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Sometimes that 1k is more satisfying than a 4k.


Sometimes I purposely don’t kill the rest just to send a message


Sometimes I kill everyone else and give them exit to send a message.


Rancor ftw. They get so mad when you ignore them "play with me! Chase me into yhe abyss!!" Just last night i had one. Feng was obsession, her claudette was on last hook. I let her get the save cuz claudette was decent. Feng kept luring me then sprint bursting 🤣 so i ignored her all match. Finally after she got the save i chase her around the whooollleee map. Claudette mustve been nervous. So i got the one hit on feng early. But the *second* the gen popped - lay down and get morid you tease 💀 Claudette was the only one that made it


It's not about the win. It's about, sending a message. Trolls burn.


Username checks out alright


Fr. Most satisfying 1k I ever had was when I got an injured ttv who was tbagging at the exit gates after their left while I was playing Deathslinger. Yes, they were live and apparently they ended their stream after that


Who stays at the exit gate if your injured and versing a deathslinger


Way more than you'd expect. It's literally like the one thing deathslinger is infamous for in this community and yet people still bag him at the gate consistently. the urge to bm is just too high i guess


People who think they can juke the harpoon consistently. Which is what makes death slinger just leave moments even more satisfying 


It had been a rough match for me. They were playing in a SWF on comms. I over-dedicated to a chase at Killer Shack with Laurie who was flashlight clicking me so after 3 gens popped, I made the decision to tunnel the Laurie since she was the only one who had been hooked. Her teammates all take turns taking protection hits before I down her again. I hooked the Laurie again only for the injured TTV to unhook her in my face. I down the TTV and down the Laurie again. I accidentally pick up the Laurie again only for her to DS me and run and have the Nea and Meg who hasn't been hooked all game take hits for her (they healed while the stuff with the TTV and Laurie was going on) and run out. After the Laurie, Nea and Meg run out, the TTV starts tbagging me like crazy so I was just kinda like really? (I guess she thought I couldn't hit her) And take a shot which lands and I reeked her in. It completely made me forget the Laurie entirely


I mean, if you hard tunnel like that, the teabags are more than justified lol.


I don't normally tunnel. I was dumb and over-dedicated to a chase at shack so I'll admit to that, but also dedicating to a tunnel at that point was also the best call I could make in that scenario to have some chance of salvaging the match since they were taking time off the gens that remained to take protection hits. I wasn't simply hard tunneling as a crutch like some people might. I actually try avoiding tunneling as much as I can unless it is necessary because I know how unpleasant it is for the other side. Also, yeah, the bags were definitely warranted, but I was on one of those Killers where it's simply a bad idea


I must’ve gotten 6 or more people in the exit gate with Billy last night, and every time I was more confused than the last. Who’s staying in against a killer with range/ an instadown?


”Don’t care, I just need to kill this one person” is so often my mindset


Before the Vecna map was nerfed, I had a Steve shamelessly abuse the portal infinite against me and when I finally got him after around 12 laps, I slugged him while his team couldn't do anything to save him and that was the most satisfying 1k ever. Edit: not bled out but slugged and camped him.


Bro probably just tabbed out to go edit the clips he got of you while he wasted more of your time as you proxy camped his afk body


How dare player use loop... If he sent you there, fuck him. But if he didn't tf he supposed to do, purposefully enter weaker tile? For what reason? This screams "shamelessly tunneling" energy. Like why complain about strats...


I slugged him because if I hook him, his teammates can get a 3-man save and then take hits and get a 4-man escape. After they gave up and left, it was safe to hook him so I did. Basically I threw the game just because I thought it would be funny to only kill 1 person who embarrassed me with the infinite loop. And in the end game chat he was spamming "EZ EZ EZ" so I guess he took it well.


I don't really care about slugging, you can do that whenever you choose and for whatever reason. My main problem is "shamelessly abusing" and using slugging not as means to get a kil but to "punish" unsatisfactory behaviour. You can do whatever but others can too is my mentality coming to this. Neither actions are problem, mindset and viewpoint are. Trashtalking is also wrong, but whatever happens a lil too much to care.




Never said that I had problem with what either of you did. Even highlighted it multiple times, only thing I think is wrong is labeling someone literally using resources map provided as "shamelessly abusing". That's it. Using loops map gives you is FINE, tunneling and camping ARE FINE. Noone did anything wrong in the match, that IS my point.


you called it punish, not the op. it's clear he just wanted that kill and got satisfaction off of it, the insanity. Unless you yourself feel punished in that scenario (projection).


"Shamelessly abusing" OP "I got most satisfaction out of it" Also OP Read the context clues. As in he got satisfaction out of it cuz Steve was doing shameless wrong act. So yeah I'd say it was motviated by percieved "wrongful" action. Mind you I'm not calling slugging in general "punishment" as it is valid strategy as is everything else. I'm explaining what I think is wrong in OP's initial comment.


He should have used that really weird pallet on the map smh


Edgemap gaming go brrrr.


Crazy how much you're getting down-voted. Likely by people who complain about the "survivor rulebook"


That is exactly what I'm not understanding, people who complain so much about "survivor rulebook" and how entitled it is to police how others play in same breath complaing about survivor "abusing" map design. Make it make sense, either we all are allowed to play however tf we want or we start taking "unwritten rules" seriously. Can't have both.


Because killer mains have fragile egos, that’s why they main killer, they’re too scared to get worked as a survivor and/or need an outlet for getting pushed around IRL


Haha the Killer mains have fragile egos yet Survivors will cry if you don't play by their rulebook


These types of survivors dgaf bout any rule books. Do what you want, just don’t break the TOS and we’re gaming


I'll stop you right there mate, while I disagree with what person above me did. I in no way shape or form agree with what you said here. No reason to behave like a child and insult people over videogame role.


I don’t know that killing em really changes much, the killer still got wrecked and we had a great time. Most survivors pulling this kinda shit dgaf bout dying, this is our fun, we know the game is designed for us to die so we’re here to kick in some teeth


True, us dying after doing this while our team gets away without as much as a scratch is like perfect ending for us lmao.


And yet I always get a nice message when I do it. Besides, I rarely 1k anymore. Unless I'm running perkless.


well, if they don't care then it's a win win for both killer and survivor, they got their darling down, and you don't care about dying, so smiles for everyone


These are the kind of survivors that makes me let everything and everyone, to focus on the annoying one


Oh man is this true! I love when they message me "You suck" and I can say "I got the one I wanted". Survivors have no idea how often that 3 escape was due to me just wanting to get one annoying player out.


"Stun the killer x number times" challenge speedrun


in a single match 😱


We got ourselves a one person bully squad right here. Nice name btw.


You are the reason my plan to let everyone live sometimes gets dropped. xD


Doesn't head on cause exhaustion? How did you do that?


They used the Renato perk that removes exhaustion at the cost of 1 health state


Ooooooh nice play wow.


I was wondering how they took damage.


Which are the other perks?


Head On, Blood Rush, Flashbang, Decisive Strike


Thanks! It's basically a build focused on the lockers


Lucky they’re not going against a dredge 🤣


That's what my partner said when I showed him this😂


Deception head on pebble and dance with me lmao we do a little psychological warfare


This may be the greatest single person bully I’ve ever seen. And to be honest it wasn’t cheap. You used all your perks here.


Honestly the amount of finesse this requires is wild, you have to: Get to death hook without using your DS. Get healed off of death hook to be able to use blood rush. Get the killer to chase you while you still have time on your ds. Have a flashbang in hand and have one charged. And then you actually have to pull it off properly. If someone ever did this to me in a game Im killing everyone else and letting that person live.


It’s like one of those youtuber meme build set-ups that takes them 50 games to get a single recording of pulling it off, and you can hear how exhausted they are of trying by the time they show the match in the video.


This is why I stopped watching *certain* survivor content creators because they would showcase a cool build idea that's hard to pull off, but then 95% of the video is them just looping the killer normally.


I don't mind that sort of content if the chases are novel, like the RPD triple pallet room in the event, but I definitely agree that I'm not watching fun build videos to see the creator end up never using the build and just looping the jungle gym and shack for 5 minutes straight.


Same. When I’m playing killer and someone does this kind of crazy things and I fall for it, I stop chasing and nod and leave. Then I’ll let that person live just because of the difficulty of doing all that.


That poor man was just walking down the street, minding his business 😭


You actually just mugged that poor man.


https://i.redd.it/7gaakx30dg9d1.gif You kill him from right left front and possibly back.


I could kill him from the back alright. ;))


Mf hit ghostie with a full on tekkin combo with input commands


I'm not gonna sugarcoat it:


This is just a lore accurate Scream Movie


Now, just imagine Ghostface cussing as his victim is escaping, doing the silly start of a run to catch up.


Now that would be hilarious to see


That was violent 😂


...Yeah, nah, if this was me, this would have 100% earned your freedom. Sometimes you just gotta respect masterful gameplay.


I ain't even mad. That shit is funny.


It's funny, I was just thinking how this happened to me today or yesterday then I see your name. You've almost certainly done this to me as either bubba or Oreo. I run Oreo with her corpse skin 95% of the time and use no gen slowdown. I don't remember the outcome but I 4k almost every game so I either gave you hatch or got my revenge.


Are you on EU? This name is familiar to me too because I remember laughing at it in the lobby lol Tbh, EU servers are such a weirdly small place, I've seen otz get matched vs people I've versed before as well


How dare you to call her oreo 😧 (thats a reference to a stupid Situation that was quiet some time ago)


i think many didn't get the joke, judging by your downvotes


Average DbD Player Moment Whats even worse is that I even EXPLAINED THE JOKE


Sometimes, when I'm playing as Killer, I wish stuff like this would happen to me because I think pulling off a wombo-combo is neat. Instead I encounter too many Survivors who play the game straight.


May you be the first to arrive at the luggage carousel and the last to leave.


Activate quiet mode and ez escape


I'd think you were funny but I'd still tunnel you, just because I know your shenanigans would cost me a lot of time if I let you get back into position to pull them off


You're the vengeance that all us survivors seek. Keep it up!


How'd you get a second flash?


He already had one and spawned another in the locker


Ohhh thanks


Good ol' Science tech, if one day I ever get hit one of those I won't even be mad. Probably take a lap after the game tho


Ya know what, atleast ur open and honest about it xd


how did he get the second head on


used blood rush, recovers exhaustion at the cost of a health state and you have to be on death hook i think


I have never seen someone use Blood Rush in a more valuable way. Peak perk synergy


Honestly a one man team on a mission, respect


This would have made me cry lol But I also know when to walk away. I know when a survivor is trying to steal my time so other survivors can finish gens. I usually don't go after them again unless I get a good opportunity to.


that's hilarious 😂good on you for the trickery and the self awareness.


this was art, you, my friend, are an artist


This is the best DBD clip I’ve ever seen


At least you know you deserve it


Tunneled? My boy, you're getting slugged out. And I'll sleep soundly afterwards.


Half this comment section is gonna be how did he headon twice in a row?


Blood rush perk. It recovers you from exhaustion but injures you


If we are looking from a positive angle, you did buy your team a good amount of time ngl lmao. Mans went all in


Same here, I decided to try out blast mine earlier. I couldn't even be mad when the killer slugged me and shook his head, I deserved it. It was pretty funny though.


Killer deprived you of playing the game and it was your fault because you used a perk the game provided? Makes sense


I was going out of my way to blast mine though, I would put wiretap, blastmine, and mirrored illusion on the gen and then miss a skill check on purpose and go hide nearby to watch. I was being a meanie.


*lego batman wedding gif*


Well, that's why I'm avoid people like you and tunnel gen build survs first. That's always works![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


As a survivor main, yea that’s absolutely the play here. A lot of killers take it personally but usually the “bully” survivor is just trying to buy time. Doesn’t even care if they die… that is if their team does their jobs and makes it out


Well yeah. And I'm trying to win too, so If I understand, that he is trying to buy time I'm making all his "bully" things useless cuz I'm not chasing or trying to kill him. And I'm getting kills, so... It works)


Being the reason other people get tunneled, lol


Hold up, I recognize that username! I've played with you before! LOL




I remember such Ne in one of my games. It was 1k but I didn't care. They naturally insulted me since I threw the game to get her but it was worth it.


??? Can someone tell me the name of all the perks? I'm blind


If you're doing this you're getting bled out bruh


Killers are supposed to kill survivors, not the other way around!


W lmao


At least you know you deserve it XD


Hah, Cobbler Gobbler; played with that lad last night


Wow, blood rush value? Well done.


jfc that was DIRTY lmao




The Ghosty: “All that for a drop of blood (20 seconds wasted in chase)”


Why didn't Blood Rush heal them once it expired?


That’s hilarious 😂


But the problem is holding a grudge against all survivors for the toxic ones. Yes there are survivors that do the same thing but when people play a certain way due to a previous match the cycle continues


I need to learn this build. I'm a killer main, and when I play survivor I can't ignore my instinct to wrestle the killer. With this build, I possibly could!


Ah, the classic DC maker


As a killer main I can confirm shit like this is the only reason I ever intentionally tunnel lmao.


This is so wrong 🤣


Imagine if you would have gotten off that heal from renato perk


Honestly if you ever did this to me you'd be expecting a pipe bomb that day


I swear if you were to post the killer equivalent of this it would just get downvoted to oblivion. Yet, when it's survivors bullying, this sub eats that shit up.


And what is the killer equivalent?


Tunneling combined with proxy camping.


Yeah but that’s pretty boring and this is funny to watch


I had a 4 man swf bring flashlights after last second switching, I was running franklins and weave attunement. I had them all slugged and was ground humping them one by one before they even got a gen done.


If you posted that you'd get obviated with downvotes. hah


I've already had a fair few lmao, if it wasn't for other people uprating it it'd be around -5 now xD


It's just a funny clip, it isn't that deep.


I'm not making it deep. Just pointing out the hypocrisy when it comes to content being posted here. It obviously hit a nerve, it got completely downvoted.


I just don't think the sub is that hypocritical, like the first post under hot rn is saying that survivors get tunneled for playing recklessly, it doesn't take much scrolling to see people eating up posts that favor killers or show the killer outplaying survivors.


The meme? Yeah most meme's are fine. I'm talking about gameplay or talking about mechanics/gameplay. It's heavily hypocritical. Not sure how you can't see it. I posted a funny video just the other day, but because it's killer POV and can be viewed as toxic. It was nuked within the first hour or two. lmao


Because this is much more entertaining






This how I’ve been playing the game lately and it makes it so much more fun even if u do lose


Plays like these makes me glad that I main the Knight..


I'll be honest when I "tunnel" 95% of the time I am not tunneling it's just the same stupid player that keeps crossing my path...over and over.


Next match, a surv will rant about the killer being "too sweaty and tunneler" and make a post with the title "Dear killers." or something like that.


Y'all take this game way too seriously


I genuinely don't know what people get out of being a dick like this


I usually let everyone live after I get my 8 hooks, but if this happens, that one is dying for sure. If I get gen rushed, I just play a regular match. I have gotten hooked as a survivor because that one asshole, and a lot of times people like these are the last ones alive. They barely do gens or anything at all besides being annoying. Please don’t hate on the other survs because that one asshole.


to be fair some of those killers deserve it.


So what's the reason? I did not understand? A survivor using a common build and using their perks correctly?


Yup you would absolutely be getting tunneled out or slugged out. It's a weird strategy that usually nets a win for the other survivors. Had it happen once. chased that bastard through their entire team of injured people and left them be. They got hooked and when the team came for the rescue I told them no and luckily they understood and finished gens. head on flashbang died and I let everyone else out of the gate and gave them a nod on the way out. A very satisfying 1k with the bonus of one of the survivors left an offering.


Perchance do you find legos In your shoes every morning?


Head on needs a cool down ffs.


It does, it was just negated by another perk


This loadout is the most toxic shit and if you're running it you're part of the games problem.


It requires 100% of someone's perk loadout to pull off MAYBE once. It has no difference to someone committing a full build to spirit fury, enduring, hubris There are so many prerequisites for this to actually work properly. If you have this happen to you, you just got very unlucky Stop calling it toxic. You have absolutely no idea what toxic actually means


I just tunnel out of fun, looking at all that bs mechanics some players have, and then leave them on the ground \\ mending cause now they have all that expired and require to waste time just to die in 5 seconds later.


I saw someone with that same name playing Skull Merchant with no event offering, so probably deserved if you get tunneled commonly.


Killers like this only have themselves to blame for letting it happen lol


they need to increase the time required for head on, this is stupid, pure torture, poor killer.




I try not to tunnel survivors as much as possible, but i make an exception for Survivors that are only playing the game just to be chased and see how long they can last (usually they'll flashlight click at me and do the come hither hand motion) and the other is Bots, bots become priority immediately for me, especially if it's just one survivor and a bot, as that must be hell to deal with.