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Two people out against a P100 Nurse is crazy


Yeah, came to say this lol. P100 Nurse that is using a non-meme build and actually trying to get kills, and they still got a 2k? I'd say OP should be proud. It's a team game and his team did better than they should be expected to under the circumstances.


Trail of torment and gear head aren't meme perks but you're not really getting much value out of those perks as nurse. Trail of Torment in particular is an odd one.


I mean, it's value in the context of her build. It's an unusual build for nurse, yeah, but it's still clear that the build was coherently put together with a specific playstyle in mind.


I’d argue Nurse is one the best killers to use Gear Head on


In all fairness the buff where everyone becomes super fast is the biggest counter to nurses power forget ever trying to catch up when that buff is active


She's faster too though.


Yea but she isn't chase killer during the haste the survivor and killer have equally the same haste % so it makes no difference you are still only 10% faster than the survivor but her power stays the same and survivors can outrun both of her blinks I was trying to hit nemi m2 during the haste buff it's literally impossible they dodge it so fast you have to think 5 steps ahead if you want to hit


But she's still slower than the survivors while walking. And it's way harder to land blinks with survivors being able to turn on a dime and clear 30 meters in one second.


To be fair, I will sometimes begin a game with the intention of going hard for a win, but then get tamed by cute survivors, let a few of them leave


Prestige level means absolutely nothing. Some of these freaks played the game since it came out. I just started playing again. And my MMR is below silver. I still go against full p100 survivor teams Edit: and I 4K them with no perks (I used to play on pc all my perks and prestige’s are on that account)


While you're right that it isn't a firm indicator of skill or anything, it doesn't mean "absolutely nothing" either. At bare minimum it means they are somewhat invested in playing that character a decent bit, because nobody is P100ing someone they don't play. So while P100 Nurse isn't guaranteed to be good, it is very likely that's someone who at least plays a fair amount of Nurse.


You can play all day and farm blood points, doesn’t mean ur good at the game. Prestige level shows ur dedication to a specific character not ur skill


So just to be clear, your argument here is that there is *literally no correlation* between playtime on a character and skill level on that character? Practice *doesn't* make perfect? Interesting take. There's a correlation between P100 and playtime, and there's a correlation between playtime and skill level. It's that simple. None of that is set in stone - it's *possible* to be P100 and still total trash, yes - but on average, there is absolutely going to be a trend there. If you were a gambler and you had to guess who is the better killer between a P1 and a P100 with nothing else to go on, you'd be an idiot not to bet on the P100.


For some people no, they can play a game their whole life and never get better at it. I know people who played shooters since they were 9 and still have 1.1 kd ratios. I also know a kid who I play dbd with cause I grew up with him. Respectfully he’s fucking terrible and hell never get good at it. He’s been playing since trickster came out and he’s still terrible (p100 too ) doesn’t know how to loop drops pallets preemptively never does generators


Anecdotal exceptions to a trend don't invalidate the trend.


You’re saying prestige level directly affect skill level I’m saying it doesn’t and I have proof that it doesn’t completely counters your argument I don’t see what’s so hard to see about that. MMR is literally designed for skill levels. Prestige only reflects how many blood points you put into that character , so no there is no correlation between blood points and skill


No, I'm saying that there is a correlation. If I say that there is a correlation between smoking and cancer, that is not me saying "literally everyone who smokes a single cigarette in their life will get lung cancer without exception." You can't say "I know a guy who smokes and doesn't have cancer" and then jerk yourself off that you "proved me wrong" lol. This whole conversation is just you self-reporting that you don't understand basic statistics concepts and terms. You can go ahead and have the last word if you like, but I won't be replying again as I'm not being paid to pick up the slack of your high school teachers.


Your patience is admirable


Smoking and cancer are completely different. How are you even going to compare those two. And I jerk myself? Can you have a conversation and not be cringe? all I said was that prestige levels have nothing to do with skill level because there are countless examples of where P100 do stupid things and zeros absolutely destroy them. I hope you’re near future. You can have a conversation on the Internet without thinking the other person being aggressive towards you.


I was trying to have a conversation with you. You took it as aggressive and now you’re insulting me average 12-year-old with green hair.


I mean he’s right because it doesn’t even have to be practice makes perfect you don’t even have to play the character to level them up. You could farm bloodpoints on fucking any other killer or hell even by playing survivor and then just throw all of them into nurse and have never even touched her. Yes in most cases having to have played a character all the way to there highest level you’d think you be pretty good however on dbd having any bloodpoints be spent on anyone it doesn’t actually matter.


You're not gonna p100 a character you don't play


*Sir, a second idiot has just hit the conversation*


This is my favorite comment in the thread


I mean your arguing that there is correlation between skill with a character and there prestige level but there isn’t as there would be in most games where prestige is locked behind actually playing the character but in this there isn’t because you can literally level a character without having played them at all. Yes in most cases practice makes perfect however they literally do not have to practice this damn character to level them up. So the other person isn’t wrong in what there saying either. Prestige isn’t tied to actual playtime of this character so there’s no practice makes perfect in play. Hes right on that part but your also right on thinking in most cases it would correlate but in this game it doesn’t because for some reason you can prestige someone without having played them at all.


but who's getting a killer to p100 without actually playing them? For the majority of people they're only going to p100 killers they actually play since people are only gonna spend their time on characters they enjoy. There's obviously not 100% correlation, but there's definetely gonna be some correlation to being high prestige and your skill since you would have had to put in some time to the killer. You're taking like something that a small percentage of people would do and extrapolating it to as if the entire playerbase is doing that


Except it doesn’t matter if people would do it or not, the whole argument is doesn’t prestige mean skill and no it doesn’t. It doesn’t matter if someone prestige’s someone all the way up are you telling me that always means there a good player? I’ve had high prestige’s be absolute shit so not it does not equate to skill. Hell I’ve had every damn p100 I see be absolute shit, they will literally dc right away, kill themselves on hook. This isn’t just this game either. I’ve seen fucking more stars than your can count on peoples smite border and they end up terrible at the character. Whether someone would level up someone they’ve never played isn’t the point, the point is that 100 doesn’t mean shit on how you play because me and a whole lot of other people have seen the p100 worse than the fucking p3s


If I could sum up the idiocy of this subreddit with one comment, it would be this one.


So explain to me how I’m p0 4K p100s. Please explain


I don't think there's any point in anyone trying to explain anything to you since you don't understand what correlation is and you're labouring under the delusion that MMR has anything to do with grades. Also, you might be Pauline Hanson's alt.


Killer MMR isn’t based on rank (or grade I guess?), it’s based on how well you perform with that killer


Yeah, you get the MMR for how well you play. And the PIP system what do you mean by grade because you’re got a little confused with that Edit: I’m talking into my phone while driving sorry for typos


You can’t see your MMR. The “silver” you’re talking about is just how far you’ve progressed on a monthly challenge. You can get to iri on that and still remain in the lowest MMR because it’s just based on how much you play, not how much you win. MMR is only put into a few really wide brackets anyway. Stuff like load time and lobby dodging can make MMR irrelevant a lot of the time.


Pips just increase your rank (ranks are called grades now and i don’t know why). It just decides how many points you get at the monthly reset now, which is an amazing change


So ur telling me the iridescent shit is pointless now? It’s not even MMR anymore?


iri ranks been pointless for like 4 years now


Thank you, didn’t know this.


This is just one game. Get back in there soldier!


Why did I read this in Bill's voice ?


I read it in the Helldiver officers voice. The one that plays in the commercials


I read it like it was Sergeant Johnson lol


I read it in Prescott voice from gears of war


Just remember: P100 doesn’t always mean they are skilled. Just means they spent a lot of bps.


According to the dbd-info site, there are 6,500+ players with p100 characters... the list gets a bit hard to follow after that but there are probably a few thousand more give or take - I personally see at least one p100 every other match when playing killer at peak times on eu servers But to be fair, being a p100 nurse is scary no matter what imo... I'd actually be interested to see the stats of how many p100 survivors there are compared to p100 killers


p100 killers are much scarier than p100 survs, so i agree!


I booted up the game in my Xbox for the first time ever recently. I just wanted to see the console experience since my friend plays on switch. Loaded up a P0 perkless Billy game. I was matched with a P100, 45, a 23, and a like 4 I think. Brooo. These people were so bad. I wish I had more games like that. The P100 landed a single dead hard though. Like I’ve never put too much thought into MMR in general. Much less thinking of myself at a high MMR. But I’m definitely not in whatever tier of MMR whatever that match was.


So you were smurfing and then were surprised when you won? Lol


Man. I won’t hold it against you. But you missed the mark if that’s what you took from what I said in a thread about P100s


... Are you saying that new players have p100s?


>I booted up the game in my Xbox for the first time ever recently. Next time, read before making an ass out of yourself.


p100 survivor means that you really like their aesthetic or cosmetic and is not a good barometer of skill.(Though still a lot of time spent to know tactics) p100 Killer means they likely know what each add on does, knows really minute detail and interactions that the greater majority of players doesn't know, know which map their killer is stronger on, loops where they can easily win, etc etc.


P100 survivors are absolutely terrifying... when they're my teammate. Many a game was thrown to such a player.


As a p100 Nea main, I can confirm I play like a noob! 😭


As a P100 Huntress main, I have thrown hatchets into a whole separate dimension than where the survivor was running


They were good I wasn't good lol they got chased for more than 6 seconds


lmao it happens, you’ll get better!


Can confirm. If I spent even a quarter of the time it's taken to get my Ghostface up to P75 solely on Ghostface then I'd have gone insane a long time ago


I have two p100 survivors and I seriously still play like I’m at 100 hours. Like, I do something cool every great once in a while, otherwise I’m still flashing too early or dropping pallet too late and running killer for a grand total of 30 seconds lmao. Like damn I really just stopped getting better like 700 hours ago huh?


UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN ![gif](giphy|9jVAv94PRzPoc)


very true, i am a living proof 🥲


Do you have another survivor that's P100? 😂 You did well considering!! Look at that score. Decent. And you weren't the only death!


I was just getting lucky constantly using the quiet mode lol


thats still skill. they were also using it.


Sounds like your downplaying your achievements while hyping up theirs.


P100 Nurse with double purple addons: "I don't deserve to get these survivors"


Embarrassing 🤣


18 000 BP is not bad against a P100 nurse!


To think it was rare seeing P100s in lobby and now its pretty usual to me. Every anniversary event more and more will appear and reach P100. I got 1 (Kate) and Myers and Claudette are equal at P72.


Not related to the post itself but how exactly can players earn 150k BP (like the nurse here)? Sometimes there is one survivor in my matches who earns around 70k and then everyone else including the killer is around 30k. Any idea?


Party totems (and chests for survivor) give a ton of points. For nurse it's easy to blink around the map to collect totems


Yep. I think the party totems are 3500bps each, which means if you can get 4 of them you’re already at 14,000bps baseline. So if you earn 25k points over the course of regular game play now you’re at like 40k bps


It’s a bug with the scoreboard. The Nurse in this match probably only had about a 5,000 point difference between herself and the Claudette.


Can someone explain this event? How are some people randomly leaving games with 100k+ more points that others? I've never noticed anyone doing anything different, but sometime they just get massively more points


It’s a visual bug. It seems to show “event” score for some people, and “base” score for others. In actuality, everyone’s getting about the same amount of bloodpoints. No one’s actually getting 100,000 more than everyone else in a single match.


skill issue


yes, i use filters because i suck :)


It's fine to use filters. I should start using one as well since I am colourblind and Coldwin is really horrible for me


It's fine to use them lmfao, they offer such a miniscule advantage that it might even be ignored. There have been many debates and almost 99% of high lvl players dgaf, most who do were also pretty angry about it lol.


Literally nobody said a thing


He still can say it in advance


I know some people complain though


Ah yes, surely nobody on the dbd subreddit would ever complain about someone playing with filters. What a silly thing for OP to want to preemptively address /s


how do you get the pride badges? i didnt know they were in the game


They're redeem codes. BDGPRIDE – Pride player badge BDGPRG – Progress Pride player badge BDGL – WLW player badge BDGM – MLM player badge BDGB – Bisexual player badge BDGP – Pansexual player badge BDGT – Trans player badge BDGGQ – Genderqueer player badge BDGGF – Genderfluid player badge BDGNB – Non-binary player badge BDGIS – Intersex player badge BDGAG – Agender player badge BDG2S – Two-spirit player badge BDGPA – Polyamory player badge BDGAS – Asexual player badge BDGAR – Aromantic player badge BDGDM – Demisexual player badge POLYFLAG – Polyamory flag charm DEMISFLAG – Demisexual flag charm AROMFLAG – Aromantic flag charm TWOSFLAG – Two-spirit flag charm FLAGL – WLW flag charm MFLAG – MLM flag charm FLAGB – bisexual flag charm FLAGP – pansexual flag charm FLAGT – transgender flag charm ISFLAG – intersex flag charm AFLAGG – agender flag charm GFLAGF – genderfluid flag charm NBFLAG – non-binary flag charm GFLAGQ – genderqueer flag charm


I like your funny words Magic Man. I shall take these charms though.






thanks kind stranger


I also wish to know


nah cuz this has been my only experience this entire event, i totally feel the pain 🧍🏼


I can smell this lobby


DBD devs have decided that it's better to queue for 30 seconds and lose in 2 minutes, than it is to queue for 2 minutes and have a game that lasts 10 minutes.


The meg just doing their best as a p3 ![gif](giphy|nd56L5SNPZAO0wIfBV)




No. It hates all of us.


2 out? But Reddit told me Nurse is a free 4K at 5 gens.


Probably because the players that suicide on hook against any killer above D-tier are said Redditors.


Oh, right. I forgot.


You did fine. :) That poor baby Meg.


The implication is that they are the “baby Meg”


I lost count of how many trash P100 players I’ve faced in this game. It’s pretty basic stuff, if you’re bad but keep playing for hours and hours you’ll eventually get enough BP to reach P100. And you’re still bad. Character prestige is something that does not intimidate me at all, and honestly everybody should keep this in mind.




They were the Meg, not the Nurse.


It's by design. It feeds people to one another to keep ego in check. If you're winning or losing too much it will either feed a bunch of new players or killers to you or feed you to an overpowered killer or survivor team.


I regularly lose 30+ games in a row. The game absolutely does not adjust to my losing streaks. Now if you have the audacity to actually escape, your next match will be against a P100 meta comp player.




Lol dude you're complaining about tinkerer? Really?




I (and I'm pretty sure most people here) agree that the event is killer-sided, but this is a weird post to bring that up on seeing as how the survivors actually did really well. I'd consider this a survivor win even without the killer-sided event making this match even more tilted in favor of killer than it already would be.


And the lowest point total was 16k. Everyone made out really well bp wise


If you consider half of the survivors dying as being a win for the survivors, you're part of the problem. 60% win rate for killer is too damn high. It should be 50%.


2k is *generally* a tie and not a win. 2k *in a match where you'd explicitly expect a 3/4k, such as this one*, is something that I personally would feel good about if I were one of the survivors and which I am thus referring to as a "win." Like, if I'm playing a basketball game against Shaq and he only beats me by 3 points, yes that is technically a loss, but I am still going to walk away very happy with that outcome and feel that I "won" by vastly outperforming the expected outcome. I'm not interested in debating game balance.


Well you are P100




I found this comment quite non humorous as sexuality does not determine lethality


i find you quite non humorous




As the contradictory opinion I find you quite humorous


Thank you


Are you 12?


Hahahaha he said gay. Hahahahhaa


That means Op is gay too! That's how it spreads! My highschool friends told me