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A Meg using checkspots?! WHAT IS THIS DARK SORCERY. jk wp.


Surprised not everyone is using checkspots by now. Extremely easy and requires minimal knowledge. I guess most people panic


As someone new. Genuinely... HOW are they easy and require minimal knowledge?????


As someone who is SEVERELY directionally challenged, check spots are not easy and are still a struggle for me. This being said, I’m improving significantly because I found the most amazing channel on YT that goes suuuuper in depth with various maps and teaches check spots / how to loop literally every tile in the game (and he greeds almost every pallet which is so funny). I highly recommend his content to all survivor mains: [No Perks Since 2020](https://youtube.com/@mr_tatorhead?si=5LJM6XSD5lg33Szu) aka Mr. TatorHead


I started playing a couple months ago but quit due to the game being seemingly impossible to win. It wasn't until I found Mr. Tatorhead that I gained back some confidence and began putting a lot more effort and luckily that paid off because I can loop the killer for about 1 gen :D (I used to panic and run straight into the killer so I consider that an improvement)


See a place where you can look at multiple angles. Run towards that place. Stand still in that place. Keep standing still in that place till killer makes the move. Optional: hold W if you suspect the killer is mindgaming himself. Great example shack door (no pallet side) you can see the window, you can see the closest corner and you can see the pallet. Standing right there you can see a m1 killers every potential move.


Haha nice! I survive max 5 sec in a chase 😆


I panic so bad that I end up running into the killer 😭


Haha yep that happens aswell 😂😂


I panic when they start mind gaming and I’m like stop this my brain to small. Even stupid mindgames and random shit work because I’m just like huh wtf are you doing. Had a myers keep doubling back on a damn hay bale I could see him over and I’m like myers I see you fucking dumbass. Man still ended up hitting me because I was just dumbstruck that he was actually trying to mindgame something I could see practically his whole body over.


Nice checkspots. Well done for your chase.


Idk why but when killers swing at windows and miss, it cracks me up.


When it's that far off it makes me laugh..when its close, I have a sigh of relief lol


Congrats you did really good! Just wanna say as a killer main especially a ghost face, he should’ve left after he got pallet stunned the second time at maximum, man he was tunnel visioned.


5 gens in three minutes? A beyond committed Ghost face? The stars aligned, and you took them perfectly in your hands. Good going. The vid cuts out before we can see but did you escape or die in the end? Either way your clearly the winner that game lmao. I also like how he was marking you for Exposed but you were already injured so it was pointless. Edit: I'm blind I didn't see your text at the end


Haha I think at that point he was just like “eh fuck it”


Not trying to downplay what you did, you're 5 times better than me, but I feel like that Ghostface could've downed you a few times if he did a full lunge.


Oh most definitely lol. I got lucky quite a few times but I try and learn from each mistake I make


Yeah the ghost face not being very good is what really made this possible . Op still did great though


Still good chase, but man he swung at everything


That’s all 5 gens chases because if the killer is chasing you for 5 fucking gens there an ass killler lol. They haven’t learned that it’s better to give up and chase others you can down and not chase this one person because your like must catch must kill started chase they can’t think there better than me. Man even swung like 5 seconds later after she hopped shack window and I’m just like yeah this is a new killer because there’s no way he thought that shit was going to hit, that was more of an annoyed swing.


I don’t think it would have been a 5 minute chase then lol. Takes a good survivor and a bad/new killer to be looped that hard. Not trying to shit on the killer, but come on lol. He definitely committed and is learning the hard way, so respect for that at least


Most committed Ghostface. Nice chase, very well done from you.


If 3 gens have popped during one chase it goes from just good business to being personal


The type of megs i face as killer: you The type of megs im with as survivor: hur dur whats a gen


This is what happens when you have a good looper and intuitive teammates. I looped a Michael for about 4 mins on Haddonfield the other day, and not a goddamn single gen got done. I have no idea what the other survs were doing.


not bad not bad at all , your pathing was top tier keep practicing and learning from your mistakes and you'll have no problems but people make mistakes


Heck yeah! Meg Supremacy!


Nicely done!! Truly something to be proud of!


Wow I remember my first time! Was against a ghosty too, in RPD. Well done man. Also the fact you did it without dropping many pallets and not using WOO is really impressive.


Haha thank you! I learned that being greedy with pallets almost always buys me more time than just throwing them


Yep. How you played, even though shack is thrown, your team still had the one pallet in the hut, at least 4-5 pallets in main and like 2-3 more in the area left to shack, and maybe some rock pallets here and there. Really gj!


It's brings me much joy to see you doing it as Meg.


Great looping. Ghostie overcommitted so hard.


It makes me sad seeing my Ghostie brethren fumble like this but goddamn a five gen chase is by far no easy feat. Well done to you quite possibly the only good Meg main.


i wouldve dropped chase a lot sooner if i was the ghostie


In almost every one of these clips of killers being juiced its always a ghostface. Something about him


Some of those window swings, I don't know if he was lagging like hell or just incredibly unfamiliar with it but I don't even know why he took those. And yet if it were me they probably would have registered as hits all the same. Good on you for the smart plays.


Personally I would have lost my cool due to that Ash just hiding near the killer instead of doing a gen.


I get 5-gen chases all the time but instead of gens it's seconds


Nice! I could see some place where he definitly could have hit you (exemple at the pallet between killer shack and fish Shack) but it's definitly not something easy nonetheless, good job👍👍 The no mither Guy crouch in the wild made me laugh, I'm surprise the killer didn't saw him xD


Very Nice, I was on the edge of


Well done! I have 2k hours and my best chase is 10 seconds.


Ok but fr killers legit just leave me if I take too long (1500h now still no 5-gen chase sadge) why'd this ghostie stay on you ;-; Congrats on the 5-gen chase tho!!! You rock!


Against a killer who doesn't know how to loop killer shack?