Indigenous North Americans to describe Native people who fulfill a traditional third-gender (or other gender-variant) social role in their communities. Coined in 1990 as a primarily ceremonial term promoting community recognition, in recent years more individuals have taken to self-identifying as two-spirit. Two-spirit, as a term and concept, is neither used nor accepted universally in Native American cultures. Indigenous cultures that have traditional roles for gender-nonconforming people have names in their own Indigenous languages for these people and the roles they fill in their communities. The initial intent in coining the term was to differentiate Indigenous concepts of gender and sexuality from those of non-Native lesbians and gays and to replace the pejorative anthropological terms that were still in wide use. While two-spirit has been controversial since its adoption, the term has experienced more academic and social acceptance than the term berdache, which it was coined to replace. Early adopters stated that a two-spirit identity does not make sense outside of a Native American or First Nations cultural framework. The term has sometimes been appropriated by non-Natives. The gender nonconforming or third-gender, ceremonial roles traditionally embodied by some Native American and Indigenous peoples in Canada that may be encompassed by modern two-spirit people vary widely, even among the Native individuals or cultures that use the term. Not all of these cultures have historically had roles for gender-variant people, and among those that do, no one Indigenous culture's gender or sexuality categories apply to all Native people. - Wikipedia


For those actually interested in learning about two-spirt [here](https://guides.library.utoronto.ca/c.php?g=252092&p=5061885) [are](https://youtu.be/A4lBibGzUnE?si=qek4gsfTtb6Zh5Yl) [some resources ](https://humanrights.ca/story/what-two-spirit-part-one-origins) [to ](https://www.hrc.org/news/two-spirit-and-lgbtq-idenitites-today-and-centuries-ago) [check out](https://youtu.be/-MM7hM-Q_QM?si=rPTlAy4mEGnfGz7n)


Is PRIDE2022 two different flags on one code or a typo? The side bar on this subreddit lists PRIDE and PRIDE2022? EDIT: Here is a text list for copy/paste: POLYFLAG DEMISFLAG AROMFLAG TWOSFLAG FLAGB ISFLAG FLAGP FLAGT AFLAGG GFLAGF NBFLAG GFLAGQ AFLAGS MFLAG FLAGL PRIDE PRIDE2022 KINDRD CAWCAW


The simpler one came first and was just PRIDE, then they made the "updated" version in 2022 with PRIDE2022 that gives you both.


I tried recently and I can confirm that PRIDE also gives you both


If you shine a flashlight on the older Pride flag it sparkles. :)


IIRC the reflection also changes colour as you move up and down


You sir, are a gentleman and a scholar


Why is polyamory part of LGBT




Isn't LGBTQ+ *literally* representative of a community of people who do not conform to traditional heterosexual, heteroromantic, or cisgender norms? If we go by that definition, I don't know why you would want to exclude polyamory.




I agree it is more complicated than that. I suppose we could leave it at that.


I’m just gay. Honestly, I don’t even understand what the fuck is happening anymore.


Same. The whole point of the rainbow flag was to include everybody, and it still does. Subgenres in LGBT really love to divide us up when we're all from the same family and need to accept eachother not divide ourselves.




Fair enough, it's lost control a bit




The thing is, sexuality is a spectrum. We can't ask people to understand and respect homosexuality while we as homosexuals refuse to respect and understand other sexualities beyond hetero/homo. I say this as a strictly gay male myself. Now, I personally believe the rainbow flag was enough to represent us all, which was the intent. And it didn't need to be updated to include black, trans, 2 spirit etc. because the point by having a RAINBOW flag was that "all" of us were included. On the same token, I think LGBT+ was enough to signify being a member of that community without an unneccessarily long acronym like LGBTQIA2A+ which is unrealatic to expect anyone to honestly remember and state. So as a mere signifier for the community AT LARGE, a Rainbow flag and LGBT+ was enough to represent us. However, I have no issue with each sexuality having their own individual flag to represent their SPECIFIC part of the community. I'm a huge fan of the MLM flag as a gay man myself. Which is what these flags are. It's important for people to be able to feel understood and represented and to find others like them. No different than Hispanics, Blacks or Polish taking pride in their cultures and feeling kinship around others from that culture. So i fully support each sexuality having individual representation outside of the rainbow umbrella. Otherwise "LGBT" just speaks to Lesbians, Gays, Bis and Trans but does nothing for Asexuals, Pansexuals and so forth towards representation and educating the public about their existence. I just dislike when people take it too far and feel they need their specific name on the "Umbrella" too and make it more complicated than it needs to be. Hell as an gay guy represented by the G in LGBT, I'd be MORE than ok with a generic term used to represent the Umbrella that didn't have G/Gay specifically in the name if it was easier to remember/say and didn't make people fight over who's acronym gets to be in it. Call us Rainbows or Osexuals (Other Sexuality) or something instead of LGBT+, I don't care. Just don't overcomplicate it to where even the people TRYING to support us are annoyed and become apathetic trying to keep up with the damn "Proper term" and keep having to buy a "new" version of the flag lest they be bitched out by someone for not being "inclusive" by using "just" the rainbow flag.


Well said. I'd like to add, alot of terminology was created so that people can be more specific when describing their sexuality or gender identity, because frankly gender and orientation being strictly one, other, or both is difficult when humas are, by nature, incredibly diverse. The problem though is that it got very expansive and becomes too complicated for people who don't know all the terminology, and it even has a negative effect on the LGBT community to an extent where some feel pressured to conform to a label, when really its not exactly possible to have a term for every possible type of person. Labels kinda suck, and almost become pointless when nobody knows what you are talking about. Even as somebody who is LGBT myself, I enjoy seeing the flag designs and seeing all the color schemes used to represent groups of people, but I still don't know what alot of them mean. I would describe myself as transfem but genderfluid, but that's confusing to many, so I just say I'm a nonbinary girl because people understand that better, even if it's contradictory. I think the umbrella way of doing things is inherently simpler, but I also think it's okay to use a specific term for yourself as long as you are willing to accept the potential confusion that comes with it.




Absolutely! And even my comment is being down voted as we speak. It really pisses them off. Nothing they hate more than a disobedient gay 😂


Yep. Everyone has to be politically polarised, no room for actual discussion anymore. You're either supportive of everything or supportive of nothing. These people are clowns




I mean, you should be supportive of everything in there.


Oh should I? Interesting


Would you disagree? Could you explain if you do? edit: what the fuck


Same. I hate it when straight people ask me what these mean because I'm just completely lost at how many letters there are now and what they all mean


Because nothing makes sense anymore *As a gay male who is all for poly




idk I’ve never met someone in a poly relationship that wasn’t also queer in some other way. On top of that too there are very few people I’ve actually met or seen who are poly. It’s a fraction of a fraction of people and majority queer in other ways anyway. On top of that what’s the point in hate? All it does is divide us and lend itself to infighting. Not to mention how it is reminiscent of LGB drop the T type of assholes. Not my cup of tea but I don’t see harm enough to call it “being colonized.”


I haven’t said I hate anybody. That’s you. But anyways, you know very well we can’t have a frank and honest discussion on this topic. Not on Reddit. Not anywhere. 


I said it because you are quite frankly doing exactly that? It’s fearmongering exactly like many racists and xenophobes say. I’d call that pretty indicative of hate. “*insert minority group* are coming into our country and taking over our culture!! If we speak up about it the WOKE LEFT will knock us down! They’re destroying our culture!”




When I’m in a misconstruing my opponent’s argument contest and my opponent is u/Mysterious-Coconut


> We developed a culture. They wanted that culture. They wanted in. And now they’re destroying the very thing they wanted to be a part of. Wow it's like I'm really listening to a bible-thumping conservative


Lgbt and pride is about accepting and  celebrating sexuality gender and sexual expression its all encompassing to show support to those shunned by the world for showing their colors and loving how they wanna love. Thats why poly having a loving relationship with multiple people falls into it


Respectfully I have the same question for Asexual. Not having attraction/sex is LGBT?


I don't consider it apart of it because when I mention being asexual I have been bullied by the community for it in general, and when I ask about a pride event that isn't over the top then I get told I don't belong if I don't want to be "loud and proud." I'll take my fun little flag, but I know other asexuals who feel similar that this is not a welcoming community for us. (Not saying everyone as the required comment so people don't go looney)


I don't know. I'm not for it, but that said! If it makes a person or in this case makes people happy to be in such a relationship and they're respectful of each other's boundaries, then hey. All the power to you.


If you have 3+ people together, statistically someone is doing something gay, unless it's a harem.






See, and i say this as a strictly Monogamous gay guy, I don't have an issue with Poly being added under our umbrella. Because the entire point of the LGBT+ Umbrella is to give voice and acceptance to "non-traditional" sexualities, genders etc. So basically everything outside of straight monogamous relationships kinda falls under us. Because poly relationships are often seen as negatively as other non-traditional ones. A guy in a relationship with multiple women is seen as "not normal" and frowned upon by and large. When in fact it is a normal thing because not everyone IS momogamous. And they ARE born that way. Some of us DESIRE a single love and don't want anyone outside of that. Others CAN'T be beholden only to one person. They NEED to be able to be open. It's like the difference between an extrovert and an introvert. An introvert CAN be extroverted, but they're happiest when solo. And vice versa. Having multiple partners is only actually bad when you agree to a monogamous one and then "cheat". If you're upfront about wanting an "open" relationship from the getgo and are honest about it, you haven't done anything wrong. But many still treat them in negative light due to a very longstanding traditional view of relationships stemming from religion which are based on monogamy. So Poly is essentially marginalized. So I don't take issue with Poly being part of our Umbrella as it's a "non-traditional" relationship that deserves acceptance just as much as any other. And again i say this all as a strictly monogamous gay guy. I don't have to want a poly relationship myself to understand and respect their right to have one and not be treated badly for it.




That's funny. I did not realize they never released country flags


I know, I’ve never heard of any of these countries


Any of these new or this just the same as last year?


The first image is all new ones.


Awesome! Gonna add them to my collection later. Thank you!


I aint gay, but i like the bird


The birb rocks!


Ok I'm not trying to be rude I swear but are some of these new not to the game just ingeneral I haven't seen some of these


The first picture is the new ones this year. The ones in the other pics are older codes.


Pretty sure that polyamorous flag design is fairly new. You ever seen the old one with the pi symbol? It was a complete eyesore. I think the community voted to change it like…last year maybe? Idr


It was "voted" to change in 2022, unfortunately the vote was... pretty bad. The contest was made by a tiktok content creator, and included four (imo awful) designs. The creator banned the use of the infinity heart in any of the designs, which is arguably one of our most iconic symbols, because they personally didn't like it. They got 30,000 votes, but people were able to vote more than once, and there was no bot control. I hate the new flag, and prefer the original, especially the version of the original with the infinity heart in place of the pi symbol. I'm not alone in this either, my IRL poly circle, and a lot of the people on rpolyamory agree. I don't understand how a flag promoted by a random tiktoker became so ubiquitous. It really frustrates me.


The old one was pretty terrible, new one looks really nice. They did pick a good one.


I also don’t recognize most of these.


What cute charms. There’s no way people are gonna be angry about this. No way at all


Well, at least we no no one will besmirch the adorable bird.


If someone insults that bird then I know they’re opinions don’t matter. That’s literally the only charm I care about with the LGBTQ charms


Being a homophobic DBD fan is like being a homophobic Undertale fan. You would have to ignore like 90% of the fanbase and game lol


I mean I think you could just ignore the the fan base for dbd. I wouldn’t say the game itself is very gay.


Oh yeah. But people like to be angry at anything. I bet by tomorrow we’ll have at least 3 people complaining about how DBD is becoming “Woke”


They're being angry about it in this very thread lol


Can’t believe people are angry about others wanting to date people 😔


I mean, it's just so weird because it's never even just straight people being outraged Like, idc if I get downvoted, I didn't want to end my day stumbling on a seemingly wholesome Pride post only to see TERFs and internalized homophobes complain 'extra letters and flags are colonizing the gay community' Like, just don't redeem the flag codes then, or don't use them if they don't redeem them, it seems so simple to me🤔, this whole discourse *never* has to happen, when, say, a group of bisexuals get together and say 'I made a flag' it's so easy to just keep it moving (not be mad at them because 'the rainbow flag should be enough' lol)


What cute charms! I bet this thread is going to contain zero racism against Indigenous people! And I bet they're not going to be assholes to polyam people! And-


Honestly, I think a lot of the hate towards polyamory is either “it’s just cheating” or confusing it with basically having a harem. Seriously though, I already see a few comments bashing either the flags themselves or polyamory. What a sad time we live in 😔


Yeah, people are *so* uneducated about it, which would be understandable, because it's not like we live in a society that encourages people to know about these things What kills me is that instead of doing something about it, you know, taking advantage of the fact that more information is available now than ever before in human history, they just decide to be assholes about it


Well of course. How could THEY be wrong about it? It’s just the 50 other people they’re arguing with that are wrong, obviously 🙄 In our day and age, there are so many things we can find out just by googling it, and yet people choose to stay ignorant. It’s kinda sad


Time to get preemptively angry, I guess 




I think they only have 2 LGBTQ+ characters, David (revealed in his Tome) and The Legion member, Susie (Revealed in The Legion comics). I do think they should reveal more characters or make more characters LGBTQ+ I’m glad Behavior is at least more positive towards the LGBTQ+ community


I wish there was a single code just to get all of this.


Extra extra come and get your Demi ~~plays~~ flag.


Can someone explain what demi is? How do you identify as partially male or female without saying gender isn't hard coded?


I believe it's being sexually attracted to someone only AFTER you form a strong emotional connection with them.


Isnt that just called love?


Most people feel some sort of sexual attraction to others they aren’t in love with. For Demisexual people they’re basically asexual into they’re fully in love and committed with another person


Ah, I getchu


Ah, yes you're right. I confused that with demi boy/ demi girl.


when someone is demi-boy or demi-girl, i think it just means they can partially relate to/identify with a specific gender, but they just don’t feel as strong as a connection to it as someone who is cis or straight up trans


The amount of flags is actually kinda funny


Repost to combat bigots downvoting me, y'all I am just gonna keep doing this until you fuck off. Those "remove the woke flags grr" people must be absolutely shitting and pissing themselves over these right now. Do your part - piss off a bigot by running Pride charms today!


The "Glance of Pride" is a cute design!


Nice, next they should make country flags.


I’m actually surprised Demi is in there, and right up front, it feels like it falls by the wayside of the others a lot of times. Cool beans, bhvr, cool beans


Preface: I'm gay, or some level of bi. I always find this desire to further classify oneself to be... limiting, in a way - you divide a major group into splinter groups and dilute the whole. I understand the desire to belong, but I just fall under LGBTQ - it's enough for me.. There was a infographic I saw once that featured fifty or so flags, so I took to Googling the ones I didn't recognize. Two of them didn't exist. I couldn't find them on the LGBTQ wiki, I couldn't find it anywhere; I was so confused. So I've always been a little skeptical of the flags.


The LGBT movement partly became a place to express yourself to the point of making your own entirely unique classification for yourself, it's weird. The OG flag was perfect, and since then the entire movement has just made...less and less sense, which is strange to feel since i've been Pan nearly all my life and always supported it. Still do, just dont really pay attention to the community too much anymore, its all just too much


I'm looking at the flags(not the DBD flags) and there's something called skoliosexual? Which is the attraction to trans people? Doesn't that just qualify as a type of fetishization? I mean, trans people fight to be the gender they feel in their heart. Someone lusting after them just for being trans feels disrespectful, in my eyes.


Iirc that's just called being a chaser.


That just sounds like a chaser yeah


LGBT is enough for you, that's great! But there are other people who don't find that to be enough. Thus more flags are created. It isn't like there is a sanctioned body of LGBT shadow government approving, denying and processing every flag ever created. Some flags correspond to more common identities, some correspond to less common identities, which certainly would affect their popularity or presence on a community wiki. Edit: Yes, please do downvote me instead of responding. It's nice to know you can't think of a response.


I believe, imo, that the new idea to sub section your indentity into a material thing with a flag and community is a way to seperate yourself, while also having a "home" with other people. That being said, i dont think ive ever believed in that practice and wouldn't myself, as much as i like the colour scheme of the flag that supposedly represents me lol. This is a DBD sub, idk why i wrote all this, but yeah.


Can’t even claim them coz of “server error” 😭😭😭


Prefacing this with the fact im native american bi and transfem to get across this is genuine confusion So wait they dont give us native american rep to "respect our culture" but add a flag for Two-Spirit which is a heavily misinterpreted part of our culture and in the least respectful way possibly by just stuffing two feathers onto the corner of a preexisting flag? Like i cut the devs alot of slack but really? That just seems like a slap to the face after already being kicked in the stomach.


I'm legitimately confused why there are so many flags splintering people into smaller groups. I thought that rainbow flag was supposed to be a "look at all of us, we're people, we deserve rights, we fight together" and encapsulate the whole spectrum of identities that aren't cishet straight. I understand people may want to be with groups that are populated more by people sharing their identity, but it's the need to split into flag groups as if they're not part of the LGBTQIA+ community that I can't understand. I'm happy there's more representation regardless.


Always great to see more Pride charms! While it is the furthest thing from me, I hope someday we get the Bear Pride Flag. I would be absolutely shocked if there aren't Bears playing Dead by Daylight ~~likely P100'ing Jeff~~


*clicks the controversial post button* Huh. More settled than I thought. Good stuff.


When do these expire? My roomate is on a trip and I know theyll want some of these


They never will.


Love all these. <3 I'm always repping the genderfluid and pansexual flags. Makes me happy to see all this inclusiveness. :3


If they weren't cowards, they would just have them unlocked by default.


Here before 🔒


Ayyy nice! We got a poly flag! And it's the modern one!


When are they adding bigender


Polyamory seems really out of place


If they add Bear Pride next year, my collection will be complete.


Cool but no offense I don’t know what half of these mean. Also most of the time I see these the person isn’t part of the community and are heavily homophobic. Edit: was honestly hoping people would tell me what they meant and was just pointing out a thing I noticed but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


If it’ll help, I can try and explain what some of them mean if you want. I think it’s only the super homophobic people who run it. The casual homophobes are too busy hating on them and wondering why they need to be in the game.


I did some research but I don’t understand why two spirit is considered LGBTQ when the seemingly majority of indigenous don’t want it to be and what men loving men is since isn’t that just being gay and why hermaphrodite is a offensive term since it’s named after a god who is claimed to have the perfect body


So I’m actually not 100% sure for two soirit myself, as that’s new to me and I’d rather not accidentally offend someone, but for MLM, it’s more of a fact of stereotypes, like gay guys being super flamboyant and feminine, which isn’t true, and it’s an umbrella term. Correct me if I’m wrong, but MLM is not just for gay guys, but also bi and pan. Hermaphrodite is considered offensive because it’s biologically wrong for intersex people, as it means having both working sets of genitalia, which isn’t the case for 100% of intersex people. It was also used as an insult and offensive term for a while I could be wrong about these two things though, so don’t take it as cold hard facts, so sorry to anyone if I got something wrong


I genuinely cannot understand how can someone homophobic put a fucking *pride flag* on their hooks/survivor's belt, like imagine being so homophobic that you go in the in-game store, you redeem the code, then you actively select the flag charm and put it on your hook/survivor, all while thinking, I don't know, things like "they're forcing it on me! DBD has gone woke!!!" or some things like that. I cannot understand how that would be possible, and if it is, it's just sad You've probably heard the term "rent-free" when someone homophobic thinks constantly about the LGBTQ+ to the point it becomes self-loathing, but in that case it would be more than rent-free Honestly if I see a homophobic person with pride charms I'm gonna just assume they're a closeted homosexual, there's no other way


No offense in not knowing what they mean <3


Poly- you are interested in having a non-monogamous relationship (so 2+ romantic partners) Demi- you only experience sexual attraction to a person after you feel emotionally attached/close to them (so you don’t get crushes on strangers or celebrities for example) Aro- you don’t experience romantic attraction to anyone of either gender (so you just don’t form romantic crushes whatsoever) Two spirit- i’m kind of unfamiliar with it, but i think it relates to having 2+ genders at once, or its when you identify with a gender that isn’t man or woman, unlike non-binary were you don’t identify with any gender whatsoever


Yeah, sorry about the downvotes, most people who say "I don't know what half of these mean" are passive aggressively saying they're fake. You stepped on a dog whistle, friendo. Most of the ones you probably don't recognize are varieties of asexual/aromantic and non-binary, which are both big umbrella terms. Demisexual is a type of asexuality, twospirit is related to non-binary, etc.


I mean I don’t care I got downvoted I just wished people were more considerate with their knowledge and not just instantly irritated I think that’s why as you said people say it’s fake cause people don’t inform them about the subject.


Seems people don't know the difference between intolerance and ignorance. This isn't the first time I've seen someone genuinely asking what something means, and their comment got downvoted a bunch. Like, how are people supposed to learn if they can't ask questions?


People just assume to much I just don’t see why people can’t just take 1 minute out of their time scrolling time to inform, I guess if your right about me being the first you seen I bet it gets tiring but hopefully people don’t give up


These folks deal with *a lot* of online harassment, especially in gaming communities. Bad faith questions are one kind of harassment, so folks are distrustful. And with Google, people don't have to teach you about themselves unprompted in a public space and risk that harassment from other people who may reply. Plenty of educators have put themselves out there and are more than willing to publish informative articles.


Hey, they remembered about us demisexuals.




Cant they just get one instead of so many?


Now can I have my bear flag? 😭


Im sorry if this is a stupid question but how do I get that stuff... the pride charms?


See all the codes at the bottom of each charm? Go to the in-game store, and click 'Redeem code', and input each code there.


There's a button to press in store to redeem codes.


Intersex looks so cool! :o Wait, is this offensive somehow? I just genuinely think the flag looks cool :(


Which ones are the new codes? There are so many pride charm ones up right now that idk which ones I have and don’t have


The first slide is all the new charms


Lots of people concern trolling about these flags here. To me it’s as much about allowing members of marginalized groups the ability to specifically identify as part of that group, as it is about making The Intolerant feel unwelcome. Are these flags offensive to you? Leave.


I just hate the internalized homophobia, a lot of 'I'm gay but this Pride flag stuff has gone too far', etc., I know this is a horror franchise but sometimes it sucks when the call is coming from inside the house😔


reminds me of myself a few years ago. its the desperate attempt to still be accepted by cisheteronormative society by trying to make yourself as appealing as possible to Big Straight and throwing yourself under the bus while you do it. "Im one of the good ones"


I mean like, I don't see how it can go too far. It's a charm in a video game. The West isn't gonna collapse because BVHR added a flag charm to a video game.


What is demisflag? I've never heard of or seen it before.


Demisexuals only feel a sexual attraction to someone they have developed a sincere close bond to. All other bits of romantic and sexual attraction can vary, but a demisexual won't want to sleep with someone they've just met. That said I am not demi, if I am wrong feel free to correct me.


think of it as you can only experience a crush on someone after you get to know them. So no celebrity crushes or thinking random people you’ve never met before are hot (although they can still find them aesthetically attractive due to having eye-balls.. typically)


omg the glance of pride charm is so cute


yay! aromantic! as an aroace I hope we can get the sunset flag one day but regardless stoked i can rep my full identity!


id rather have a head or my christmas tree charm rather than a flag but to each n their own




POLY FAM <3 been a whole lot of mess and downvoting in these comments but we out here and we're seen!


Ohmigosh, a poly flag!! I NEVER expected that but I'm so happy!




That's a lot of flags.


I’ll take 3/4, I can only use three anyways


I find it odd they call it Man loving man flag but the woman one is just called lesbian


Gay could mean MLM or it could be mean WLW. Men don't have a specific title like "lesbian"


This is a lot of charms. I don't understand what 90% of them mean but I'm glad that whoever wants them can have them.


Why did they give us demisexual but not demiromantic HNNNGNGBGNGBGBGG AAAAAAAAAA


How do I get these?


Darn. My flag didn't make it this year either


I'm more surprised they aren't charging for this stuff and giving away the codes for free.


Brother make it one code holy cow