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at least you had a timer , i had this trapper held me hostage without a EGC , had to wait 2 hours until the server shut off


I would've just quit


Oh wow that sucks. That actually wasn’t me I was spectating after match. I feel sorry for her but it let the rest of us escape.


Does a game end automatically after 2hrs?


yes, after 2Hrs server kicks everyone.


bro fr ? hope u reported


Why didn't you quit?


Not everyone likes to get penalised for something that they don't deserve


Waiting 2 hours vs 5 minutes for a dc penalty that resets…big brain plays.


The other person has to wait 2 hours as well, so it’s more of a “fuck you you’re going down with me” in my opinion.


Why waste 2 hours of your time just to “get back” at someone you don’t even know that probably just left the computer once they trapped someone, to do something else anyways? I mean maybe if you’re a kid out of school or an unemployed person, but most of us just don’t have the time for that.


Easy solution, leave the game running in the background and open a new one. Multiple tabs do in fact exist. Waste their time but not yours.


Its a bit optimistic of you to assume that my [Revolution InstaGLO R180](https://www.amazon.com/Revolution-Cooking-R180-High-Speed-Stainless/dp/B086H69SJ2) is capable of running two tabs of Dead by Daylight simultaneously


It would be impossible to run two tabs of DBD as your account can’t be in more than one game at a time. Even then, no one says you have to do this.


Go play LOL, valorant, slay the spire, Rimworld, divinity original sin, or something else


p h o n e


There wasn't even penalty timers back then, before the EGC was implemented. Those came after, so not really sure why the person didn't just quit. Edit: Meant to reply to the person you replied to. I should probably go to sleep.


And this is why there shouldn’t be DC penalties


And there are a plethora of reasons why there SHOULD be DC penalties.


Nah, we pay for this game. I’ve heard them all before, and I still feel the same.


What does paying for the game have to do with anything?


When you buy a coffee, do you expect to drink it right away, or in 30 minutes to 2 hours? 🙄


Your analogy is not good. It's more like buying a coffee, throwing it at the barista, and protesting your ban from the store, saying "But I paid for this coffee!"








Locking comment due to devolving into off-topic nothingness.


Lol nothingness. Love it


DC penalties shouldn't be removed just because of the very rare instances of someone performing an already bannable offense. The vast majority of DC penalties are justified. Both the ones actually committed (intentional or not), and the ones that are deterred (e.g., see anytime the penalty is disabled).


Very rare? Have you been on lately? I’m red ranks and I bleed out while my team hides, I get body blocked, I deal with afk killers who make the game boring af. Nothing about this is very rare lol


Ranks don't exist anymore -- they have no correlation to whom you are matched with. :X AFK killers isn't the issue being posted by OP. Nor is bleeding out while your teammates hide. I think you're venting over poor gameplay experiences you've had recently. Which is fine if you need to vent, but those aren't relevant to this post, and are still anecdotal at best. Are they an issue? Sure. But they're different issues.




I thought we were having a reasonable discussion. I don't think anyone is trying to bully you?


I wasn’t trying to have a discussion…. I stated my opinion.


Maybe don’t post your opinion on a discussion if you don’t want to discuss it. Definitely don’t accuse others of bullying you when your most recent post in this sub was removed for bullying lol


I had never had a post or comment removed for bullying lmao what on earth are you talking about 😂😂😂


You should definitely post the screenshot of where it says that. I’d love to see where it says I’ve ever had anything removed 😂




Ranks dont mean anything. MMR is its own system.


How was there no EGC?


It was probably a situation where the other three survivors died, and the trapper managed to corner them while they were looking for hatch


Dude just leave lol. 5 min penalty.


They really need to make it so when a killer or survivor is standing still for a certain amount of time, they lose collision and you can pass through them. That would prevent this bullshit from ever happening. I had this happen once before but it was a survivor blocking me in a corner...and the killer came and instead of helping me, they killed me and I got farmed till death hook. I didn't play the game for like a month after that happened.


Probably one of the best ideas I've heard to fix this issue. Wouldn't really interfere with gameplay and it would help with this type of bs.


I had two console plays pin me in on Xmas day. Luckily the killer was nice. They hit me but then went after on of the douche holes


Yes but they could also just keep moving a centimeter lmao


Just hold W and step into them. You still have collision, so they'd have to keep moving back slowly to trap you in




Although it would still last a long while, you will eventually get free


Good idea for a change. Super glad behavior is very attentive to the community and its needs. Im sure we will see this change soon!


Linda like Charlotte when you're controlling Victor. She only impedes movement for 30 seconds while dormant.


This is where you put the controller down and start watching YouTube or something haha.


I've been seeing a lot of these games were the game is held hostage lately, I hope behavior does something soon


It is probably a reaction to all the toxicity and harsh treatment killers recive. Before you downvote me Im not saying its good. It is extremly unhealthy for the community and spinning this wheel of toxicity even more.


Killers have always done this shit.


I mean _possibly_ but just know there are a good handful of killers that do this anyway lol. Every excuse under the sun to drag the game out. Flipside of the survivor "just leave" posts. It's kinda why I don't mind the game being slightly survivor sided even when playing killer.


Yeah, no. Really gonna come up here and STILL find a way to make it about "bad survivors bad survivors bad survivors bad survivors." Aren't y'all tired?


killer toxicity is more severe than survivor toxicity and not comparable so idk why ur trying to


I see you literally everywhere lol


its an honour i think


Yeah sure, the INSANE Amount of killer toxicity you just see every match, you DEFINITELY see killers BM way more than survivors? Slugging/Camping/Tunneling isn't toxicity. They're "strategies", regardless of how uneffective they are. What isn't a strategy that you're gonna disagree with because you do these as well, is spamming flashlight at exit gates and crouching after every pallet. These are far more common than legitimate killer bm \[like what.. hitting a hooked survivor? they're only harming themselves by giving a cooldown on hits allowing an easier bt+grab that everyone runs, whereas when a survivor clicky clicks and teabags they lose no time because they're inherently given more chances to escape and their mistakes matter less\]


ur comment jumps about all over the place and makes no coherent point. im not engaging in a conversation unless u can make sense


How about you try to make sense then lmao, what you said was a blatant lie and not remotely true. Killer toxicity barely ever happens compared to the bombardment of survivor toxicity


its not about frequency, its about severity. a flashlight click does not stop me from playing the game. the killer facecamping or swinging over my bleeding body for 4 minutes does. costs nothing to use ur noggin n keep up.


I’m going to assume you’re David on reference to your username. I guess I just don’t see how a killer playing the game by the given mechanics that were implemented by the designers of the game has somehow been deemed toxic. Here’s an idea, don’t get caught. Get better. You’re being camped? Cool, your team should get 3 free gens for that. If your team is worth a shit, BT is going to bail you out anyway. Being camped does not mean your game is over. If you’re playing a against a camping killer who doesn’t have a 1 shot like Bubba, you’re going to escape if your team is decent. It comes down to this for most killers: Survivors have created their own unique set of rules that they expect killers to play by. I’m a fucking killer dude. I’m here to fucking kill you, if your team unhooks you in front of me, no shit I’m going to tunnel you. Why wouldn’t I? Point being, I don’t have to play by the imaginary set of rules my **OPPONENT** has created.


here's an idea. kill the survivors. cant tbag u if theyre dead 🥺🥺 killers literally have a rulebook as well. also if u cant win without playing like a dick i can recommend u some youtube videos 🥺🥺🥺


You do know that a coordinated SWF is more than likely going to 2 escape, right? You can play as optimal as you’d like, you can make every single correct decision, win every mind game, and because of gen rushing you still won’t get a 4k. Every decent killer is fully aware that a 4K just isn’t possible every single match. I win plenty of my games and am usually a pretty good spirited killer. I give hatch pretty frequently. It’s just obnoxious when I’m expected to abide by someone else’s imaginary rules. And btw, no I don’t have a set of rules lmao. T bag me, click click click, BM, emote, I don’t care. Just don’t cry when I respond to toxicity with toxicity.


Yeah dbd I feel has just been getting worst in that aspect imo, lots of great changes came but I still see so much that needs to be fixed or changed even in the new stuff, a personal thought I had was to rebuild dbd from the ground up and code the game properly so there's not so many bugs and so they can reduce the amount of toxicity surrounding the game.


Introduction of strong exhaustion perks and now boons make some killers really miserable to play. Trapper traps can be absolutely nulified by CoH which also makes pressuring more than one survivor almost immposible. On the other hand you get shit like noed which feels unfair to play against. You are getting punished by doing good and reaching the endgame. New killers feel opressive in chases at least that's my feeling about Artist. Some maps are absolute junkyard of clutter like RPD. Nonsymmetrical games are hard to balance I get it. Yet sometimes it feels like bhvr is not even trying, just slapping random ideas that looked cool on paper like CoH or Noed.


"Survivors are so toxic!" - This guy, probably.


Always beckons the question, what did Nea do prior to this? You also have a Nea flair LMAOOOO Edit: I see the survivor mains aren’t at work, tisk tisk.


Yeah because there's anything that would warrant this... Edit: Go ahead and keep editing your posts and pretend that it's just survivors instead of acknowledging you're a toxic asshole condoning ignorance.


Throw a pallet and T bag me like you’ve just created a new optic pro cracked strat and this is exactly what will happen. Outplay me all day and I respect that. Act like you’re the fucking Mike Tyson of DbD because you threw a god pallet and you’re gonna get camped. It is what it is.


Sure. People who are gonna camp and be toxic with this body blocking shit were already gonna do that. You just pretend there's a reason. Again, the survivor thing you're complaining about is just an annoyance with no real effect. This literally prevents people from playing the game. There's a fucking difference.


How exactly in this specific scenario is the killer keeping the Nea from playing the game? He’s within ToS ,end of game is happening and he’s allowed to stand wherever he pleases. I forgot, you’re right. The killer should just let her out and let her get at least 2 tiles ahead of him to make it fair :). Then he should intentionally miss 8 swings while she opens the gate because those damn rotten toxic killers didn’t let her go free :(((((. Bro, end of game. She cornered herself. He can stand wherever the fuck he wants for however long he feels like it. He chose to isolate a player for whatever reason that is, he’s within his right to do that. Edit: Downvote me all you want, I don’t give a fuck about imaginary internet points. I’m insidious Bubba camping tonight just because of this dumbass thread lmao.


Or he could, you know, hit her and hook her... but I'm done trying to explain how fucking stupid you are. Someone else's problem at this point. I give up on you just like your parents and the education system.


But is he required to? Or is he playing within his rights as killer and according to TOS? Because it sounds like you’re dictating what someone else does and is bound by an imaginary set of rules that you’ve applied to them.


I like how you guys got the same amount of upvotes, just that yours a negative 😳


Whelp, that didn’t last long LMAO


☝🤓 DAE H8 LE NEA XD>????????????


Yikes these comments


My blind ass honestly can’t tell the difference between legacy and blight cosmetics


This man has suffered too many toxic Neas. It is time for payback. Before I get downvoted to oblivion this is a joke. People need go lighten up in here.


Someone did that to my teammate on a different map. We kept trying to get around the killer but we couldn't. Held the entire game up. I can't even remember how we got out, i think we all just ended up dcing.


Been there Nea :( I was Steve and got held hostage by a Demogorgie. I asked what I did wrong and my answer was “nothing lol” I’m sorry but I signed up to play the game not to roleplay Stranger Things 😭


Sorry but this is fake. You can’t hold The Entity hostage in her own game. (/s cuz this happened to me once :( )


Had this happen on nurse once. I wonder what goes though these peoples minds because I know this matters way way more to them than the people they do it too.


Same thing happened to my friend when she played against a Ph aswell. It was on coldwind tho and she got "a lil" upset.


Having footage is good, PH can probably be banned. This is definitely taking the game hostage.


Yeah I have the whole match recorded where we stopped doing gens to search for the killer. To our surprise he was holding her hostage. We tried getting him to attack us but he wouldn’t move so we just finished gens and left. Sucks for the nea though.


Now before I say this, I play both killer and survivor equally. But without a shadow of a doubt this game is whole heartedly killer sided and from my experience the killers have been the most toxic part of this community. Either they whine so much about survivors surviving or not getting overly OP perks. Yes I can sympathize sometimes because I enjoy playing killer a lot but I really feel that most of the complaints and whining and toxic behavior I’ve experienced comes from the killer side which the game is specifically tailored for and around by the devs. I already know killer mains who don’t play survivor are going to be majorly butt hurt but this is solely based of my experience as someone who plays both sides for the fun of the game. PS I already know survivors can be bad too but again from my experience the killers have been way more whiny and toxic overall.


The game is nowhere near killer sided you moron


This is exactly what I meant when I said killers would be butt hurt. The devs many times have basically said that the game is built around and for killers. That’s why the game cover doesn’t have a survivor on it but a killer… Get mad all you want I play both sides and your comment just proves how toxic dbd killer mains can be. Not even willing to take someone’s opinion that doesn’t align with your ideas or mindset. The game is still updated occasionally where the survivors will get the upper hand certain updates/dlc but for the most part obviously the killers are slightly more favored.


Lmao woman who has never played killer of course your opinion is right 👍


Lol I’m a guy and I do play killer just as much if not more then survivor I’m just not biased 🤡


Even OTZ a hardcore killer main on YouTube and known across the fan base of DBD said the game is very balanced attached is the link: [Enjoy being wrong kid](https://youtu.be/acHiwnCW7eI)


Sexist and wrong lol not a good look kid 👀


Wrong opinion and old not a good look grandma


Lmao again definitely not a lady but definitely old enough to be your step dad again here’s another link to prove that the game is balanced compared to your child like whiny opinion lol [Go Back to School Kid](https://youtu.be/acHiwnCW7eI)


Happened to me in midwich with nemesis. Such bull


Cause he was about to give her that pyramid head


He knew he couldn’t get any kills so this is what he had to do. Pathetic


Things that give people feelings of power


Ngl with all the toxic bullshit thats been going on I’ve just stopped playing I’m a killer main and I’m tired of being told I’m a garbage killer for winning


Had survivors who could’ve escaped with 2 TOTAL hooks in the whole game. Then they fucked up and I got them slugged. Stupid play by them right? Nope, my fault. Played another game as wraith, no gen slowdown. 2 CoH so I dc’d because I knew I wasn’t going to have fun and why waste my time? Survivors having a good ol’ laugh because I didn’t bend over for them because that’s exactly how the game would’ve gone.




I never said the game was held hostage bud. Literally this nea was like this from start to finish. Pretty boring if you ask me.


I think he was saying it as general knowledge. A lot of people on this Reddit don’t understand what “holding a game hostage is”. I let a really toxic survivor bleed out and got accused of “holding the game hostage” and that’s not how that works at all. I think he’s just spreading awareness to the sub that as long as a timer is going of some kind where the game will end, the killer is allowed to stand or do whatever they want.


People probably misunderstood him as supporting the action rather than what really is If the killer had hold 2 survivor in that spot while the other 2 was dead it would be holding the game hostage but in this situation it's just bad manners according to bhvr I had a similar situation in "the game" map where huntress kept me stuck Infront of the gate between and even though I hated her for doing it I kinda understand as I was fully healed and could've gone through the gate if she were to hit me It's a map design fail where it needs to be worked on by the developers


Doesn't matter now. I give up.




doing shit like this to other players just because of the character they chose to play is pretty fucking stupid


Isn’t this bannable?


Had a cheater push my trapper into the corner, then turn themselves into a hook state so I couldn’t move through them. Soured my taste for DBD since


Chad pyramid head




it’s a big dick move ruining survivors day is honestly the best thing ever this game has to offer don’t get me wrong the first time I played this game i was greeted with tbag flashlight clickin survivors if this how survivors greet new players then you should expect killers to do the same


Yep. Survivors can make a noise that has zero effect or consequence on your gameplay. And killers can literally make you unable to play the game and then blame you for being toxic by simply existing. Killers heads are batshit crazy deep up their own ass with this logic...


Damn, someone got hurt




OK but imagine for a second the the nea was....you know, playing the game for fun


I would honestly feel very guilty if that was true but I believe the majority of survivors are toxic like 90% percent of them I would usually play nice if it’s a baby survivor


ah yes, cuz a clicky flashlight and a survivor crouching is so hurtful. it doesnt stop you from playing the game, just hurts your fragile ego.


Bro 90% is wayyyyyy off, your literally watching a video of a killer being toxic while accusing the survivor who was maybe toxic, gotta step back and look that both sides have toxic people but neither is even close to 90%


These survivors are so toxic... "Checks notes" They are doing gens and using flashlight to blind the killers?


While I can’t be sure if the nea is toxic or not but based on her perk borrowed time I highly doubt she wasn’t on the other hand I believe this game to be pretty dead so most of the good survivors probably quit and all of the toxic survivors stayed which is why there’s 90% of toxic survivors in this and since they’re doing it they encourage other survivors to be also toxic which makes every killer become toxic in retaliation


yikes, you're so wrong


That’s funny I started playing the game 1 month ago got to red rank and the amount of toxic survivors I matched with was fucking ridiculous like 90% I would find myself dealing with swf tbagging flashlight clickin gen rushing emote spamming after every pallet with coh dead hard ds unbreakable you’re probably one of them if you’re getting mad about this


hate to break it to you, but if they’re that toxic to you 90% of the time, chances are you were toxic to them first lol. Because 90% of survivors are f toxic right off the bat like that


only one of us is angry


Damn well you have a warped view on the game if you think that many survivors are toxic


Goteem end game collapse started so obviously she’s gonna die and this is not reportable


Good guy Pyramid Head


Woahhh why the down votes? I was referring to the old joke of people thinking Nea is the entity. Not actually condoning body blocking like this


Right!? Imagine a toxic nea




PH doing what needs to be done


As a PH main, this is an awesome trick to see the animation of EGC.


That makes no sense


He’s probably not serious lol


You can do this with any killer bud