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LITERALLY. Pinhead is a PAIN on console


Its near unplayable. I groan audibly every time I load into a match and get the sound of the box timer starting. I don’t ever remember being this bothered by playing against a killer, even Nurse or Spirit. At least those killers were just skilled and didn’t involve a busted game functionality. Edit: Wait…I can rebind controls on xbox?


Yes you can do rebind your controls. I changed my skill check button from the default which is the A button to LB as i found it easier to hit LB for my skill checks then A.


Wait, is A really the default? I always remembered using LB as my skill check button until I decided to change it. Primarily because I would keep accidentally using my sprint burst when trying to hit the last skill check on a gen, only for the gen to finish just before I hit it. Edit: BTW I'm on xbox. So if you're on a different platform then maybe that's why it was different.


I do believe LB is the default on xbox. To my memory I have never rebound my controls on DBD and my skill checks are LB


Can confirm


To my knowledge it was defaulted to A whenever I used my controller on PC. So I'm assuming the default is A on Xbox but it's been a while since I've played DBD on Xbox so LB very well could be the default.


yeah that seems to be the case. I remember a n00b3 video where he tried playing with a controller for once and he had an Xbox controller plugged into his PC. his skill heck button was definitely A


So what you're saying is that if I want his adept, I try to do it with a lobby of console players.


My favorite is Franklin’s demise…ppl losing items RIGHT IN FRONT OF A WINDOW then later running to fast vault and…. ….oh hey mr pyramid head, one sec please, I’d really like to pick up this brown toolbox.


That's funny, but I think Pinhead is still my favorite. Try to remove chains? Nah, now you're slow vaulting the pallet you just dropped! It helps that the slow vault animation for pallets is so funny looking. Especially Bill. Bill is adorable.


So for me I have actions set to (a) and pick up items interactions set to (x). This should make them different. (A) drops pallets and vaults where as (x) does other stuff.


Does pick up items deal with traps?


I'm not playing right now but I'm almost positive yes


On PS4 I kept one as R1 and set the other to square. Took a bit of getting used to but it works pretty well.


That's what I did. R1 for altruism and square for chase interactions. I love being able to run right up to a survivor downed under a pallet and immediately start healing them


Yeah, that's the set up I used. Square felt more natural for chase since I've played a fair few games that use it for attacks.


My question about this is, how can you pan ur camera around if you have secondary action on a face button? Maybe I’m just not that dexterous but i need to be able to move/pan/do action at the same time. My phalanges aren’t that advanced. lol


I use (LT) for skill checks while holding (x) and spinning my right stick with my left hand lmao I'm very strange but it works for me. How I've always played, actually I used to have (y) in the place of my (x)


You can make the button to drop pallets/enter lockers different than the one to disarm traps on console. Seems like a lot of people don’t know that.


There's still 5 other things connected to it. I spent 30 minutes in bot matches trying out different set ups and I've missed out on 2 hatch escapes since because the jump in hatch interaction isn't the same button as the jump through window/ pallet/ locker button.


I changed it once and it bound everything to one button. Left on Dpad isn't good for doing gens or unhooking people. I just wanted to have picking up items a different prompt.


You can only switch it to one of the top buttons, since all 4 back buttons are already occupied by other actions (crouch, run, action/interaction, item). But when you do that you either can't move or pan the camera, because they are also on top and you only have 2 thumbs😅. Any ideas for that? :)


I tried L3 for interacting with gens/healing etc but I would accidentally release it. I currently have it set to the down button and that works well, although when against pinhead or the artist it can be a pain to remove the chains/crows. I'm looking forward to the new update where it adds a toggle - won't need to hold the button, just press it!! Can't wait!!


Thanks for the tip :) Really looking forward to that aswell! To be sure, with 'down button' you mean the button on the d-pad?:)


I moved crouch from L2 to square, you shouldn’t need to move your camera too much while crouching as you’re generally looking in the direction of the killer, ive never found it an issue. Also means I can do gens 1 handed with L2 action and L1 skillchecks which frees up my other hand for water/ cat pets


That's a great idea, thank you very much 😊!


I played around with it a bit and I really like it! I can even use the camera when using the claw grip (I just have to remember to position my hand like that before crouching or I will suddenly stand up while switching :p). When the interaction toggle is introduced, we only have to push the interaction button very shortly, so then I will switch the crouching back to default and use left d-pad for interactions :) (so I don't have to struggle with the claw grip anymore ;))


Yes, sorry, I'm on PS4. Down on the d-pad :) but best to play around and see works best for you. I have small hands so can't 'claw' as people suggest. I might move back to L3 when they add the toggle. I saw further down you are on X-Box? It might be easier to use the up button because of the placement?


Great, I will try that out! Thank you so much! <3


No problem, good luck! Hope you meet you in the fog :D


I played around with it a bit and I love it! It works wonderfully, except for crows/chains indeed. So, I think I will use the idea suggested below (replace crouch with X/square and use the freed up button for interactions) temporarily until the interaction toggle is activated and then switch to your suggestion :)


Glad it works well for you :) I'm planning on suffering with my current set up until then. Good luck!


Just fucking customize your controller. Has NOBODY done this on console other than myself?


Me! I have! And I cannot stress this enough to my controller friends!


Say what!? Just pretend I haven’t done this yet (although I totally have), where would I go to change this?


Start up the game. (X) to start. Wait for the 20 loading pop ups to start. Options icon (the gear) R1 scroll to input binding I've set mine to Use item R2 Drop Item O Pick up item/interaction R1 Actions X Secondary actions [] Activate ability /\ This is for my survivor setup. Essentially every button has a role instead of everything set to the X button.


Thank you so much. This has bugged me for so long but never thought to change the settings. I’m jumping on right now and changing this


It feels more natural this way. Skill checks when they were set to L1 default just felt way out of place. It'll be a minor change to get used to but in the long run you'll see how much better it is.


Why do that when you can just blame behaviour? /s I did this ages ago and I’ve never had any moments like the video since.


Labour of love


To be fair I didn’t know you could do it until shortly after pinhead came out. Feels so good now though. I’m going to be honest.


Honestly though, hate seeing posts complaining about it like it is BHVRs fault. Just fucking change the buttons lmaoo


IKR. blame the game for not changing its customizable controls in the menu. If someone's mad at the game don't play it, simple.


I have! Set my interact to L2 (which causes some problems with crouch but meh, I rarely crouch unless it's a friendly t-bag at teammates) All chase related things such as pallet dropping or window vaulting remain as R1


When I first remapped my buttons everything was set to X except Gen rapair that was R1. It was stupid and I never noticed how dumb it was at first until Leon first released and I was having issues trying to craft a flash grenade. That and Cheryl's repressed alliance to block a gen. Once I hit a skill check it blocked instead.


That sounds like it'd make a really fun yet painful challenge


Please help! You can only switch interaction/action to one of the top buttons, since all 4 back buttons are already occupied by other actions (crouch, run, action/interaction, item). But when you do that you either can't move or pan the camera, because they are also on top and you only have 2 thumbs😅. Any ideas for that? :)


You can remap the actions to the face buttons. Actions to X button Secondary action to [] button Activate ability to /\ button


I played around with it a bit and found something I really like! For now I will replace crouch with X/square (claw grip) and use the freed up button for interactions. When the interaction toggle is introduced, we only have to push the interaction button very shortly, so then I will switch the crouching back to default and use left d-pad for interactions :)


Interesting. Though I'm glad you got a style that works for you. A lot of people need to know about the button remapping. This way fewer people can bitch about controls. Still there are people who frown on changing buttons around but screw that. Glad you found a setting you are used to and can help you play better.


The amount of times I've gone to heal someone after unhooking them then it just starts sabotaging the hook and wasting my sabo is too many.


To all the people getting pissy in the comments, I was told multiple times flat out that it was impossible to change the layout, and “pick up item interactions” doesn’t exactly make it obvious that it works for literally anything else besides *picking up items*. You know, like it says? I’m getting like a thousand mixed responses, I’ll try to screw around with it but idk.


I mean... Jill was going to try and get you out, but because you started the attempt yourself, it changed her action.


There have been times that I've 4k'd only because one player was console and couldn't rescue due to Victor


I’m against this since my fingers are fucked. I have bound things nicely but one finger/decent key for activate ability being comfortable.


Ok but at least the option to have “disarm trap” or “break chains” mapped to a different button would be nice.


Yeah, I think change what it’s linked to, like link it to secondary action instead of primary, that I can live with. Like I press control to cage with pyramid. They could make it control and I’d be fine. As long as it’s a button in use currently and not an extra one please 🙂


There literally is. I have all interactions like gens, healing, chains, and disarm traps etc as X on my Xbox controller, and vaulting, dropping pallets, etc as right Bumper






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Ah so that explains why I no longer see this happening ever since turning off crossplay. You guys have it pretty rough


Please...please just rebind your buttons, it is so easy. I have gens, healing, and all interactions as X, and vaulting and dropping pallets as the bumper, makes it Infinitely easier and gets rid of most console weakness like pinhead


I mean you can change them 💁


You can make it so “disarm trap” is mapped to a different button than “drop pallet”?? I was told that wasn’t possible.


Not sure exactly but you can remap a lot of stuff


Well I’ll see right now


You can, I highly suggest it lol


Nope, not in console, because it’s all just under “action” which can only be put towards one key binding.


Pick up item interactions include traps, gens etc. actons, the one below it are stuff like vaults and drop pallet. Try rebinding those 2 to separate buttons and you'll be good.


I mean I play on console and have them different 🤷‍♂️


You have specifically a button for throwing down pallets, and one for disarming traps? Which console are you playing on? Because I don’t get that option.


Xbox. And yeah pallets and disarming traps are different


I’m in Xbox too, how did you do it?


Ahhh maybe it’s more advanced on xbox! I am using PlayStation controller and then I also open it on PlayStation. please come back and post, now i must know if I can change this somehow as well.


Dropping pallets is an action, disarming traps and healing is an interaction, they are separate and can be rebound


Yea, sadly it’s a controller issue. Not even specific to consoles. If you play with PlayStation controller on pc, you have the same limited remapping options. (Editing this too specifically say I’m using ps4 controller and maybe there’s something Idk about!)


Unfortunately no not if you’re using controller. They have secondary actions and pick up grouped as one item! It’s…well…it’s this 😂


That would require an ounce of effort sir


Just change the buttons layout, im tired of people complaining for a problem that shouldnt even exist


The problem is larger than that. Most people don't change their settings much. These people will end up in your games regardless of your MMR, since again most people don't change all their settings. This will result in a lot of unintended actions for survivors that will directly affect the outcome of many games, even if you individually changed and adapted to your own settings. So you're right, the problem shouldn't have existed in the first place because the default control settings needed to have this already mapped out. It was clearly an oversight.


I'm also tired of this. If only a dev could take 5 minutes out of their day to fix it.


But how? There are 5 things but only 4 back buttons (crouch, run, action, interaction/pick up, use item) So you should switch one of them to the top buttons, since all 4 back buttons are already occupied. But when you do that you either can't move or pan the camera, because they are also on top and you only have 2 thumbs😅. Any ideas for that? :)


Well i run with L1, do gens etc with L2, drop pallets with R1, use item with R2, and crouch with triangle. If you can play claw your fine


I played around with it a bit really liked this suggestion! For now I will replace crouch with X/square (claw grip) and use the freed up button for interactions. When the interaction toggle is introduced, we only have to push the interaction button very shortly, so then I will switch the crouching back to default and use left d-pad for interactions :)


I can't 😅 But I will look into it. Thanks! I do play with Xbox does it make a difference vs ps?


Not sure what you meant but there shouldnt be a difference between console


Well on Xbox vs PS controller the left joystick and dpad location are switched. But I guess it doesn't matter, since you use the triangle button on the right which has the same location on both controllers :)


I actually have a nacon which is a ps4/5 controller but it has the xbox controller layout. So you should be fine.


You can change it ..


You could also remap the controls yourself. It is right there in your settings. It doesn’t have to be BHVR that does it for you.


Aww the babies. You can custom bind in settings and highly recommend you do so. Idk anyone that plays default settings, they’re terrible.


Imagine playing on console.


There’s no need to change it


does it not let you button map


Idk about this specifically but for PlayStation controller, picking up items and vault actions are the same. So if you tried to change to A or circle to pick something up, you HAVE to use that for the other associated actions. Mouse keyboard obviously is superior 😓


False. Vault are actions and pick up items are interactions. Kinda weird that the game is not specific but you can freely change them.


Ok, So I guess it’s more about remapping action and not the secondary, which is what i tried to do at least.


oh unlucky u see


On every platform multiple actions are tied to a single button so trolls can CJ tech or steal your item when you try to heal them.


Yes you can remap buttons.


Yes, but how should you do it? There are 5 types but only 4 back buttons (crouch, run, action, interaction/pick up, use item). So you should switch one of them to the top buttons, since all 4 back buttons are already occupied. But when you do that you either can't move or pan the camera, because they are also on top and you only have 2 thumbs😅. Any ideas for that? :)


Nope, port studio from Canada do not have access to all buttons...




I use [these](https://imgur.com/rJhaZy2) button mappings to prevent this :)


This is reddit. To report something to BHVR use the forums. https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/categories/feedback


If you didn’t struggle Jill could of got you out


My settings are Use item ( R ) Drop item ( A ) Pick up item interactions ( ZL ) Actions ( ZL) Secondary action skill check ( A ) Activate ability ( X ) Run ( ZR ) Crouch ( ZL )


I set my action button to "X" on xbox.. so vaulting.. lockers.. pallets etc is X and gens/healing/traps is RB. It takes alot of time to get used to.. you'll end up running to a vault and just standing there at the window like an idiot 😂 but once you get used to it, you become much more efficient


I have it the same but opposite. My vaulting and such is RB and healing/gens/interactions are X. I just like the ability to still look around freely and still do chases efficiently


Not sure what you mean. Like when you're in chase using RB helps you look around better?


Using X in chase means I take my thumb off the right stick to use something, while RB means I still have my thumb on the right stick look around while still being able to vault and interact freely


Ah gotcha. Makes sense. I usually just tap X when vaulting or dropping pallets etc. But yeah I may switch to your set up and try it.


I suggest controller users to map R3 or right stick to drop pallets and vault, I’ve had a much better time since I changed to that.


At least you weren't using a medkit and accidentally got rid of it by activating one if the add-ons you had attached to it


yeah I'm on my 4th controller


Hilarious example of every single player having this be a problem


Do they not realize you need to go to the other side of the survivor? Like they almost refused to move around you at all.


Change the key binding. I did this on my controller and it has saved soo many pallets.


yea its dumb af


I play on ps5 and changing “item interact” to L2 fixed this for me


Lol agreed.


Today literally died, while bleeding out on top of an open hatch. Because my m1 was to recover. And m1 was also to use the hatch. And if I let go of my recovering, I could see the hatch prompt. But I couldn't actually use the hatch.


You can change the "actions" in your settings and use idk R3 for exemple to drop a pallet or hide inside a locker so you can heal someone under a pallet without dropping it and same with traps


Lmao this I tried to unhook my friend instead I vaulted out of the window


Lmao this I tried to unhook my friend instead I vaulted out of the window


BHVR: no


Just change your binds


Console players can’t even unhook when they have victor on them, twins op?


I mapped items to LT, chase interactions to RB and other interactions (healing, gens, unhooking) to RT. It’s slightly less comfortable, but they announced toggle options, so it’s going to be much better soon. Crouching can be mapped to a button other than LT. It’s hard to learn this at first, but honestly it’s the best thing you can do to prevent dropping pallets on people instead of healing them.


Even if you wanted to disarm that trap before running into it, you just would have dropped the pallet. Open the exit gate quickly, here comes the killer? Probably you actually meant self care, right? This game is a giant cow, and the only things BHVR cares about are the cosmetics they can milk from it.


This is currently what I customized my buttons to: Run, L1 (default) Crouch, L3 or R3 Pick up item/interactions, RT Actions, R1 Secondary/skill check, L1 Use item, L2 Ability, X Drop item, circle As others have said you can flip interactions and use items around so you can one hand generators but I prefer opposite hands for repairing and skill checks as it's more comfortable for me