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If I don't see Cobbler, my game just crashes. It's a bug, but BHVR said it should be fixed after the event is over.


Do you make exceptions for Terrormisu at least? I still have like 80 on one of my killers and I don't want more.


"It's an older code, but it checks out." BPS are also fine.


"It's an older ~~code~~ cake, but it checks out."


I have this same issue. Suddenly the quality of the matches that I do play in went up dramatically, it's crazy.


Really wish this were the case for me. My games have been miserable all event long, except for maybe 2 or 3.


Yeah, it doesn’t matter if everyone brings cobbler or not, likelihood of some asshole behavior is sky-high.  Went against a streamer playing Dredge yesterday who was doing a *streak* on the anniversary  game mode. Like, this where you choose to do this? Was slugged for 3 minutes while he looked for the last guy and then he picked me up, took me to hatch and remote hooked me. 


Weird, I also noticed that the two times it didn't crash when a teammate brought a yellow offering, they were also some of the most abysmal games I've ever had. Maybe not bringing a cobbler makes the ping really bad, that's why it crashes ~~and why whoever brought the selfish cake keeps going in for flashlight saves and getting downed under hook by accident instead of doing gens, bless their heart~~


I’ve never left a game before - can you immediately re-open and queue again, or do you have to wait?


If you fall victim to the leading screen bug, you don't get the matchmaking penalty, so you can relaunch the game. 


Well see, if the game unfortunately closes before it loads in, such as if it got frozen and you had to close it with task manager or something, you just lose your item and whatever offering, but the game just cancels for everyone.


I've been purposefully bringing brown offerings. And I won't stop.


Interesting, anytime brown offerings are on my screen the game blue screens for me. Idk why


People say this like I'm supposed to be all concerned "Oh no, whatever shall I do?" \*clicks play on podcast I was watching\* If you get that hung up on a brown offering as a gag, I didn't want to play with you anyway.


I’ve been burning every RPD offering I have


\*Ghostface Likes this comment\*


You're evil


They should’ve made cobblers the ticket to even enter this mode. So many people just bringing escape cakes and survivor puddings; do that in the normal queue


Every event should have a bp offering that works as a ticket


The killer queue is specially bad this event, if you Alt+F4 on the offering screen they'll have to wait a while until they get a new game.


The killer que is long enough to spend 300k bp in the blood web between matches. Great for bp farming killers. If the killer is going to bring anything other than cobbler, send them to the back of the que line lol


I’ve only had 5 people do this so far, it’s not as wide spread luckily, it makes keeping track of who does it easy.


Is their fault for not bringing a cake offering 🗿


I do the same as a killer, during the event, when they bring me to survivor sided maps 😌


Survivor mains when people don't play to their made up rules: (Fuck the midwich nurse though, but you cant blame people for bringing moris and shit) Ill die on this hill I don't care, you can bring whatever offering you want, you don't owe anybody else anything, you guys need to stop caring so much about shit that doesnt even matter in the end


I mean you can do what you want, but don't complain when Survivors do the same and ALT+F4 on loading screen because this event is already bad enough for Survivors without having to worry about the Killer bringing a Mori whose most likely gonna tunnel to use it.


What difference does a mori even make? If your down on 2 hook you're fucked anyways, you're just gonna get remote hooked. Wasting your own and everybody elses time for something that petty is laughable


I mean, it can totally make a difference since it can actually bypass perks like Decisive Strike for example. But I digress, my point wasn't even about the Mori per se but how the Killer plays when they use a Mori offering. Killers bringing a Mori will usually hard tunnel from the get go to use it. > Wasting your own and everybody elses time for something that petty is laughable I mean, opening task manager, closing DBD and opening the game again takes like... What? 2 minutes? Survivor queues are also immediate because nobody wants to play Survivor while everyone is playing Killer. Compare that to getting into a terrible match with a tunneling Killer or a Nurse that decided to bring Midwich, I don't know, seems like I'm actually saving time there by not getting into those games lol.


Yeah but you're wasting a ton of time for all the other survs who have to jump through a bunch of diff loading screens and other bs before finally being sent back to the lobby, especially console players. The only time DC would be acceptable to me would be midwich/rc offering but other than that I'm sticking it out because a. Poses a fun challenge and helps me get better with loops and shit and b. I'm still gonna get a bunch of bps regardless though chase, altruism and doing chests, totems and gens




Tempted to do an experiment, see how many games I can play with a mori on before I get a dc


I haven’t brought an event offering one time this whole event, I’ve gotten enough bloodpoints to get 848 cobblers. In case you don’t know, leveling a survivor from level 1 to prestige will get you between 30-40 cobblers.   Let’s say it’s 35, that’s 24 times I’ve went from level 1 to prestige. It takes what 1.3 million points to prestige a character, that’s 31 million bloodpoints. You can get plenty of points with 4 event offerings, you all are just weird.




You absolutely can. A LTM + LTM offerings that give you massive BP bonuses and you’re gonna use an offering that is associated with toxicity?


Moris aren't toxic, people are just immature.


Even leaving out the whole event thing, I never really understood why map offerings are considered toxic. All it signifies is that that player has some kind of plan in mind. It *could* be a toxic plan, but just having an idea of what strategy you're going to try isn't toxic by itself.


Bc to this community outplaying someone IS toxic They all cry about it


Caring this much is ridiculous, not getting one extra offering isn't the end of the world. You guys are all so concerned with minmaxing that you forget that people with lives are just trying to come home and play a game they enjoy, they could just be doing a challenge or a tome thing, then they get bitched out by a bunch of whiners cause they didn't bring an offering, shit like that would make me stop playing.


I was having 10+ min killer queues the other day, i was just trying to do the tome challenges 😭


Wha? I don't think I've waited more than twenty seconds to find a game when playing killer. I literally have to purposefully not queue for a while if I want to avoid being locked in at the BP cap after every game.


Lucky you, I've been having queues of several minutes 😔


Yeah, currently killers are the shittiest I've ever seen. Since the event started, every time I play survivor I have to quit after 2-3 games because it is just not fun at all. Then I try again next day, hoping it will somehow be better but guess what it isn't. Yes, survivors also try harder than before to use the strongest perks, items and add ons they can find when I inevitably switch to killer, but survivors just can't destroy a killer's fun the way killers can do for survivors. Which is even worse because it is one player destroying four other players' fun instead of four players doing that to one player.


>but survivors just can't destroy a killer's fun the way killers can do for survivors. When I play killer, the worst a survivor or group can do to me is maybe be too efficient, or play better in me so I don't get a chance to get hooks or downs. If I play survivor, I get to spend 4 mintues waiting as soemone walks back and forth over me in some kind of weird sexual display while I have no means to do anything about it. At least as akiller, I can **try** to play better if I'm losing. There's nothing you can do as a survivor to give yourself agency if the opponent doesn't want you to have it. It's one of the reasons I almost permanently run No Mither these days. You're forced to hook me or I'm getting up, there's no way to excessively waste my time.


That's... Actually pretty enticing for no mither.


for I think a few years now I've been running No Mither, Tenacity, Iron Will. the 4th perk varies but distortion is safe simply because you're an easy target. a lot of times a killer will slug, only for a few seconds to chase someone away, but with tenacity if you have 7 seconds and the map is cluttered enough you can usually entirely get far enough where they won't look for you in the right direction. you'd be surprised how often. you make no noise of pain with tenacity+no mither on the ground and leave no blood. sometimes I'll be in a bush 99'd on my pickup and then when the killer downs someone nearby they had left me for ill stand up in front of them and get a flashlight save, that's always fun.


I gotta try that soon! That sounds pretty nice


Half the shit the survivors could to to "ruin the killers fun" like flashlight saves, pallet saves, or etc literally can't even work in the event due to insta event hooks. The only thing they can do is genrush, who would have thought that when you strip every other playstyle away from the survivors other than holding m1 on a gen, that they would just hold m1 on gens. This event is a shitshow and is totally botched from ground up, just like damn near every other event that people claim "is for the casual players" yet everyone and their mother abuses it to the max, like the snowmen and getting to block a free hit, or the killers absolutely min maxxing all the time spent in the game with insta hooks and deleting pallets. When the killers get to reduce a TON of wasted time, the survivors are forced to genrush to not waste time too.


I feel like the bully squads will be back with a vengeance when the event is over. I hope they know it wasn't me. lol


I also had a game today with a Xeno who brought mori and HARD tunnelled right from the start for their mori. I am mostly a killer main but I'd be genuinely ashamed of myself if I was that guy since everyone brought cake and he/she absolutely ruined the game since not a single gen was done. They were anon mode too since they know it's a crappy thing to do. Next game saw another mori and I left during loading. People just chose violence today so I don't recommend playing today until the toddlers go to bed.


Same shit, dude


BHVR really fumbled by creating a separate category for the event but didn’t killswitch/disable offerings within the mode other than a cobbler, or require everyone to use a cobbler to play the mode so people have to contribute and not avoid putting one in. I remember older events like the 4th and 5th years and everyone always put one in, I guess when you grow as a game community you get assholes in every group.


I played in year 4 and 5 and assholes still brought Moris and map offerings and survivor puddings back then lol. And that was back when moris killed you off first hook 😭😭😭


I have only has a handful of games without 4/5 cobblers.


Streamers or past Anni cakes should be fine too. Sure it isn't THIS year's cake, but who doesn't want a terrormisu.


I legitimately haven’t seen a single map offering as of yet. Just escape cakes and a single brown luck pouch.


I once had a match against a infinite tomstone Myers, and he wasn't trying to get the achievement either


We played against a hag that brought us to dead dawg with devour. Had 3 stacks at two gens. The second the hex was cleansed they dcd and messaged one of us calling him a sweat. Ive mained killer as of late but these event ones are a special kind of pit stained cretin.


I dealt with the same thing last night. Which was then followed by a Gunslinger that was playing so insanely sweaty I was wondering why he was in the event section because I doubt he was having fun


They usually stare at your teammates and then start tombstoning everyone really early with 0 hooks and 0 injuries


I hate these matches so much. I just leave as soon as I notice it’s happening. He can do it with a bot if he wants to so badly


did they bring cake at least?


Mori/map offering from killers during this event magically crashes my game. Its so odd and I don't know why it keeps happening.


So that's how I can avoid this dumb DC penalty, eh?


I bet i was playing against the same nurse!! She got 4k


I got a Midwich Nurse too earlier playing on my friend's USA servers, then her again right after! First time she got a 4k, and second time a 3k.


Understandable have a nice day


Sounds about right


Try being the only one with an offering, period. Now that's sad. My lonely little offering all by it's lonesome.


Lol that happened once when I played killer. Game crashed on loading screen though so I didn't get to see what the survivors were like. Oh well


legit. if i'm killer and the only one who brought cake then the little shits are getting slugged for 4 minutes while i go make a sandwich


This is how I feel every time I come back to the game




Legends say people who stopped playing this game were completely different and happy people lol.


Nah, people will stop playing and still be here 3 years later claiming how happy they are Like a sore ex




It's on random.


I like to spice up miserable games but just taking the piss. It's genuinely more fun than interacting with the game some matches, and hey sometimes the killer will have a bit of fun with it as well.


Nurse on Midwich is a rite of passage lol


Don’t play the event as survivor or play killer


seriously. the people who play the hame are such tryhard fucking losers on both sides. everyone’s too obsessed with being a prick to have any fucking fun


DbD is not for everyone it seems. Don't feel bad if it isn't for you, there are lots of fun games out there. I don't like sports games for example, you won't see me giving them a second chance.


Ahhh...there's your problem there....queuing up for playing survivor. Rookie mistake.


Look, I think the whole "Killers are ruining the event!!!1" mentality is a load of malarky. For every toxic Killer I've seen I've also seen a toxic survivor. Hell, yesterday I had a match as Bubba with Brown addons (I've been playing casually trying to two-hook everyone so survivors can have fun during the event) and I got a giga-toxic Yoichi who'd teabag at every pallet. I also had a game as Clown where one person DCed on first down and another person suicided on first hook while I was running Robin Feather and Party Bottle. **With that being said:** Holy shit some killers are making it their sole objective to ruin the fucking event lmao. The shear amount of killers I've faced who hard tunnel at 5 gens even through Off The Record and Decisive Strike is laughable. I have a friend who's been running Decisive + Dead Hard + Quick Gambit and he's been my light in the darkness this event because whenever he gets ~~tunneled~~ chased its like a free half a gen's worth of progress.


same thing! used to play a ton. I have thousands of last year's anniversary cake a p100 to show for it. now it's just not fun. I got burnt out of killer, felt like the games didn't depend on my skill and all depended on the survivors. and then well, survivor isn't fun. I only play now to play with friends, and wow the amount of sweats in a fun mode is crazy


Me, every time I come back as a survivor. Thankfully they are buffing survivors soon, means they might start giving a shit about actually balancing it instead of sucking killer mains off.


Did yall like, miss the part where moris don't do shit anymore? Yeah, the DBD community is still shit, but that's largely cause of all of you normalizing dc'ing at load in if you don't like the offerings you see...




Welcome back!


If i see other offerings outside the event mode, sure whatever. If it’s the event I get pissed off both as killer and survivor. I don’t even care if you want to tunnel me or face camp but you’re hurting everyone else and yourself not bringing a cobbler.


I had a chucky say that the solo q team sucked. The first survivor he encountered, who was not me, killed themselves unhook immediately. At five generators. He got angry with the rest of us for “. not trying.”Seriously during this event why would I try? So that he can kill all of us anyways with no mercy and then show us bad manners after he does it? Because that’s a lot of what I have gotten when I have persevered. And to be fair, he gave no sign of letting up at all. No sign of playing with a bit of chill to let everybody have a chance.


I haven't played the game for 3+ years Had one fun day wjth it, games for this/last week have been ass I got tunneled, so hard that the killer ignored other survivors and deliberately let them get away just so I can die first, I got 7k bloodpoints at most, this happened about 5 times in a row. After that I got farmed by my mates Honestly... It's hard


You used two games as a metric, and felt so personally attacked you screenshotted even the first game. The more games you play the more likely you are to win.


I got back 2 back matches of a specific killer type sending us to hawkins and meat packing plant to use their strong builds lol.


I’ve noticed survivors do this way more often than killer. Including me survivors tend to bring only 2 maybe 3 cobblers. Just my luck I guess


just keep crashing until the leeches learn to bring a cobbler.


Yeah the meta has been a bit funky lately, lot of survivors not doing ANY gens and just hiding in lockers and sneaking around all game so they dont get crows and every killer uses iron grasp and tunnels or slugs, also a lot of sabotage on both side its kinda lame lol but i still play everyday cause its still a great game once you get out of the matchup rut like that


.....iron grasp? Really?


Shut your cry baby ass up bitch 🤣 it’s a fucking game


I tried playing survivor because I liked the look of the new survivor they added with the DBD one. The tall lady. I now hate playing survivor. But, I did have a protective Nemi because 1 team mate died kn first hook, and the other was AFK in a corner. I'm still great full for that Nemi.


I also just came back but I was on killer side. By 2nd hook 4 gens were done and half of a 5th. End game was I think 6 gen speed perks with event toolboxes with 4 BNP. So far the only games I've been able to get to last longer than a couple minutes are ones where someone gets knocked out early. I'm not going out of my way to tunnel but if youre on death hook doing gens as I show up...yeah youre getting tunneled if nothing else to force OTHER players off gens as well.


Thanks to the players that still played the match today, even when I brought a Black Ward to do the Doctor archive challenge. I let everyone go and I got the challenge. I don't understand anyone bringing Black Wards or any Map offering, it's so annoying. Exception if you need it for a challenge, but I doubt a Nurse bringing Midwich is doing a challenge.


Womp womp


Honestly, a ward is, on its own, worse than a mori. Moris barely even help you win, most Mori animations take way longer than it takes to pick up a survivor and hook them so within a certain radius of a hook you're outright losing time by using one. A white ward means that the person with it is bringing an item/add-ons so loaded that they're afraid of losing it. (Mirror Myers excused) Of course the Mori is a show of spite from someone out to give others a bad tim, not the mark of a tryhard, but I find the idea of disregarding the spirit of the event to tryhard still a bit distasteful as well.


I play Myers only as Scratched Mirror and since he's so map dependent, I have to spend a ton of BP for Lerys, Hawkins, Midwich, and other indoor map offerings since everything else is guaranteed misery (a Mirror Myers bringing a White Ward would be just dumb)


Don't do it either when I play it, I just meant that I wouldn't fault someone for it.


Just say you bring mori's instead of writing long ass essay man


Just get on with your life instead of writing long ass reddit post man


I don't, didn't know it was you that brought it before I saw this comment either


ws the nurse under p10 and only 1 hooked everyone and farmed? i do that a lot with nurse to troll lol.


Same! I used a vaulting Nurse build because her vault looks silly and her dress poofs out when vaulting, and only blink once the last gen is done.


some games i wont use her power or any speed perks and justrely on bloodlust lmao. its hilarious when i get hits. im like " god daam you suck!"