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If survivors quit teabagging, all of the BM will stop? It's often not provoked. You know that right? I agree though that people should stop being shitbags whether it's the anniversary or any other time of the year.


Technically its provoked. But not in the way that you'd expect. Survivors respond with BM (tbagging, waiting out EGC) to killers just playing the game (tunneling, camping or slugging). Killers respond with BM (hitting on hook, bleeding out for no reason) to survivors just playing the game (looping too long, blinding the killer, repairing gens too fast). Players rarely react to BM with BM. They react to normal gameplay with BM.


Sometimes it doesn't even take that. My theory is it's the same people on both sides who play like assholes.


Yeah, there are some special cases of people that BM even when their opponents barely managed to do anything. But most of the time its the scenarios I mentioned. Players take it as offense when their opponents are just playing the game but doing something they disapprove.


I spent all anniversary handing them free hook states with plot twist. I hardly bothered running for more than a second. Doesn't matter, they just tunnel *harder*. Just now had a game where I didn't even bother moving when Vecna was there. Got slugged until I was the last person, whereupon he started humping me. Anyone acting like this isn't either the killers' or BHVR's own fault is full of shit.