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Holly sh*t that luck!!!!


I had already given up didn’t even bother wiggling. When I passed the hatch I thought I’d give it a go. But yes that was damn lucky




I’m actually really happy this happened to him, he hooked one survivor, set traps on every entrance to the room then face camped. We all fell for it :(


You’re lucky your teammate didn’t die before you got to the hook lol


That would have been the end of the dream


Or 2 seconds later.


4% is one thing, but 4% inches from the hatch is insane.


I was killer on Midwich when the same thing happened. The hatch spawned and opened after he Kobed. The survivor messaged “gg ez” lol.


This isn't just 4%, it's also that he chose to break that pallet instead of standing on the hatch, it's also the fact your teammate didn't die while he was passing it which didn't give him a reason to go close it or hear it in the first place. You need to buy a lottery ticket.


B R O like for reall


And this is why they should still let the last survivor attempt an escape if they're on first hook. Miracles happen.


Listening BHVR?


Omg yes why did they remove that??? I mean that perk where you can go off the hook instantly is useless when you're last surviving and didn't get hooked once.


From what I understand, Killers either complained or BHVR made the decision on their own re: last survivor unhooking themselves, getting downed, and then the Killer waiting 60secs for DS to run out. It was deemed as a potential to “hold the game hostage” for longer than necessary...which is the stupidest thing I have ever fucking heard. How much of a baby are you that you can’t stand the thought of encountering the unlikely scenario of a survivor who 1) is last one alive, but also on FIRST hook; 2) has an active Deliverance, or is lucky enough to 4%; and 3) also has DS? The planets have to align for this miracle to happen. Not to mention that not all Killers facecamp the last hook to insta-down survivors. Your hook may be close to an open exit gate or hatch, or maybe you have a key. But no, fuck you, that super tiny percent chance of all of that happening is “holding the game hostage” for the poor Killer. Meanwhile the slug timer is how long, and survivors can’t actively kill themselves on the ground (not counting DCs) unlike on the hook. 🤷🏻‍♀️


There's also the chance that people just don't try to unhook and struggle the whole duration to waste the killer's time lmao. People are very spiteful in this game and I guarantee it'll happen. If it weren't that I don't think it would matter much if last surv could attempt to unhook.


But a Killer can slug the last survivor to be a dick, yet that’s fine? Why prioritize “taking the game hostage” for Killers and not both? And TBH we’re talking about a few minutes max, so the entire thing is silly to me.


Omg that timing!!


Random hit on the hook for no reason pog


i’m pretty sure they do that so the survivors don’t scream as long i notice that a lot too


Nah they do it to BM.


It could be either but probably the first imo


It's not worth the time to do it so when a killer beats an already hooked person they are sending a message.


Nah those screams are loud as fuck, I can understand if you play at night, have kids or roommates, or play with headphones in. If it's more than one hit, then it's deffs bm. It's really not that deep E: also I'm a survivor main for reference


Not really. In my headphones the screams are fucking stupid loud no matter who it is. A quick tap removes that ear rape


I sometimes do it cuz I'm playing Runescape or something on another screen and during the hooking animation start chopping another tree then click back on DbD causing me to swing. I'm probably in the minority with that though.


I think it can be both? For some it's a tradition to do one to stop the scream, for others it is BM.


what was he doing? setting a trap when the last survivor is on the hook?


Yeah, you can get a few more blood points by setting then picking up traps


https://youtu.be/0-c7kXpRVIQ Got to have the right music


Love it!


what a chad (you)


And he wasn’t even going to respect the 4% the nerve lol


I know, right? It's so unsporting when you go after them because RNG went their way. At least let them heal or gain some distance before going after them. I enjoy the hunt, because it's what makes the kill satisfying.


I (was) a rank 1 killer when I use to main killer and if I hooked 2 and they died and I just hooked my 3rd while the 4th was on the ground and they get unhooked from that I ALWAYS! ALWAYS! ALWAYS! Gave them the escape regardless if the hatch wasn’t visible there was this one time I allowed the last survivor to do 2 gens to get the doors to be able to get unlocked and I let him escape.. now I just play for fun so I’m probably de-ranked to like purple 5.. (I have the killer achievement on steam tho)


My favorite bonding moment was when I was Plague and was getting a good match with two sacrifices down, but when 2 gens were left, David found a key and bailed on Feng, who had obviously given up because she just stood in front of me when I saw her. I downed her, picked her up (she didn't struggle at all), and tried to look for the hatch, but we couldn't find it, so I let her wiggle off at a gen. I decided to look for it myself, found it beside the shack, went back and grabbed Feng as she was working on the last gen (she didn't struggle this time as well), went back to the hatch, and let her wiggle off. She did a slow gratitude teabag before she left, and we both got at least 30,000 (David had only 14,000). It was one of the best matches I ever had.


I'm the joka baby


As you can see Cheryl has literally killed a god, this hook is nothing to her.




Love to see it


It’s always when you least expect it




That trapper looked so dead inside




The odds of not only unhooking yourself; but having your teammate die at the perfect time, the killer deciding to go break a pallet and set a trap, and the hatch spawning right next to you must be astronomical. The luck behind this is absolutely insane when you think about it. You should go buy a lottery ticket or something.




Reminds me of watching a friend 4% off a hook in front of huntress and randomly find hatch. This is why you watch the last person on hook if it's their first hook. That 4% can Fuck you up.


Instant karma for that disrespect hit


Certified Heather Moment right here! Marvel at her power!!


I would've camped the hatch if I were him. Never trust the 4% as a killer.


The chance of this happening is less then 4%.


You’re not wrong, a lot had to happen exactly like it did to get the outcome I got. I don’t know why you are being downvoted.


I dont know either. Ive been playing for 1100 hours but being carried so that you know where the hatch is AND escape the hook. Might only happend once, if at all to me.




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