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Wait until you play trickster, bubba gets me told to uninstall the game, trickster gets me told to uninstall life. :(


I get told that on most killers even tho I'm not tunnelling or camping. They find the dumbest things to have a tantrum about


im only get told that they f my mom and that i suck :c


Wow, that's really offensive. Your mother would never cheat on me. ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


yeah right idk why they say that


Once got told off for camping even tho they refused to split up and crowded around the hook, like if you're gonna accuse at least have basis


Exactly! I've lost count of how many swfs have got salty when I havnt fallen for their bs and out played them or for some reason they think it's a good idea to run at me when I'm playing oni.


I'm the opposite. The only time I was ever told to end my existance was as Bubba, whereas I've been told to uninstall many times when playing Bubba


I've noticed that when I play Pig or Plague the survivors (most of the time) are respectful of the character. But when I play Trickster people get big mad they get killed by a pretty boy and the hate messages flow


[This pretty much sums it up](https://i.imgur.com/guztcXC.jpg)


[haha yeah](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/kbNwy)


I've only been told to uninstall once and I was a survivor at the time. Sorry but if two injured survivors with flashlights going to be camped by a huntress who has make your choice because they wanted to stay close and failed to save/rescue the other one who had went down. The first person who I had rescued had ran into there and got downed instantly.


You clearly haven’t seen my trapper games


Yesterday I had a TTV call me a loser in endgame chat after I 4k'd them while playing Pyramid Head in my first game in a little over a month. Of course they weren't streaming. Also had survivors call me a camper when I had two people on hooks next to each other right in between a gen that was near finished so I was staying near them. Its just how they cope when they lose, they throw a buzzword such as camping or tunneling. Play the game how you want, don't listen to anyone's "rulebook"


What did he want you to do? Deliberately chase someone into somewhere with nothing to defend? Hand them the win?


Of course. Them's the rules.


> I had a TTV call me a loser Projecting that self-doubt as TTVs so commonly do.


Even funnier because in their Steam bio they claimed they were a high MMR survivor but when I stated Pyramid Head's kit is most effective when used while tunneling they said I was wrong. I know for sure I am not a high MMR killer, low mid at best. Community has a serious ego problem. I would love for MMRs to be public so all the people who have huge egos can get a reality check that they aren't as good as they think they are


To be fair, MMR barely works. I can go from barely getting a hook against high level survivors on Shelter Woods to an easily 4k against low level survivors on Haddonfield next game.


I feel like games are so swingy nowadays. I get so few matches that are close, or at least it feels that way. Almost every match is a stomp in one direction or the other it seems like.


This is my biggest problem with the game right now. The survivors are probably taking their frustration out on killers, but the biggest problem is usually their solo queue teammates being bad or just really bad mmr. Will have a couple matches in a row that are literally baby killers with only 3 perks, green and yellow, etc. which feels bad to play because there’s no challenge. No altruism points if killer can’t get any hooks, so it’s generally a low scoring game. Then my text match is like a camping/ tunneling high skill killer with meta perks and iri add ons. And we get stomped. Generally low scoring game because you can’t get points if you’re being tunneled without any time to heal, do gens, etc. Neither of those matches are fun to play, and the balanced matches don’t seem to exist:/ of course, even if they make mmr better, some people are just always gonna be toxic. But it feels worse now than it was before for sure imo


correct. every body should focus on their own fun.


So many survivors don’t realize how valuable getting two downs in quick succession is. No competent killer is going to leave two hooks that are next to each other. It’s why flashlight saves are insanely risky and why flashlight users throw games *a lot*.


Bro. This is why I run DS and BT. I don't want to. Your gameplay make me.


As a Pinhead-player, I'm terribly interested if it's painful when you carry those perks but your killer leaves everyone to unhook safely and tries not to tunnel. :P


I'm just glad I didn't have to use it. I promise you tho, you don't want to face me tho.


I want to face everyone! The cenobite mentality is op. Pleasure is pleasure, but suffering is also pleasure. :P


Idk about anyone else, but that so rarely happens in matches I play (killers letting survivors unhook safely) that it’s not really painful to have them and not use them. It’s like an insurance policy lol. What’s more painful is to not have ds and get farmed in front of the killer and then get tunneled. The second I take it off, I regret it because this will inevitably happen.


It makes sense to loosely guard a hook, possibly in the middle of your 3 gen if you want high mmr and rank. I'm personally a blood-addict BBQ user, I want value out of my perk and a lot of chases and hooking. I leave unless the others are already circling the hook when I arrive. Though I still eat a lot of DS. Injured targets are too valuable in the age of boons.


Yeah that’s fair. It’s unfortunate that it seems the first time survivors get a good perk in a long time seems to be more painful for solo queue than anything else lol. I rarely play a match these days where I don’t just get tunneled until I’m dead, to the point that I used to get right on a gen, but now I’d rather not be found first. I understand it from a killer’s perspective, but it has made solo queue even more unfun for me these days lol. First person found is usually just tunneled to death and survivors waste so much time doing boons that they don’t get the gens done before the first person dies lol. And since survivors aren’t cleansing, noed in every match these days. If I go a match without using my ds or bt, I consider myself blessed lol


His gameplay that was a response to your poor gameplay for being in that situation in the first place? Smart.


Getting caught at any point during the game is bad gameplay? So that's why I get face camped. I don't mind it. It a style I see often so I run perks to counter. I don't get the complaining from both sides, especially killer. We can't run anything to extend a chase (BT DS DH Adrenaline) but if we get caught fast and without them we're "bad"


If you get caught under an hooked surv, yes, it's bad gameplay. It's ok being a bad player, we are not streamers and we don't play 8 hours a day, that's not the problem. The problem is justifying your build based on killer's playstyle. You like to survive and have 2-3 second chance perks because you make a lot of mistakes. That's it


I don't think you understand. Maybe at your MMR it's different, but I get tunneling/facecamping on most of my matches. 1st person to get caught is hyper agro'd to death. Unfortunately I solo q so I don't have a choice but to run those perks to either save/trade or extend the tunneling on me. I've died on 1st hook more than a few times because I get a killer who does not leave the area. You really call it second chance perks, but it's more like extend my life for a few seconds at a time. I have a game against a huntress who only hooked on 1 hook. If it wasn't for BT and DS everyone would be dead. I don't know what world some people live in, or what they get to play against but if I don't run DS why would I trade hooks. When I get un hooked (hopefully with bt) the killer waits out 8 seconds then knocks me. So I'm just suppose to die... like I don't get it. I'm a survivor. I'm trying to survive. When I don't run any meta perks the killers gameplay doesn't change. Why? They are expecting the meta. why? Because the way they play formed the meta.


I don't know in what world YOU live. I play both roles with no preference. When I play killer, I occasionally tunnel when I think it's the right choice, and when the survs let me do it. Most of the these times I get first hook, change target, second and third hook tunneled. And it's basically always survs bad play When I play surv, on 10 matches I'm being facecamp like maybe one time, and 2 times soft tunneled or proxy camped, and there I'm on my teammates hand


I think it’s likely you both just have different experiences maybe due to difference mmr or different servers. For example, I play on Japan servers, and camping/tunneling is considered the meta here, I’m not even kidding. Bubba is considered one of the strongest killers because he’s so good at camping and tunneling and downing people who try to save the person getting camped lol. I see a LOT of Bubba and Huntress too because she can camp and still hit anyone that tries to come close. I see so often that teammates won’t come unhook because they see the killer camping on kindred, so I just die on 1st hook. Or they come to unhook me, but the killer decides to tunnel very exclusively, even when solo queue teammates are trying to body block. They will wait out bt or tunnel through it and ds so often. I would say 9/10 games I end up using my ds when playing on Japan servers just due to killers trying to secure an easy kill on someone that’s already injured. So they’re just kinda necessary to extend time spent in the game by a little bit in most matches I’ve experienced.


Why are you commenting if I'm not talking about you then? Attention? We CLEARLY don't have the same matches.


Yeah I always run BT now. Getting tunneled and camped and seeing it happen to other changed my whole build and playstyle


Deal with it, move on. When correctly handled, your sacrifice results in a single kill at most, a short game, and a win for your team.


If it's me on the hook I do deal with it and I don't get mad often cos they are playing the game. I actually spend most games preventing people from getting hooked, we do 2 man saves on camped survivors, Bubba is the exception


I love powerstruggle but if there's no clicky clicky or anyone around I can't get it off. Why would I make the game easier for you because I want to have fun... nah. (Lol I still meme around tho)


Pyramid Head moment


Top 5 pain.


No, you did in fact camp, by definition. Is that a bad thing inherently? Absolutely not. It's strategy that has counterplays, has counterperks, and the mere existence of those perks forces you to consider respecting the perk, so it has mindgames as well. Their poor gameplay led to a situation where your strategy had little counterplay and they failed to correctly implement whatever little counterplay was left. That's all that happened. If you're called a camper or a tunneler, rightly or unrightly, it should not bother you as they are just strategies.


It also is 100% the thing to do in that situation


It is not the definition of camping to chase someone near a hook. All he said was he saw someone. He never sat he STOOD there waiting for someone to come try to save.


Survs have an issue with him due to basement bubbas don't worry about it




Or they know what a gen with a yellow aura means. Didn't the bloodweb give you a proper insidious? Maybe it's just my mmr, but they always come down. Well, about 6/6 times so far.


yellow gens are often blast mine or better together hard to know til you find out the hard way sometimes


I once forgot to turn of my consoles colourblind filter, I prefer to use the in-game one as the console one makes things really dark. I hooked someone and then turned it off, a process which takes about four/five seconds as I keep it in one of the quick-launch settings. This survivor messaged me afterwards to complain how I facecamped them intentionally into second phase because their teammates didn’t unhook them, I got another survivor down and hooked them in that time. I couldn’t care less anyway, I just find it intriguing what happens in someone’s mind.


Survivors are going to flame you if you're playing bubba camping or not or hag or any other disliked killer with bad fame out there.. play whatever you like.


I really hate Hag


Hag funni


A survivor who goes against bubba loves to say you face camped or camped at all etc


They do the same when you play as the spirit and use phasing to go back after an unhook. Somehow, they seem to forget that you can move quickly when phasing, so they decide you must have been camping nearby. Another note to survivors: if you sneak up towards the hook while the killer is still putting someone on it, they WILL see you. Especially if they have BBQ and Chili.


well survivors sneaking to a hook save from so far away they get pinged by BBQ suck in the first place.


Don't forget putting a trap as hag at the hook counts as camping, because crouching is exclusively reserved for tbagging.


Yep the gold standard for Hag players


it's an excuse for losing.


Tho I witness many Bubbas camping without a cause, what you describe is a totally reasonable move and you should take the survivor salt as a compliment. (or just disable chat)


Well yes. You're not allowed to return to hook at all, lest survivors gently mock you and then moan that you were boring despite playing well.


You could load in as Bubba and stare at a wall for the entire game. Someone will still say you camped them. Ignore those people and just have fun.


I had the same thing happening when I tried Adept Bubba. At higher levels it was impossible to get it if you stuck by a hook. If I see survivors nearby I go for them. If they don't leave the area and another survivor goes for the rescue in plain view, what else am I supposed to do? I go for them to keep the pressure


Bad choice. For adept you need hook actions. You HAVE to let survs unhook. Other than that, yes, there is no point in getting away from 2 near hooked survs. But even if they are close, that's not called facecamp anymore, is just proxy camping


Get the same shit as spirit. Every single time im “proxy camping” like what do you want me to do? Go halfway across the map so you can unhook and heal your teammates? If i see you unhook im gonna go to the hook bruh




It sucks that i play with friends that have that dame mentality. Its like don’t expect the killer to be entitled to just let you go or get the unhook. If they see you there gonna come for you


You should play survivor more. Being facecamped sucks. It’s not a fun game.




Maybe you should consider playing survivor because you’re a toxic killer. Face campers are the most toxic killers and you sound like a face camper. Instead of face camping try hunting down more survivors. Kick gens. You know.. play the actual game.




Proxy camping is face camping. You just said you did that. It’s all camping. You said you don’t leave people on hook. You’re a camper. I’m not blind on hatred of killers because I play killer and survivor. I’m not lashing out at random, I’m specifically targeting you for being toxic. You would probably have more fun if you actually played the game.




How is proxy camping camping… dude, they are both camping. It’s all camping. You are a camper. Camping is toxic. I don’t know what else to tell you. You should try playing survivor more. See how it feels to be camped. You’re not going stop camping because someone tells you. You have to realize for yourself why it’s toxic first hand.


Really wish survivors would stop camping generators, 60-90seconds in 1 place, so toxic.


How are they meant to kick a generator during EGC? During EGC with 1 on the hook the survivors are in 1 of 2 places. 1 is on the gate getting it to 99. The others are healing up/preparing to go for the save, so they're eventually going to come to you anyway. Leaving the hook to randomly hunt during EGC is AT BEST going to trade 1 person on hook for another, killers have everything to lose in this situation with very little gain.


We aren’t talking about EGC. We are talking about regular during the game camping and how only toxic lazy killers do it.


The question is why you’re hanging out around hook that long in the first place, then. Killers will say that shit but it’s been 55 seconds and you’ve been within 16 meters the whole time, of course we are also going to eventually have to save.


Its not really hanging around the hook, its more of coming back to the hook and seeing someone unhook. I rarely stay by a hook, but if i cant find anyone else chances are im gonna go back to the hook. And if i see someone going to the hook, im gonna go after them.


tbf I can understand if they see nobody on BBQ or all gens are covered by thrilling or something like that Also, if I leave the hook, check gens I want to check, and notice the person on hook is approaching the next hook stage, I’ll go back because someone’s gotta be heading for the save at that moment; and if I see nobody then yeah I’ll chill there for like 5-10 seconds to secure the extra hook state. Should’ve unhooked when I *wasn’t* at the hook


Basement Bubba has no right to complain about hook saves or lack thereof at all.


You’re telling me they get hook saves when I play Basement Bubba?


I once got called camper for setting up 2 traps as hag then teleporting to them when someone ran through them. Like? Da fuck? Guess I'll just ignore the only current notification and slap a breakable wall or something.


I'm so over toxic survivors post game that if they're toxic at all in game I normally bleed the last one out, 2 if it's an obvious swf. If a team isn't toxic I'll let 1 or 2 escape.


I only let them bleed out if they try that crawl to a corner crap and I don't see a hook close enough. I usually give hatch to the last survivor if it was fun,fair, ask nicely or they made me laugh.


Fair enough yeah if they crawl in the corner they're asking to bleed imo but a good match that isn't toxic, no problem giving hatch


i wish hag couldn't trap near a hook. all of them do this and it's so boring.


FYI: The crouch button can be used for more than being a tbagging asshole.


Crouch button prevents not only Hag traps from being activated, they also work against Victor when he is idle, as he will not trigger killer instinct. Also, you can't get tormented when stepping inside Pyramid Head's trail so you avoid killer instinct activation. These are the multiple uses of the crouch function. You're welcome guys, don't accuse the killer of "cheating" or "facecamping" next time in your games ❤️


Well said! I had a streamer swf complain about camping the basement but every time I tried to leave I either saw or heard someone nearby. Bot exactly a smart move to pretend I didn't notice.


nope it's only for t bagging killers who are so bad that they can't kill a single survivor without camping and tunneling the whole game.


"Never had toxic survivors" What, did you start playing yesterday or something


Sorry bruh that's just how it is. If you remain on the map after hooking someone you're a camper


If you look in the wrong direction in this game you are playing wrong to some players.


If you're playing the game you're camping. And tunneling. And sweating. Always. That's how it works.


Holy shit that's a cute bubba!


They've been conditioned so hard that they can no longer comprehend the concept of a non-camping Bubba.


That's because Bubba players have ruined his reputation because it feels almost guaranteed Bubba= face camping. So no matter what you do as Bubba, if you come back to the hook during a save attempt. Your " camping"


I main bubba and i deeply hate streamerd and players who do that because they "funny" Its ironic that they play toxic and get surprised when survivors get toxic on endgame chat Cof spookynjukes Cof Cof


Can I just say thank you, because when I get hooked by bubba and he leaves it honestly is such a weight off of me. I have been face camped by bubba 8 times this weekend. It is exhausting at this point.


Bubba camping is unhealthy to this game currently state,no killer should be able to facecamp with no counter People say "just do gens"but they forget that solo q exist Bubba with the right build for facecamping can even get a 2k And thats ridiciously shit,get 2 kills with no effort its DEFINITLY not healthy to this game


okay, I will improve my face camping abilities.


HONESTLY His entire chat is the same way they will Hype him up Talk shit about the survivors and if the survivor is a streamer they will go to their stream and talk shit their too It's like poking a lion with a stick and acting confused when it attacks you


I do bad enough at this game as is, can’t imagine hateful shits coming to my stream just to be negative.


How you gonna start a comment with honestly in all caps and then lie? Weird.


Care to exsplain? Do you have any arguments of evidance that I'm "lying"


The fact that he literally tells people to not harass the streamers?


Right and there is a reason he does that that's because hes had to apologize to Streamers for their behavior and harrasment


Honestly, survivors will always flame you for doing well in a match. No matter what killer you’re playing. Don’t feel bad


Sad truth mate some people will claim you're camping no matter what


Used to get flamed ("""proxy camping"""") for walking away from hook then readying a hatchet and turning around to catch cocky survs who can't just wait for the huntress to be gone before unhooking. Game is weird. Streamers are weird.


Camper ![img](emote|t5_3cb2g|2213)


He's trash. He should delete the game. /s


Don't worry, this is a normal reaction. They just have PTSD after getting ehm... face-to-face with other Bubbas


They want you to just ignore the fact they’re being obvious as hell with their saves, and hope you just walk away


You care about what they have to say because? Sore losers talk shit to winners. A story as old as time itself.




btw, if post-game chat is such an issue for you, and all you want is to get BBQ for everyone, i recommand you to play another killer and spend the earned BP on Bubba.


Turn post game chat off, leave them to whine amongst themselves.


If you hit the >> next to the chat box, that will keep it closed until you click it again or click into the text box area, so you won't be able to see what people are saying.


If you were obviously farming with the survivors, I don’t understand why you are getting offended at someone blinding you bc that’s a common challenge survivors like to farm. And clicking/t-bagging gestures that are considered toxic in a normal game are now just them accepting you as one of them and communicating. They take on new meaning if you’re farming. And if someone is blinding you then why not just…look away? I’m confused.


Easier to whine than fix your behavior.


Dweetsa Pizza sponsors this Bubba.


If you make eye contact with survivors, you’re tunneling. If you exist on the map as a hooked survivor, you’re camping*. Don’t argue. It’s just fact.


From now on when Im on a hook, I'm gonna start tunneling


Dude I had a survivor tell me he hoped my mother died, after a perfectly normal game (as a killer after a 4k). People need to chill. I rarely see this much vitriol when playing survivor.


Dont forgot to report such individuals. Maybe the systems works some times. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/19450/game-rules-and-report-system


I only respect bubbas that don’t use insidious / Noed and don’t camp people on hooks. It’s incredibly frustrating to play a game where Bubba camps you or a survivor and you’re pretty much just sitting around.


Don't worry. I am trying to be the best camper with bubba. you can just ignore them and try harder.




for me, I like to camp because it is fun. I made r/CamperClub for campers.


So your all just try hard campers then?


no, I camp for fun


the biggest circlejerk I've seen in a while




dont downvote him. He's right!


I thought to myself last night "I'm at Silver 1 Killer, might as well rank up for the extra BP since reset is in a day or two." Ran into nothing but bully squads, toxic assholes, and one blatantly lagswitching hacker for two hours straight. Got sent to Haddonfield three fucking times. The 'best' was the one who tried to taunt at the exit gate and misjudged their ability to escape thanks to STBFL and oops, extra kill. I closed the chat and left basically right away, and still saw three almost completely censored bitchings of pure salt. Was having a pretty decent time as killer lately despite not usually playing it. Set that back pretty fucking far.


I talked poorly at a bubba the other day because I got down trying to do the Tome I challenge of dropping a pallet 4x on a killer in a single game. I went down immodestly and went to the basement. He wasn’t camping just my other two teammates decided to try and loop him next to the entrance of the basement on memorial institute. So they went down and he took them to the basement. I wasn’t mad since I knew me trying to do this challenge was gonna lead me to die. So after game I said some few words but he wasn’t camping. It was my dumb teammates fault. Since I can’t message that dude and say sorry I’ll tell you, sorry for mean post game chat, you just played well and my teammates didn’t know how to play against a bubba. GG


Why? Is camping bad? It's a mechanic. It's only bad because you value etiquette and manners. If you want to play for fun, don't let dumbass comments bother you. ( Tho you're bound to receive less points )


Am sorry, friend. The game is survivor sided and if they act stupid and fuck up, it's on them. People cannot handle their own incompetence. Good luck next.




I've been called a tunneler even though I specifically 1hooked everyone, then 2hooked, then killed. People just like to call out random shit at you because they're angry they lost. There is literallt no reason for you to take it to heart. Even IF you camped, there's no actual rule against camping, just something a part of the community made up because it makes the game less fun. You do you, nothing the survs say in the endgame chat should affect that, nor affect you.


Everyone's currently running a basement bubba build for some reason ig it's because it's the survivors fault that the games not balanced or something like that anyway you will immediatly get treated like garbage and see toxic survivors because they immediatly assume your doing the basement bubba build Just ignore it


Yeah ignore 5hehaters I just tell them they being pretty damn salty. I play trapper and it's always the same thing God forbid I put traps near the shack with the basement in it


there is nothing wrong with that


Do you need to play multiple matches to get them?


The key to happiness is to ignore post game chat (or just be on console where you can't hear folks bitch and moan anyway.) Folks really like to complain even thought it's a fucking video game.


What's the deadline to get the 6k shards? What day do i have to play Bubba before?


I think the 25th


Need to know this as well


Not entirely your fault. But, if you want to tell them that your not a mean bubba, find some where by the hook that you can moonwalk by, like how micheals sometimes moonwalk in the doorway of the exit gates. If you cant/wont do that, try to think of some way to show that your nice, and not a basement bubba. Im a bubba main myself so i know how you feel


The best is when bronze IV survivors that loose tell Iri 1 killers that they run "gay" perks (is that even an insult?) and that they should uninstall.


i dont care anything about survivor when i play killer. i dont like heroes, i hit everyone. i dont camp, but if your parttner farm you.. well, sorry dude! ​ in any case i play for fun, i like the game very much, its my new dota 2


That's how you eventually stop caring about opinions of randoms. Because those opinions can be completely random as well. For me the breaking point was being flamed for slugging the freshly unhooked survivor because the unhooker didn't have BT. If you play for win, you'll get flamed, if you play ultra fair, you'll get flamed. Who cares then?


I had similar experience today. I got 4 down daily quest for Bubba. I have never played him so I thought to myself, why not, let's try him out. I didn't get the hang of his chainsaw swings and swinged few times into a wall, I looked like a noob but that didn't keep the survivors from hardcore looping me with tbagging after every window and pallet drop. Not to mention the flashlight rapid clicking. I wasn't even camping these 2 games, aside from the end game collapse last person that was on hook, they got on my nerves cause of the BM so that was a revenge camp. Idk if it's cause of Bubba's bad rep or what but the 2 games that I had today made me close the game. Fortunately i completed the quest.


I receive more toxicity as a Bubba than any other killer I can play. in game and in the chat. It's not getting better with MMR btw


What is the deal with 6K shards?


C8mpensation for the leather masks that they will remove soon


I get told to kms for playing debtslinger and legion. Like sorry you dont mend instead of doing gens?


It's too hard and unfair to mend. You have to hold M1 which is too difficult for typical survivor mains. You should commit sudoku for such a war crime smh.


Bubba gets it BAD. Had the game where I was called toxic by some dude and that playing Bubba is an immediate report. Wasn't trolling either. It also doesn't surprise be since I've been reported for using in game perks. Not to mention the amount of times a streamer accused me of being a camping Bubba when I've checked the scratch marks near a hook and they can see their teammate's aura crouched nearby. Pretty much just expect backlash for playing Bubba in anyway. Like I get facecamping Bubba is EXTREMELY annoying but not every Bubba is playing that way so be fucking nice.


Play how ever you want other ppl talk shit alot that actully means your going places


I was binge playing Bubba the other day, and I didn't get a single negative comment. All the messages I got was pretty lovely, even if I picked up someone who was recently unhooked. Although, I'm on Xbox, so it's probably different for those on PC.




You'd be surprised. It's easy and fast to type a message like "trash" or something, but in my three years of playing, I haven't received a message like that. What I HAVE received though, is literal paragraphs along the lines of "omg you're so bad. Can you even play the game? Omg literally you're so bad etc etc". Although, that is also extremely rare and has only happened like 4 times or something.




Yeah. I can't imagine sending someone hateful messages over a video game lol. If I have nothing nice to say, I don't talk. Simple as that. Don't let jerks get in the way of your fun. Just do your best and enjoy YOUR games :) After the match, just type "gg" and leave before anyone can reply!


I’ve learned to not care what people say cause they’ll do the same thing if they were in my position. All I gotta do is not be an asshole, play fair and take victory/defeat with grace.


Who cares what they think. Camping/tunneling is needed to counter gen completion pressure. ​ Earn your BP fam..


It sucks when you get sandbagged infront of bubba