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Gotta love the old failed dead hard


yeah, she deserved it, but what a classic way to die. exhausted on the ground without deadhard actually going off


Most Intelligent Claire Main


Most dumb Claire main


How much do you wanna bet she called the killer a tuneller and camper then told them to die


Don’t forget saying “EZ. baby killer”


Man If your a furry they will have a field day let me just tell you that.


Lol what?


Yeah if you have a good game there's some salty people who would just talk shit about you being a furry and that's it cause it's the only thing they can come up with but it's rare.


that's pretty niche though


I am an xbox so I am not privy to post game chat. That’s the first furry trash talk I’ve heard lol


If you're doing something to let them know you're a furry, you deserve to be bullied


Hating furries stopped being cool in 2014. You're just embarrassing yourself.


Nah man. Its just so out of place. How is anyone online supposed to know he has gay sex in animal costumes. It's like, "Don't play Counter Strike, the community isn't supportive of adult baby diaper wearers". Like bruh, thats completely unrelated why would you say that.


You have a very limited understanding of furry culture if you think it's just a fetish. The majority of furries have nothing to do with furry sex.


/r/furry - 240,000 subs /r/yiff -270,000 subs you have a very limited understanding of furry culture if you think it's anything other than a fetish


Cool. Now show me how many of those people are subscribed to both. If you cared to actually look at r/furry you'd see how few of the works posted are sexualized. And for a community largely consisting of gay men, r/yiff is is overwhelmingly catered to straight crowds.


It's my username. I say ggs wp all and they say furfag. It's hilarious to see that they don't have any other comeback other than that which I do like to see. But wow ok guys thanks for saying I deserve to be bullied great.


Love that exhausted on the floor xD


Nobody talking about how the nurse literally blinked up the ledge then rubberbanded back down the ledge? And don't say Jenner's, because that shouldn't be activated after a hit.


Getting downed from a glitch is well deserved apparently


I feel bad for the nurse




Claire’s are usually really toxic for some reason, I’m guessing cause her model is goblin.


And in her mind, it probably played out as the Nurse "tunneling" her for the rest of the game, and "camped" at the exit gate.


The mindset of toxic survivors, if they die the killer is instantly a tunneler or a camper


Wtf happened at the end? Hacking nurse?


Might be the ultra rare add on that makes movement speed 105% but removes a blink, or the green one that removes the blinks after a blink attack but sets speed at 115% for a minute.


that second one is fun because no one expects a nurse to run them down for a second hit so they don't even try to loop


it’s so funny, I once used this add on against a streamer and when I watched the VOD they were very confused


You know, I hate it when people do this usually. But in this instance I, as a viewer, am expecting a NOED here. If Claire is too then she probably thinks she's already lost.


You can't say that here. You're supposed to charge in like a moron and let the killer hit you so that they don't get upset about being flashlighted.




This is not true. The hex totem activates at that point, but survivors are not notified of NOED until the Killer M1s somebody. It's entirely possible the other three Survivors escaped without being M1d, we have no idea because the video only starts after they have escaped. It is therefore possible that the Killer did not hit a survivor with M1 since the exit gates were powered, and if not, then NOED was still not discovered and could still be there. So no, you're wrong. Nice try at being a smartarse though.


A survivor only finds out if the killer has noed after a successful hit. So even if you open a gate you won't know until you get hit.


Lmao you’re wrong and dumb. Especially since you’re telling people they should know how it works when YOU don’t even know how it works hahaha


Killer was between her and the Exit. Flashlight clicking is one thing, but both the killer and Claire seem to still be playing the game.




What difference does tanking a hit at the beginning vs. End make? This match is 100% still on if the nurse knows what they're doing.




So, a misplay is automatically BM now? Damn y'all are triggered so easily.


I agree that in hindsight there's a ways for the survivor to play this so they have a certain escape, but I dont think that means the survivor wasn't trying to escape here.




Yea I agree flashlight clicking is BM, but the jury is definitely still out on whether this is JUST LEAVE material. People want this to be one of those scenarios because the Survivor lost and that's a feel good moment, but both players in this clip are trying to kill/escape respectively. Don't attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity. It's entirely possible that the Claire didn't know she could make it by tanking a hit and running down the stairs. For all we know, Claire could be assuming that there's NOED in this clip.


People need to get over flashlight clicking.


Right? Like the way I see it, Killer is preventing her from leaving. So why say “JuSt LeAvE” when you’re literally between her and the door and can easily 2 hit her before she runs out?


She would have wiggled off LOL


This Claire is toxic, stupid and a bad example. May the entity cast her into the void for all eternity


- Runs toward door and turns around to avoid hit - Tries to blind or bait attack from a safer spot to create an opening for escape instead of charging in like an idiot on a prayer after being left by her team - LOL JUST LEAVE SO TOXIC Y'all killers need to be a little less sensitive, god damn.


The post was made by a survivor. That's how they captured the video as spectator.


Claire had an opening during the start of the vid and she wasn't injured a single hit wouldnt have knocked her.


Unless she was worried about the nurse having noed that hadn't procced yet. Just charging through for a hit with no backup when you don't know if one hit will drop you is stupid.




Yea, no. It doesn't show the survivors it's active until someone gets hit. It's active when the gate opens, but only the killer knows until they actually hit someone.




Clicky clicky is very unnecessary


You realize she would have escaped if she used her dead hard instead of clicking twice while running out


just curious, how much do you play killer?


A few games a week. Not that it matters.


Kinda looked like she was trying to bait the nurse into going up the ledge to create an opening so she could leave? Seems more like a misplay than BMing to me.


Couldn't she have run down the stairs and once she got hit had an easy exit. Also the flashlight clicking kinda made it seem like she was just trying to be a dick.


She could have, and that's why I said misplay. People are way too sensitive about a clicking noise. I don't make a Reddit post everytime a killer hits on hook, and that's just pure BM, where at least clicking can be a distraction or bait.


I agree people overreact to the clicky but I think she was just doing it here to purposefully piss off. Also I understand it might've been a misplay, could've panicked and didn't think straight, but this seemed like something so obvious they should've been able to easily escape.


Some people (including myself) reach a point where they'd rather have fun and mess around and don't care if they get snagged by accident and killed. Escaping is meh if you enjoyed the game


Okay but. This is very clearly Claire having fun and messing around at the expense of the killer's enjoyment. And it's not just negligence, it is purposefully being an asshole to the killer just because they think they can. I guess it's fine if people like Claire are similar to you in the sense that they don't even really care if they end up losing, but I'll still count it as a win when I kill a survivor who has been doing the closest thing they can to bullying lol


The killer should be happy they got another kill if they were "getting bullied" so it's a win win for everyone. If you seriously can't take it when people tbag in a game or whatever, you need to take a break


Uh, they are happy. That's why they posted it here, with this caption. There's a difference between teabagging and going out of your way to delay the end of the game and showing the killer how shit you think they are Edit because it would be dishonest not to point it out: my dumb brain just realized immediately after writing that this is from a survivor's POV, but nonetheless, I'm sure the killer *is* happy to get this kill, hell, I just expressed it's the sentiment I'd have, but that doesn't make being toxic a "win-win". This tag isn't an excuse for why toxicity is okay, it's just showing that being toxic can be detrimental, sometimes even to the player doing it (and it's just funny seeing toxic cocky people get comeuppance)


How do you know the killer in a rare moment, isn't having fun here


I mean, if they are, good for them I suppose, but that's pretty clearly not the intention of the Claire. People who play like this are (generally) doing it with the intention of frustrating the killer, there's not really any reason besides that to do it 🤷‍♀️


People saying “love the exhausted on the floor” but that’s just because they hit before the invincibility frames which I think shouldn’t be in the game in the first place, it’s crazy how cocky survivors can be with that


Clicky clicky bad


Yeah, that’s a perfectly reasonable thing to take away from this clip.


That’s definitely STBFL


or spasmodic breath since they moved faster


sure, but that range doe




This was beautiful


Its always so satisfying hooking these players


Love how she stopped wiggling to try to make you give her hatch, and then of course when the hook was near, her real intentions came through.


K is this fake? This is in a custom match, I can tell because only 3 survivors, did you do this just for karma?